Kokesh for President

| March 4, 2018


Someone spotted this hideous affront to the senses in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania yesterday;

Adam Kokesh, Iraq veteran of the Marine Corps Reserve variety and former front man for Iraq Veterans Against the War was arrested in Washington, DC five years ago for taking a video of himself loading a shot gun a couple of blocks from the White House. He did four months in jail for that stunt.

Last year he was arrested by Secret Service agents in front of the White House on a fugitive warrant for not showing up for court in Maryland when he caused a ruckus at a TSA screening point at BWI airport.

Kokesh was at the White House to protest the U.S. bombing of Syria, according to one of the protest participants. Heather Mullins said things were just about to begin when he was approached by Secret Service officers.

Mullins said the TSA conducted an investigation into the airport incident and decided to let Kokesh off with a warning. However, the citation he was issued required him to appear in court in Glen Burnie, Maryland, which he apparently did not do.

At a court appearance Tuesday, a judge declined to grant Kokesh bail and sent him back to jail.

Earlier this year, he was arrested in Texas on a drug beef.

DPS spokesman Lt. Lonny Haschel said in an email Kokesh was stopped around 12:45 p.m. Tuesday for a traffic violation on U.S. 380 in Decatur. During the stop, troopers called for a K-9 officer. The K-9 alerted on Kokesh’s recreational vehicle, which led to a search where officers found Kokesh to be in possession of drugs, according to Haschel.

Kokesh filmed the traffic stop, and the video has been uploaded to his YouTube page. In the video, Trooper Patrick Garcia tells Kokesh he was stopped for going 74 mph in a 65 mph zone.

“At this point in time the dog did alert, so we’re going to a whole ‘nother level,” Garcia says. He then tells Kokesh to turn off the camera.

I should probably mention that Kokesh tried and failed to run for Congress in his home state of New Mexico in 2010 as a Republican with support from Stuart Rhodes at the Oath Keepers.

And now he wants to be your President on the Libertarian ticket. His goal is to dismantle the Federal Government on his first day in office, he says.

Category: Politics

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OPLAN 8010

That ‘Finally Free America’ should be amended to ‘Sentient Dumpster Fire’.

2/17 Air Cav

Kokesh/Manning. Now, there’s a ticket!

2/17 Air Cav

The Jailbird Party.


Train Wreck Party


The Imbeciles Party


The Criminal Druggie Party

Li Right

I think they’d make for a very cute couple.


At least they’d be unable to reproduce. That’s a win.


He finally did it, didn’t he? He has let everybody and his uncle know that he is nothing but a worthless crapweasel attention whore, just like the people who surround him.

I keep hoping the idiots on the left will adopt him as their new Lightbearer. I need a good laugh.


His campaign platform would be unconstitutional if he tried to carry it out, and his “executive order” wouldn’t be worth the paper it would be printed on. Not only has he gone off the deep end, his keyboard fell off with him. 🙄


Never heard of him until now.
I gotta get out more often.

2/17 Air Cav


Moderator: “Mr. Kokesh. What do you see as the proper role of the Federal government and how would your administration align itself with that role?”

Kokesh: “May I answer that?”

Moderator: “Yes, the question was for you.”

Kokesh: “Oh. Um. That’s easy. I would dismantle the government.”

Moderator: “Okay, thank you. I have a follow-up to your answer. As chief executive you would be the head of the executive branch of that government. First, you would not have the power to do what you say and, second, you would have to fire yourself.”

Kokesh: (Silence)

Moderator: “Mr. Kokesh, would you like me to repeat the question?”

Kokesh. “Could you go to someone else please?”


Any natural born citizen of the United States who has been a resident for 14 years, and is 35 years of age or older can run. Doesn’t mean one should- hope he enjoys his dozens of votes.


Where did you get the 14yrs from?


Just made it up, of course.

Google is your friend.



Lol. I have a pocket Constitution i guess i need to re-read.


Where did you get the 14yrs from?

Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the US Constitution (emphasis added):

5: No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.



I am reading that as, one must be a natural born citizen, and have not resided outside of the US in the last fourteen years. As in thirteen years ago one was living in Bungholioland. I could be wrong.


Pretty sure that’s 14 yrs cumulative, not the last 14 years prior to election.

Case in point: Jefferson was sent to France by the nascent US in Aug 1784 and didn’t return until Sep 1789. However, Jefferson took office as POTUS in Mar 1801 – which is roughly 2 1/2 years before the 14th anniversary of his return from France (Sep 1803).

jeff monroe

It is in The Constitution Article 1 . Also the Natural Born can mean any legal lawful US Citizen born to other legal lawful US Citizens.
Remember John McCain war born in Panama ,Panama but on a US Naval Base which is considered US Property and Possession. 8 out of the first 8 Presidents where not US Citizens ,but British Subjects since they where born prior to July 4,1776.


Yeah, that whole thing jogged my memory. I got in a fight with a leftest over that when McCain ran for POTUS. I won


Ummm no, just no.


Attention whore possessing world class stupidity.


What an unremarkable turd salad…


I’m looking at the gallery on Flikr, and I have this overwhelming desire to find the next gathering of these idiots, and toss a few CS canisters into the crowd.


Get a pepperball gun, much more fun.


Bullshit. Kokesh isn’t my idea of POTUS material any more than Obama is.


And yet Obama got elected.


Given a choice between Kokesh and Obama, my vote would go to Obama. At least he’s articulate.


Asshole must have been feeling ignored like Bradly Manning. Sucks when the left is done using you, just ask Cindy Sheehan

Non. Cedo Ferio

I’ll be honest. When I came home I was very angry. I was trying to deal with personal demons and I thought. That way too much attention was given to the likes of Paris Hilton than returning servicemen and what they were dealing with. Someone I had met suggested I take a look at IVAW. And that they had met Kokesh. And he seemed like a good guy. I did my homework and got angry at what I saw , and angry that this person I knew thought that my anger was on par with Kokesh and Jimmy Massies worldview which IMHO was nothing short of disloyalty and seemed to border on anarchy. I don’t speak to this person at all in fact in the last ten years. Bottom line, I didn’t want the anger and hurt I was feeling at the time to be co opted by some left leaning Commie dudes with their stories of fake or second hand stories of “atrocities ” I just want to say that being plugged in with my VA team and doing a lot of work in therapy. That I’m in a much better place. Still lots of work to do. And I must say that checking in here from time to time helps. Thanks


2/17 Air Cav

It frightens me that you knew of such a video.


Used it to good effect on a motorcycle forum I belonged to.

They were horrified, too, which after all is the point.


That was disturbing but at least it wasn’t Devo


AW1Ed, at hazard to my mental health, what motorcycle forum is that? I lurk in the more obtuse posts on ADV. With that said, I don’t think Ive ever seen the above there…

Some things, once seen, GAWDAMMIT, CANNOT BE UNSEEN!!!!

Club Manager, USA ret.

Great photo showing a Marine with his two road guards and someone to county Cadence. Ladies and germs of the jury, we rest our case.


Anyone know who is the older dude in the camo BDU’s? I see two are sporting the obligatory veteran beard. The bare GI canteen hanging from a belt loop adds a special aura of authenticity.


Do you dream of a Marine and his two road guards? Cause this is the 3rd or 4th time I’ve read you mention it. You remind me of the army recruiter who thought that what all Marines do is serve on ships as ship security.

Mark Lauer

He is that rarest of all creatures on God’s green Earth; he is an EX-Marine.


Dear Libertarians, aka “istas.”

This is why nobody fucking takes you seriously.

/That and Gary Johnson.

//And Ron Paul.

///And pretty much everyone in your fucking useless party.


Amazing. The party that most clearly advocates the sort of maximum Liberty government as imagined by many of the Founders,

Has trouble getting anyone elected dog catcher, because they are so hopelessly inept at explaining why “less is more” at the Federal level.

Sure, Some of them are flaming anarchist crazies. Moonbattery is not strictly a creature of the Left. Many, possibly a majority, just want to ramp government down a bit, per haps a whole lot, to protect the thingsin the bill of rights by devolving power to state and local government, and limiting the federal level to just what the Constitution specifically authorizes it to do.

Apparently , that latter bit is just too freaking insane for anyone to take seriously….. sheesh…..

And so many Libertarians manage to make that “limited federal government” bit -sound- insane…..


Don’t confuse, “L”ibertarian with, “l”ibertarian.

There is a difference.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed as someone who believes Jefferson’s ideal of libertarian government was on the right path it used to be easy to consider Republicans as allies. They used to be the party of small government and small taxes, now both parties are something else entirely, sort of corporatist toadies sucking the boots of their masters while doing nothing to aid the nation.

Both parties have moved right in my opinion but both parties have decided that the path to success lies in massive spending bills and massive government agencies.

And the alternative as you say are the likes of Ron/Rand Paul and Gary “What’s an Aleppo?” Johnson…

The Libertarian Party offers nothing of value to this cranky, old libertarian but neither do the other two “major” parties so these days I vote for who I think will fuck me less on taxes and investments because that’s all that’s left.

What’s amazing to me is the number of people in this country willingly wearing the yoke of servitude but thinking they are free.

What’s free about a society where you can’t own a dog, a cat, or catch a fish, hunt a rabbit, put up a shed, change a window opening, close off a door frame, wire a light, drive a car, own a firearm without permission from your betters?

There’s a conversation that needs to be had, but with the Democrats and Republicans that’s less likely with every passing election. They like their jobs and the current system mostly favors those already in office, there’s no incentive for them to change and our fellow Americans are too fucking lazy to consider voting for anyone but the incumbents because those “others” might win…

I’ve given up on the idea that the electorate will wake up and actually change DC…not going to happen with the brain dead fucktards we share the country with these days.

So I’m going with the flow and hoping the stock market doesn’t tank and I can enjoy my retirement sailing with my grandkids.

2/17 Air Cav

I could easily have written exactly what you wrote, VOV, meaning I’m there 100%.


I could have written exactly what you wrote, VOV, but there would have been a more liberal use of the work “fuck”. I’m also there 100%


You can’t seriously think the Democrat Party of Kennedy and Scoop has moved right?


Jesse Ventura’s long lost son?


OK, while I will agree with dismantling the federal government, I don’t think this shit stain could dismantle a Lego toy without fucking up.


And you’d replace it with what, pray tell?


“And what would you replace it with, pray tell?”
– King George 1775


Funny, I’ve yet to hear any so-called “serious” Libertarian give anything approaching a rational or coherent answer.

But please, snark away!


A smaller government closer to what the Founding Fathers had in mind.

The Founding Fathers wanted a weaker Federal government with the states being the main driving force of government. We have drifted far, far away from that.

Sorry if that offends your big government sensibilities.


I’m hardly what you can call a, “big government” type, let alone a statist.

The problem come in when you have to start telling people the system they’ve been paying into for a half-century is going to be weaned out.

Yes, the government is heading for the proverbial cliff at 80 mph, but slamming the engine into reverse like Ron Paul, Kokesh, et al, want to do would in fact do more harm than good.

So weaker feds, stronger states. Okay, cool. How weak, how strong do we make each, or are we just handing the reins of our yokes to different masters?

I too want smaller government, at all levels, not just federal. But there’s a delicate point we have to consider: too much government give us tyranny; too little, anarchy. Consider the words of Learned Hand:

“And what is this liberty which must lie in the hearts of men and women? It is not the ruthless, the unbridled will; it is not freedom to do as one likes. That is the denial of liberty, and leads straight to its overthrow. A society in which men recognize no check upon their freedom soon becomes a society where freedom is the possession of only a savage few; as we have learned to our sorrow.”

2/17 Air Cav

“How weak, how strong do we make each, or are we just handing the reins of our yokes to different masters?” It’s a good academic question and one worthy of extended discussion. Unfortunately, it will remain an academic question b/c the states have whored their sovereignty for Federal tax dollars. You name it: transportation, health, transportation, infrastructure. And what the states haven’t surrendered for funds, the courts have dictated in so many instances. It’s no wonder there are ‘enemies of the state’ who would like to hit the restart button.


Sparky, best post I have read in a long time.


Who said anything about “slamming it into a wall” except you?

So, in your world there is no way to start pairing back the government by starting with term limits and then shutting down things like the Department of Education, Department of Agriculture, Department of Energy and the like? Departments that were created for the single reason to consolidate federal power?

Honestly, if you are going to start the discussion by putting words in my mouth then there is no point in having it at all.


You mean like accusing others of, “big government sensibilities?”


And yes, it is heading for the wall, cliff, or whatever you like. Define, “unfunded liabilities.” And then recognize the state’s are no better, and in some cases worse, than the feds on that concept.

And if you want to see what goes on when you have term limits, look no further than California. Not a real shining example there.


So we should just keep going as it is because change is too scary for you and might not be perfect?

Oh, and you started it so why are you offended that your tactics were used against you?


“Maolo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem,” or “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”

Thomas Jefferson


At whose expense?


What happened to individual responsibility?

I’m responsible for me and mine, you are responsible for you and yours.


OK. So, tell us: who builds/maintains the roads, delivers the mail, and defends the country? And who pays for it?

Government today is certainly too damn big. But some amount of government is also a necessary evil; some necessary tasks are simply beyond the capability of any individual, or even a group of willfully-cooperating individuals.

When you can articulate your vision of the tasks that only government should perform as well as how you’d fund and perform those necessary tasks – along with how we transition from what we have today – THEN I’ll listen. Until then, you’re merely advocating “anarchism-lite” if not outright anarchy.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

You could start by eliminating the IRS, and dropping the income tax for a simple VAT system. Several organizations from the Tax Foundation to the Wall Street Journal suggest that a VAT can provide a replacement for income tax and removing the corporate income tax while generating a larger GDP growth and revenue stream.

The added benefit of a greater GDP and revenue stream means our unfunded liabilities should have a better future.

All the costs currently associated with IRS compliance go away along with all the costs of administering a ridiculously unwieldy income tax system.

I would consider eliminating the DEA as well, as a libertarian I’m not at all concerned with your consumption of a plant you can grow in your yard or basement.

Starting somewhere is a good idea, becoming more efficient in combining departments and eliminating others isn’s a bad idea.

As more of us old baby boomers age out of the work force those left can’t be expected to carry the load with a reduced workforce and a continued increase in expenses at every level…the system can’t survive that way.

Or we could just keep hoping that something might change because that’s worked so well to date. Both parties at this time haven’t met a department they don’t like or a tax they won’t raise.


I’m all for re-looking the US tax structure, VOV – and lowering the overall TOTAL tax burden, both individual and corporate. Because though they’re called “corporate” taxes, it’s really the end consumer who pays them; corporations merely pass them along to consumers in the form of higher prices.

But I really don’t think a VAT is the way to go.

VAT systems are truly beloved in that home of thrifty, low-deficit/high employment/freedom-loving place called . . . Europe. But what’s been observed after implementation there – and elsewhere – has left much to be desired.

Last time I checked, Europe’s record over the last 30 years or so (when most European nations adopted VAT systems) show they don’t work any better than either a simple sales tax or an income tax. Nations adopting them often see an initial drop in revenues; when revenues later rise, they’re often used as an excuse to spend/borrow even more vice continue to economize by using VAT income to replace other taxes. And I’m pretty sure that VAT systems are far more difficult to administer (and have more record-keeping requirements) than a simple sales tax – you have to keep track of the previous VAT payments by upstream providers.


Governments collect taxes and spend them; it’s the nature of that particular necessary but dangerous beast. They seem to love doing so.

The result, summed up well by Gideon Tucker in a quote often misattributed to Twain: “No man’s life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session.” Or, if you prefer, as summed up a touch more cynically by P. J. O’Rourke: “Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.”

Historically, the only way to keep any kind of government in control is to limit the amount of power and money they have. Give any government too much of either, and they seem in short order to feel they’re entitled to unlimited quantities of both.


I love how when I say that we could get rid of the Department of Education there’s always people who start screaming about roads and the military as if somehow the states, counties and cities are unable to built a road on their own. And since the Constitution grants the federal government authority over the military I have not fucking idea where you get the whole ‘abolish the military’ shit from.

Deliver the mail? You mean we don’t have companies like UPS in place that could deliver mail if they weren’t prevented from doing so by our government?

See, I’ve advocated shutting down departments that have done nothing but drain tax dollars and you have interpreted that into ‘the sky is falling’ bullshit.

Rosalee Adams

whose that in the center, second from the left, a leftover from the sterling days of “Hell no, we won’t go!”

A Peoud Infidel®™

It’s a pity that we can no longer put him in a car with Ted *HICCUP* Kennedy at the wheel or in a plane piloted by Bernath.

The Stranger

There are still Kennedy’s out there doing stupid shit. Pick one and roll the dice. Another one has to die soon from terminal stupidity. Seems like the only one who was worth a crap was Joe jr and he died too young before he had a chance to screw up. I honestly wish that family would just fade away.

Green Thumb

IVAW = Losers.

The real deal “Bonnie” hat that Fobbits wore says it all.


I think you meant “boonie” hat, as that is the same style as they issued us in the Viet of the Nam, only in plain OD. Nothing says steely-eyed trigger puller like a well worn boonie hat.



What sorry sacks of shit are paying for those douche?