Trump’s military parade

| February 7, 2018

The internet is all a-buzz this morning about a military parade that President Trump ordered last year after he watched one in Paris on the Champs d’Elysee to commemorate Bastille Day. The Washington Post says that the event may be Trump’s “biggest troll yet”. The date for the parade isn’t locked down yet, the Pentagon prefers a Veterans’ Day event this year so that they can bill it as a 100-year commemoration of the end of World War I.

But Trump’s hand in making this a reality, in a way, can’t help but make it about him. In fact, this might be the most thoroughly Trump idea of his presidency. Not only are we talking about a huge show of pageantry and strength that could test the bounds of practicality (not to mention the federal budget), but we’ve also got Trump upending decades of American political tradition to do so — and undoubtedly drawing the ire of opponents who will allege he’s acting like an authoritarian.

Of course, my feels go out to the troops. Having been enlisted, it wasn’t often that I avoided much military pageantry during my decades of service. The media is concerned about the cost to bring this all together, but I’m more concerned about the personnel who will be involved in the starch and polish.

The Post and Yahoo News can’t help but draw parallels between Trump’s and North Korea’s military pageantry. They forget that the US isn’t showing it’s military might to cow it’s own citizens.

Thanks to Chief Tango for the links.

Category: Big Pentagon

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2/17 Air Cav

There is something very appealing about military parades. They are just cool. Toss in a stationary tank or two and some precision drilling and all the better. Best PR there is–and kids just love the show.


I have fond memories of attending Veteran’s Day parades with Dad (WWII Army infantryman, 103rd ID, France to Austria).

I learned to salute the flag, was in awe of the men in uniform marching so precisely down the streets of downtown, and had a glimmer of what it meant to Dad to see Old Glory.

It seemed like a major event to me – and think it will be excellent PR for the Armed Forces of the United States of America.


That video of the New York parade at the end of WW2, if that doesn’t stir your patriotic blood, you need to look in the mirror and find out whats wrong! If it wasn’t for those men and the many that didn’t make it back, we would all be speaking german or japanese now…and they set the table for the heros we have right now, God Bless’em ALL!


Great for the crowds, royal PITA for those actually in it.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, nothing like tons of practice, getting uniforms and gear show and parade ready and then sweating your ass off marching in a parade so you can be appreciated.


Gee, and maybe you’d have to get out of your rack at, say, before 0800, too !

A Proud Infidel®™

Some as early as 0430.


04:30 – that’s what the 1st shirt said – the Plt Sgts will make that ‘be in formation at 04:00’…


For the Marine Corps Marathon, we have to muster on base at 0100.

At least we don’t have to starch cammies or shine boots any more.


LOL..but I have to say, for PATRIOTS, the people that really love America, this is a terrific idea, get a little of that old Pride in our military and our country back? That is if the perverts, the freaks, the liberals, the college pukes and snowflakes, the millenial jerks and the dumocraps even give a shyt about America? oh forgot NWO and communists and mooslimes!


Maybe, but IMHO, worth the PITA for the image building.


Why don’t you volunteer for this stupid shit?

We don’t need no friggin image. We need more bullets and better gear. And more range time.

Or we are good at fighting or we are good at marching. Nobody can do both.

If the Prez goes on with this I’m gonna be rebellious.


You’re a Soldier. You don’t get to be rebellious. That’s called mutiny. You don’t have to like it, but you do have to do it.


You are right, of course.

But I will still go and watch Black Panther.

A Proud Infidel®™

I told Yef NOT to huff the floor wax or eat the daisies they have him pick out of the PT field, but does he listen? NOPE! I’ve had to march in my fair share of parades, didn’t exactly enjoy it in hot weather, but I shut up and did it.


Yef, Dog and pony show are part of life in the military. Someone got their mosquito wings better round up the whole damn company stand in formation for this. Some S3 major is leaving better hold a Battalion Farwell ceremony formation. Oh some slack jawed nobody jerk water mayor is visiting the base to take a tour. Better spit shine all the things on the of chance that they might poke their head in my shitter. What I am trying to say is every vet on this blog knows the pain and agony of a damn stand around and look pretty photo op. So calm down and laugh at the poor bastards who get stuck in that detail.


I remember in the White Name Tape Army when we prepped for a mass tactical drop for The Queen. Troopers were berated to only use official language in giving instructions to a fellow trooper in the air. Example: Slip Left! Reason for this is once the 130’s have dropped their load, the DZ is really quiet. You can hear everything from hundreds of troopers in the air. Did the admonitions work? Hell no. The Queen was treated to, in very clear terms, from many troopers: “Hey MFing, asshole, get off my GD chute you sorry assed pussy Leg!”

USMC Steve

Noit so dode. Marines do both quite well, and for a lot less money than anyone else. A true bargain.

And if it helps the great unwashed to remember a bit of their history and gain a little spine and pride, it is well worth it. Plus liberals and socialist democrats will lose their minds over it, thus making it even more worth the time and effort.



MAJ Redleg

I agree, this is a stupid waste of training time and money. Since the enlisted guy is getting cracked on for “mutiny” let the BN S3 chime in. There is nothing unit leadership hates more than having valuable training time taken up by stupid ass dog and pony show bullshit. We already lose a criminal number of days to sexual harassment and don’t kill yourself training and a litany of other bullshit, we don’t need to waste more so POTUS can pretend he doesn’t have a tiny dick.


I’ve done my share in BN and BDE S3. Dog and pony shows suck up more time there than PVT Snuffy will lose. I’m against the parade. I’m also against whining.


Grow up!!


“Why don’t you volunteer for this stupid shit?”

I did my stint years back at the National Victory Parade in D.C. It was a hoot.

Suck it up buttercup.You might actually have a good time.


“There’s no such thing as “field soldiers” and “garrison soldiers.”

There are only “soldiers,” and “bums.”

– George Patton


Another dumbass speaks! Yef, you moron, when you get the public behind the military YOU GET THE GEAR, THE BULLETS, THE TECHNOLOGY ETC ETC….take your freaking medicine!


True. In 95 in Hawaii we had a VJ Day ceremony where Clinton was one of the speakers and the next day a parade. If you were in the Military and stationed on Oahu you were there. Clinton was 3 hours late. By the time the pass and review came the 25th ID was half the size it was when it started. The only cool part of the ceremony was hearing COL Lewis Millett speak again.

I loved listening to COL Millett. He used to come to my Company all the time to speak because that was the Company he was Commander of when he did his famous bayonet charge in Korea which earned him the MOH. I used to say that the re-up NCO should set a table up behind COL Millet and when the COL was done speaking that NCO would make mission for the quarter within a matter of minutes.


I met him once in his house in Bangkok, ca. 1969. His son, Lew, and I went to the same high school; Lew and I were playing pool in the living room when Col. Millet came in.

I didn’t know who he was … told my Dad later that evening that I met Col Millet; Dad was a bit surprised and asked if he had a huge red moustache? (no, it was white as I recall). Dad told me about the “last bayonet charge” that CPT Millet led in Korea. Wow!


One of the lines I remember him saying is, and I paraphrase “I gave the orders to fix bayonets and started charging, when I turned around all of those crazy bastards were following me”.


His son, Lew, was the artist for the POW memorial in Riverside CA:

Sheesh … he’s a talented artist.

Aha! Now I see why my Dad was surprised that I met COL Millet:

Millett: I had been in Laos in 1968 to 1970. My family was living in Bangkok, Thailand. Back in Vietnam, I was adviser to the II Corps Phoenix Program that was trying to disrupt Viet Cong infrastructure in towns and villages….

I guess he came back to Thailand from time to time.


Ain’t nothin’ like Cold Steel.


As a young infantry LT, I had the privilege of escorting COL Millett to a dining-in at Wheeler Army Airfield, Hawaii while serving in Millett’s Wolfhound battalion (27th infantry regiment). At the end of the evening when I was supposed to drive COL Miller back to his hotel on Schofield, I found him doing shots with a group of privates at a table in the back of the club. After getting him in my car, I had to drive through the gates of Schofield where the gate guard was checking IDs. I showed mine, but when the gate guard asked COL Millett for his ID, the COL leaned over me and pointed to the MOH around his neck saying “here’s my ID, son!” Priceless.


Bubba the perverted pedophile was probably getting a haircut and to hell with the military him and the wicked bitch of the east hate, like he did holding up the whole LA International while the arrogant a.h.. got a haircut!!imo


And everyone said amen..



The weather in DC in July is not conducive to long walks in the sun.

If Trump wants a show, he can go over to Ft. Myer and watch the Old Guard do their thing any time he wants (It is pretty spiffy).


Can you imagine how many rehearsals and how many o’dark’30 formations?

If they want to honor the troops, let the troops sit in the stands and watch floggings of Hanoi Jane, F’ing Kerry, Bergdahl, Manning, ….

A Proud Infidel®™



After the parade – give ’em something to look forward to.


What mandatory fun day!?! Have you lost your mind good sir?


Sorry, Nastyleg. Must have had a visit from the good idea fairy.

I’ll go smoke myself now.

The Other Whitey

Positive reinforcement, right?


Oh my YES!!!




You want to support the troops? Take the expenses it will cost to put this dog and pony show together and improve the quality of veteran’s care.

2/17 Air Cav

After reading the comments so far, all I can say is that I feel so lonely, so very, very lonely.



The countries that generally hold these parades are communist and have small dicks.

2/17 Air Cav

It all depends on what one imagines such a parade to be. I don’t want the hardware crap made famous by the USSR. I want the old fashioned, American version.


I think the Chinese have a nice parade.

2/17 Air Cav

That’s limp. This is for woodies.


I remember all the talk of having a Desert Storm Victory Parade, a la WWII. I was glad that I deployed from, and returned to, Okinawa at that point.

There will always be some that want to participate and others that would rather sleep in the mud than be part of a grand dog-and-pony show – a parade for the sake of a parade.

Right now we need every dime and most every hour available for training and readiness. This would eat a big hole in that, IMHO.



The cost of doing this, even if the $22M figure noted by David below is accurate (which I seriously doubt), would be negligible in percentage terms given what DoD spends overall. And I guarantee there’s more waste than that in any major weapons system development program.

DoD is projected to spend over $273 billion in O&M spending alone this year (FY2018), and more that $600 billion in total. $22M works out to less than 0.01% of the DoD O&M outlay – 0.00806% to be precise. And I’m guessing that the vast majority of the $22M cost figure noted above is troop salaries – which are a different funding category and would be paid regardless. Lumping them in the overall cost – if that’s being done – is including a bogus number solely to pad the overall total and make the overall cost appear higher than actual.

As I noted elsewhere: dunno if this is worth doing or not. It’s a pain, but the PR value and the ability to help reconnect the American public with the US military just might make the expense worthwhile.

And if anyone doesn’t think there’s a serious disconnect between the US military and the American public in general – think again. That was one of the unintended consequences of the all-volunteer force. It made the military far more insular and ensured that far fewer members of the US public would serve – and thus would be relatively clueless about the military.


Right you are, Hondo, enormous disconnect between many Americans and the U. S. military. Here in Silicon Valley, I don’t exactly see former or current service members. Only nerds without muscles flexing their fingers at iphones. You wouldn’t want one of those beside you in battle, I guarantee…wonder if they’d react at all to a military parade, though.


From what I have read, the cost of the inaugural to the District of Columbia was about $30 million. The DC gov’t. is in bad enough financial condition without the added cost of a parade, especially if tanks, etc. are involved.

The DC gov’t. is so screwed up that if there is damage caused by tanks, etc., traffic in DC will be effed for years. Remember, they can’t even remove snow from the streets without a major clusterfumble.


“There will always be some that want to participate and others that would rather sleep in the mud..”

I’d rather sleep in the mud, but had no choice in participating in the parade. I was in BDUs the whole time and was assigned gripping and grinning duties and just made the best of it. Overall it was actually more fun than it wasn’t.


I only marched in one actual parade while on active duty. My SF ODA was “volunteered” to march in a Fourth of July Parade in Rhode Island in ’72 or ’73. It was also more fun than it wasn’t. Since the Viet of the Nam war was still going on, at least no one threw anything at us or yelled obscenities. Since then, I have been in many parades, but mostly on horseback in a cavalry formation, as a re-enactor.


I was waiting for the LLSF or Logistic Latrine Support Formation led by Corporal Chin Lee.


“Okay folks, thanks for being here, even though you were ordered to. Everyone remember to grab a free egg roll on your way out. The first 1000 have some kind of meat in them, the rest have, well, eat’ em and act like you like ’em!”


Chinese crack troops rule!

2/17 Air Cav

Crack troops? I see what you did there.









I’d hit ’em!


I would bet every single female snowflake in America would hit the trigger point all the way to PANIC if they watched this !!!


… and then flee to their “safe place.”


A Proud Infidel®™

NOBODY have a boogie parade rike North Korea!


According to the documentary ‘Unhung Hero’ Ethnic Koreans have the smallest average dongs. Due to horrible malnutrition, the average Nork dork is even more diminutive.

Chip, you are more correct than you may have intended to be!



The Other Whitey

That’s why I married an Asian chick. She’s easily impressed!

Don’t tell her I said that.


I would not take to seriously those claims about dick sizes. Assumptions are usually wrong.

For example some people say jewish men have big dicks, but I am jewish from the 4 corners (all 4 grandparents) and I have a very small dick.


But you are sensitive and have a good heart.


So, you’re saying you don’t make tape?

A Proud Infidel®™

OY VEY, do you drive a hiked up pickup truck or hot rod to compensate for it?


But you must have dredel sized balls of steel to say that Yef.

Jewish men(and women) are famed for their oral skill, if you believe that.

Most women I know would prefer skill to size.


With you, 2/17


I’ve heard estimates of $22,000,000… that’s a whole boatload of bullets not bought,training time wasted, medical care missed. Not to mention all that time spent however many times in the hot sun practicing. Parades are generally loved by spectators, not the bulk of those parading.


China says they’ll loan us the money, at a “fair” interest rate.


I’d really like to see the details of that “estimated cost”, David. My guess is that most of the cost is troop salaries – which, since members of the military are salaried, would be paid whether or not the troops are involved in a parade or not. Ditto the time spent in practice – they’d be doing something.

I have to admit I’m a bit torn on this one. When in uniform, I hated any type of ceremony and thought they were a huge waste. But, tell me: just when, precisely, does the American public get to see the US military? Not “see it on TV” – actually SEE it?

Dunno. I’d see it as a waste and a boondoggle if the troops were sent TDY for a week to do this. But if it were held at ONE major city within bus-ride distance of an installation with sufficient troops to support it on an annual and rotating basis; were scheduled for the unit(s) concerned a couple of years in advance so training schedules could be adjusted; and was done as a “same day” up and back, then the cost (financial and readiness) would be relatively low. I’m guessing prep time of 2 weeks would be enough (5 days weekly). And I’m also guessing if the troops involved were granted a week’s non-chargeable special leave for participating in this, you’d have plenty of troops – and units – volunteering to “take one for the team”.

As I said above: dunno. Given what I’ve seen from DoD over the past decade, I’m not optimistic. But with adults now back in charge, who knows? Might be able to make something like that work, and it might even be a net plus.


Please for goodness sakes, if they have a parade, make sure all the troops meet tape. I don’t want to see a bunch of lard asses or pregnant women to make it all politically correct.


How much would it cost to give our troops back the esprit de corps the Chicago gutter thug took away from them in eight years ?


I don’t like it for several reasons:

1) Troops have better things to do than to practice marching.

2) Money…our country is running on continuing resolutions with no clear actual budget in sight. With that comes the fact that our military’s budget is not where it should be, and the funds it has would be better spent on preventative maintenance of our ships, aircraft, and weapons systems.

3) We don’t need to show off our military might in such a fashion like the French or any other nation that has such parades. Our military is out there every damn day doing it real time.


Well, we still do Fleet Week every year! Even though they have cut back on a lot of the support, it still costs money. Arlington Cemetery is still open, and it costs money. The Marine Corps silent drill team still performs, and it costs money. The Blue Angels and Air force Thunderbirds still perform, and it costs money. Why not a parade?

Mark RM1 USN ret

I would rather be enjoying some good libs in NYC having a cold one, and if young/single doing my damndest to get some female company than getting starched/shines up for some mandatory “fun.” No disrespect intended Mastet Chief. I’m standing by for incoming Khaki ass chewing.


You make a good point, but those are already accounted for in the Military Budget.

The money for this parade is going to come out of someone’s operating fund or maintenance budget.

Why not hold it on Inauguration Days, and expand the current parade? The logistical planning is almost already done for those, and the parade could be charged to White House/Inauguration budget lines.

I did Fleet Week 1992 in NYC, it was nothing more than a Liberty Port (albeit a really cool one). We conducted flight ops and training on the way up, and on the way back.

Just my opinion, that’s all. Certainly not a hill I’m prepared to die on to defend. If there is one, I’d probably watch it. I just think the money could be better used elsewhere.

Mark RM1 USN ret

Agree. Let the ChiComs, Norks, Russians and every other second/third/fourth and etc military power have a parade. Our sons, daughters, loved ones are out there doing their duty. Besides, I’m sure our guys would prefer some liberty time tipping back a cold one or being with their loved ones. My two pesos worth ladies and gents.


Loved the local parades when I was a kid.
Watching a Tank rip up the pavement was awesome.
Guess they didn’t have street pads back then.


It probably doesn’t matter in DC. I would bet even a Bradley would cause damage to the streets, maybe even the ancient water & sewer lines.

Green Thumb

This is a waste of time and money.


OK, I’m gonna buck you guys here.

I remember the parades of the 1950s – I believe for Veteran’s Day or Memorial Day (or more) as well as the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo – and seeing the military members marching in formation with Old Glory out in front.

I remember standing with Dad, a WWII Infantry Vet with his CIB, learning when to salute as the flag passed by.

For a young boy, it was uplifting, exciting, and instilled a sense of pride in our military and our country. It got the image “out there” of honor, of patriotism, of a willingness to serve. It was, and still is IMHO, thrilling and inspiring.

Right now, we don’t see enough of that.

If we want the public to have a positive view of our military, things like this are a part of building that view. It counteracts the images so often seen in the media and movies.

Does it cost? Yes, of course. Is it a PITA for those who have to prepare for and participate in the event? No doubt. But I would argue that the potential impact is worth it – every bit of it.

If preparing to pass in dress review with all the starch and polish is too much trouble for someone, then what in the hell are they going to do when they have to make a real sacrifice? Being inconvenienced is not an excuse in the military or the civilian world, IMHO, for doing something positive.

So I’m going to say I support this 100%.

The fact that the libtards heads are going to pop again is just icing on the cake. I think there can be a lot of good things come from a parade.


Agree, and we were posting similar thoughts at the same time.

Wilted Willy

I agree with you guys! I remember back in the day when I was a member of the drill team that did a lot of practice to perfect our drill show for the people. I was very proud of our performance and yes, it was a PITA to practice all of those drills, but it made me very proud to be a member of our military! I think the troups today would be just as proud to perform for the public. Then afterwards we could have a public flogging of Hanoi Jane, Kerry and a few more of the libtards like Pelosi!!!


“The fact that the libtards heads are going to pop again is just icing on the cake”

All the more reason to have it in San Francisco. March right across the Golden Gate Bridge. A Naval armada in the Bay and the skies darkened with aircraft.


So Graybeer had a little trip down the memory lane and now we, the active duty mothefukers, have to pay for it?

Yes, the US used to do that back in the cold war. Times have changed. We won the cold war, and we have the best fighting force in the whole friggin planet. We don’t need to waste my family time doing this sutpid parade.

You wanna see troops? Watch a hollywood movie or a pseudo-history channel documentary.

We always win because we don’t march. Why is this so hard to understand?

2/17 Air Cav

Jeez. Lighten up, Francis. It’s just a +/- discussion.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yef, DON’T EAT the daisies your 1SG and CSM has you pick from the PT field. I was likely marching in parades before your Momma and Daddy made you!


Actually, Yef, my beard is gray, my beer is dark brown (Shiner Bock, to be specific).

And I have a son who is active duty and currently deployed. Knowing him, he would:
(a) gripe a bit about having to get the dress uniform to wear in a parade
(b) get the uniform and make sure every last detail was sharp
(c) do his part in the parade and
(d) enjoy the adulation his wife and child would give him afterwards.

In fact, given the shithole to which he is currently deployed, the griping in (a) above would be perfunctory and minimal if he got to be here in the USA with his family.

What I want to see is our troop honored and putting forth a good image for the young men and women who would get to see them in the parade, and warming the cockles of the old vets’ hearts.

And I would agree – we don’t win because we march. We march because we win. The is a big difference.

And don’t eat the daisies, Yef.


Shiner Bock? You have a horrible taste in beer. And:
a) My job is to win wars, not warm old people’s hearts
b) I will do the stupid parade if I have to, despite my bitching and complaining
c) Do you realize this will take at least 3 weeks of training and rehearsals?
e) I don’t eat daisies. They taste like piss.


Shiner Bock beats the snot out of PBR, Bud, or whatever pale wussy beer you may prefer. I especially like it with the wurst und sauerkraut at Die Auslander, in Fredricksburg. Prost!

Now, if you want to argue Shiner Bock vs Guinness we may have an actual competition on our hands.

So, to your points:
a) Yes, but to do that you need the support of the folks at home, including the old vets.
b) Of course you will
c) And your point is? If you’ve not realized that 83% of your activity in the military is just keeping you busy and out of trouble, you’ve not been paying attention.
d) evidently does not exist.
e) Especially after the dog has passed through the yard. Dandelion greens, on the other hand, are quite tasty.


You think Shiner Bock is better than Guinness Stout!!??

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO there is nothing wrong with either although I do prefer to have a fork handy when I enjoy some Guinness so I can get the chunks at the bottom of my mug! 😀


I did not say that OldSoldier54 – I like them both.

It’s a toss-up which one I prefer – but I tend to go with Shiner Bock because of my Texas/German heritage. The Irish is not a major part of my bloodline – more Scotts and German.


Unless he’s Superman, can’t see him doing (a), maybe being part of the team contributing to winning wars…

A Proud Infidel®™

HOW do you know what daisies and piss taste like, Yef?


And you know what piss tastes like?


Damn! I should have scrolled down and saw your post before I repeated it.

James May

“The fact that the libtards heads are going to pop again is just icing on the cake.”

So much for the party of fiscal responsibility. “If it makes liberals angry, it’s worth it LOLZ.”


Not what I said, James May. Read for comprehension.

It is worth it to build public relations and inspire the next generation. The greater the admiration and respect John and Jane Q. Taxpayer has for the military, the more they are going to approve of spending for the military.

It’s called an investment.

That the libtards heads are going to pop is icing on the cake, not the steak on the plate.

Some Guy

Times have changed, Graybeard. I’d be surprised if you could get enough people (Americans, not the tourists running around DC) to show up in this day and age. And even then, to get the kids to look up from their screens for long enough to take notice. I think the super bowl selfie kid epitomizes this perfectly.
comment image?quality=85&strip=info&w=600


It could be, Some Guy. I acknowledge that.

But people cannot attend a parade that never happens. And many things build attendance over time. Even Super Bowl I didn’t have the attendance of later Super Bowls.

The Other Whitey

My kids love tanks, jets, and helicopters. Put an Abrams on the street and hear the clatter of ipads being dropped.

I should submit my pictures from the MCAS Miramar Air Show. My oldest daughter LOVED the tank that was open to the public. You couldn’t pry the smile off of my daughter’s face when a female Corporal painted forest-camo hearts on her cheeks. My son was jumping all over the place when the Blue Angels started flying. They were downright enthralled by the MAGTF demonstration. Kids love hardware that’s designed to smite the fuck out of America’s enemies.

On top of that, any leftist bullshit that they might be exposed to in the future will have to contend with that formative experience that tell them that the Marines (and other branches by extension) are cool.


Good point.


Absolutely, Graybeard… maybe it’s only us older goats who even remember the pride in country we learned as youngsters.


I agree Graybeard.
For us Vietnam Era Veteran’s it wasn’t until the ass kickin’ of Saddam Hussein by my old Commander, (then, Colonel) Norman Schwarzkopf that I finally was proud to say that I too served.
I lived in Madison WI at the time and I remember watching some clown longhair try to organize a bunch of Down’s Syndrome and other special needs kids to protest these horrible war mongers. The moron was lucky that he had special needs kids or the 15 people ready to kick his ass up one side of E. Washington Ave and down the West side of that same street would have gone ahead and done it.
I’ve talked to thousands of other Vietnam and Vietnam Era Veteran’s about that observation and they agreed that Desert Storm 1 was the point in time that they were not ashamed to be Veterans.
Like it or not, that was the prevailing attitude in America at the time.
I have always said that the post Vietnam era was the worst time in the history of America to be in the US Military. I have met many thousands of people that agree with me…
So, I am in total agreement with President Trump, let’s throw a party celebrating our United States Military, they deserve it as do those that served in the US Military at any time since the beginning of this country.


“If we want the public to have a positive view of our military,”

What on Earth makes you think they don’t already have a positive view of the military?


Let’s see:
Democrats calling Veterans mentally unstable and not to be trusted with guns.
The media blaming anything and everything negative on PTSD.
The recurring (and evidently false) claim that we are losing 22 military/ex-military folks a day to suicide.
Memories of the Viet Nam days.
The story the other day here about the need for the MilBloggers to keep getting the word out about the benefits of serving.

That’ll do for a start.


Personally, I love parades, and the military units always made me feel a mix of emotions that I’m not even sure I can even name. Proud, thankful, thrilled… From my earliest memories of marching in the small town Memorial Day parade with the Brownies, then Girl Scouts, then I carried the Red White & Blue for the middle school band. After that I joined a drum corps unit which was popular back in the day. We had a special routine and salute we would do when the American Legion color guard lined up and we passed them in review. There was a period when the Vietnam Veterans of America chapter began marching in our local parade, and at first were not seemingly well received, but I always stood when I was watching a parade. Now I stand with the Patriot Guard and fly the flag on my motorcycle. One of my bucket list items is to see the Evening Parade at the Marine barracks in Washington. I would LOVE to see this parade, not as a means of a show of strength, but I hope that people would feel what I do about our flag and about those who serve. Just my .02


If you want to see a great Military Parade, go to YouTube and search for Chilean Military Parade. They have one every year and it is interesting.

We don’t need to do this. As has been said, military parades are for countries that have a Military they don’t use. They show off what they have. All we have to do is turn on the evening news and we can see our military in action.

As far as communist, a lot of countries do it, England, France, Germany, Chile. And the commies do it. Just look at the Norks and their bouncy goose step, they are so cute!

But no, we don’t need this, waste of troops time and effort. We can spend the money on beans and bullets. I have had to do parades and change of command ceremonies. A lot of spit, polish and standing around. Let the Old Guard, MSG and the other services parades troops do it.


Didn’t the Germans quit having military parades around oh, 1945 or so? 😉

I guess something happened that year? Not sure. :p

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

May 6th, 1945


Egypt used to have a decent military parade too in the early 80’s but i think something when horribly wrong!
Maybe Sadat fans will chime in…


Spoken like not much of a jarhead.


Was in Chile and Peru 89-92 and got to see a couple parades.


Bring ’em home from the sandbox- THEN have a parade.

James May

Yea, this is kind of ignorant since we have people actively engaged in war overseas. Who the fuck wants to see a bunch of non-deployed E-4s and below marching while people on their 10th deployment are doing actual work for our country?

A Proud Infidel®™

DId you even think for a moment that the Troops marching in the parade JUST MIGHT be in between tours?


Think? Not possible.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve began to wonder if James May isn’t a Yef sockpuppet.


More like a berserkley minion.


E-4s and below don’t deploy?


This reeks of the type of tyranny imposed on the country under Teddy Roosevelt when he ordered the navy in their “Great White Fleet” (racist much) to sail around the planet for more than a year!



Before anyone starts with “NAZI” try Prussian. Chile and Germany had a close military relationship starting in the 1880’s.


And Chile’s Air Force is modeled after the British, and their police after the Italian Carabinieri. We helped them with their Marine Corps.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I love to watch the French Foreign Legion march in their Bastille day parade. They march last due to their slow marching stride. Also the English Military parades with the bag pipers. Last parade I saw was when NYC had the honor the Viet-Nam vets on Broadway. Was working in lower Manhattan that day.


I like it. Tax payers should be treated to a dog and pony every once in awhile. They pay for it. Everything in the military sucks. Time to suck it the fuck up and get cheered at while you’re doing it for once.

Eyes, Right! 😎

James May

I highly doubt you’d be supporting this if you were still an E-3 Active Duty Marine at Twenty-Nine Palms. You know who much this work this entails to move equipment back and forth to Washington, DC? The people doing all the work won’t even be marching in the parade; they’ll be busy picking up trash and providing security the whole time.


As they used to tell me when I was in, Life’s a bitch, then you die…


Say hello to my son who’s in 29 Palms…Baker 1/7.


It would be SO nice to see a parade that doesnt feature gyrating ,leather thonged faeries upon floats OR some people trying to convince others that their lives matter.
For LCF, you guys will have to drive ICBM’s along the parade route.
Gotta keep up with the Jones’s (or the Jong’s)

Peter the Bubblehead

From the way people are acting, you would think there has never in the history of the country been a parade in Washington DC before!

The National Memorial Day Parade honoring our military and those that gave their lives in service to this country is held every year in DC! I was a part of it (with US Submarine Veterans) in 2014!

Why do the liberal babies melt into blubbering goo when Trump mentions doing something every other POTUS has done for the last fifty years?!?

2/17 Air Cav

Not to mention the heavy military presence parading at inaugurals. I think the PITA factor is legit, but that the media are largely likening this idea to May Day and Red Square displays. I can’t imagine it will be that at all.

A Proud Infidel®™

But they’d be cool with it if President Trump’s predecessor was still in Office.

Some Guy

I think the issue is that whatever parades we currently have are not big enough for Trump. IIRC, he said that he wanted to blow what he saw in France out of the water, which to me sounds like it will be way more resource intensive than expected. We probably won’t have tanks and missles rolling through the streets, but I wouldn’t be surprised if multiple brigades worth of service members would have to be taken out of their day jobs to make this happen.


Oh, seriously, guys, The Media are just a bunch of little kids playing schoolyard bullies, trying to pick a fight with the smarter kids. That’s all it is.

If they can’t get DTrump for imagined horse hockey, they’ll go after fake dictatorship stuff.

It’s just another cheap shot at someone who wasn’t The One They Wanted.

James May

You seriously can’t admit this is a horrible idea? Who else wants this other than Trump? I know for a fact that Mattis is going to be pissed about this.

2/17 Air Cav

“You seriously can’t admit this is a horrible idea?”

Here, have a flag on a stick and a hot dog. My treat.


Oh, right. I forgot that, just like that Berserkely social moron, you can’t READ.

I said: the media goes after fake dictatorship stuff. Try reading for comprehension, or I will slap the Commissar meme on you, numbskull!


Bitch, bitch, bitch. Here’s the 82nd Airborne in New York City in 1946. I think they look pretty darn good.

So shut up, go polish your damn boots, and get your sorry asses out on the grinder in parade formation NOW!

A Proud Infidel®™

I uhhhhm, have an ingrown toenail, yeah, and a PROFILE, *nnnyeeeaaaah*!


Or the ever popular “Sorry, can’t go. I got to re-primer the Jeep.”


For those youngsters (or sheltered old farts) out there who don’t have a clue what Claw’s talking about:

Warning: audio at link is highly politically incorrect as well as very NSFW/around prudes/clergy/small children.



Oh, yeah???

Yeah, they got 10 battle streamers, Tootsie.

Now man up and get your flabby glutes in gear!


If I’m lucky, I would have KP that day. I can’t think of anything more boring (in addition to being a PITA) than being in a parade. Been there, done that.

James May

If Hillary was the one proposing this, you guys would be gnashing your teeth in anger. Funny to see how many people are A-Okay with such a waste of money and resources so we can make Trump happy.

A Proud Infidel®™

I was AD when the Clinton Curse began, Maintenance an Training Budgets slashed, gear and equipment going to shit… but “Blowjob Willie”’never hesitated to use the Military as his stage props and the sniveling DNC lackeys in the media lauded him for it. We now have a Commander in Chief who truly cares about the Military and all the left can do is bitch that we’re not handing out enough to illegal aliens.

James May

I got an idea: how about we not have a parade and not hand out money to illegals? Just curious: who else other than Trump is supporting this idea? You think Mattis is okay with this?

2/17 Air Cav

Ooooh! I know! This is easy, James May. H. Wide Load Clinton would never propose a military parade to honor our troops and to let the nation applaud and admire them. She doesn’t like the armed forces. Second, if, by some miracle, she had proposed this, either it would be to mock our troops and display their false desire for war, or she would have Hanoi Jane and John “Jungle Stroll w/ Cameraman” in the lead car. On second thought, she could have them both on a float, with Fonda sitting at an AA gun and Kerry chucking medals to the crowd.


She is reportedly the one who told some general from the Pentagon not to show up at the White House anymore in uniform because she and BJ Willie didn’t like to see people in military uniforms at the White House.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s been said it was her order that US Marines on White House Detail were to show up in civvies and help with domestic chores.

2/17 Air Cav

Bingo. And there it is, an authoritarian show of force that turns the USA into a banana republic. I’m liking the parade notion more and more.

The Other Whitey

Why do they keep sending you this shit?

2/17 Air Cav

I know what you mean, Jonn. Somebody gave me a box of a dozen give-a-shits for Christmas. I re-gifted.


Hopefully General Kelly will talk him out of this nonsense.

Carlton G. Long

Anwar Sadat’s favorite song was “I Love a Parade.”

Too soon ?


Growing up the parades I went to were great. But it was because the streets were lined with people who were still close in one way or another to our military and were there to appreciate and support them. Now, it would be an opportunity for the majority who know nothing of service to point and laugh and understand nothing of what it means or symbolizes. So I would say no, use the funds to make the lives of our troops and doing their job better.

2/17 Air Cav

Remeber the Occup This and Occupy That Movement? Well, they had a parade with drums (!)and one young lady said she is willing to fight. This is the Left’s idea of a worthwhile parade, I guess.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Will Antifa be there to protest?


You can count on every lefty group in existence to be out there to protest which is why the $22 million figure may be low considering the additional security (overtime for civilian cops) trash cleanup, etc.

You can also bet that the left would do everything they could to disrupt this parade so they can make Trump look bad.


They would. And then?

“Fix bayonets!”

Doan trow me in -dat- dere briar patch! Oh, no suh!

Prior Service

Not sure if I’m for it, but I’m not against it. I’ve marched in tons of parades. I can’t say I liked it, but I do think that the appreciation of the crowd made them worthwhile. In my opinion, if your unit is so untrained that participating in some practice and the actual job is what tips you over to be combat ineffective, you already sucked and you weren’t going to be ready anyway. Units are not sitting around training in the field all the time anyway; there are always units that rotate into serving as the duty/detail unit, and this is just one more detail. Lastly, having first served in a decade when the military was truly not appreciated, I say give the guys a chance to go TDY to the big city, have a fun night out, march in the parade, get cheered at, maybe get lucky that night, and go back to the base; it will be a trip they grumble about for a bit, but always remember.

Perry Gaskill

This is a nothing-burger of a story. In the past, its lack of specific details would have meant it might have been treated with a graf on Page 12. It’s also a good example of how the news media has lost its collective mind, and is no longer able to treat anything to do with President Trump with any degree of objectivity whatsoever.

Count on it: If the circumstances were changed 180 degrees, and Trump had said he was opposed to any celebration of the centennial of the 1918 Armistice, the very same news media windbags would be clutching pearls and sobbing about what an ingrate the President is for not honoring the gallant fallen.

And it’s all because Hillary didn’t win.

Consider too that some of the people writing about this stuff have some dodgy qualifications. The Yahoo! piece, for example, was by a San Francisco resident named David Knowles. Among Knowles’ past gigs was a spot as Editor of the quarterly magazine Ukulele. Apparently being able to strum chords for Hawaiian love songs makes one automatically an expert on military parades, at least to the yahoos at Yahoo!.

2/17 Air Cav

And this is how decent-minded Americans who have a legitimate and thoughtful objection to a parade end up being co-opted by these assholes to portray Trump as Stalin in a nice suit.


It’s going to be great to see a bunch of hysterical lefty nuts lying in the street when the tanks either drive right around them or turn and go down the next block.

The Other Whitey

Why turn? The treads need grease, don’t they?


All you need for the tanks is loaded water cannons. Not only will that clean up the streets, it will also provide a refreshing mist to the crowds along the way.


Ah,!! The Fake Dictatorship Meme is being solidified as we speak!

What’s next? Disgruntled fake vets protesting the whole thing?


They’re already at the surplus store buying their uniforms and medals.

“I didn’t take a bullet to the chest fighting with the 81st Air Marine Division in Derk Derkistan for this!” – Retired Lance Ensign Dick Leaky


Can I re-up for a day or two just to drive a tank in this parade?


Tank Commander for a day? I like it.


Me, too. I wanna be Tank Girl!!!


🙂 That brought back a great memory; 🙂 We were evaluating the Medical Company of the 181 Spt Bn. There was a medic who happened to look extremely squared away in her BDU’s and knew how to rock a CVC Helmet. Gotta love a girl, that TC’s an armored ambulance.

I will now report for my 197th attempt to pass sensitivity training…


If you really look at that video, it’s a WWII test drive by an all-female tank crew.


How about instead of a parade….

Serve a beer with each evening meal for everyone -deployed-.

Substitute a Coke for those who abstain from adult beverages.

2/17 Air Cav

Hey, remember Rachel Corie? Me neither, but I did recall a bright-light protester who stood in front of an Israeli bulldozer some years ago so I googled that and that’s where I got the name. Not only did she get squished but, to add insult to injury, her stupid act had zero effect on her Palestinian cause.


And the only reason she was squished is because she put herself in a position where the bulldozer operator could not see her as he was destroying a Palinazi terrorist house or tunnel.


You have to admit, President Trump sure knows how to spin lefty heads right the hell off of their screaming throats. They will spend weeks screaming about c**p.



Troll level: YUGE!


What a bunch of grouchy fucks…
Sheesh, can anyone cheer the fuck up at all anymore or have the #libidiots gotten us so trained in the aspect that everything is sooooo fucked up that we cannot find anything good in something that celebrates being an American now ???
Those guys over there deserve something that points out how good they are. They take pride in these things too, as they should. They’re what it’s all about…
Good God Almighty, what a bunch of grouchy fucks…


As one of the most elder curmudgeons here I have to relent and say you’re probably right — If it is done right and is to honor the troops and not the politicians. I can see PVT Snuffy’s parents coming to the parade just for a fleeting glimpse of Snuffy.

I’m a dinosaur. Can the current rifles be carried right shoulder or sling arms like we did M14’s?


PS, if it makes Lib heads explode, it is worth it.


Sling arms works well with the M-16, as I recall.


Not convinced that this is anything more than him throwing it out there so we can all watch the left go ballistic. Again. As he does fairly regularly.


I second that notion. He does that routinely.


Very true. He is the master troll.

There’s nothing funnier than seeing someone being trolled who doesn’t realize they’re being trolled.

Lefties have cranked the OUTRAGE!!!!!1! up to 11 and they don’t realize that normal non-lefties are just looking at them and laughing.

It’s funny to watch.


In the autumn of 1945, my little town hosted a number of military parades leaving a rather profound effect. The AAF’s 20th Bomb Group was stationed there and they sure had surplus people to throw into the parades then. While me and my pals were every day treated to the many B-29’s flying low over the town, the parades made their presence and meaning more personal. All of my childhood pals joined the military when we were old enough. We were impressed! Seems to me that giant parades of this sort will result in future enlistments that otherwise wouldn’t be considered. Sure, advertising can be expensive but it is necessary to sell any product or service. I’m for a big parade.

Bill M

My first thought on this was, if they are going to do it, make it on Memorial Day, but then I read the line about having it on Veterans Day to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI and I think that’s the winner.


cat = the press
laser pointer = whatever Trump says that day to OUTRAGE them.

And I sit back and enjoy the show.


Yes, and now, they’re trying to rag on his hair.

Like I said, they’re just a bunch of schoolyard bullies trying to pick a fight with the smarter kids.


Either you need to re-read his comment, or take a comprehension class.