Gregory Salcido doesn’t like you

| January 27, 2018

According to the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, Gregory Salcido, a councilman and teacher in Pico Rivera, California doesn’t hold members of the military in very high regard when he’s supposed to be teaching.

Addressing one of his students, who happened to be wearing a Marine Corps hoodie, Salcido said that members of the military are “the frickin’ lowest of the low”.

The young man, whose father and two uncles are Marine veterans who fought in Afghanistan, Desert Storm and Vietnam, said Salcido went too far when he said those in the military were stupid and only joined as a last resort.

“It was so disrespectful to my dad and my uncles and all veterans and those still in the military,” he said.

With students laughing in the background, Salcido is heard profanely questioning military members’ intelligence and continuing, “They’re not high-level thinkers.”

Here’s the video as it was posted on Facebook;

I’m not sure what a high-level thinker is, but I’m smart enough to stay in my lane. Mr Salcido, however seems to have trouble in that area of “high-level thinking”.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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NR Pax

Mr. Salcido, the folks that choose to join the military have to prove themselves before they are allowed to join. Not just in mental ability but moral character. Getting the nod to sign on the dotted line is tougher than gaining admissions to most colleges.

The moral character part would be the one that trips you up as evidenced by your bullying behavior of a student wearing a Marine Corps sweatshirt. You went off on that boy knowing full well that any retaliation would be countered by the authority you have over your students.

So the next time you feel compelled to vent your spleen against your betters, I would advise you to keep your dickmitten shut.


Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Most of his kind are casualties of their own STUPIDITY……just say’n.

2/17 Air Cav

“[O]ne of the great things about freedom of speech is it makes it easy to identify the idiots among us.” Excellent. Most excellent, Grasshopper.



A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder how Gregory Salcido is dealing with the results of his Big Mouth Little Pecker Syndrome rant so far? OH, to be able to listen in on each and Office that Gregory Salcido has to walk into come Monday morning!!!


An arrogant, self-righteous, small time liberal politician and teacher from California. Surprise, surprise.

When is the “Big one” going to hit? The normal Americans keep praying for relief, but that damn San Andreas keeps holding together anyway.

Something tells me that this assholes life is about to get real fucking interesting.


Thanks for the link!


Deplorable and shameful display of poor discretion. City officials and the school district should seperate themselves immediately from this volatile behavior. What a disappointment; such an egregious move for an elected and once trustworthy official. Its best to see Mr. Salcido to the door and let him seek out a more appropriate venue for his agenda.


Looked at him on Wikipedia and the page history. He’s getting a lot of love (not).

Wikipedia has protected the page on him due to numerous edits, such as his cuckolding habits, NAMBLA membership, and preference for meeting old men in parks.


I’m sorry…I didn’t understand that.

Did the wiki page say Gregory Salcido has cuckolding habits, NAMBLA membership, and a preference for meeting old men in parks?


Several people changed the Wikipedia page of GREGORY SALCIDO to read that GREGORY SALCIDO was a proud member of NAMBLA, GREGORY SALCIDO preferred african-americans to have relations with his wife while he watched, and that GREGORY SALCIDO preferred to meet up with old men in parks for sex.

Someone ( GREGORY SALCIDO ?) kept deleting those type of comments changing it back to his self-delusions of importance. Wikipedia finally locked the GREGORY SALCIDO wikipedia page back to what he originally had posted.


Wow…to think that people would actually write stuff like GREGORY SALCIDO was a proud member of NAMBLA, GREGORY SALCIDO preferred african-americans to have relations with his wife while he watched, and that GREGORY SALCIDO preferred to meet up with old men in parks for sex.



fuck this ass hole
I gave up a almost six figure job to join the army
It wasn’t the end of the road for me
Or a desperate last resort
Try mid thirties crisis LMAO….
I’d do it all over again to

A Proud Infidel®™

I myself dropped out of college to join and I have NO REGRETS whatsoever. I’d do it all over again except I’d start sooner!

Used to be still serving

I did give up a six figure income in my 40’s. Served as a medical officer for 7 years AD army, did 3 deployments, 12 months in Iraq and 15 months total in Afghanistan. I don’t regret at all. Now, I’m a reservist.


Take it easy on him…..perhaps he had a morning fight with his non-gender binary husband 😉


……or the pair ran out of Kentucky Jelly the previous evening, and he was feeling actual, legit Butthurt.




Queef works too.

Nathalie Wright

HOW can you make such a perjorative remark about BRAVE men & women who lose their lives, lose limbs to keep COWARDS like YOU free! My brother has his masters (which YOU probably don’t have) & did his time in the service as a CAPTAIN. My father & uncles fought in the war. My son in law fought for this country, because they are BRAVE & they CARE about this country. When I think of freedom, I think of our BRAVE soldiers. You ungreatful IGNORAMUS. Do me a BIG favor, DRINK BLEACH!!!!!!!!!

A Proud Infidel®™

Gregory Salcido can drink a nice big glass of bleach and I’ll buy him a strychnine chaser afterwards!


What is it with school boards and the military?
We have Mike Sleeper and Jan Spann as poser wannabees and now this turd biscuit.


Maybe people like GREGORY SALCIDO are all butthurt that they are not “appreciated” for the indoctrination that they do?

Many teachers don’t teach any more – they indoctrinate.

BTW – just for GREGORY SALCIDO’s information – the military help pay for my Associates, Bachelors AND MBA degrees.

2/17 Air Cav

“Many teachers don’t teach any more – they indoctrinate.” I would say most teachers, and the reason is much of the indoctrination is actually part of the curriculum, carried in textbook passages and teachers’ workbooks as discussion topics.


They no longer learn teaching methods in college. They learn indoctrination methods. Reason #29684736 to homeschool your kids, or at the very least, work with a homeschooling co-op you trust.

2/17 Air Cav

For me, as AA/BA, which enabled me to later acquire a JD and, before that graduate studies at Geo Wash University. We have many, many folks here at TAH with college and graduate degrees. Those who don’t frequently have specialized skills that are in high demand.


AS/BS on a VA loan.


AS … George Washington U
BS … Southern Illinois U
BA … University of West Florida
MS … U of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Six hours from another BA, but quit, thinking four is enough.

Obtained on active duty using Tuition Assistance and after retirement using GI Bill.

Not bragging, well just a bit, but not bad for a knuckle dragging enlisted puke who joined the Navy to avoid the draft and Vietnam. Within a year I had the well being of others in my hands, and within four years was a nuclear medicine technologist.
I’ll put that CV up against yours any day, teach. We’ll compare IQ also, if you like.

I’m representative of millions of others over the years who have done as well or better than I.


We had a HMC and two Corpsmen with us in Iraq. We loved those guys…even us Air Force pukes know enough to take care of the Corpsmen.


Always take care of Doc and SupplyGuy….


Eric Mintz

Too much school.


The men and women coming from our service academies each year are the best, brightest and best disciplined this country has to offer. As a group, I would compare them to all the teachers any high school could produce.

The enlisted men and women are more technologically advanced than any group of teachers.

I think we’re dealing with plain old envy from a small thinking individual who couldn’t make it in the military services for whatever reason.

He grouped an entire population, the military, into a class of dumbasses. Someone who speaks in absolutes speaks volumes of themselves.

It’s gonna suck to be him for a long time. Maybe he can join the military to escape the wrath about to be visited upon him. As stupid as we all must be, according to him, gaining entry should be a slam dunk for someone as intellectual as him.

A Proud Infidel®™

Fat chance he could join, I read somewhere that he’s already 49. I wonder if he got turned down in the past and that’s one source of his Big Mouth Little Pecker Syndrome?


Ostracism of a social moron like this can work wonders, you know.

By ostracism, I mean restaurants refuse to seat him; stores refuse to do business with him; autodealers bump the price up on him; and no one wants to talk to him about anything, period. Instead, they just turn and walk away.

He can be as obnoxious as he wants to. You can’t stop him. But it doesn’t mean that you can’t slam the door in his face, does it?

2/17 Air Cav

Hell, where he is he’ll be feted a hero. La Raza!


Sounds more like “shunning”


Well, Mr. Salcido, can’t say I’m real fond of you either. But do enjoy your newfound interwebs fame.

Oh, by the way, Greggy, it takes most of a year of training (physical and academic) for a boot Airman Sensor Operator to sit an apprentice seat on Maritime Patrol aircraft. Only after a home cycle and deployment will he or she have the experience to be considered for a journeyman’s spot, usually about 18 months of on-hands, real world, operations.

After a successful sea tour, the SO may be screened for a schoolhouse position, which includes leading formal classroom instruction, exactly what you do. It ain’t that hard, Greggy.

Lowest of the low? Fuck you.


I would go into great detail as well what the nuke pipeline training entails, although he’d likely assume the fetal position and cry uncontrollably at the mention of the abbreviations, ASVAB, NFQT, and MEPS, to say nothing of the 2+ years of school just to get to the boat, and additional year to get qualified to stand a watch.

Nothing like being a 22-year old RO, doing a Rx shutdown, and the EOOW telling you, “Set Condition 2 watches. PO Sparky, you’re the first SRO, make sure the engine room is placed in a shutdown lineup, starboard side supplying, and if you need anything, I’ll be in the wardroom.”

And with that, you’re now responsible for the safe operation and control of a reactor/engine room of a multi-billion dollar submarine.

Dollars to donuts our esteemed gent would be shitting himself about that point.

Check that. No, he wouldn’t, cause there’s no way he would ever get that far.


Good God! I almost understood most of that NHSparky. Ive been hanging with too many former Navy Nukes!

Mr. Salcido obviously has and never had a clue.


As per usual, this asshole neglects to extend a thank you to the people who ensure his privilege to despise them.

I and a host of others endured that shit and worse during and after the Vietnam War. Still just as much a piss off,and the proper answer would result in a perma ban.


May have been posted earlier, but, for Google hit purposes, I’ll posted it anyway. Gregory Salcido, Councilman for Pico Rivera, employed to teach at El Rancho High School, who insulted members of the military when reacting to one of his students wearing clothing that showcased his pride for the Marines, has been placed on paid administrative leave.

The ultimate results of any investigation on his conduct, and his status in the aftermath, will speak volumes about El Rancho High School, the district that it falls under, any teachers union he may be a part of, and the democratic party.


Placed on PAID leave! Adding insult to injury.


Well, well. Laughing Boy here has made National News.

“A video in which a Southern California high school teacher is heard slamming members of the military as “the frickin’ lowest of the low” in a classroom rant to students has gone viral.

El Rancho High history teacher Gregory Salcido — who also serves as an elected Pico Rivera city councilman and was once mayor — even goes so far as to refer to those who are in the military overseas as failed students who had no choice but to serve, “Fox & Friends” reported Sunday.”


Gregory Salcido, Councilman for Pico Rivera, employed to teach at El Rancho High School, who was filmed/recorded in the act of insulting the military, and its members while on school grounds, while conducting one of his classes, has made it to national level news… That’s great! :mrgreen:

Let the entire country watch how those he represents, like Pico Rivera, El Rancho High School and its district, any teachers union he’s a part of, the democratic party, etc., handle this situation. Whichever decision they make is going to reflect on their true nature and character.


“Laughing Boy here has made National News.”


Enjoy your infamy, Gregory Salcido, you pathetic excuse for a Latino.

The old Hidalgos would be ashamed of you.

Army Wife

EXACTLY! This is the ones that give us all a bad name! now all the racist people are coming out making it about racism!my husband serves and he doesnt care what race the person next to him is, he’ll still have their backs!


As one of my drill sergeants told us one day; “You are ALL GREEEEEN!”

His name is Emillio Tosado and was one hell of a tanker.

A Military Brat

The name of the high school he teaches at is El Rancho High School. The principal is Hector Vasquez. The telephone number of the high school is 1562 801 xxx ext 17536. The principal usually hires the staff and does their evaluations. Let him Hector Vasquez know what you think of him hiring teachers who bully and teach anti-American garbage. Respect for our military and country is important. I think we have discovered the problem in our public school system.

A Military Brat

The telephone number is 1 562 801 7500 ext 17536. Excuse the typo. Thank you.

PS The school is located in Orange County CA.
You can Google the names for the Superintendent . His name us Mr. All Mijares 1 714 966 4000. I wonder if this US History teacher is certified to teach US History or a friend of someone.


Its not Orange County. Los Angeles County.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Someone slap this guy beside his cocksucker.

Daisy Cutter
Daisy Cutter

FoxNews picked up the story and put it on the main page of their news. There, it claims he was major at one time.

“El Rancho High history teacher Gregory Salcido — who also serves as an elected Pico Rivera city councilman and was once mayor…”


Deplorable and shameful display of poor discretion. City officials and the school district should seperate themselves immediately from this volatile behavior. What a disappointment; such an egregious move for an elected and once trustworthy official. Its best to see Mr. Salcido to the door and let him seek out a more appropriate venue for his agenda.


Sign the Petition to get this Parasite fired !!!!


As fast as the signature counter is spinning, it would appear that they are going to reach their goal of 2000 signatures in about an hours elapsed time.


He needs to start practicing his new line of “Would you like fries with that?” now.


Ha. Goal reached within the time it took to type this comment.

New goal set at 3000 signatures.

TAH Comment #200.

A Proud Infidel®™

2,475 already!! 😀😀😀😀🍺




2,963. No, 2,965. No, ..67.

This is fun!

C’mon, everyone join in.

…2,979. Poor, poor Senor Salcido…


4,984 at 11:17 PST

MSG Eric

Wow, woke up this morning and already past 5600 heading for 6,000.


Turned the corner at 6,000 and ran off. 6920+ and headed to 7,000 probably by the end of the day. IMO.


150 in just the last 15 minutes WOW at 7,055 and headed towards 8,000


Yep, I see the signature counter is averaging about 30 signatures per minute.

It’s spinning faster than the Name Scrabble Whiz Wheel ever thought of.

Call your stock broker now and tell him to buy, buy, buy, all existing stocks of WD-40 now!! before it’s too late.


I was in before it hit 1000. Now the wife will ad hers.


For some reason I can’t see the count anymore. About 15 minutes ago it was 7,500+ and maybe it’s hit 8,000 already and they closed it. The photo and text are still there, though.


A request for the TOI is waiting for you on pg. 1 ChipNASA.


Thanks Animal for the heads up.


Still up and running based on what I see from my computer.

7,611 signatures and counting, 8000 is the new goal.


Confirmed. 7725 signatures as of now.

Averaging 30/31 per minute.


They have added a new stat.

Signatures from Califruity land.

Roughly 1/3 of the count is from there.


8890 at this time.


Petition signature update:

Within a hundred of reaching the 12,000 goal.


Almost 15,000 now.


Piece of rancid shit!

2/17 Air Cav

Salsa/Sausalito/Whatever won his last bid to remain on the public dole with 28% of the vote. He pulled 1,849 votes, considerably fewer than the growing number of petitioners who want his sorry ass tossed from the classroom. By the way, the mayor published a statement on the city website yesterday that declares the city’s respect and admiration for Veterans. (Salsa/Sausalito/Whatever is getting lonely about now.)


I think he’s starting to stink like last week’s garbage.

Glenn Strutz

destroying the country with ignorance, arrogance and hatred.


I managed to graduate from college with over a 3.0 gpa (back when every student didn’t get an A or a B), serve over five years on AD and five in the reserve components, graduate from law school and pass the most difficult attorney bar exam in the country on the first try, but this dolt says I have subpar intelligence. Yeah, he really knows what is cock-holster is talking about.


I guess he missed that fact tad one of his fellow hispanics. A HS dropout joined the military became a Green Beret 18D and eventually became the Surgeon General.

BZ Dr. Richard Carmona

BTW..While the vast majority of Military Officers possess a degree, it is just a fact that the enlisted folks in the military have more college degrees per capita than their civilian counterparts of similar age.


fukking typos…geez


That fact doesn’t surpise me at all. Military veterans have higher levels of education, employment and more successful marriages, statistically, than any other demographic. This scumbag politician/teacher needs to be shipped to Venezuela where he can see the socialism he loves close and personal.

A Proud Infidel®™

A survey or two taken a few years ago determined that the US Military is THE most educated segment of the US Population with a number of Senior NCOs having postgraduate degrees as well.

MSG Eric

I’m sure if he’d said the same thing about Transgenders, or a non-white racial group, or women, or any other liberal protected group he’d have been fired 5 minutes after it got posted to youtube.

Because its the military, well “freedom of speech n’ shit bro!”

I’m taking a stab (in his kneecap) that he hasn’t even met a servicemember/veteran, let alone had a friendship or relationship of any kind with one.

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe he’s had a few past girlfriends dump him for a Vet because they preferred a Man with a pair!

1sg ret.

Millions of us, vets, stood a post to help protect you and all you’ve known, sorry you weren’t able to join the club, but, you’re welcome anyway


Gregory Salcido, Councilman for Pico Rivera, employed to teach at El Rancho High School, who was filmed/recorded in the act of insulting the military, and its members while on school grounds, while conducting one of his classes, is a subject of a new Facebook group calling for his firing. :mrgreen: Caught with a photo of Che Guevara. 🙄


“Councilman Salcido credits his students for being a constant reminder that keeping a positive and optimistic disposition is necessary for a productive future.” – Pico Rivera Dot Org

Now, Gregory Salcido, Councilman for Pico Rivera, employed to teach at El Rancho High School, who was filmed/recorded in the act of insulting the military, and its members while on school grounds, while conducting one of his classes…

Can credit his students for the constant reminder that you need to watch what you say under the assumption that you could be the subject of a video. 🙄


Gee Whiz…Heaven forbid if an earthquake, fire, flood or even the NORKs hitting his area and the US Military showed up to you think he would say “HELP!!!” to them? (sarc) 😉

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure that Gregory Salcido would rather call on a crackhead, gangster, illegal alien or any combo thereof for help!


Once again, the 1st Amendment allows us to quickly identify the morons among us.

Army Wife

EXACTLY! This is the ones that give us all a bad name! now all the racist people are coming out making it about racism!my husband serves and he doesnt care what race the person next to him is, he’ll still have their backs!


Well… he is a California educator… can we expect any less? Isn’t a big chunk of the state still working on seceding? Perhaps they just found their new Governor.

Brown Neck Gaitor


You are welcome.


Annnnnnnd we just passed 8,000 and the new target is 9,000
Double Dumbass.




History, according to the report I read. Doubt the cuntrag knows a fucking thing about history.

2/17 Air Cav

Salsa/Sausalito/Whatever is getting lonelier and more isolated by the day. Yesterday, the city posted a new message on its website, this time signed by both the mayor and the city council, condemning knucklehead’s remarks and reaffirming its gratitude for Veterans and those in military service.


Claw says:
January 30, 2018 at 9:15 am

Petition signature update:

Within a hundred of reaching the 12,000 goal.


Read Below

I have had many teachers freely speak how they feel in the classroom and never got fired or asked to resign. He has the freedom to say whatever he wants just like we do when we post comments. Maybe he shouldn’t have directed it towards the boys desire to join and maybe he shouldn’t have made a few bigot comments but that’s HIS opinion. We let Duck Dynasty stay on A&E and support their opinions of other races…why not support him…does he not entertain you


He can do that on his OWN time, but NOT in the classroom! What he did (not just with this student, but in other incidents) is nothing short of institutionalized bullying.


Honestly guy will come out in a few days and say the comments were taken out of context or he will lay low for a few weeks and hope it blows over.

Guy clearly wanted to run for congress and is probably realizing his career is done but screw him. He can take one of those low mentally taxing jobs.

2/17 Air Cav

Salsa/Sausalito/Whatever is now a former teacher. The school board voted unanimously to show him the door. He remains a censured councilman, at least until the next election.


I still don’t know what a high-level thinker is. I’m guessing that on a multiple choice quiz, you’d have several answers to choose from, including a blank to post your own idea.

Still haven’t seen what defines this individual’s personal antagonism toward the military. Or maybe it’s personal antagonism toward everyone who isn’t just like him… but who would want to be just like him, anyway? What a waste of time he is.