Cities deflecting blame
The Huffington Post reports that New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco are joining in a lawsuit against the Pentagon charging that the Department of Defense was negligent in their failure to report service members’ crimes to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS.
Together, the cities will “stand up to the Department of Defense and demand they comply with the law and repair their drastically flawed system,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a statement. “This failure on behalf of the Department of Defense has led to the loss of innocent lives by putting guns in the hands of criminals and those who wish to cause immeasurable harm.”
Yeah, it’s all based on one case in Texas where Devin Patrick Kelley was able to purchase firearms because the Air Force didn’t report him to the NICS system when he stood a court martial for domestic abuse. That case didn’t affect any of those three cities, but, of course, they have to appear to be doing “something, anything” for their constituents. Even if that “something, anything”, doesn’t do anything at all.
While I agree that the DoD needs to come into compliance with the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007, it’s pretty childish of the leadership of those three cities to blame their gun control problems on something that doesn’t affect them.
For example, San Francisco’s sanctuary city status has killed more people in that city than the DoD.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
Those cities would probably do more good if they were not playing “catch and release” with firearms violators.
Sell those shytties err cities to Canada REAL CHEAP!
That’s interesting. Chicago has strict gun laws, more strict than the rest of the state (which, yes, does exist outside the city limits) and yet, crime is dropping in Englewood because the citizens are taking back their streets. Women are going through the CCW classes to get guns for self-protection, and no one in the CPD is saying ‘that’s very naughty of you’.
It seems to me that if those other three cities took Chicago’s path, crime might drop a bit. This is all about polticis and seeking attention in the spotlight. They aren’t doing a confounded thing other than bore people to death.
Sorry,EX. Rahm-bo announced that Chicago will join in on this stupidity.
Urban political theater at its finest…
Get ready to add NJ to the list of no go zones as the citizenry felt the need to elect a liberal nut job named Phil Murphy as Gov. He will be joining doucheblasio and the rest of the America haters with pro-crime nonsense.
Is Camden still the heinous slum it turned into after I left in 1975?
The Dem’s say Camden is a vibrant, diverse, sanctuary community that is on the rise.
Just like Detroit, right?
Sure it is, since it’s a major street drug distribution center for a group based out of the PR.
New Jersey, where if the police get a report of a possible gun left in your car, they can break in and search it with no major repercussions for the officer? I’d say it’s already a lost cause.
I can see all kinds of mayhem, havoc and fun being played against the po-po with a little false reporting of a gun in a po-po’s personal vehicle. Late at night.
When I moved to Florida on Dec. 13, 2007, I was scared shitless while on the Jersey Tpke fearing the state troopers would pull me over and see the fire arms I had in the hatch back. Federal law says that one can transport fire arms across state lines while to moving to another state, but the jersey storm troopers do not go along with the federal laws. Breathed a sigh of relief when I crossed the bridge into deleware.
I wonder how much this is going to cost?
Isn’t there anything better for them to spend taxpayer money on, maybe another rocket launcher, woops, I mean, gun buy back event?
I still lurk around buy backs hoping to snag a bitchin sweet chainsaw attachment for my AR….
I need a 40mm bayonet launcher.
I want a bitchin’ 40mm Chainsaw Bayonet Launcher for mine, FUCK the tree-huggers!!!
When libtards have nothing they still have their hatred for the US military. Piss on these people.
One of the tenants of those who support the Second Amendment is that we do not need more legislation to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, but enforcement of the laws that are on the books.
Here we have the DOD failing to live up to the law. The DOD Inspector General found that in 2015 and 2016, the military services failed to comply with reporting requirements 30% of the time.
That’s unacceptable.
The lawsuit is reasonable in that it seeks judicial oversight into the DOD’s compliance with the law which would not have been necessary if the DOD had followed the law in the first place.
While I understand Jonn’s point (and the point of some of the commetators here) no matter what the motivation of the cities is, the fact is the DOD’s failure needs to be addressed. In addition, we need to address the failure of the cities to address gun crimes and illegally obtained guns. Doing one does not preclude doing the other.
If the government cannot be held accountable to follow the laws, then we are all in trouble. That principle goes from small towns, to cities, to counties to states to the feds.
Can citizens sue these same cities that actively harbor illegal aliens that commit crimes against American citizens? No? Figures…
The hypocrisy is unbelievable here.
Sovereign immunity applies. Its a doctrine that I hate and think is wrong.
While I understand your comment, you miss one obvious point in my mind. Before ANY city can sue the DOD, they need to clean up their own processes first and foremost. This is simply a grandstand to make themselves look like they are pure – and none of them are. Before they go after DOD for not following the rules, how about going after their own Mayor’s and Governors for the same infractions? Start in your own house before you attempt to clean someone else’s.
If this were a perfect world, I would agree with you. It is not. The DOD screwed this up royally. The processes of which you speak also depend on the input from the DOD as to whether a person is allowed to purchase a firearm.
I agree that the cities are not pure. But even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile.
To some extent I agree with what you say and would prefer that the governments clean up their act. They have dragged their feet on this even to this day.
Yeah, the cities are dirty. I agree, However, that doesn’t mean that the DOD should not be following the law.
Something about minding the log in one’s own eye before tending to the splinter in another’s eye seems applicable, here.
Where is the standing of the cities to file suit? Absent a real damage to the cities at this point (as opposed to the town in Texas where an incident took place)wouldn’t standing be an issue?
The Constitutionally appropriate venue for oversight is Congress, which as I recall wasn’t really happy to hear that the services hadn’t executed the law.
I’m surprised that de Blasio has time to even make a statement, since he spends most of his time rubbing one out while reading the communist manifesto.
I wonder what they’re gonna blame next week for their little dick syndrome?
so INSTEAD of those Cities enforcing laws that already exist as well as complying with them as well, they decide to go on an expensive legal rampage while grandstanding. Don’t get me wrong, the DoD needs to get its shit together but aren’t all the Cities participating D-rat led crime-infested hellholes? I see political grandstanding!
I see politicians giving their back-alley sheister lawyer buddies an easy paycheck from taxpayer’s pockets to pursue a case that is all theater.
I am surprised putrid Portland ORYGUN is not suing also.
The entire coast (western part) is an abyss and putrid Portland now ranks high on murders. AND of course, it is the NRA and all its gun owners, all rabid, who are to blame.
Putrid Portland tried to bring gun control and when county sheriffs found out they voted overwhelmingly to NOT enforce citing 2nd. The two holdouts were Multnomah (Putrid Portland) and Lane (looney tunes Eugene). They stated they were ‘too busy enforcing the law’ to declare themselves. It crashed and burned before it ever made it to the floor in Salem.
So glad mom and grandmother no longer alive to see what has become of their beloved city.
I no longer recognize Portland. Excrement from California has oozed up here and taken hold and sleazy Seattle is no better either.
I still think it’s something from the I-5 corridor that causes some of this. The saddest part is that Portland is the largest city in Oregon, so they sway the vote – likewise for Seattle and Washington. Then they wonder why the rest of the two states want to break away from them. I’m in Spokane and we get to see way, way too much of their stupidity, even over here.
I happen to be in California now, but lived in Eugene, and later the Seattle area, starting in the mid-’70s until the early ’80s. In those days, you heard the exact same screeching going on about how Oregon and Washington were being “Californicated.” Cost of parking too high at the Pike Place Market? Blame the Californians.
For what it’s worth, Eugene is a college town which means its politics are similar to probably 90 percent of other college towns in the country. It can also be argued that students in general tend to hew liberal because they don’t have the life experience to actually know anything. That’s why they’re students.
From my own view, a dirty little secret was that both Oregon and Washington had plenty of their own homegrown counter-culture crazies after the ’60s. What was also evidently true was that some towns were like red light strumpets on a payday Saturday night. They really liked counting the outside money from being Californicated.
A lot of the twits here in Spokane have their noses bent out of shape because of the shooting, screaming about “why didn’t they shoot to wound” instead. Proof positive they watch too many TV shows and believe implicitly the crap that’s being shown on them. Use a weapon to rob the bank inside the Safeway, then they expect the LEO’s to just wound the individual? I’m much happier with the results, even though I do feel sorry for the officers involved.
No surprise… we all knew this was coming back in December when the dumb ass mayor of Chicago
Said one of the ways they were going to harass, hinder, and obstruct in anyway they could
No one f$&@ surprise
If ones central premise is that Man is infinitely perfectable through social controls, then one would hardly see any value in blaming the individual for misbehavior. Crooks will stop being crooks when we remove racism / equalize income / ban tools / raise their self-esteem / et cetera.
They are not -choosing- to be bad! It is -your- fault that Government has not been empowered to end injustice!
Yup. That is not actually satire. That is actual belief and policy of far too many idiots who live in a permanent state of denial of and ignorance of human nature.
Actually, also very similar to the theories espoused in my textbook for my current sociology class…