4th circuit says Bladensburg “Peace Cross” unConstitutional

| October 19, 2017

Bobo sends us a link to the story of the Bladensburg “Peace Cross” which has stood in Maryland for a hundred years after it was erected by the American Legion to commemorate the 44 residents who gave their lives in the First World War. Until plaintiff Steven Lowe was shocked by the sight of the cross three years ago and filed suit to have the cross removed from his sight, you know, instead of driving another route which would not be as shocking to the snowflake.

Veterans prevailed in the lawsuit, two years ago, but the American Humanist Association appealed the decision. Their motto is “Good Without God” whatever that means. Anyway, the 4th Circuit Court overturned the lower court’s decision, according to the Baltimore Sun;

A divided U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit in Richmond, Va., found that the Bladensburg World War I Veterans Memorial — known locally as the Peace Cross — “aggrandizes the Latin cross” to the point that an observer would conclude the government entity that owns it is endorsing Christianity.

“The Latin cross is the core symbol of Christianity,” the court wrote in a 33-page opinion that included photographs of the memorial. “And here, it is 40 feet tall; prominently displayed in the center of one of the busiest intersections in Prince George’s County, Maryland, and maintained with thousands of dollars in government funds.”

The 2-1 ruling reverses a 2015 district court decision that found the purpose of the cross is not primarily religious and that the site has been used almost exclusively for celebrating federal holidays.

From the American Humanists;

“The court correctly ruled that the cross unconstitutionally endorses Christianity and favors Christians to the exclusion of all other religious Americans,” said Monica Miller, senior counsel from the AHA’s Appignani Humanist Legal Center.

Supporters of the cross, which was erected in the 1920s, had argued that the monument was a memorial to honor fallen soldiers of the First World War, but the plaintiffs contended that war memorials nevertheless cannot endorse religion.

“Government war memorials should respect all veterans, not just those from one religious group,” said Roy Speckhardt, AHA executive director. “Religious neutrality is important in a pluralistic society like ours.”

The cross has stood for nearly a hundred years and one little snowflake who is obviously easily “shocked” by the sight of the cross, to use his word, then the rest of us are supposed to pay in order to alter his experience, because it’s too hard for him to avoid driving past the cross.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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I’m shocked by all the dipshits I see whenever I drive, but no judge will allow me to remove all the other drivers from the road.

This is classic “I don’t like it so you can’t be allowed it”


“I don’t like it so you can’t be allowed it”


And what little Stevie Lowe is completely missing here is that the Bladensburg “Peace Cross” commemorates 44 dead American servicemen who gave their lives in WW1 while fighting to defend and preserve his right to go around behaving like a spoiled, self-righteous little shit.

What a precious little snowflake asshole.


(Punching own hand)Just tell me where the little dipshit lives.


THIS. Little asshole better be laying damn low for awhile


Lowe….a pathetic, ignorant atheist that is REALLY going to be shocked when he sees whats waiting for him in HELL! “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”, But phools despise wisdom and instruction!



I guess the idea that there is an absolute right and wrong, that there is a God Who will judge them, is more than they can take.

Why in the world does one snowflake (or a small group of snowflakes) get to dictate what the majority do? The tyranny of the minority is not any better than the tyranny of the majority.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

The problem is not the memorial cross, the problem is those shit bird judges and that ass hole snow flake.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

As the old adage goes- the squeaky wheel gets the oil

just some feller

Sometimes — just sometimes — the squeaky wheel gets replaced.


Or the bearing siezes throwing the vehicle into the ditch, upside down and on fire. Very common with travel trailers.


Seems this asshole needs plenty of oil.. preferably boiling, and up to his eyebrows…


Here’s a hymn, for Steven Lowe,
Himmmm, Himmmm
Fuck Himmm.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

@UpNorth. That’s part of the ERFD,NY Hose 1 chant.


Fuck him, just fuck him.
Oh and Fuck the 4th Circuit Court too. Fuck them also.
Fuck em’ all I say, just bend them over and fuck them sideways.
Fucking Fuckers and the fuckers that fuck them.
Maybe I should write a fucking book.

A Proud Infidel®™

I make a motion for Steven Lowe to receive The Official TAH Wall of Insults®™

The Stranger





OK now, the last time we went this route, we had to discuss that this isn’t necessarily a direct Stolen Valor issue, and also, the last time, it was motioned that we post the WOI against a poster in the thread.

In this case, it’s asking the WOI to be deployed against an indirect recipient and, in addition, IMHO, it should be deployed against Steven Lowe AND the 4th Circuit court.

What say you TAH?

We have a motion, we have a Second. Do we have any discussion, “AYE” or “Nay” votes?
Comments, considerations?


Aye, send em both the TAH WOI.




Yea, but this guy really, really deserves it.


OK so all conditions have been met multiple times for TAH Robert’s Rules. I see no “Nay” votes or dissension so I wish we could remove that cross temporarily and repeatedly jamb it up Baby Steven Lowe’s ass, sideways, and then, afterwards, repeatedly beat the 4th circuit court over the HEAD with the befouled memorial because that’s what all of them have done, SHIT ALL OVER EVERYTHING. Wall of Insults®™ (aka, “This Ain’t Hell” Thesaurus) FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!! TACTICAL NUCLEAR ROUND OUT!!!! DANGER CLOSE!!!! MOPP LEVEL 4!!! TAKE COVER!!!!! Steven Lowe and the 4th Circuit in Richmond, Va, are ignorant motherfuckers and retarded folks look at them and point and laugh, ALLEGEDLY, but not confirmed or proven, but in some people’s opinion, works balls, tickles taint and tongue punches hobo’s crusty fart boxes all, I Guess, while being a syphilitic, turd-sucking feces factory, Bitch-ass Fuckstick guzzler, pile infested, onion-eyed flapmouthed butt-bailiff, “Fowl” mouthed Chicken Fucking Chickenfucker, moral equivalent of pond scum, THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS A WALKING TURD, inflamed, “Towel boy” in a gay bath house, Ambulatory verbal dissembling anus, gaping ass fungus nugget, Cambodian cunt sauce, Poopy Headed ball working asshole, Soup Sandwich, Poster-child for abortion, Swallowing Spooge Sampler, Klootviool, should be ass raped and tea-bagged, at the same time, by a Rabid Rhinoceros, shit tonguing, munching wanktoaster, cock gobbling Pigfucker, lientery steatorrhea, sperm burping, tit, Sharmouta, sniveling, codpiece licking toilet seat sniffer, lying bucket of Chihuahua shit, taintpimple, Pillow bitin pickle smoocher, Bowl of ass soup, Festering fuckwart on a sewer rat’s ass, needle dick bug fucker, Drongo, Satan even said about you, “Boy is this guy a DICK!, Sparklepony, Toilet weasel, worthless, Vice Admiral of the Narrow Seas, Blows winos behind bus stops for a nickel and gives change, jejeongsin-iya?, whore-hopping, Soppspiste Pitbulkukkforhud, stench-ridden, shiftless, monkey-buggerer, More worthless than rubber lips on a woodpecker or tits on a boar hog, moldy bowl of ratshit, would wear Richard Simmons’ used jockstrap as a facemask, useless bag of monkey fuck, dickbutt, rectum circling colon goblin, Asshole casserole, Vafanculo, People like you are the reason God doesn’t talk to us… Read more »


Okay. This memorial offends their eyes. Their eyes offend them because they can see sights that they do not want to see.

What is that bit of advice?

Oh, yeah: And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and. not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.


Is anyone forcing these twits to look at this memorial? I’m offended that they’re offended. I want them removed permanently. Erase their names from the article, please. They offend me.

Retired Grunt

Easy fix, sell the land and that offensive cross to a private organization.

Retired Grunt

Does this mean that we’re going to have to change the shape of all of the service crosses to service squares?


I have a good idea. Move the Bladensburg Cross to a private park and replace it with a statue of Romulus and Remus nursing off the she-wolf that nursed them, per the Roman legend.

Dave Hardin

The first victory in this years War on Christmas. Keep thumping away, Gun Nutz.

The thing was built on private land with money that was raised from donations.

Many, many decades later it was taken over by local government due to a highway project. They were asked, given ample opportunity, and refused to deed the property back to some local veteran organization.

The First Liberty Institute also wants to force stories of people being spoken into existence by a celestial mad man as part of a Science curriculum. They think that is something called “religious freedom”.

Both sides of this battle are getting too much attention… but, thats what it is all really about anyway.

I have driven by thousands of religious symbols, I have yet to fall suddenly struck with the notion that eating the flesh and drinking the blood of a dead Jew is somehow a good thing.

I rarely get to play with the other kids, but I dont try to make anyone believe my invisible friends are real.

A Proud Infidel®™

So if it’s still on private property then doesn’t that render their legal hissy fit null and void?

Dave Hardin

Yes, it would. The city took over the property when the highway was being widened. All they had to do was give that little piece of land back to a veteran organization or any other private entity for that matter.

The city decided to defend their “Christian” right to use public tax money to acquire things like this. They have no authority to do so, never have and never should.

CB Senior

On the Nose. Therein lies the rub. No tax money for religion. Either give the land back to the Vets and private upkeep or put a Big old Bald Eagle on top of the Cross and make it more of a War memorial.

USMC Steve

What the fuck are you even talking about?

A Proud Infidel®™

There is still The Supreme Court.

Dave Hardin

They will not appeal it to the SCOUS because they know it will lose. This case will then become a standard for removing many, many, more of them.


The better answer is for the American Legion to cover the maintenance cost vice the government.


The answer to this is so easy.

Move the dude to a nation like Saudi Arabia where he will not see any crosses.

A Proud Infidel®™

And then see just how quickly he gets his head hacked off as soon as he bawls about islam being everywhere! Snowflakes like him will call for a Teacher to be drawn and quartered for mentioning Christianity or Judaism in the classroom but they stay silent about that sixth century death cult being taught there.

Pinto Nag

Steven Lowe:
Not everyone out here in Religious Land is Christian, but most of us that care about your bullshit are Americans. So here’s an offer for you. If you don’t like crosses, maybe you’d like the Valknut better. One small problem with us Heathens, though — we’re all about worshipping whatever god we want; and our symbols are the sword, the axe, and the shield.
So maybe you want to rethink your aversion to the Christian cross. After all — they’re taught to LOVE their enemies.

Heathens aren’t there yet.


Kudos for this response. I like it.


As the token atheist here I’d like to affirm that this right here is some grade a, unadulterated, weapons-grade, bullshit.
How hard is it to look the f*ck away if you don’t like it?
7 goddamn people on this planet and everyf*ckone of us has to be right, especially about God.
I don’t get it.


*7 billion.


[…] Utopia – Fake Science, Evil Words, And Authoritarian Tolerance This Ain’t Hell: 4th Circuit Says Bladensburg “Peace Cross” Unconstitutional, also, PC Craziness, US Air Force Edition Weasel Zippers: Dem Rep Who Attacked Trump Over Phone […]

A Proud Infidel®™

The Russian Communists destroyed all of the monuments they either didn’t like or that weren’t in line with their agenda and dogma.

Ditto with the Chicoms under Mao.
Ditto with Cuba under communism.
Ditto with Germany under Nazi Rule.
Ditto with Afghanistan under Taliban Rule.
Ditto with all parts of the Middle East under daesh occupation.

NOW the American Left is coming all out for the removal and/or destruction of any and all monuments they find “offensive”.
Political Correctness and “Diversity” is little more than social, cultural and spiritual suicide as well as fascism with a rainbow-colored smiley face instead of a swastika.


I envision Soros funded reeducation camps that play R.E.M.’s Shiney Happy People on loop while we all get gender reassignment surgery.
I can’t wait.

A Proud Infidel®™

Soros is a HUGE fan, sponsor and supporter of Big Brother who will do all when it comes to re-educating those who don’t think like Big Brother wants them to.


Good without God. In my view, “good” would include letting a standard symbol of death stand without pushing your own religion of Atheism.


I am a Jewish person and I have no problem with a cross in public view