Aid to Puerto Rico

| October 1, 2017

While FEMA coordinates aid to Texas, Florida and even Mexico, they are getting aid to Puerto Rico as evidenced by these videos of the Puerto Rican National Guard;

Guardsmen from as far away as North Dakota and Oregon are on the scene with aid for the devastated island that ordered US Forces from the island a few years ago;

The Mayor of San Juan, Carmen Yulín Cruz, takes time out from the crisis to have T-shirts made for her media appearances;

From Chicks on the Right;


This woman has spent days yelling at Trump that it’s his fault she has no resources to help her people…. but she has the resources to have her new tagline printed on t-shirts?


Like most liberals, the mayor is taking political advantage of the devastation. President Trump shouts out to the leaders who are helping their people, according to Fox News;

“The Governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rossello, is a great guy and leader who is really working hard,” Trump said. “Thank you Ricky!”

“Just spoke to Governor Kenneth Mapp of the U.S. Virgin Islands who stated that #FEMA and Military are doing a GREAT job! Thank you Governor!” the president said.

He also tweeted: “Congresswoman Jennifer Gonzalez-Colon of Puerto Rico has been wonderful to deal with and a great representative of the people. Thank you!”

He criticized Cruz for her incessant whining and piss-poor acting;

“Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help,” Trump said in a series of tweets. “They want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort. 10,000 Federal workers now on Island doing a fantastic job.”

He also tweeted: “Results of recovery efforts will speak much louder than complaints by San Juan Mayor. Doing everything we can to help great people of PR!”

The only real news of the effort in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands is coming out of DVIDSHUB.

Category: Politics

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What a whiny snot she is. More attention greed than anything else.

Hey, Carmen, get out of your office and do some heavy lifting, willya?


My wife was just saying that if those whiney twats standing around screeching for everybody to come give them free stuff would get out and start working the friggen roads would be passable for military vehicles by now.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

She’s just another liberal drama queen shedding crocodile tears.
What a moron she should start showing up at the FEMA meetings and show some leadership instead of being a whiny twat/twit !
Trump is doing a commendable job considering the events that have been thrust upon him recently by nature and weather, far better than the last 3 occupants of the White House in similar situations, especially that last asshat who shined rainbow lighting on the White House and didn’t know to salute the Marines that were on duty there and on Marine 1.


This worthless pig is covering up her own b.s.! She has done NOTHING, no preparation for disasters which the island is noted for, but lining her own pockets, what a piece of shyt!

Guard Bum

I have a friend who works for the State Department who is down there and he said the entire island is devastated beyond anything he has ever seen but that FEMA and DOD are doing an exceptional job in extremely difficult circumstances. He also said the overwhelming majority of the people are grateful.

Actors, singers and political opportunists who are using this tragedy for their own agenda should feel shame if they had any morals but they dont.

A Proud Infidel®™

All this and TARDOs (Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder Operatives) are screeching that President Trump is doing nothing, starting with the TARDO Mayor of San Juan who was photographed screeching among multiple pallets of aid already there.


The mayor should have picked a better backdrop for her screed. Another item, deliveries of supplies can’t be made, because the roads aren’t open, and even if they were, the authorities can’t find the Puerto Rican truck drivers to deliver the supplies. O

Bill M

And from reports today, she is has not even attended the meetings FEMA is having with the other mayors on the island. Bets on which political party she represents.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I see the lame street media releasing US Navy footage of Seabees/Marines coming ashore from the anchored relief ship/ships and being directed by the Beachmasters. This is great but the problem is that I got the same videos from US Navy youtube like two days earlier which is telling me that the above media is trying to make the administration look like it is going too slow on the relief effort. This obama/republican shadow Govt in exile slow moving coup just keeps going on and on like the energizer bunny.

The Other Whitey

That t-shirt was professionally printed. That means either there’s a shop getting power to its equipment that could otherwise be utilized to provide light, clean water, food, or laundry service to her constituents, or that she had it shipped in, taking up space, fuel, and flight weight that could have otherwise brought relief supplies for her constituents. Notice also that she and Anderson Cooper are clean and groomed, and don’t show any signs of missing sleep or meals.

Grandstanding cunt.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Grandstanding cunt.”

And that’s putting it VERY mildly, I see her as a Puerto Rican Pelosi wannabe.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I guess the Mayor is safe around Cooper. As Ernest used to say- Know what I mean.

USMC Steve

She tried her line of socialist democrat bullshit with Jeraldo Rivera, and he stepped into her hard. Kind of refreshing to see, and think of it, when Jerry Rivers goes off on you and calls you a bullshitter, it MUST be pretty obvious.


That should go to Chip for inclusion on the WOI.


And done@!!


Interestingly enough, I only use the WOI on the Males who show up here because Hondo commented a while ago, when I suggested using it on a female of the Phony type, it may be considered misogynistic, so, in this case, calling a Dude “Grandstanding cunt”, IMHO totally is acceptable.


Carmen is still running her yap, and some other “mayor” has joined her whine-group.

The local media did at least acknowledge that we’re down there. I wonder why they haven’t sent any reporters to the USVI. No Latinos there, perhaps? So no agenda to grind? Yeah, probably.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I wonder if the Army/Navy beach by the baseball/bull fighting arena is still there, including the one side of the “on limits” street in old San Juan. The rum and cokes were great until you walked outside into the heat then you felt it. The British Sailors on the other hand who also were tied up at the pier, looked liked they were able to handle it due to the rum rations that were partaken aboard their ships at that time.

A Proud Infidel®™

Here’s another article about Cruz where another mayor is lambasting her for never showing up at any meetings but yet she goes on with her bullshit grandstanding:


“The only real news of the effort in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands is coming out of DVIDSHUB.”

Leave it to the military broadcasters like myself and the military print writers to get the real story out…the stuff the MSM refuses to cover.


Did PR not kick out military out or am I mistaken? But now they want them back?

USMC Steve

They got the very important gunnery and bombing ranges on Vieques island shut down, and soon after the Navy cut back its presence since they were only there to support units using that gunnery area. I think the Army stayed in place.


tks for the info.

Hack Stone

When the next big one hits the San Francisco – Berkley, I think that the administration should recognize their collective angst against military occupation, and let Code Pink come in and do the heavy lifting.


Oh, go ahead and let the BLM folks in on the action as well.

Since they want to ban all gasoline powered automobiles there, we can just cut off any gasoline supply without qualms, as well.


I truly believe the federal response has been outstanding, and the media is misreporting it. However, someone needs to take Trumps Blackberry away and keep him off the television. His words are not helping, and they are a distraction to the real problems here. The mayor should have spent her air time laying out the facts and the plan, but since she is living this in real time I tend to be more forgiving. There are two basic problems here. The first is the only problem that anyone should concerned with: how do we save lives and restore services on a massive scale. I really don’t listen much to anyone who isn’t offering some part of the solution to this, because they aren’t helping. The second is perception. Many (mostly on the left) have absolutley no clue as to the scale of the catastrophe and therefore the relief effort, nor do they understand the roles of the main players. GEN Gary Luck (an unsung American Treasure) was asked to look at Katrina response. The full report is here:, but the gist is something Luck called the ‘pain gap’. In any emergency there is a tiered response system- local, state, federal. Traditionally it is a pull system- local asks for state, state asks for federal. This is because local officials (should) best know what is going on and how to handle it. However, the pain gap is that period when the requirements rapidly outstrip local and state capacity. There are lots of factors to this, but they include basic physics (few cities have enough boats and trucks and trained people to handle this) and the fact that local first reposnders are themselves victims. The greater the scale and the poorer the area stuck, the sooner, bigger, and more long lasting the pain gap. in this case, both the local and state are overwhelmed, and have been since before the storm hit. This is a hit on them, but to be fair there really is no good way to plan for a catastrophe that destroys your entire physical and human infrastructure.… Read more »

MSG Eric

I remember Gen Luck from being in Korea. I ran into him one time but we never chat. Twice he gave me the Forrest Gump wave which I still smirk at.

The stories about his responses to stupidity were amazing. I think one response in a big deal meeting was, “Duh!” and the stories just went from there.


I truly believe the federal response has been outstanding, and the media is misreporting it.

Out of curiosity, why do you believe it’s been outstanding? I don’t know if it’s been good or bad, but when I see people like LTG Honore criticize it, and it’s an area he knows something about, I’m inclined to listen. Further, when the Haiti earthquake some years back earned a much larger, faster response, I’m inclined to think poorly of this one.

That said, I keep an open mind. If you have some sources explaining why the effort has been outstanding, I’m all ears.

(And Team Rubicon is fantastic, I agree – not only do they get the job done, the fact that their management doesn’t take exorbitant salaries means they’re exceptionally rare in the world of charities.)

MSG Eric

The problem with LTG Honore is, he’s retired for one thing, but secondly, I watched an interview he did about the Houston situation and he was saying some really outrageous things about the situation. And how are things in Houston now?

Let alone that huffpo is using his “interview” as propaganda for their “Trump sucks!” agenda doesn’t help. Yeah, situation is bad, but he’s also not there on the ground. He doesn’t know what the chain of command is doing, what planning is going on DoD wide, how things are being supported, etc.

Most importantly, how much of his opinion is based on what the media is telling everyone? How much is based on this one looney-tune mayor is talking about?

We will see after the fact, but it is tough to make a determination that “everything is failing!” right now.


I’m not sure how being retired makes him lose his knowledge or experience of disaster relief. Sure, he’s not on the ground there, but neither are any of the pundits – I think he gets a bit more credibility than they do. And since he’s not in the administration, I’m inclined to view him a bit more impartially than someone who has a vested interest in pushing a particular viewpoint.

As for Houston, what did he say that was outrageous? My skepticism when it comes to ‘all good’ stories from the administration is tied to an older disaster, Sandy, as I had friends on Staten Island who gave a less-than-rosy impression of how things were going a long time into ‘relief’ efforts, despite official channels saying everything was looking pretty good.

Maybe my friends were just particularly unlucky, I don’t know. But I’m inclined to be a bit cynical of proclamations on the excellence of federal relief efforts. It doesn’t mean I think everything is failing, certainly, it just means I doubt everything is excellent. So when someone like Reddevil, who doesn’t strike me as a supporter of the administration, says the current effort has been outstanding,… I definitely sit up and listen.

USMC Steve

How about the fact that he hasn’t done anything like that in years? Also if you are checking out the DVIDSHUB military reporting from people actually there, you get the real picture, not something from a former hack.


There are plenty of things I haven’t done in years that I still remember how to do. I don’t think being retired makes someone who was pretty damn well respected during Katrina a ‘hack’. I think it’s more likely that we’re all using different metrics – is 50% of people having drinkable water a sign that things are good or one that things are bad?

I think it probably depends on where you began, and in a lot of scenarios isn’t something someone can be ‘blamed’ for.


You can not compare Hati to this, as that was DOD and DOS not FEMA. The DOD on Disaster Recover when host nations ask for help takes lead with DOS.


I didn’t make that connection, thanks. The question then becomes, why was DOD support on point within two days, if I recall, whereas here it took considerably longer to get DOD assets in place for PR?

Again, maybe I’m wrong, and I know mission prep takes time, but I’d think if ‘two days’ was sufficient time in one case, it would be in another. That’s my naive understanding though, so I’m all ears for any corrections.


The Navy was wrapping up The V Islands and then headed there. The Airfield needed to be cleared also and Ports these things take time. FEAMA had lead and I am sure they were in life saving mode first, The other thing is DOD always has assets on call and ready but Govner needs to request through FEAMA. Hati DOD just sent assets on there own no request this is why that went down so quick. The unit I was with at time was involved in that and they are involved now infact first Military unit from US main land. They came if the USS Kearasarge with MEU.

USMC Steve

Puerto Rico has not invested in its infrastructure since the 1960’s. The stuff WAS getting there, but was not able to get off the beach, since the UNION drivers refused to work, along with a significant number of Puerto Rican government personnel who should have been on this. Roads are fucked up, and so stuff cannot get off the beach. They did a good part of this to themselves. And given that multiple units were ALREADY engaged in relief efforts elsewhere, yes it does take a bit more time to dredge stuff and personnel up.



Assuming you meant Hati vs USVI/PR…

What is the difference, for ship handling, between a magnitude 7 earthquake on land, and a cat -5- hurricane at sea? How long does each effect last?


Oh, clearly there are differences – and the more I look at it, the more I think it depends on how one interprets the question of how well we’re doing. If you’re gauging it by how well the people are, last I heard fifty percent still didn’t have drinking water – so that’s pretty bad. If you’re gauging it by how well the government effort has improved things, then we need to know where we started, where we are now, and how that compares with similar situations – but all in all, I’d guess we’re doing pretty well there.

Ultimately, it comes down to what is meant when you say, “The situation on the ground.” In absolute terms, it’s still a clusterfuck (through no fault of the government). In relative terms, the effort may be improving it considerably.

USMC Steve

Reddevil, that socialist bitch obviously had enough time to go out and get trendy black T shirts professionally printed. No slack for her.

MSG Eric

There are multiple US Army Reserve units stationed in Puerto Rico and approximately 5000 personnel assigned to them. I’m not sure how many were already put on orders to help with the relief efforts from there on the island, but they are there. That includes a Civil Affairs Battalion (200ish personnel). From what I recall, they told the Navy to leave so the Navy base there closed up and left. (Big loss to the economy) Some economics professor there claims that PR is “giving” too much to the federal government and not getting enough back. They pay into the Social Security system, though they don’t pay federal income taxes. they have received billions in aid, but she claimed that the US gets many more billions from them. So their economy suffers because we take too much from them. I don’t know how much truth there is to it though. I agree that Trump shouldn’t have hit her directly on Twitter like that, it doesn’t help the situation. However, this ONE mayor is also getting more cred because Puerto Rico is “brown people” and Trump doesn’t care about them. Even though Puerto Rico is 75% “White” people. (Demographics) And other leaders there are saying it is going as best as possible. Even dealing with relief for 1,000 people is a pain in the ass. This is 3.4 million people and it isn’t so easy. Especially when the infrastructure has been debilitated. IT does take time unfortunately and we really can’t just drive there. We can’t just fly a bunch of trucks in. We can’t just drop people off. The Army has taken “command” of the relief process now though so that means this will get fixed quickly and the MSM needs to hurry up and get their “outrage” and “Racism” narratives out there quickly, before they get things rolling well. And while I hate to blame the “victim” it doesn’t seem like Puerto Rico was really prepared for this to hit as hard as it did. It is like they didn’t have the disaster readiness plans ready to go, nor tell… Read more »


” it doesn’t seem like Puerto Rico was really prepared for this to hit as hard as it did.”

That is no doubt true. But even the best plans in the world require passable roads, an adequate supply of equipment and trained personnel, a minimum of communications, etc.

The only reason mainland areas recover so quickly is because thousands of vehicles and tens of thousands of personnel from all over the country are able to reach the affected areas by ROAD and have access to fuel, food, and shelter.

” nor tell people to stock up for a week”

With a median income of less than $20,000 and a poverty rate of almost 50% that might have been difficult. Even if the stores had carried that much inventory.


I wonder how much a bag of rice costs…not too friggen much and pool chlorine can sanitize water quite well. One disk from walmart cost about $1 and will give you thousands of gallons of drinking water.
The problem is a shithole of a country with a corrupt government that ran it into bankruptcy, people trained to stand around with their hands out waiting for government to save them and unions that refuse to get the fuck out of the way and let people get shit done. I read a story that the electrical union refuses to allow electricians from the mainland restore electricity unless they join their union.

USMC Steve

Puerto Rico is the perfect storm of corruption and stupidity that represents the finest of the socialist democrat mentality. They did all this to themselves.

MSG Eric

With the detriment that Puerto Rico is in due to their economy, discounting the current disaster situation, do you both think that it is a significant reason why Congress hasn’t addressed making them a full State yet?

USMC Steve

Congress has nothing to do with it really. There have been I believe three votes in PR become a state, and all three were defeated by a relatively narrow margin. They don’t want to become a state. Frankly, were I Congress, I would look at Puerto Rico and say hell no you are not being offered the option any more. I would vote to cut them loose.

MSG Eric

I don’t doubt “some” things were unavoidable and they couldn’t just get things done. Even in Houston they were saying people can’t just go out and buy 500 bucks worth of “stuff” to prepare for a hurricane, flooding, etc.

Even with Houston, Florida, etc., before something even hits they are requesting to make it a “federal disaster area” which gives them extra funding, extra support, waives some regulations, etc., prior to the hit. So, did the local governments not initiate that and work to get extra food, water, etc., for the people ahead of time?

It will be interesting to see what the AARs show for what, if anything, broke down during the different timelines of this situation.

USMC Steve

Why shouldn’t Trump bang that PR lying socialist democrat cunt? She is lying, fucking over her people, and actively obstructing relief efforts. I would have ordered her arrest.


Of course she is. That’s her agenda. It’s all someone else’s fault, not hers when she’s sitting on her butt, doing nothing.

A Proud Infidel®™

You mean like when local pols in New Orleans screwed the pooch any way they could and used it for “Blame Bush” propaganda?

A Proud Infidel®™

“”…screwed the Pooch after Katrina…”

USMC Steve

I am curious, and am actually just asking, because I don’t know the answer. What exactly does Puerto Rico give America, other than Puerto Ricans, that is so much more than what the US Government gives them?


Bottom line: San Juan’s mayor doesn’t have a clue what she’s talking about. Between 2004 and 2010, Puerto Rico received far more PER RESIDENT in Federal spending than they paid in Federal taxes of all types. In FY2010, Puerto Rico received nearly $4700 PER RESIDENT more in Federal spending than it collectively paid in Federal taxes. See the last page of

Apparently the “lady” and her defenders touting the “PR is a net contributor to the US Treasury” line of BS are students of the Goebbels school of baldfaced lies propaganda.

Yes, Puerto Rico collectively pays some taxes to the US Treasury (though they are exempt from the “biggie”: Federal income taxes). But in recent history, that amount has been dwarfed by the amount of other Federal spending in Puerto Rico.


With all the red tape and new excessive regulations put on commercial drivers and trucking companies by the Obama administration many of the older more experienced drivers have left the industry in frustration and disgust. New drivers don’t just pop up automatically. Even if they pass the tests for becoming a commercial driver they lack an abundance of experience and that is causing problems in this country outside of disaster conditions. Add the myriad of complications involved with a serious hurricane and they are in a pickle. It looks a lot differant up in the cab than it looks from the ground.


True that. I’ve been doing it for over 25yrs. Even if you can get down there you can’t access the ports without a TWIC card and there have been reports of drivers refused entry to get the containers because of that.

A Proud Infidel®™

TYPICAL of liberals in places they lord over, it’s always all about them, whatever political leverage they can get as well as their own personal gain, much like how local authorities fucked up whatever they could in New Orleans after Katrina for “Blame Bush” propaganda.

USMC Steve

One or two armed troops with live ammunition and deadly force authorization will fix that shit right quick. After the first half dozen union pigs are shot, the rest will calm down.

Green Thumb

The media is in a pickle on this one.

They have already said (cautiously, of course) that Trump and his team have done a good job with respect to Harvey and Irma.

Now they have to trash him in the wake of complete and total devastation.

And the fact that his is still doing a good job.

Tough spot.

MSG Eric

They said that? I’m guessing they said it at about 3am right before a commercial break?

A Proud Infidel®™

And I’m sure that the newspapers will print it right below the tide tables in Iowa below the classified ads.


Via family I am hearing of spot shortages, especially of gas and cash. Medical care is spottily available, but good luck getting TO the hospitals since so much roadway is blocked or washed out. You can clear the blockage easily with chainsaws…which need gas…which is at the coasts but can’t get inland – because the road is blocked.
Cell coverage is almost non-existent. NOT a pleasant deal for anyone.


Old fashioned axe, shovel, and saw belong in the disaster prep kit. Add a file or two to touch up the edges, and you are good to go for a long time.


From the little I’ve seen, the roads are a complete disaster. They aren’t just flooded, they are so damaged that driving a standard car on one of them, instead of something like a Land Rover or military Jeep will get the driver into worse than trouble.


Two roads to my in-law’s house… one requires a pretty good four-wheeler, the paved road has a washed out trench the size of my living room in it. If that is typical, even the aforementioned Land Rovers etc. aren’t gonna get it done.

USMC Steve

And THAT is squarely on the government of Puerto Rico to fix up and maintain. They actively chose not to invest in infrastructure, so they could spend that money in more trendy liberal democrat ways.


Just read a report that said the teamsters were on strike, so only independents were rolling trucks.


I had not heard that.

They did apply the curfew to trucks, oddly.



What do you expect from a marxist mayor that praises domestic terrorists? She sucks

MSG Eric

Let’s see how much longer it is before the DNC denounces her and puts her out in a pasture with tape over her mouth.


Nah. Expect them to double-down about “Trump’s Katrina”

USMC Steve

They won’t do that. They will applaud her and hold her up as a shining example of the socialist democrat politician.

A Proud Infidel®™

She’s doing her damnedest to be another Nanny Lugosi.


But would you hit it?

A Proud Infidel®™

I bet you a shot and a beer he’d likely hit it with an angry grudge fuck.


Hellz yeah!


Need a long pause in these ‘canes. Resources must be getting really stretched & the emergency aid workers approaching exhaustion. Military brass talk about two front wars, then there are three front hurricanes. The forest fires in the West get little mention, but that’s also something FEMA & the military are very busy with.

Elizabeth Conboy

I am so thankful for all the military personnel, FEMA staffers, volunteers, and citizens of Puerto Rico who are leading the process of restoration and recovery. You are facing Herculean problems and you are my heroes!
May God watch over each of you and keep you safe.


Puerto Rico only had 524 years to prepare for a bad hurricane. They needed more time and money!!!

Just An Old Dog

It’s not just Puerto Rico that’s not prepared for disasters.
I’ve heard it said that the Average US town or city is “Three Meals From Anarchy”.
If people lose power and water and cant get out they will lose their collective shit within 5 days without outside help.
People don’t keep as much as a gallon of water, a couple boxes of crackers and a few cans of spam on hand. Much less a working lantern or candles.


Water filters are relatively inexpensive.

For all the bad press, MREs still feed folks.

Anyone who has been through Boy Scouts is, or has been trained to be, prepared for this stuff.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

So 500 gallons of fresh water and enough freeze dried food for six months means I’m not one of the normals?


Ain’t nobody here normal, VOV.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

hahahaha thanks for that laugh!! Could use one today.

Sometimes it’s good to scare the normies.


Well, let’s see. The Amish always have plenty of canned stores on hand, all sorts of preserves, too. The Mormons suggest a three-year supply now, or something like that.
But you’re right to a certain extent. People in a major city like Chicago or New York don’t think that disaster will strike them, and then Hurricane Sandy hits New York’s Long Island, the mayor of NYC tells everyone to stay indoors or face arrest, and most of the northern east coast is chewed up like a wad of tough beef.
I think people in the countryside had it better, but city dwellers – not so much. That wasn’t so long ago, either. I doubt any of them learned anything from that, however.
Me, I’d say that I’m good for a couple of months before I get completely bored, and then I’s start looking around. But three years out – not unless I’m living in an area where it’s hard to get to the store in the winter.


With the feral hog population and a supply of 30-30’s, I figure we are good for several months. Add the fish in our pond, and a surfeit of squirrels, and we’ll be ok for a while longer.

The fact we have our own pond don’t hurt.

I guess we ought to top off the 200gal propane tank, tho’


Not meaning to be a pessimist or anything like that, but I think Irma and Harvey were the tip of the iceberg. We may not see storms like that again for some time, but they’ll happen, and if the areas they’re likely to hit aren’t prepared, it will be another expensive disaster to fix after the storm is gone.


You have to ask in all of this, an obvious question. Why has there been no reporting on what happened in the US Virgin Islands?

My guess is ‘no Latinos, no reporting’. I know: that makes me a prick. Just pointing out the obvious.


Apparently, to the press, Black Lives -Don’t- Matter,

Unless they are kneeling, eh?


I’d say it has a lot to do with the fact that the US VI is 100K people, and Puerto Rico is 3.4 million. It’s like why Houston got more coverage during Harvey than, say, Baytown or Galveston. More people impacted, more name recognition… more ratings.


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USMCMSgt (Ret)

I had to laugh when I saw the mayor give a speech in a warehouse full of supplies behind her, while she claimed nothing was being done or delivered.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s also been said by more than one reliable source that she has been AWOL from each and every meeting with FEMA an other authorities, even other Mayors are saying so!