Fake NEO order in Korea

Stars & Stripes warns that several members of the military and their families received fake noncombatant evacuation orders on their computers and their phones.
[US Forces Korea] said it received “multiple reports of a fake text-to-cell and social media message regarding a ‘real world noncombatant evacuation operation (NEO) order issued’” on Thursday, USFK said in a message posted on its Facebook page.
The fake messages instructed Defense Department family members and non-emergency civilians on the divided peninsula that an evacuation order had been issued, it added.
“USFK did NOT issue this message,” it said, adding that all those who may be affected should confirm any evacuation-related communications with servicemembers or NEO representatives.
Category: Army News
Well, aren’t the Norks just the clever little snots?
Maybe we should drop leaflets from drones saying they’re going to be bombed by Russia on Monday at 2PM local time.
I don’t know, of all the things they could do if they managed to get into the networks over in SK, why would they just issue evac orders? I’d think they would do more damage then that.
If they did do this, then I’m going to wonder why the fuck would they even bother. This isn’t going to cause any chaos; at most it will rustle the feathers of the non-coms that are on the peninsula. It’s just worthless.
It’s probably a test. Only a test. Just to see who is and is not paying attention.
Norks hacked that network. Now they’ll try something bigger.
Well, hopefully whoever is dealing with keeping those networks secure gets that shit squared away so the Norks don’t cause any more damage.
As for it being a test, it’s clear that no one fell for it. They’re going to have to try harder if they actually want to cause disarray.
Rumor has it that the Norks (along with the Russians) have the best state-sponsored hackers in the world. I’ll go with PH2 – testing, and seeing how we react.
Yeah, disgusting.
Maybe we can get Mueller to investigate this.
Yeah, Putin probably hacked this like he did with the elections. Damn ruskies.
When and who started allowing Dependapas in Korea?
Well, even if you don’t count the (ahem) “Locally acquired” dependas in the 2id area, both Army and Air Force units from Yongsan south have had accompanied tours for decades. Hell they had them when I was there in 1991-92.
When I was there in 85-86 Osan had Command Sponsored dependents staying in Mustang Village and there were some living downtown as well. In my squadron the Commander and DO were both Command sponsored.
My sister and her husband along with my nieces and nephews had command sponsored assignments at Yongsan around 2000 and in Taegu around 2007.
Also “noncombatants” aren’t just dependents. There are lots of DoD and other US Government civilian workers in Korea.
Decades ago.
To bring your family with you, you do need a command sponsor and there needs to be “space” available for housing, but there are a lot of dependents there.
Though, NEO includes non-essential GS types, among others.
Sapper, I was on Camp Casey 94-95 with 5/20 Inf. The BN commander had his wife and kids in Korea, but they were down in Seoul. THey would sometimes come up to visit him. I think on the weekends he would go down to where ever they lived (Yongsan Garrison?).
Did the BC have to show his Warrior Pass to get off of Camp Casey? 😉
You’re going to hate me Martin, but right before I got to Korea, the Warrior Pass was done away with and you no longer needed one to get out the gate. Some time after I did my year, the pass system was brought back.
I was stateside, but I heard that Korea was a one year tour if unaccompanied and three years if accompanied; that was Army in the mid-’90s. I don’t remember if that applied up north like Camp Casey or down south in Taegu. I had a sergeant who had an ankle crushed climbing the mountain at Camp Casey; one of the multiple fractures never healed so she got out on a medical after 17 years, with disability.
If these were “information only” then
Troll Level: shitbag
If they included links, etc, then they were likely a phishing attack, and probably rather effective.
Txt msgs and FB msgs.
Someone was trolling using publically available location info.
Either a kid or some attempt at disinformation.
Doesn’t sound like it got into the official notification process.
NEO is gonna be dicy OP with everyone flowing forces both directions.
The planning is updated annually.
I remember the first time I heard the alerts go off in Seoul. I had just moved up from Camp Carrol. I was thinking WTF and everyone else was calm. They explained what was going on and told me don’t worry. They said we were only about 35 miles from the border and if the North was going to bomb us the bombs would get us before we heard the warning. That made me feel so much better.
[…] With Jihadtube Activities The Political Hat: Decolonizing The Cannibal This Ain’t Hell: Fake NEO Order In Korea, also, Army Says Botched Repair Caused Tennessee Crash Weasel Zippers: It’s Shocking How […]
Was at K-16 Air Base (Seongnam)just south of the Han River in Seoul with Dustoff from late 84 to late 85, then they moved my flight platoon to Camp Humphries in late 86. I remember in those days we (Army) did have some of our commissioned and warrants who were command sponsored that lived in either Han Nam village complex or Yongsan. I’ve often wondered how in the hell they would get dependants living in the Seoul area out if the KPA cut loose with their long range tube artillery and old Soviet FROG missiles.