Cold War Museum in Fulda Gap

| September 12, 2017

Stars & Stripes reports that a new museum is opening near Rasdorf, Germany that commemorates the Cold War;

Opening on Sunday at the memorial near Rasdorf, the event celebrates the everyday life of U.S. and German soldiers and civilians. It focuses on the role U.S. soldiers played in bringing American culture to Germany after World War II and the improbable relationships that bloomed here.

“The partnership was based on friendships of the people involved — it was a security partnership, sure, but it was mainly a partnership between people,” said Danny Chahbouni, a German researcher at the Point Alpha memorial.

I spent seven years in Germany during the 80s, at the height of the Cold War. I didn’t bring much culture with me since I was mostly training in the field or at Graff and Hohenfels. I did bring back some German culture, though. Every day I wake up to a fresh-ground pot of German coffee.

Category: Who knows

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I was skinny before I went to Germany so I refer to my beer gut as my “souvenier from Germany.” 😀


Liquid bread…sigh. One of the reasons I love Eastern Europe now; it reminds me of Bavaria in the ’80s.

Combat Historian

My first tour to Germany was not until 1999; loved Heidelberg and watching the German Heidelberg U. girl students playing topless volleyball at the riverfront park. I heard they were moving all U.S. military elements out of Heidelberg; has USAREUR and V Corps moved out of Campbell Barracks yet?

bobbie Pediog

Most have moved to Wiesbaden. Not sure about Campbell barracks but believe it is closed.

John Robert Mallernee

My very first assignment in the United States Army was as a Private First Class, E-3, Field Radio Relay and Carrier Equipment Repairman (MOS 31L20) at Company A, 11th Air Defense Signal Battalion, 32d Army Air Defense Command, in Kleber Kaserne in Kaiserslautern. Mostly, though, I was TDY to Team A-2 at Spangdahlem Air Force Base, which was surrounded by isolated Nike missile installations, whose communications we supported. When you’re a PFC in the Army, and you get stationed on an Air Force Base, it’s like having died and gone to Heaven! I was Assistant Scoutmaster for the Boy Scout Troop at Bitburg Air Force Base, where I went each week to attend services of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints. One of the people I attended church with was Colonel Bernard Francis Fisher, United States Air Force, who was decorated with the Medal of Honor for his actions in the A Shau Valley in the Republic of Viet Nam. We had our Boy Scout Summer Camp at Camp Edelweiss, located at Bad Tolz, where the 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) gave us demonstrations of wilderness survival techniques. We also toured the Deutsches Museum in Munich, the German equivalent to our Smithsonian Institute. Among my favorite memories is the bratwurst und brotchen sold in those carts on the street, with that special mustard you can only get in Germany. I also remember the Oktoberfest, sitting at the tables (where I drank German soda pop), swaying back and forth singing (or rather, TRYING to imitate what I thought I heard the Germans doing!), and strolling among the concession stands where the German people gave me LOTS of candy and pastries to take back to the barracks. Another favorite memory is watching the live television broadcast of Neil Armstrong stepping foot onto the Moon. My brother was there, too, at the same time I was, although we didn’t know about each other, having been adopted as babies and raised by different families under different names. He was a Captain commanding a Transportation Company in Grafenwoehr. As for the Cold War,… Read more »


We were trailed by a SMLM car during one of our field exercises circa 1988.

I still have my SMLM card.

I also worked for a MSG who, back in his younger days, worked as a driver for the US counterpart, USMLM. He had some crazy stories to tell!

bobbie Pediog

In 1980 I was teaching Precommand course at FT Knox and had a British Major in the class who was on the British MLM when Maj Nicholson was captured in Weimar and executed by the Russians for being inside the tank lager for the new M-62 tank. He told an interesting story of his experiences.


And for about the 15th time, we see this exact same comment, word for word, drug up from the cut and paste archives, that makes my eyes bleed every time I see it.

When will it stop?


Claw: At Band Camp?



As in the movie “American Pie.”

John Robert Mallernee

Did everyone here who is eligible receive their CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION for serving during the Cold War?

This is what it looks like:

Also, for those Cold War veterans currently serving in the Louisiana National Guard, the Texas National Guard, and/or the Alaska National Guard, there is a Cold War Victory Medal.


And why would most of us who post here give a shit? I really don’t need more meaningless paper to hang on a wall. Most of the many “certificates” I have from six years of AD and over ten schools are in a folder somewhere, or have been tossed. You need to get a hobby. Maybe take up HAM radio.


That Cold War Victory Medal is one of the ribbons that he wears in his “riband” rack.

I wonder if it was an “honorary” award like the Air Assault Badge?

bobbie Pediog

Do you mean to disparage the Air Assault badge? If so you should see the candidates working to get that badge as I do at Ft Campbell and you will think again. The fifteen mile hike with loaded pack is not for sissies, nor are the other requirements. If you don’t know of what you speak, don’t speak.


Claw is talking about JRM who wears the Bullwinkle Badge even though JRM never went to Air Asssult School. JRM stated more than once on TAH that he received a certificate from Campbell designating him to havr an “honorary” Air Assault Badge.

There are pictures on the Internet of JRM wearing the Badge. This issue has been discussed with him several times on TAH. He also wears the Blue Infantry Cord as well as Green Tabs (he was never Infantry) and he wears medals, badges, ribbons on clothing that does not folllow the guidelines of JRM.

Hopefully, JRM will read what you wrote, bobbie P. I don’t think JRM gets it.


*Sigh*…Meant to say “follow the guidelines of AR 670-1”, not “JRM”, even though it seems he has his own ROE about AR 670-1.


I think you might be a little late to the ballgame, but I’ll address a couple of your points.

Disparage the AAB? Nope, not me. It’s the individual to whom our comments are directed that has been disparaging the badge.

“If you don’t know of what you speak, don’t speak.”

There is no call for a remark like that. We don’t pull rank on each other here on TAH. You sound like “Military Bearing” Joe Gainey when you say stuff like that. As far as knowing about it, I’ll say this.

I had been assigned to the 101st for two and a half years and was on Fort Campbell when the Airmobile/Air Assault School first started up in 1974, so I do know of what I speak.


” The fifteen mile hike with loaded pack is not for sissies…”

So it’s a physical fitness award?


timactual: Am guessing you are not U.S.Army.




Or take the time to read AR 670-1 on the proper wear of medals, ribbons, badges and authorizations to wear them. Examples: The Infantry Blue Cord. The Green Tabs. On civilian attire for military events in nature.

Don’t think Scottish attire with military awards, badges, tabs and cord is considered proper”civilian” attire to wear in public.


Cut the guy some slack. He was just trying to be helpful.


And one more thing.

It’s not a good idea to post a link to pictures/copies of orders that contain the PII/SSN’s of other soldiers beside yourself who received a good cookie or a clasp.

If you want to publish your own PII/SSN on the interwebz, that’s one thing.

Just don’t do it using other people’s PII. It’s like handing a Nigerian Prince a debit card w/PIN.


“Danny Chahbouni, a German researcher at the Point Alpha memorial…”

Chahbouni. Hmmm. Sounds Bayerisch.

Seriously, sounds like an awesome museum. Will have to check it out next time I go over to see the family. My German relatives always have a good laugh over my choice of tours, etc.

“You are going on the HITLER tour?!” BWAHAHA!

Steve 1371

I believe the people who served during the cold war should have been allowed to join the American Legion. My brother served aboard the USS Midway for nearly all of his four years as an aircraft refueler and was a plank leaser of that ship. They sailed thru the Taiwan straights to keep China at bay and sailed thru some horrendous at sea storms. It doesn’t seem right to not let them continue their service in the Legion. Every day in our nations service is a day of danger. My brother passed away three years ago and was always proud of his naval service. I use his service as an example, many others should be Legion members as well in my opinion.


I think you have the American Legion confused with the VFW. There is no requirement for service in a foreign war for membership in the American Legion. I know of no impediment to your brother or anyone else who served in the US military from joining the American Legion.

Steve 1371

There are by-laws that say you must have served during the dates that are reconized as times of conflict . For example Viet Nam war there are a start date and an end date. You had to have been in at a time during those dates. I am unsure, don’t have in front of me the exact dates.


Is Amvets the only vet org that accepts any prior service?

Deplorable B Woodman

Wasn’t Fulda Gap, 11th ACR territory?

I was stationed in Neurnberg ’79-’83 supporting 2ACR who patrolled the border at Amberg-Bamberg-Binloch.

bobbie Pediog

Yes, it was llth ACR territory. Their area of responsibility picked up at the end of 2nd ACR responsibility and ran north to the British sector that was not patrolled as the 2nd and llth did.

Steve 1371

VFW membership requires having served in actual combat.


That’s malarkey. You can join the VFW simply by doing a tour to Korea where the only combat one might have seen is a fist fight over who gets the last cup of orange sherbet at evening chow in the mess hall.


VFW membership requires service that results in the awarding of a campaign/service medal. The Korean Defense Service Medal is a qualifying service medal.

Getting a CAR/CIB/CAB does too, but isn’t a requirement.

(I’ve been a member since 85)


the only combat one might have seen is a fist fight over who gets the last cup of orange sherbet at evening chow in the mess hall.

I think you meant to say “a tae-kwon-do fight between two KATUSAs over the last piece of Kimchee in the chow hall.” 😀


I doubt even Koreans would fight over kimchee.

A Proud Infidel®™

KATUSAs, oh you mean “Koreans Against The U.S. Army”?

Dave Hardin

I spent my years during the Cold War bringing Culture to Shit Holes and Dives around the world. From Oceanside to Court Street, from Rosie Roads to Reykjavik, from Stumps to Rota I did my best to support and defend strippers around the world.

I drank things no human should ever endure. Days of my life went missing during those years but I hear stories to this day.

Honestly, I thought the Corps was a giant Amusement Park and I didnt have to pay for the rides.

The disease called Islam began to infect the world and things have never been the same.