WV’s Governor Jim Justice switches parties

| August 4, 2017

Last night, at a Trump rally, West Virginia’s governor Jim Justice announced that he was switching parties and joining the Republicans, according to the Washington Post;

West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice announced Thursday he is leaving the Democratic Party, just six months after taking office, and becoming a Republican. An extra twist of the knife for Democrats: He did it alongside President Trump, at a rally in West Virginia.

“Like it or not, but the Democrats walked away from me,” he told Trump supporters. ” … West Virginia, I can’t help you anymore by being a Democratic governor.”

The move was more political than ideological. West Virginia, traditionally a Democrat state has been moving towards the Republicans since the millennium. In presidential elections, WV voted 65% for Trump, 63% for Romney and 56% for McCain.

Justice switched from the Republican Party to the Democrats when he began his run at the governor’s mansion in 2015, so he certainly knows when to jump parties.

His solution to fix West Virginia’s budget woes is, of course, to raise sales and business taxes in the state, a typical tax-and-spend bureaucrat. When Republicans in the Legislature proposed a leaner budget for the state, Justice vetoed the bill because of proposed cuts. The Legislature is run by the Republican majority, so Justice was outgunned anyway.

In short, state Republicans probably don’t want Justice in their party – Republicans just don’t need another RINO. I expect Democrat Senator Joe Manchin will jump parties before his reelection bid next year, too.

Category: Politics

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Brown Neck Gaitor

Manchin is more of a Republican than some of the low-T Senators we currently have with an R after their name.


Low T big cuck is a plague in the Republican Party for sure.

Combat Historian

Ole’ Joe Manchin fired a rifle at a target in his campaign commercial, then turned around and joined the bradybunch to try to close the non-existent so-called “gunshow loophole”. Never trust these bastards, no matter how many times they change their chameleon colors…

A Proud Infidel®™

I say you NEVER trust anyone who repeatedly changes colors and sides .


He looks disheveled.


Looks can be deceiving. Khrushchev looked perpetually disheveled, too.

Many who underestimated him lived to regret it.


Nice catch. He lives with us in the form of the Department of Education.


Does he have a cousin named Buford T. Justice in law enforcement?

IS2 (SW)

More like Boss Hogg.


Ahhhh, Buford T. Justice from “Smokey & The Bandit”.
He had some great quotes:

“There’s no way, *no* way that you came from *my* loins. Soon as I get home, first thing I’m gonna do is punch yo mamma in da mouth!”

“I’m gonna barbeque yo’ ass in molasses!”

“Do what I tell you! You pile of monkey nuts!”

“I got ’em boxed in like a turtle’s pecker”


Doin’ a reverse “Snarlin” Arlen Specter…


I think Arlen flipped twice.


D to R to D


Who cares what he calls himself? Neither party represents the interests of the American people.


I think the Tea Party got pretty damn close.
The Democrat Party would not have gone after them so hard had they not been so.

This guy should date Susan Collins and take Hangus King as a mistress.


I have some other names I call them!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Ouch, that’s gonna leave a mark!


Talk about an opportunist…guess I would be highly pissed to have been a loyal dem who contributed to his campaign…


Anything to attain and keep office. Reminds me of the current POS running Washington State. Jay Dimslee was an Easern Washington Democrat Congressman…his district became more conservative and Jay ‘I never saw a tax I didn’t love’ Dimslee was voted out in the primaries (I believe).

So, ‘Payday Jay’ hitched up his wagon and carpet bagged himself into a liberal Western Washington district; and got himself a ticket back to DC.

Club Manager

He should have joined the new party we formed here in Arkansas – the Beer Party. What America needs is a good beer party. Join us.