Francisco Gomez gets prison for ripping off vet

| August 3, 2017

Mick sends a link about Francisco Gomez a 61-year-old North Carolinian who took a 92-year-old World War II veteran’s money for work he promised to do on the vet’s roof but never bothered to do.

Police advised the victim to send a letter by certified mail return receipt requested to the defendant’s last known address, requesting the $7,000 be returned. The victim did so, but Gomez never made any attempt to return the money, nor did he ever do any work on the roof.

He was arrested, and pleaded guilty in May for failure to felony construction fraud. On Wednesday, a circuit court judge sentenced Gomez to five years in prison, which is above the state’s recommended guidelines of three years.

Gomez has an extensive criminal history dating back to 1995, and has a history of committing these types of offenses against the elderly.

Scumbag POS. Five years ought to straighten at least part of him out.

Category: Crime

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So since 1995 he’s been committing felonies? What was his sentences before? I can only imagine……

Just when you think that finally the justice system does some justice you find out that once again a serial felon was out preying on the public because the courts are a fucking joke.


“What was his sentences before?”
2×2, FC. Too few and too short.


Poster Child for bringing back the 3-strikes rule for felonies….


I think an application of hot tar to Francisco Gomez bare body would be in order.
Then make him run across an acre of roofing nails barefoot.


Hidestrap his ass to a pine rail and send him up the Monon line.

That’s how the Hoosiers in Hickory take care of business.


Take him behind the shed and get five vet each a bat
And let them take turns on his ass

MSG Eric

And funny enough, to me his ass has a mustache on it…

Brown Neck Gaitor

His prior record includes Obtaining Property by False Pretenses (7 counts), Contempt (2 counts), Operate without Business License, Conduct without Business License, and Obtain Money through Mental Incapacity (2 counts).

Carlton G. Long

It is refreshing that at least this particular judge administered a sentence greater than what was recommended.

The Other Whitey


Just An Old Dog

22 years of pulling this shit and getting slapped on the hand finally caught up with him.


See ya, “Frisco”…enjoy some Crisco in the big house

A Proud Infidel®™

Rumor has it that assholes get straightened out in prisons all the time and I’m sure that Francisco Gomez will be getting a lot of that from Bubba, Thor, Julio and “Tiny ” before he gets pimped out to the rest of his cell block! 😁

Silentium Est Aureum

22 years, and TPTB wonder why us “little folk” have no faith in the system.

Some people only breathe because murder of shitbags is still illegal.


Finally, a judge with balls that’s fed up with this kind of serial rip off artist. “LOUD APPLAUSE!”

Silentium Est Aureum

A 2 foot chunk of 4/0 welding or grounding cable and 5 minutes behind the courthouse would be a good start.


The photo is the look of a man that will be seeing a lot of cockmeat sammiches in the next few years…


” Five years ought to straighten at least part of him out.”

His Colon??



He’ll be a “wide receiver” in the federal “poundhimintheass” prison football league this season.