Saudi cops foil terrorist plot in Mecca

| June 24, 2017

According to Reuters, Saudi security police foiled a terrorist plot to attack the Grand Mosque in Mecca during the holy month of Ramadan. Three terrorist cells planned the attack;

The trapped would-be suicide bomber exchanged fire with the security forces, then set off explosives when he was surrounded in a house in the central Mecca neighborhood of Ajyad al-Masafi near the mosque that had been used as the base for the attack, the ministry said.

The building collapsed, injuring six foreigners and five members of the security forces.

Earlier in the day, security forces had shot dead a wanted man at another suspected Islamist militant hideout in Mecca’s al-Aseelah neighborhood.

No one has claimed responsibility for the failed attack, but the article says that ISIS has claimed that they attempted other attacks in the holy city.

Category: Terror War

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Seems to be so many of those Amish folks always going into Mecca.

A Proud Infidel®™

Them Amish Anarchists, Militant Mennonites and Jihadi Jehovah’s Witnesses will attack ANYBODY!


So they are now turning on each other?

Fine by me.


They’ve been fighting each other for centuries. If you catalog the terrorist attacks worldwide in recent history, the majority have been carried out against other Muslims. Big rift between Shia and Sunni and the Wahabists want to control all of Islam..and that’s the simplified story.

Deplorable B Woodman

I love it when the (fill in the blank) eat their own.

The Other Whitey

Mecca, eh? So not even their own “holy city” is sacred to these cocksuckers.

CC Senor
The Other Whitey

Some “religion of peace.”


Cult of Pieces… there, fixed it for ya!


I’d also note that the “Mahdi” of Islam made an appearance during the Victorian time period, here: so this thing has been going on, for a while.


It goes back further.

One of Mohammad’s wives was involved in a decisive battle of the first major schism, over who was the legitimate heir/authority. As a result, Sunni think “Aisha” is a dandy name for a daughter, and Shia rather disagree.

So basically, they have been killing each other, with great piety, since their founder was no longer available for comment.

Aisha, by the way, was the wife that was somewhere between six and nine when wed. She also wrote a whole bunch of the Haidiths.

A Proud Infidel®™

Let ’em off each other, IMHO that’ll save us ammo and ordnance the next time we have to go there and hit ’em on their home turf.


Google the book “The Siege of Mecca”

It happened in 1979


Exactly, I re-iterated, above.


Be careful of too much criticism in regards to Saudi Arabia. The King just changed the line of succession making a bonafide reformist next in line. He is pushing an IPO of Aramco, liberalized laws in regards to women, moving the country off of oil into more diversified businesses, fighting extremist terror groups and ending the cradle to grave welfare state forcing people to work among other things.

There are people in the mid-east that recognize what is happening and are trying to go in the correct direction. They deserve our support


Fascinating, thank you! It’s also interesting, if you get the chance, I recommend “Kingmakers: The Invention of the Modern Middle East” by Karl E. Meyer and Shareen Blair Brysac. One of the individuals they profile is Harry St. John Bridger Philby, (father of British Cold War traitor, Kim Philby) who did much to place the oil wealth of Saudi Arabia into the _American_ pipeline, “siphoning” that off, diplomatically, from his own country, Great Britain. Saudis have been our ally (more or less) ever since, and it pays to study what they do and what happens within their kingdom. Good post!

The Old Maj

He has seen the handwriting on the wall for oil. With the US now tapping a supply that will last for hundreds of years and shifting to wind power and other sources for electricity, oil prices will be stable or in decline for the foreseeable future and SA continued decline in importance.

We do forget that the most numerous victims of Muslim extremists are Muslim “moderates”.


You are correct in your post. The oil shale and fracking boom in the US has wide ranging implications and not just for our energy needs. Russia is also a petro state and the decrease in demand/price is hurting them greatly. This is why they and certain European countries complained so loudly about the latest Russian sanctions. Not just because the eastern countries depend on Russian gas so much but it also stopped a pipeline that the Russians were banking on as a gaunteed revenue source. Obama hated fossil fuels so much he didn’t see the broader tactical applications of encouraging its development


If the House of Saud gets too far off the accepted norms, the whole Muslim World will come down on them, including millions of local fanatics.

They have maintained teh status quo largely by purchasing peace, largely by funding the efforts of fanatics -elsewhere-.

As the keepers of Mecca, tehya re a lightning rod for fanatics everywhere. And once a year, they have to let -anyone- in for the Hajj (pilgrimage).

Including the lunatics.

Makes “Trump versus the Dems” look like a minor dispute over a Cub Scout game of tag.