The gun control discussion
Some folks are saying that after the attack yesterday in Alexandria by James T. Hodgkinson on some Congressmen who were practicing for a baseball game, we’re due to start the discussion on gun control once again. The Washington Post had some stats on standby in the event that they could use them to declare “How common are shootings that leave five people wounded? Today’s is the 53rd in 18 months.” you know, before the brass was even cooled yesterday.
Gabby Giffords puts pen to paper for the Washington Post today;
We know, as always, that no one law could prevent a shooting like this….We will all need courage to speak to one another and actually listen; to put aside partisan political differences and talk with one another, not yell or call names. We can stand shoulder to shoulder and say differences will not prevent us from working toward solutions.
Two veterans that we know on the Left spoke up;

The Post reminds us that it’s about a baseball game;
Democrats won the annual Congressional Baseball Game for seven straight years, but they lost last year because their players were tired. They were tired because they pulled an all-nighter on the eve of the game to occupy the House floor. After an Afghan American, influenced by ISIS propaganda, killed 49 people and injured 58 others at an Orlando nightclub, they were demanding an up-or-down vote on a bill to block people who are on the federal terrorism watch list from being able to buy guns. Their protest failed. Nothing changed.
As Giffords points out, no one law will prevent these crimes. Everyone is seeking solutions and legislators want to legislate.
Let’s look at James T. Hodgkinson for a moment. In 2006, he was arrested for committing violent acts on neighbors and a girl who may or may not have been his daughter. He discharged a shotgun at an unarmed person. In Illinois – arguably the toughest gun laws in the country. He got off on the charges against him because the witnesses didn’t show up in court. So he was able to get an Illinois Firearms ID.
In March of this year, a neighbor witnessed Hodgkinson discharging his rifle in the direction of some neighbors’ homes and called the police. The police arrived and simply told him to knock it off. In Illinois – arguably the toughest gun laws in the country.
A few weeks later, he headed for Alexandria, Virginia. A number of people witnessed him living a homeless life in his van, but you know, in this day and age, the homeless are a protected class and they shan’t be disturbed, even, or rather especially, if they seem a bit “off”. How many chances were there for law enforcement to intervene?
In Giffords’ case, Jared Loughner, her assailant, had several contacts with the local PD who felt sorry for him and let him off a warning so he was able to legally purchase a firearm.
Obviously, laws were in place to prevent these people from having firearms, but law enforcement didn’t bother to apply those laws. I’m not blaming the police completely – they are subjected to the whims of their local prosecutors. If they know what the prosecutor will do in a particular instance, they know whether or not it’s worth their time to arrest someone.
The discussion isn’t about the number of regulations – it should be about prosecutors’ discretion. It’s a discussion that should take place in the halls of every town across the country. Not in the halls of Congress or state legislators.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists, Politics
Gun control is hitting what you is aimin’ at.
/fuck you lefties.
“We need more gun control” means “We need more range time?” And “It’s time for a gun control discussion” means “We should schedule some range time soon?”
I need to go buy another 250 rounds of .45ACP and spend an hour or so at the range.
I know what I can ask my kids to get me for Father’s Day!
A reloader?
That’ll do.
A Dillon 550 is a good one.
If they do have a discussion in Congress, I hope the loudest voices are those of the individuals who were at that ballfield, wishing they were armed, and feeling helpless because they weren’t. Maybe they’ll take the action that this incident shows is needed… Nationwide concealed carry!
First Rule of Gun Safety: Get one…
The communist, atheistic slugs have managed to take God out of schools, out of the workplace, out of many churches and have been working to get him out of homes, and they wonder why people are going berzerk and killing each other! Damn, how do you spell S-T-U-P-I-D??
On the plus side(such as it is), they can’t blame this on an AR-15. Dumbass was using an SKS
So the Bernie Bro favors the ChiCom type of Socialism, huh?
I was shocked to see that the news outlets reported that fairly evenhandedly.
And yet, I heard some asshole pontificating on NBC radio this a.m., that Hodgkinson pulled out an M-4, and opened fire. He went on to say that yes, it was an M-4, just like the military uses.
If I hadn’t been driving, I would have pulled the f’ing radio out of the dash and thrown it across the road.
A typical SKS only has a ten round capacity thus I wonder what libtards are going to say now?
True API, though aftermarket detachable 30 rounders are readily available, and don’t require much aptitude to install… Not that it makes any real difference, just that it’s doable
Also, the Chicoms imported a bunch of SKS clones with detachable magazine hardware fitted to them. They are still legal in most states, as they function the same as the semi-auto AK variants. A Chicom SKS would make sense for this proglodyte because they are quite inexpensive to purchase. But even Judge Napolitano was claiming he used the evil black rifle, the AR-15. So, I’ll believe what it is was when I see a photo of the subject weapon. It was certainly not an M-4, a weapon that cannot be purchased, for even a Class III holder, so far as I am aware. Plus, I can’t see a guy who needs to live in his cargo van spending over $1500 on a weapon he plans to die with.
I really like that “ChloeLane328” chick giving “Charles Clymer” what for, even calling him “princess.”
I hadn’t read that closely, way too funny!
She also told him to go hide if he was scared. Lol
I love how the Left calls Trump a fascist and/or a Nazi: if he was, there would be mass arrests, bans, etc. – and there is nothing. The Left, on the other hand, wants to disarm and curtail the Constitutional rights of citizens who had nothing to do with the incident. I ask you: Which are the fascist/nazis?
Several indicators that Leftists don’t believe their own sewage-spew:
If they really believed we lived in a fascist country – they’d be hiding in the basements to keep from being arrested.
If they really believed men were a danger to women, they’d never attack one.
If they really believed the police were after them, they’d never call one for help.
If they really believed that gun-owners were a danger, they’d keep quiet and hide in their safe zones – like NYC or San Francisco… oh, wait…
If they really believed in global warming/anthrocentric climate change, they’d forgo their private jets and energy-consuming mansions.
If they really believed their propaganda, they’d live and entirely different way than they do.
The obvious conclusion:
Either they are liars or insane. Or both.
Their mantra has been “Do as I say, not as I do”.
They are vultures.
Liberals perpetually prove that LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER via their deeds and words.
Lars should be here soon. He will explain it to you and set you on the right path of understanding!
And if he can’t, he’ll send you to re-education camp.
I wonder how much she got paid to put her name on ‘her’ letter/article.
BTW, her husband can go eat a whole bag of space dicks.
I doubt she actually wrote it. More puppetry from her husband, like as not.
CNN had their own shite ‘mass shooting article’, using their own definition one of the shootings the use as an example doesn’t fit.
Best part, map/infogram of ‘mass shootings’ per state is in gradients of red, with pink being less than one shooting per million people, yeah, so zero being less than one registers a color. Genius.
Stay classy, you lying lefty fascios!
I said they were vultures earlier. I’ll stick to that and add that they are ghouls, of the worst kind.
That article is a prime display of their slavering over the dead, especially when they refuse to recognize or even mention that the bulk of those ‘mass shootings’ were in bad neighborhoods, and did NOT cover an entire state, e.g., Illinois: south side neighborhoods, mostly Englewood with one or two in others, and NOT mass shootings but walk-up & shoot assassinations in gang-ridden areas.
What do you have against vultures that you slander them so?
I concur, Vultures are a VERY useful part of the ecology while liberals are not unlike a parasitic infection on society and culture. I tend to regard liberals as societal tapeworms.
They don’t want to highlight the failings of their socialist utopias.
It’s been a scorched earth policy with regard to keeping impoverished, violent, socially handicapped welfare recipients in their pockets. It almost seems they’ve maintained a standing army of zombies.
Now with the media and ‘an election stolen by a madman’ narrative, phase II is in full effect to bring the rest of the gd zombies out of the fields and into the militia.
If I didn’t know the level of their true incompetency I’d almost say this is all planned.
Just be thankful you dont live in the UK or Aus(thanks to Martin Bryant) where all semiautos and pump actions are illegal and handguns are next to impossible to own.
After living ‘Down Unda’ I began to appreciate Canadas gun laws which are less strict than
more than a few US states.
Atleast there is no more registry of long guns in Canada anymore 🙂
I am grateful for God’s grace that I was born and raised in Texas by a Southern WWII vet who taught us to love God, to shoot straight, and the value of freedom.
California’s laws suck, which is why more and more Californians are practicing Irish Democracy and ignoring them.
or moving to Texas.
I refuse to be run out. Besides, Texas summers *suuuuuck*. Seriously, I like it there, but it’s too damn hot for too damn long.
Nuh-uh! Ain’t so!
(As I’m on my third pint of ice water just since the sun went down. All because I jogged a couple miles earlier in the Texas sunset.)
It does get hot, TOW, but it keeps the wimps out.
I’ve taken to using a camelback for my evening hikes, though.
I used to laugh at Ft. Bliss when they said “at least ot’s dry heat” – it was too fookin’ hot. Then I moved to Houston…. miss me some dry heat…a lot.
To many of the slugs are moving to Arizona and bringing their moonbeam bullshyt with them!!
Its all about Hugs….today ahmma give each and every one of my rifles, shotguns and pistols a hug, because I accept and respect each and every one of them, unconditionally.
Cuz, we all in this, together.
Don’t forget to give your religion a big hug too (if you go that way).
Im COLThlic all the way!!!
And a Practicing COLThlic at that….was at the range this morning 😉
My C7 clone was enjoyable as always but the real fun was trying out .450/.577 handloads in my Martini. Nothing more impressive than a 3 ft muzzle fireball and a cloud of BP smoke!
Handgun equivalent: .45 Colt with about 37 grains of FFFg. Good for stopping fire at the range, and a damn good manstopper. Worked for a whole LOT of folks about 140 years ago.
If you like hard recoil get a Mosing (Russain). 7.62 x 54. Try a rifle in 9.3 x 62 caliber. This a .366 caliber. If the rifle is scoped Do Not get your to close to the scope. Try one Dave. Joe
Shot one once in Germany – two rounds was more than needed. Damn thing kicked like a mule.
GUN CONTROL LAWS and the politicians that pass them do little more than aid, abet and embolden violent criminals by assuring them via legislation that law-abiding people will be conveniently unarmed VICTIMS.
If Gun Control Laws were the panacea for violence that pols claim them to be then places like Chicago, LA and Mexico would be crime-free Utopias.
The Leftards only want gun control because it feeds their fantasies about getting assassinated like Lincoln or Emperor Ferdinand or the Kennedy brothers, followed by national funerals, weeping and wailing, parades with horse-drawn caissons, and crowds lining the sidewalks, throwing rose petals. That’s not forgetting national coverage on lamestream TV media.
I thought it was now known as Shotcago.
Chirac is the closest to what that drain at the bottom of Lake Michigan is.
Shitgaco… Fixed it for ya
Very well put, Jonn. Thanks for posting on this.
People were still bleeding and that moron from Virginia was calling for closing the “gun show” AKA- freedom to buy and sell my guns to who I want without the government jumping in my life loophole.
Scalise is going to come out of surgery and give them the finger.
That VA Governor is one soulless POS that only cares about politics.
He’s a tribute to all vultures, API. They circle the spot, waiting for the prey to fall, and then dive in even if the critter isn’t dead.
Watch Animal Planet’s Africa videos for further info.
They’re morelike hagfish in my book, Ex-PH2. Hagfish seek out dead and dying marine animals, feast on their remains and when any other marine animals come near they emit very copious amounts of SLIME on a second’s notice.
He is a card carrying Clintonista from wayback.
Gee. Another Democrat advocating for Jim Crow laws.
They talk about ‘solutions’ because they have none.
The only REAL solution is the one they don’t/won’t talk about.
Of course, in a police state, the media get shut down first…. or so I’m told.
OregonMuse over at Ace of Spades (the other Smart Military Blog) posted about this:
Clymer needs to be whacked upside the tiara with a clue stick. Having a discussion about gun control right after a shooting incident is actually the worst time because it drags in a lot of emotional turmoil flogged by news media, among others. A better time is when the dust settles, and people can discuss things with less hysteria.
It might also be pointed out that the only person to die in the baseball field shooting was Hodgkinson. In South Central LA, a similar incident might well be chalked up to just another Wednesday morning.
Probably not, without the Capitol Police there the death toll would likely have been high.
Which also shoots some big holes (no pun intended) in the anti-2A claim that “the police will protect you.” Unlike most incidents, the cops were already there, and people still got shot, including two cops.
There should be laws against shooting policemen. New ones I mean, since there’s obviously something wrong with the old ones.
I agree, double illegal sounds good to me.
The police did protect them a great deal. Witnesses reported that once the police opened up they drew the shooters fire. He concentrated on the cops until more cops showed up. Then he was done.
I am going to say in this particular case even liberal carry laws would not have helped much. I carry most of the time but not while working out or playing ball. Most people don’t. The truth is that just about anyone can get the drop on you if they plan well enough.
This guy waited there at the ball field for weeks by some accounts.
I don’t know of any law that would change a thing.
Not disputing that the LEOs did good, and at great risk to themselves. They certainly did.
But a few more good guys with would’ve added more firepower with which counter the murderous cocksucker. He had a rifle, and a guy with a rifle outguns a guy with a pistol at any range beyond a yard or two, so any additional firepower to tip the scale in the good guys’ favor is a good thing.
Of course. A few staffers with pistols would have been handy.
And a well positioned third officer with a rifle (say elevated past the outfield wall) might have ended it in under a minute.
Folks in the parking lot.
People in adjacent businesses.
-Anyone- can usually be there before the Police, who are almost often attending to things elsewhere. (Not meant as a zing. Patrol cars lack teleportation systems, thus time to arrive is usually minutes, not seconds.)
“More illegaler” because plainly it’s not illegal enough as it is.
This is a joke, meant to point out the idiocy of certain parties who must “Do something!” Make it double secret illegal and it’ll have exactly the same effect on criminal behavior as it does now.
I am looking to get into the good graces of a guy who owns a .338 Lapua Magnum. I figure he might part with it one day. So, all I have to say is:
Outstanding article, extremely well written. Insightful and provocative. This Jonn guy sure knows what he is talking about. His ability to wordsmith a position on sensitive matters such as these is beyond reproach.
(I understand there might be ample ammunition available as well)
If it works, it ain’t stupid.
I need a way to convince the Chief Financial Officer that a certain 5.56, plus some specific optics and a large quantity of “practice” ammo, is a reasonable investment for me to make.
I wonder how long I’d have to subsist on blackeyes and cornbread?
And Dave, don’t overlook his ability to juxtaposition contentious narratives.
From my cold dead hands, buddy….
:: And Dave weeps and starts to scrounge for change under the seat cushions to get his dream rifle. ::
You guys are going at this all wrong.
Personal weapons are for protection of the home and loved ones, right?
Right. So Dave Hardin sends the guy with the Lapua a mediocre photo of the Russian, maybe that one where she’s in baby boots, (not the one in the strapless dress) and says ‘See this? This is what I need the Lapua for – to protect this precious bundle.’
I promise you, it will work.
“…to protect this precious bundle out to around 1600 yards” you mean.
I have an AR30 w/Leopold BORS but I am loathe to give it to an Academic like you. Nice try.
Dave, my CZ model 550 is a pussycat to shoot, I can shoot it all day. Don’t tell Dave ,I had a gunsmith put a coil-comp(like a buttplate with two little shocks attacted to it. The gunsmith also cut the buttstock so it is a perfect for me. Joe P.S. I saw a 9.3x 128 cartridge at one gunshow.NOBODY has enough money for me to shoot that that round.
How about a .55 Boys AT rifle? 😁
If they know what the prosecutor will do in a particular instance, they know whether or not it’s worth their time to arrest someone.
I am going to disagree with this statement. I understand the sentiment that both police and prosecutors have some discretion in not arresting and prosecuting someone who broke the law (or is suspected of breaking the law.) Not arresting the person doesn’t help anyone but the criminal and the cop who may get a vicious case of writer’s cramp or carpal tunnel from typing a report.
Not arresting someone because someone may not / will not prosecute them becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Assume for a moment that there are 100 gun incidents and cops only arrest the person 50% of the time because they know, think or feel that the prosecutor won’t prosecute.
Of the 50 remaining cases that the prosecutor does prosecute, the DA can come out and say “we prosecuted 100% of the gun crimes our office was presented!”
On the other hand, if the cops arrested the other 50 and the prosecutors drop the charges, the prosecutor has to say “we prosecuted 50% of the gun crimes we were presented.”
The DA’s in Florida are elected by the public. In that gun crime is an issue that most people agree upon, a guy who only prosecutes half the time is not going to get elected. (Most likely will not get elected.) The people won’t stand for it.
I would rather spend more tax money on paper and computer storage for police reports than dealing with paperwork on gun crimes because some cop or DA was too weak to prosecute and push prosecutions for crimes that affect the lives and rights of others.
Just my 2 cents.
100% agree
From what I am reading the things they could have been arrested for were misdemeanors. A misdemeanor conviction will not keep you from buying or owning a gun.
I should also point out that a felony conviction won’t keep you from buying and owning a gun either. Many states, including mine, don’t have a prohibition on non-violent felons from owning guns. Federally it is a crime but the Federal Government almost never prosecutes or even makes an arrest when that is the sole crime.
Even if the laws were in place it is easy to buy a gun.
I am going to disagree on this.
In March of this year, a neighbor witnessed Hodgkinson discharging his rifle in the direction of some neighbors’ homes and called the police.
This would be at the minimum “reckless discharge of a firearm.” ((720 ILCS 5/24-1.5)
This is a class four felony in Illinois. A conviction would have meant the confiscation of Hodgkinson’s weapons and an inability to purchase or possess weapons in the State of Illinois as felons may not posses guns. (720 ILCS 5/24-1.1)
After that, I am not sure what would have happened. The felony conviction would have been entered into the national database and I believe (I admit that I am not sure) he would have been denied the ability to purchase a weapon through a gun dealer or commercial entity. Could he have purchased a weapon through a private entity? Yeah, probably, which is why I think there should be an ability of private owners to run a background check on someone they are selling a gun to. I think that most responsible gun owners would rather sell to other responsible gun owners and not a criminal, a nutcase, or any combination of the two.
But that is a pipe dream. What we do know is that if the police had arrested Hodgkinson and the DA prosecuted him, he would have been in the system and not have been able to legally own a weapon in Illinois and maybe (probably?) in other states as well.
For whatever reason, whether it was too much paperwork, end of a shift, belief that the prosecutor wouldn’t prosecute, etc, the police didn’t arrest him and a guy who should not have owned a weapon kept his and ended up shooting people.
Old Maj,
I agree that the feds rarely prosecute or follow up, but having a felony is a prohibition at the federal level for gun ownership, violent or not
When I’ve sold a firearm, I tell the purchaser to bring his/her CPL with them, or a copy of the criminal history that they’ve had run on them(making them pay for it).
Don’t know about your area, but in AZ it’s as easy as going to your local gunshop or FFL holder and having your prospective buyer pay a small fee for a background check. About $15 usually.
Old Maj,
I agree that the feds rarely prosecute or follow up, but having a felony is a prohibition at the federal level for gun ownership, violent or not, and even a misdemeanor, if it’s for DV is a disqualifier (yeah, it’s BS, but it is the law)
Sorry for the partial double post, stupid computer..
I said as much.
Part of it is belaboring under the idea that a law prohibiting someone buying a gun will keep someone from buying one.
It won’t.
Yep, Joe Biden said the govt. doesn’t have time to track down everyone who lies on a 4473… He wouldn’t lie, would he?
Ok, just because a neighbor reported that, does not mean that is what actually happened. You are reading way to much in to it and forgetting the basic tenet that the first report is almost always wrong.
If the police did not arrest him, chances are actually pretty good that isn’t what happened. Making a broad assumption that police are lazy and unconcerned about public safety would not be my default position.
Agreed.. While most cops are lousy shots, i wouldn’t say they’re lazy..
In March of this year, a neighbor witnessed Hodgkinson discharging his rifle in the direction of some neighbors’ homes and called the police.
This would be at the minimum “reckless discharge of a firearm.” ((720 ILCS 5/24-1.5)
That’s just a’s not a conviction. We don’t know if that statement was determined to be reliable or why there was no prosecution. Sometimes there are simple reasons that someone isn’t charged and it doesn’t necessarily mean someone intentionally or unintentionally dropped the ball.
The Old Maj,
Just for kicks, I looked at some of the articles on this guy’s history. He seems to have had a penchant for domestic abuse. One case was dropped because the person got the court dates wrong and didn’t appear. Other cases were simply never prosecuted.
Any conviction for domestic abuse or even a restraining order would have precluded him from purchasing weapons even if the abuse cases were not felons.
I am not a gun owner (full disclosure) but that is my choice not to exercise my right to own a weapon. In cases like these, it is hard to not to argue that for one reason or another, the system is broken and we don’t do enough to keep guns out of the hands of those who should not have guns and in the hands of those who should have guns.
It is backwards.
This incident was predicable and perhaps even foreseeable. The shooter was a violent person that no one wanted to stop until it was too late.
This could have been stopped or prevented if, as Jonn notes, laws were enforced, but enforcing laws isn’t headline grabbing or “sexy.” Wringing of hands, wailing in the streets and new laws is “sexy” and helps people get elected. New legislation won’t do anything, but it looks good.
That’s what we’ve become – a nation that would rather look good than be good.
Possibly predictable, but doubtful.
If you had any idea the number of people that get in a little domestic trouble every year you would likely be shocked. It is near seven figures. The same ones tend to be mouthy on social media.
Even if a charge makes it to court; pre-trial diversions, plea agreements, counselings and all kinds of other programs make a misdemeanor conviction for DV that actually fits the parameters of the code a real rarity.
But as noted, the law won’t keep anyone from buying a gun any more than keeps millions of people from buying controlled substances every day.
The Old Maj,
When you read the incidents this guy was involved in, you might change your opinion. They were not simply spats that got out of hand and someone got slapped (not that is right, mind you) These were incidents of him pulling and using a weapon at the drop of a hat. This was him firing the weapons recklessly. This was him not wanting a stepdaughter to go out with a guy so he hit the kid with the butt of a shotgun. This was a violent person who never should have been around a gun.
“When you read the incidents this guy was involved in, you might change your opinion.”
You have a link to the actual investigation paperwork/complaints or are you reading events which have been consolidated and retold by a reporter as he has singularly interpreted them?
I’m not saying you’re wrong about anything necessarily, just rather see documentation sans interpretation via third and fourth parties which only show one person’s summation.
No, you cannot re-impose Jim Crow. I don’t care if you call it “control” or “common sense”. No, you do not get to decide who has rights. No Jim Crow. No, you do not get to put limits on human rights to quell your own irrational fears. No to Jim Crow. No, you do not get to hide behind arms, when demanding everyone else take their chances with the “mercy” of the barbarians and lunatics you coddle.
You seem to be under the highly irrational delusion that by restricting the rights of good folks, you can render lunatics and evil folks harmless, thus making it Ok to let them run loose at will. Besides, you have made sure you and yours are secure, right?
No Jim Crow. Not now. Not ever again.
If only the #Resist asshats could get organized like some twatwaffle suggested. REALLY start the “war” they’re agitating for. I guarantee that they won’t like the results.
How does that go?
“Be careful what you wish. You might get it.”
Okay, so there’s a new shooting range not too far from my house, and I was thinking of stopping in there to inquire about renting a gun to get some practice, find out fees, are lessons included, etc., etc., etc.
So what kind of bang-bang-shoot-shoot critter would you all suggest for someone who hasn’t shot anyone since 1968?
Start with the smaller calibers in handguns, IMHO .38 Special and .380 LCP are good concealed carry calibers for Women to have for a self defense situation but .22 LR can take the fight out of an attacker as well. I also heartily suggest having a laser sight as well because I’ve heard accounts of “That little red dot” taking the fight out of someone without even firing a shot and just think about the paperwork saved in a situation like that!
That little red dot also makes rapid aiming in a high-stress situation a lot easier.
Or for those of us with a few more miles on the odometer whose eyesight is not what it used to be.
Just me, but what I recommend is:
a) Find a gun that feels right in your hand
b) Find a caliber that you are comfortable with, meaning: it doesn’t kick more than you can handle and it doesn’t lead you to flinch
c) Find a gun from a manufacturer that has a reputation of reliability.
Beyond that it is pretty well aesthetics.
Truthfully, some styles of pistol kick more than others even when using identical ammo.
One of my daughter-in-laws doesn’t feel comfortable with a 9mm, .380 is the most she’ll do. But she has small hands. Other women handle 9mm just fine. A few even can handle a .45ACP. I don’t know many who can use a .357Mag in any type of concealable firearm.
I’ve had or used SigSaur, Walther, Colt and Ruger firearms. One of my sons has a Taurus that is not real reliable.
Wheelgun or semiauto is pretty much a matter of personal preference as well.
One of my friends, a retired Tx DPS Trooper, says that the first 3 rounds in a gunfight are the only significant ones – everything else is providing cover while you get back to the patrol car. YMMV.
Graybeard, that’s exactly what MRS D did. Found a nice Charter Arms .38, and she hits what she aims at! Had a little problem after she fired my 1911 though. She wouldn’t give it back. Now she has her own. With pink Punisher grips.
Laugh. I dare you. She’s a nurse, she knows where to shoot.
I haven’t lived this long by laughing at nurses or women who shoot 1911’s.
Desert Eagle .50 AE
I know a young lady – 5’2′ and cute as they come – who prefers the Desert Eagle in .50
Me, I’ve known she was some kinda tough and crazy since she was in college.
Id suggest .38 S&W if you like wheelguns. Virtually no recoil or muzzle flash(important in a woke-from-dead-sleep scenario) and a slow, heavy lead bullet that won’t overpenetrate indoors.
My GF has an Enfield No.1 MkII in .38S&W for nightstand duty, while I prefer a .455 MkVI.
.38 S&W is a fairly rare antique here. Did you mean .38 Special?
There are, however, a whole bunch of decent surplus Smith and Wesson “Victory Model” revolvers in .38S&W, floating around in the US used gun market. They won’t accept .38 Special, but they do work just -ducky- with the right stuff.
Ah. No. You are naming real .38S&W guns.
I agree – sweet.
But I also tend to spend my time shooting old-fashioned single-action “Cowboy” guns.
If one likes that sort of thing, the Ruger Vaquero single-action revolver in .38Spl/.357Mag is hard to beat for a mild-shooting gun. The .45 Colt version has a bit more thump, but light .45 Colt loads are fairly pleasant even for the moderately arthritic.
A surprising bargain is the (no longer made) Ruger “Single Six” Double-action revolver in .357. Loaded with .38s, it is also mild on the cartilage.
Ruger revolvers are generally quite sturdy and durable, if a little less than fine in the trigger.
-Sweet- .22 target pistol? Smith and Wesson model .41. Pricey, but a -great- gun.
Cowboy .22? = the Ruger Single-Six.
I had a Ruger Blackhawk (.357) that I enjoyed, except as a SA that 2nd shot could be slower than desired in a defense situation.
I would requalify with my brother’s Colt Diamondback using .38 Special. Glass smooth and as accurate as you could wish. Loved that pistol!
wait, wait, wait……..”for someone who hasn’t shot anyone since 1968?”
You have been a good girl, haven’t you EX-PH2……at least since 1968. 😉
Every one has their own opinions about type, caliper, and size of fire arm.
I might add a few to the mix.
1) Where would you carry or conceal on your person might determine the size & caliper.
2) One that feels comfortable when you grip and fire it.
3)Sign up for a good, licensed conceal carry class that also has range time included.
4) If you do purchase a handgun, practice, practice, practice. Get a practice (dummy round with spring loaded primer) and dry fire. This will build your skills drawing, aiming and shooting. Not only will it make you a better shot, but also will make you more comfortable handling it. But, never get too comfortable with it, meaning sometimes we have a tendency to get complacent once we are too familiar with something and then safety takes a back seat.
Just my 2 cents worth, EX-PH2.
Uh, well, 1968 (giggle)! That was the year I went on a date to a local dump and shot rats with temporary boyfriend.
There was a particularly large rat that I named after a rather obnoxious chief that couldn’t keep his hands off the women. Quite a splatter when I hit him.
Take a class. My range holds “Women on Target” classes with both classroom and range time with NRA certified instructors. They can also provide the firearm; the student pays for the ammo and class.
Also start small caliber, larger frame. Perceived recoil is the number one complaint with new shooters. I have a Ruger Mk III Bull Barrel (.22LR) that I use for a training/plinking/target gun. I’d recommend starting with something like that until you find the one that “fits.”

Rooster Cogburn: Why, by God, girl, that’s a Colt’s Dragoon! You’re no bigger than a corn nubbin, what’re you doing with all this pistol?
Ex-PH2: It belonged to my father, he carried it bravely in the war, and I intend to kill Tom Chaney with it if the law fails to do so.
Rooster Cogburn: Well, this’ll sure get the job done if you can find a fence post to rest it on while you take aim.
Always have the sun at your back.
Dang I have a MKII SS, but it’s not nearly that pretty. Reliable and fun though.Not the most fun to take down and clean, but I like it.
It’s stuffed full of Volquartsen goodies, too. Damn thing shoots way better than I can.
The perfect first gun for lady beginners is a .38/357 six shot revolver with at least a three inch barrel. The .38 Special ammo is relatively inexpensive and available everywhere. S&W or Ruger wheel guns are almost bombproof and easy to learn to shoot. Learn to shoot it two handed and in single action mode, as that is where you get your best accuracy. If you really want to learn to effectively shoot a wheel gun, take up cowboy action shooting. Many of our lady shooters now outshoot their more experienced husbands after a few years.
I have been shooting SASS- rules “Cowboy” matches for 19 years. It is probably the most “Lady Friendly” gun sport I have yet found.
Cowboy folks tend to be polite to the ladies, not condescending.
And yes, some of the ladies become rather handy with firearms.
Haven’t done it as long as you 11B, but I have been surprised how friendly and accommodating cowboy shooters are to the newcomers of both sexes (genders for you proggies if you can acknowledge there are only two). I have been amazed to watch how the wives begin outshooting their very experienced husbands after only a couple of years. One of my gun instructor buddies says it is because they haven’t developed the many bad shooting habits of us dudes.
No problem, great gun for running off squirrels, rabbits and that occasional Grizzly Bear is a 408 Cheytac.
Not sure if it comes in pink.
Yeah Ex, I’ve worked with a number of great instructors, and sold guns at a local shop for a number of years, and I agree with most of the above. at the risk of restating things, most important is choose a gun that feels good in your hand, not just at the shop but at the range as well (a range where you can try / rent one is huge) try many calibers, and pick the most powerful you can shoot comfortably / accurately (don’t undergun yourself if something bigger works well for you) if grip strength / finger strength is an issue, go with a wheelgun over a semi-auto, if you’re looking at a .38, buy a .357 (you can practice mostly with .38, and load .357 for when it matters) find one that matches your carry style, and if you don’t intend to carry, just keep at home, buy a shotgun! Also, the Taurus judge / S&W governor are great options for purse carry / keeping at home, if you don’t mind a .410 shotgun with a 3 in barrel
What feels good in my hands? You mean like this one?
and amazingly, he won the election too!
Seems to me one of the questions to answer would be “How many guns do you intend to buy?” Having just one gun imposes restrictions that owning multiple guns remove. If you are willing to buy two or more (for instance a rifle or shotgun and a handgun or two) it is much easier to match what you buy with what you want. It sounds like you want something which can be used for short-range defense and relatively painless practice time, but you should really think about what you want to do other than plinking. Most people are not stopped by sheer power of the projectile, but because they don’t want to get shot any more. For someone who is not used to recoil, being able to pump 20 rounds into someone in a matter of a couple of seconds is a sound tactic. Want to carry concealed? That is a different animal, and you will have to compromise between weight/bulk vs recoil and power levels. Let us know.
No better enemy towards US civil rights than Democraps. They’ve never been a fan regardless of their propaganda.
You can’t listen to everything they spew all the time. They only have three or four themes they follow. At some point, it is nothing but loud, incoherent noises.
I really do think they need their own planet. I’m looking forward to that day when another Earth is found, photographed by one of the big ol’ sats in the sky, and – well, can’t see dinosaurs or whatsises, but since they all live in fantasyland, they’ll start the long migration away from Earth and the rest of us can leave in peace again.
Weirdly, I know a -bunch- of Democrat/left gun owners.
None of them seem to believe the rhetoric of their own party. Despite the proven track record of it. Also, they seem to think that the restrictive rules will not land on them. Some of them are quite openly “for me, not thee” types.
The tend not to do well in casual debates. The ones that speak up seldom allow reason or facts to interfere with the convoluted imaginary place they think they get to go, someday.
Gun tax fail in Seattle
GEE WHIZ, who would have guessed that? FUCKIN’ liberals…
It appears from news reports that the two murdering miscreants from here in Georgia were captured by an armed citizen(s) in Tennessee. I wonder if the liberals amongst us will admit to that.
Just saw that.. too bad they didn’t resist..
I can hear the screaming now:
No one should take the law into their own hands!
Someone might have been killed!
We have Police for that! We don’t need vigilantes!
He could have killed those poor boys!
He should have just given them whatever they wanted, so they would go away without hurting anyone!
Hmm. Almost sounds like a sick Bingo card.
He might have shot everyone else but the crooks!
You forgot “WHAT IF he had shot them dead and denied them their right to a trial in doing so?”
“He might have shot everyone else but the crooks!”
That’s why we gun owners strive to achieve and maintain proficiency with our weapons. We hit what we aim at.
I will give up my guns gladly as soon as the Govt. starts to confiscate automobiles and hammers which kill more peeps in this country than fire arms. This isn’t counting the terrorist way of using cars/trucks which came into vogue a short time ago.
“… should be about prosecutors’ discretion.” In other words, it’s about closing the barn door after the horse has already gotten out.
IMHO every liberal who has called for violence against President Trump and the GOP, especially celebrities and media has blood on their hands right now. What about effective LawnEnforcement and prosecution, inbred Joe? If that had happened beforehand the perp might have been forbidden from owning or possessing a firearm and WE KNOW THAT criminals always check and obey laws as well, RIGHT? We can always count on you and your ilk for total and complete idiocy, Inbred Joe!
Try putting yourself on the receiving end of the crap that your libbie friends are throwing at Trump, Joey. If you think what THEY are doing and saying is okay when it is not, you’re worse then they are.
It’s perfectly acceptable to dislike an elected official and to disagree with what s/he says. It is NOT okay to do what this moronic DEMOCRAT FROM BELLEVILLE, IL did. It is NEVER oaky.
Yeah, well, Joe, you want to close the barn door before there are any horses inside.
Keep on snarfing down those Antifa dicks, Joe… gotta make a living somehow, huh?
And what’s your claim to fame, other than being a cocksucking troll?