New South Wales, Australia to build a prison to isolate jihadists
Reuters reports that the free state of New South Wales, Australia plans to build a prison specifically to isolate extremists from the rest of the prison population and from each other. The prison will have room for 54 souls and will be closely monitored according to the State’s premier Gladys Berejiklian.
There are 33 people within the New South Wales’ prison system who have been jailed for terrorist offences, the state government said.
Australia has seen a series of “lone wolf” Islamist-inspired attacks recently, prompting a review of police tactics and the powers of state and federal authorities.
“We’re a government taking nothing to chance, we’ll be making sure we continue to have the toughest position in the nation in relation to reducing and eliminating terrorism activity,” Berejiklian said.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull last week signaled a drive to reform parole laws, including a ban on parole for violent offenders with links to militancy, following a deadly siege claimed by the Islamic State group on Monday.
Jeez, ya know, if only we had thought of that years ago.
Category: Terror War
It could be even more effective if they make the cells airtight… just saying..
Why waste money on a prison, use them to troll for crocodiles!!
Tell them they’re free to swim home, and release them at the beach. Sharks gotta eat too.
If they don’t want to swim the ocean, they can swim the creeks and lakes to feed the crocs…..literally.
Cuba is too good for them eh? I say Bouvet Island sounds good.
I wonder how long this will last. When snowflake subversives complain about their heroes being locked up, governments pussy foot to appease them.
Nah. Take the Snowflakes out to visit them….Then just forget to bring them back.
With all of the ocean that surrounds Australia, I don’t see a need for building a prison. If you know what I mean
Or you could have Paul Hogan take them on a walkabout.
Sharks, crocodiles, dingoes, snakes, and bugs gotta eat, too!
Yep, great whites have to eat even if its greasy goat rapists!
I’d say put them all on a leaky boat out on the great barrier reef. The one that’s famous for those 25 foot Great White sharks.
I have a feeling that a prison that can hold “54” isn’t going to be big enough. I bet they’ll be adding on lots of new wings over the next few years. Especially with a specific “extremist prison” in existence.
Yeah, I have a feeling that there will be more than 54 jihadis lined up for a cot by the time they’re done building the prison.
The big question is, will the authorities ever catch up with the supply?
Why waste the money, just kill them!
Some dumbass muzzies wanting to play jihadi games is going to make immigration to Australia even tougher for muslims. Oz already has one of the toughest immigration policies among 1st world nations not named Japan. Asylum seekers? Good luck with that. Yeah those Aussies are some real mean bastards.
PRISON? I say just drop the goatfucking fleabags somewhere in the most desolate section of the Outback with a quart of water out there to fend for themselves, vultures and maggots have to eat too, ya-know?
Works for me. Cheap, easy, and near 100% effective. Best of all, little to no taxpayer serf money spent.
Won’t work. They’re used to the desert.
With the amount of extremist supporters that are rich boys and girls who are spoiled their whole life, I doubt the majority will be used to the heat.
But, that’s just my opinion.
100 foot deep hole, 6′ diameter, 50′ tall 1″ diameter steel punji rods at 6″ on center throughout the radius. Kick em in the ass and over the edge.
Gladys hasn’t met Toecutter, has she?
Jesse, Jesse, Jesse. . . You’ve not got a sense of humor. You’ve got a pretty face, though. Awful pretty. Awful pretty. I suppose….you don’t need a sense of humor with a pretty face.
NSW? Oh….too many fine Sheila’s for those turds to even have the privilege of breathing the air.
Maybe they will give “Turd” Bolling of Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency (both nation and international) the contract to maintain security.
It’s been quite some time since someone mentioned Turd Bolling and his Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency. If I ever need someone to protect my AMC Ambassador throughout the world, the first person that I will call will be Turd Bolling.
I dunno what the Aussie’s plans are, but concrete walled cells with a 3″x3″ window to the outdoors, a 3″ diameter hole in the floor, and a steel door.
Strip ’em nekked, push them in the cell, lock the door. Shove a couple of tortillas under the door 3x/day, flush the cell with water 20 minutes later. They can drink from the spray and it will clean out the cell.
Leave them in there for 60 months in isolation before unlocking the door to bring them out for a physical.
How about “Thunderdome: the Series” as Pay Per View?
Todays Deathmatch! Two would-be martyrs enter, one leaves! Well maybe. High Explosive is -so- indiscriminate. The nearby audience get a bit ragged, too. Pity about the chains. Blood tends to rust them…..