In the ‘Awww…shit!!’ category

| May 20, 2017

The Norks have now gone and done it: launched a missile yesterday that survived re-entry before splashdown in the Sea of Japan.

Per the following UK Express update early this morning our time, “Reports are emerging from North Korea that a ballistic missile launched on May 14 successfully re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere”.

If this is true, this changes things radically.  According to the report, it was a KN-17, which is liquid-fueled instead of solid-fueled. That makes it easier to spot on the launch pad because the solid fuel rockets don’t require lengthy fueling time.

I appreciate SecDef Mattis’s rather reserved response.

“We are going to continue to work the issue,” Mattis said, according to Reuters. “If this goes to a military solution, it’s going to be tragic on an unbelievable scale. So our effort is to work with the U.N., work with China, work with Japan, work with South Korea to try to find a way out of this situation.”

But the real question remains: what is to be done about Fatty Kim da T’ird and  his experiments in chemistry and rocket science?  He has his neighbors quite worried, although he hasn’t achieved the real ICBM capacity that the Cold War offered.  If he continues down this road without let or hindrance, there is no saying that he cannot have that capability.

There are, likewise, rumors that he has people working on nerve agents.  Owing to his association with the sarin-related death of his half-brother, nothing surprises me less.

How much real time warning will anyone have if he lets fly with either a nuke-bearing missile or one with a gas canister payload?

The problem is that he needs to be put on a choke chain and muzzled, period. If, as has been speculated, Norkiland was behind the WannaCry spyware lockout a week or so ago, and likewise, if the Norks were responsible for filching $81 million from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in March this year, the only thing he is after is cash to buy chemicals and parts and equipment for his rocket science experiments. It’s not going into food for his people, because he doesn’t give a crap about them.

Money, and of course, being the center of attention of Russia, China and the USA are what he lives for.  It’s been 64 years since the truce stopped the Korean War and locked the door for anyone unlucky enough to be left behind in that hellhole created by his grandpa. There is no way to tell how many Koreans have been slaughtered by the Nork regime in that interval.

But if he’s the legitimate ruler of Norkiland, we can’t really compare him to Lord Farquaad, can we?

Category: North Korea

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Why do you think something has to be done about the weapons test of a foreign sovereign power? They have been testing missiles for decades.

Time is on our side, not the Kin regimes. Strategic patience has worked more than half a century and not only avoided war but the each successive Kim regime has been politically weaker than the last and the strength of South Korea VA North Korea has allowed South Korea to continuously diverge in relative strength. South Korea was unable to defend the peninsula without assistance 25 years ago.

There is literally no reason to escalate this and “do something” beyond diplomatic and economic sanctions as well as other soft power and clandestine efforts.


You are consistent, I’ll give you that.

“The definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result.”
A. Einstein.


Kim is not the aggressor. Dipshit. Countries test missiles all the time. We do it constantly.

It is the right of a sovereign nation to develop their defense forces and testing systems in international waters is something almost all nations do.

Silentium Est Aureum

Is it their fucking right to infiltrate other nations, sink ships of other navies, shell foreign territory, and assassinate people abroad?

Poof. Fucking begone.


Nope. All those things are an act of war. None have been done to us recently.

We commit acts of war around the world too.

If you are looking for an excuse to attack a country it is easy to find something or manufacture something.

That does not mean it is necessary or prudent to attack another country.

Fewer lives will be lost and treasure expended by letting the Kim regime collapse than by sparking a war.


” Four American citizens are currently being held as prisoners in North Korea.”

My sympathies are limited by their stupidity. My outrage is nonexistent. It’s the same as moving next to an airport and then complaining about the noise.


“Fewer lives will be lost…”

That remains to be seen. My crystal ball is not so clear.


When corresponding with these guys remember, when all you have is a hammer every problem looks like a nail.


You jumped the shark on that crap.

And if there is a war in Korea, I am going in service to my country.

I may be going as a civilian but I will be there.

We will need every person we can find with experience.


“And if there is a war in Korea, I am going in service to my country.”

North Korea will welcome you with open arms, cause..don’t fear the commie.

The Old Maj

Just to be clear which country is that?



The USA.


Which countries political interests do you think the members of this board are serving when they are calling for the US to be the aggressor?

Silentium Est Aureum

Yeah, well, who was it that said diplomacy was a way of saying, “Nice doggie,” until you could find a rock?


So, sit back and confidently watch them build and deploy 50 ICBMs in hardened silos cut into the granite mountains that span that country.

Then what? More confidence?

They need money. If they decide to build 25 and sell the others, then what.

At what point do you intervene? When they lose their collective shit and nuke the west coast? When they bracket us with 10 EMP warheads? When they sell half thie production to Islamic State, who then decide to play thermonuclear Jihad?

Unlike the Soviets you do not fear, the DPRK is effectively a) desperate abd b) Nuts.

Dont fear nuclear armed -nutcase- commies!


I am pretty damn familiar with the DPRK. The Army did not send me to DLI for no purpose.

Kim is nuts. But our escalating things is unnecessary and it is not going to make it less likely Kim will do something nuts.

Strategic patience works. Kim is at the brink of losing his regime. And there is no Kim in a position inherit the regime.

Escalating thing would potentially kill tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of Koreans, thousands of Americans,and another trillion of dollars of taxpayer funds.

The only good outcome is not escalating and letting the regime collapse and die out.

The argument that no Yves vela ting risks war is absurd because escalating almost assures war.

And NK already has 6-10 nuclear warheads.

Warheads that are far more valuable to the regime as deterrents than as deployed weapons.


Actually, 6-10 would be the low end of the possibilities.

They could have 500 mechanisms by now, sans fissile materials. The actual machinery is not terribly complex by todays standards. All the engineering has been worked out, and many of the stumbling blocks are now widely published.

The bottleneck is, and has always been, production of thermal neutrons. You need them to turn the raw materials into fissile stuff and tritium.

So if we missed -one- reactor, the could have double or triple the production capability. If we missed -one- refining site, they could have dobule or triple the separation capability for the precursors.

By he way, once you have -one- working breeder reactor, you can divert most of your effort away form the highly difficult U235 extraction, and into the much easier Pu/He3 production needed for the bulk production of modern multistage thermonuclear weapons.

Only the built-in incompetent folly of the Communist/Thugocracy system has held them back.

Japan could be cranking the things out in job lots in six months from today. Their developed space-launch rockets are more than sufficient for ICBMs, just requiring some rework for the heavy warhead bus and payload. And, they have dozens of shut-down Pu-cycle reactors and used cores to salvage for the needed fissiles. Tritium is already an industrially produced material there.

So intimidation and suppression is about all there is to discourage nutjob rogue regimes from going nuclear.

If we wait until they are fully up and running, the cost to stop goes into the stratosphere.

As do cities. and hundreds of thousands, even millions, of dead -people-.

Which far left regimes seem to do with predictable certainty, once the metastasize beyond a certain point.


“Kim is at the brink of losing his regime.”

I believe this to be true. I don’t know how much longer the slaves will be content to eat tree bark (/s) and turnips. I am genuinely surprised he has maintained control for as long as he has. Might have something to do with (allegedly) feeding people to hogs. I have zero insight into the workings of the regime, but would not be surprised of an uprising.

I’ll give them this, though … they put on a damn nice parade. The symmetry is perfect.

I’ll say again … NK will cease to exist if he launches a nuke against any country. Crazy as I believe him to be, he simply must know this to be true.


And, mail clerk, accusing me of being incompetent last week because I was not calling for a witch-hunt on the Trump white house leakers was bullshit. Leaks of unclassified information about the idiocy of the Trump administration is not a crime. The fact that Trump is an idiot is not classified.

People in the administration are allowed to release information about stupid internal crap to the press and it is the duty of the press to report on it.

If you want internal regime politics to be state secrets then move to NK, they are there. They are not here.


Dude, if they were discussing diplo-speak, they were breaking the law.

If they were breaking the usual gov-job non-disclosure agreements, ditto. Familiar with them?

Bottom line: if what he was talking about was classified, revealing any details about it is illegal for any clearance holder not authorized to declassify or disclose.

Doesn’t matter if the initial spill is intentional, accidental, or stupid. The other folks know darn well they are not allowed to spill the details themselves.

And the law is explicit that criminal intent is not required for guilt. Just that one ran their mouths or simply -allowed- a spill to occur.

There is no leak-to-the-press exemption, not any he-is-an-idiot exemption.

Silentium Est Aureum

As noted above, Lars, it’s been 64 years (so far) and counting.

How much more patience does it require?

As I’ve said before, I don’t fear the guy with 1000 nukes who knows he has everything to lose. I’m afraid of the guy with one who feels like he has nothing to lose.


What is the hurry? What does escalation accomplish? Do you think escalation makes it less likely a nuke will be deployed?

Silentium Est Aureum

Why don’t you ask NDtBF what escalating the situation accomplishes?

Fact–his army isn’t overly well equipped, trained, or fed. They have sheer numbers, and those get ground down pretty quickly.

I’m making a SWAG here, but I’d say in a completely surprise attack with conventional forces, he’d have the upper hand for 7-10 days at best, and then his boys would be getting their asses handed to them like nobody’s business. This is of course assuming his C3I didn’t get eviscerated in the first 72-96 hours.


The NK is exceedingly well dug in. Fairly well trained and fed.

They have the largest special operations force in the world.

And they have such an extensive artillery capacity that they would lever every major town within 30 miles of the border, including Seoul within 4 days. Killing tens of thousands of South Koreans.

And defeating the North Korean military would only be the beginning. Iraq’s military lasted only days and Afghanistan had no military to speak of.


64 years without a war in the peninsula. Time that call owed South Korea to recover from devastation to become one of the most advanced industrial democracies in the world with one of the most capable militaries in the pacific region.

Meanwhile NK has stagnated and withered. The Kim regime is a poor imitation of his grandfather’s legacy with less control and less loyalty among the people and no successor ready to take the mantle.

And the North Korean military, one capable of dominating SK unless the US backed them could not defeat SK now.

Additionally, the dictator tot is being ridiculed by his own forces. Something unprecedented in past NK regimes.

Kim won’t last another ten years. 15 at most. Definitely not long enough to produce and raise and raise an heir.


*Once capable.

A Proud Infidel®™

HERE YOU GO YET AGAIN, Babbles McButthead! You go spouting off moronic, imbecilic drivel spoon fed to you by your UC Berzerkely Perfessers and run around shitting flaming squirrels and gerbils whenever you even remotely think you see someone dissenting with your babbles and birdbrained bullshit!!! WTF about the “Blowjob Willie” administration giving them the means to produce a nuke warhead while smiling and saying “Aaawww shucks, they ain’t gonna do that, they said so on paper!”?


“Strategic patience has worked more than half a century” during which time they have transformed themselves into a nuclear power testing long-range missiles backed by one of the largest land militaries in the world. By that accounting the Versailles Treaty was a roaring success.


There will be a nuclear armed Japan and South Korea unless China puts Kim to heel, and they could have that capability most ricky-tick.


Upon making the decision to build nukes, Japan has a fleet of ICBM/thermonukes in 6 months.

China attacks before they announce, possibly on agents detecting the “go” decision.

Then what?


China attacks a US ally with nukes? WTF do you think will happen?

Silentium Est Aureum

Considering the most likely targets would be Sasebo and Yokosuka, I’ll take a wild fucking guess.


China tends to take the long view, but I suspect they would rather risk a war with the USA, than one with Japan.

They already have a taste of how the two fight. The level of rage to Japan is hard for folks here to grasp.

I suspect the point of view of China is that if -we- allow Japan to deploy nukes, then -we- want war with China.

And such a war does not get easier to fight with time, does it? The prior administration saw to that rather nicely.

If there is one situation that possibly triggers a China fast-draw scenario, it is a renunciation of the post-1945 constitution of Japan, or at least the pacifist aspect of it.

Remember Japan? They do. Form the point-of-view of the recipient of bayonets.


China and Russia both happily sell combat vehicles to anyone who will pay. Often “chimp” models, of reduced capabilities, they are still quite serviceable.

The question is, does the DPRK have any real ability to support and maintain combat vehicles in their current ‘austere’ regime.

Think of the constant work needed to keep a ship in good order and combat ready. The land-cruiser is smaller, but no less in need of constant work just to keep it moving under its own power, and able to function in combat. The requirements cube in actual combat (or more).

Thus the emphasis on logistics in the operational art. A tank is uselesss if you cant keep feeding it fuel, ammo, and replacement widgets, and the skilled people who use all of that.

The DPRK is in a world of hurt for -sustained- combat. Thus,if we -have- to fight them, this may be the best time to do so.

if we wait for the DPRK regime to fall apart, then the impact to the civilians there will be a thousand fold more fatal. The successor regime(s) may be even -less- reasonable, and far more desperate. Thus their nukes may become “leaky” and wind up elsewhere.

Carrot is the preferred method, but stick may be our only recourse. And the stakes are getting higher wiht time.


Isn’t that the same reason Bush Sr. left Saddam in office, that someone far worse could appear?

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO fatty ‘lil Kim-Cheese would have already done so if he had the means to, he’s little more than a juvenile megalomaniac who only cares about himself along with his grip on power and luxury.


Proportion: a 25MT nuke is -tiny- compared to a 5.0 magnitude earthquake.

The -local- shock of a bomb may be scalable as a richter number, but it is so incredibly localized and A a fraction of a second net release, as to be -tiny-. A relatively light 4.0 earthquake takes place over a lengthy fault, often miles, and over time, sometimes minutes, so the net release of energy is staggering. And the numbers are multiples of 10.

Now, if you could get one just right, just big enough, to be a sort of ‘detonator” for a fault line, then maybe. But a 15MT castle bravo as a surface burst or man-dug-tunnel couldn’t shock deep enough to trigger the San Andreas, not could the full power version of the Tsar Bomba.


Kinda humbling, eh? man’s mightiest toys pale in significance to nature’s ongoing hiccups.


Ex-PH2, do keep in mind that tabloids often publish the worst-case scenario without noting that it is the least-likely scenario.

Even a megaton-range nuke is a -tiny- ting verses geological processes of earthquakes and volcanism.

Brit press is … lurid …. as a way of life.

Ex-Garbage Gun Shooter

Nuclear Weapon + North Korea = better than average odds they inadvertently vaporize themselves.


Sgt Fon

I am curious as to why we didn’t target and shoot down said missile that was launched? i am pretty sure that that would send a very strong signal to the north. once it is in international airspace why not?


Testing a missile in international waters is something sovereign nations are allowed to do.

Shooting down a test missile is an act of war.

So if we had done that we we would be the aggressor.

Silentium Est Aureum

So I point a gun…a perfectly legal act.

But then I threaten someone with said gun and say it’s loaded. No longer a legal act.

If any other party defends themselves from what they deem a credible threat from me, I’m SOL. They were perfectly within their right to do so.



Just giving you the facts. Shooting down a test missile is an act of war.

And the missile was not on a trajectory to hit anyone. If it were the launch would have been an act of war.

Silentium Est Aureum

Small comfort when he finally gets a wild hair up his ass and goes, “Why the fuck not?”

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY Babbles McButthead, WTF do we do when fatty ‘lil Kim-Cheese decides to say he’s only conducting a test and *POW!* it really turns out to be a chemical warhead-equipped missile destined for say, Seoul, Pusan, Tokyo or Kobe, would shooting it down THEN be an Act of War? YOU remind me of a few SHITHEAD monkeyfuck excuses of Field Grade Officers who unnecessarily risked the lives and limbs of me and mu Compadres I deployed with on so-called “Fact-Finding Missions” which were really attempts by those Ooficers to get outside the wire and get shot at so THEY could put themselves in for another medal while ignoring the mess they put us in. The more I read your imbecilic drivel, the more convinced I am that you were little more than a warm body in a slot that other Officers made sure was certain to be on the chopping block at the next RIF, you were also a sacrificial lamb. OH YEAH, bring it on with your drivel that I was the CSM’s Driver,… NCO’s like me often give up on Officers like you. We shut up instead of warning you and let you fuck yourselves out of your career, we’ve gotten rid of shitty Officers that way many times.

Deplorable B Woodman

Just remember, boys and girls, that “friendly fire”……isn’t. But sometimes it can solve a lot of problems in the command structure.


Now we are into the whole “dual-use” dilemma. A space-program booster capable of delivering ten tons to orbit, is and ICBM capable of reaching almost any point on the face of the earth from almost any other point. A space-program re-entry vehicle capable of returning one or more people from low-earth-orbit to ground, is capable of delivering a multi-megaton warhead safely to detonation altitude, high or zero. space-program guidance systems capable of doing the above peaceful items can also deliver warheads to cities. The radiation-hardened electronics, processors, RAM, et cetera needed for space programs are also dandy for nuclear weapons and their delivery systems. Air-freight transport aircraft make dandy nuke-bombers, especially if intended as single-use one-way delivery systems. oops. So we and the Russians, and occasionally China, spent a great deal of time warning each other of spaceflight, weapons tests, etc, (of the highly classified and useful info), in the interests of not startling the other folks into rash retaliation. Something as simple as “no over-the-pole rockets, or big airplanes, please, unless highly scheduled and disclosed. No aqua-shots without inviting the neighbors, please. So the question becomes: “Is this regime sane or nuts?” Russia was deluded (by Communism) but still basically sane “Protect the Rodinia” (survive). Thus, long game diplomacy and brinksmanship works. The day KJU gets a terminal cancer diagnosis, look out world. In hindsight, should the allies have attacked Germany upon the first or second violation of the treaty of Versailles? If they refrained from attacking anyone until 1942, could we have beaten them at all? The stakes are higher now. It took 12 years for the National Socialists to turn 10+ million people into soot. If we get it wrong with the DPRK, they will turn that many, or more, to ash in about 12 minutes. If some argue that any regime, no matter how barbaric or despotic, or outright insane, have some sort of sovereign right to deliverable strategic nukes, does that mean -any- government? DPRK? Iran? Islamic State? The pirates that infest certain lawless regions? The breakaway peoples revolutionary front to the liberation of this… Read more »

Pinto Nag

We waited until the Twin Towers came down before we acknowledged we had a problem with Jihadists. So, my question here is this: which city gets bombed or gassed, and how many more Americans have to die at the hands of foreign aggressors, before our government actually gets off its flabby ass and does something about this? And I pay taxes for this? If this lack of ability was part of any car I ever owned, I would have driven it off into the lake a long time ago.

Silentium Est Aureum

And imagine how apeshit the left would go THIS time.

A Proud Infidel®™

“We waited until the Twin Towers came down before we acknowledged we had a problem with Jihadists.”

Afterward we waged war on them but the following administration gave us an asinine Encyclopedia Brittanica-sized set of ROE’s that ensured many more Combat Casualties. What still makes my blood boil is that even after 9/11 we still have snot-spined candyassed shit-for-brained monkeyfuck pisspants booger-munching libtards that still say we need to avoid offending muzzies.


The way NDtBF is going, my guesses would be Anchorage, Seattle, Vancouver, Portland, San Fransicko, L.A. and maybe, Las Vegas.


So your scared Pinto, and you solution is to put millions of South Koreans at risk. How very thoughtful of you.



A Proud Infidel®™

HEY BOY, have YOU ever even set foot in a recruiter’s Office? I myself have done a tour in Korea and now that North Korea is ruled by a despotic fatassed megalomaniac, I see a true threat to that region of the globe. All you do is troll while you masturbate to the Lenin and Guevara posters on your wall while bragging about your nest rock climb, ANYONE can climb a damned rock, not everyone can think rationally, you prove that.


Oh, OK, that settles it then.

Pinto Nag

Sneering at me? I’m one of the few people on this board who have bothered to try being nice to you. Or at least magnanimous toward your opinions. But that’s all about to change.

First, if I ever get scared of anything, you will already have pissed yourself in fear — so I’ll have good company.

Second, my question was strictly confined to whether or not our government would make any effort to protect it’s citizens from another preemptive, high casualty strike on American soil by some madman with dreams of grandeur. Where in hell did you get danger to SK out of that question? Not that they aren’t in danger, but that’s a topic on the side rail to my question.

And just to cement your kind opinion of me…yes, my concern is with American targets and American lives. Because if that lunatic manages to drop a nuke on us, the only help we’ll get from anybody will be ourselves — while possibly fending off multiple criminal nations sensing a conquest by opportunity. I don’t expect you to be inconvenienced, however; scavengers always do well among the injured, sick and dying.

Now why don’t you go climb a rock, Joe.


The millions of flesh and blood South Koreans within striking distance of N. Korea are just kind of an inconvenient abstraction to you, huh?

Pinto Nag

No more than millions of flesh and blood Americans within striking distance are an abstraction to you, Joe.


Joe Nutsack is talking out of his bunghole again… always talking shit. Obviously he hasn’t seen any of the NorK propaganda that is out on the’net for all to see.

Joe… stop freebasing the used kitty litter and check your ass into rehab.


If, big if, we were to stick to the post-hoc deterrent method, then we have to be the guys that are so inhumanly terrible that non one wants to ever, ever, ever piss us off, because we make what happened to Carthage look like patty-cake.

Oh look, that dipshit went and did it. I like that city. Great food.. Ok, generals, implement Operation Cautery: No survivors, and uninhabited for at least 200 years. Bounce the rubble, and live-stream the massacre as a warning to the world.

If we -cannot- bring ourselves to do -that-, then we -must- stop them before they get there.

And that requires a certain level of determined savagery too.


A bit of levity folks. Fatty Kim has been herd walking around his palace singing “Welcome To Duloc What A Perfect Town…”


I expect and await you to take expection, contradiction, and some kind of fault with my post. It’s just what you do. It would seem you just can’t help yourself.

It’s not a surprise, or new to me, as novel as you think you may be. No, you are right in line with many women, four year olds, bitch men, and enlightened Millenials I have to deal with.

I believe the old adage, “If everyone is thinking the same thing, then no one is thinking”. You, however, in true fashion of those mentioned above, have taken it to an extreme.

I suspect you feel that contradicting everything anyone else says is your way to make up for your lack of intellect, maturity, personality….maybe something else too?

I don’t post much. I’m not into being a “keyboard warrior”. It would sure be nice to sit down with you for a bit.

So, Commissar, this is when you get to contradict me too. You pathetic little bitch. Come on, you know know it’s time to explain how I’m wrong and you are right…

Go find a better outlet for your angst….