Brandon Blackstone sentenced for his stolen valor
We talked about Brandon Blackstone last year when he pleaded guilty for claiming injuries that never happened to him. He had appropriated the claims of of fellow Texan Corporal Casey Owens, Owens was evacuated from Iraq when his Humvee struck an anti-tank mine. Blackstone was evacuated when he had a case of appendicitis. Several people have sent us links to the report that Blackstone was sentenced yesterday in Dallas;
A federal judge on Friday called Brandon Blackstone’s actions in faking a war injury to profit financially “shameful, shameful conduct” before sentencing him to 21 months in prison.
Blackstone, 35, a former U.S. Marine from Arlington, also will have to pay the Veterans Affairs department $322,654 in restitution for monthly disability payments he received from November 2006 to December 2015, according to the ruling from U.S. District Judge Barbara Lynn.
He also lied about receiving a Purple Heart and used the fake story to obtain a free house from a veteran’s charity.
Blackstone’s lawyer argued that his time in the Marines made him lie about his service and his injuries – you know, PTSD is like that. His wife told the judge that Blackstone is a model parent, you know despite the fact that he popped hot on a drug test a few months ago which triggered pre-trial confinement.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
He’ll be doing a lot of that to pay off the VA… that’s a shit ton of Cockmeat sammiches for BRANDON BLACKSTONE to be snarfing down….
Especially at a nickel a pop.
Something BRANDON BLACKSTONE is going to hear for a long, long time…
*Cell door slams shut*
Huge Burly Cellmate: You’re here for a while, gonna be like we’re married, you wanna be the Husband or the Wife?
Brandon Blackstone: HUSBAND!
Huge Burly Cellmate: Fine by me, now GET OVER HERE AND SUCK YOUR WIFE’S DICK, BITCH!
He will be hearing this a lot…
He lied to get a free house AND pissed hot? I hope Bubba & Thor have lots of fun with his ass before they share him with the rest of the cellblock. His Lawyer arguing that his time in the USMC made him do it? I couldn’t make up shit like that if I tried.
API: They may keep him as their own. He’s too purdy to share.
Enjoy your time in the slammer, you cockroach.
Stealing the identity of a wounded Corporal, who is wheelchair bound due to his wounds? He lost parts of both legs in the blast. This guy is the moral equivalent of pond scum. I have to think of a better equivalent than pond scum. Pond Scum doesn’t begin to adequately describe this PoS.
Payback the VA? Probably put him on a $50 a month payment plan with the option to skip not more than three consecutive months due to financial hardship. That financial hardship will probably be the result of not being able to find a job. Any prospective employer who Googles him will see him for the dishonest turd he truly is. Will he qualify for welfare since he can’t get a job b/c of the fact no one will hire him due to his dishonesty? That way he can pay back the government with their own money. Who said the government doesn’t feel the pain of her citizens?
Cocksucker (I HAD to steal it from the usual contributor.)
Pond scum has higher morals than this slimy bottom-feeding tunnel scum.
It’s amazing his lawyer had the gall to claim his less then a month in Iraq (probably spent a week or two in Kuwait)
Caused him emotional distress
IMHO that’s as low or lower than kids claiming Basic and/or AIT gave them PTSD, I’ve taken one or two of that type aside and eaten their lunch for them.
My time in the Marine Corps has caused me to ramble on incessantly about events that I may or may have not actually experienced. It usually starts out with “I was in this bar in Henoko minding my own business when suddenly…”
My time in the Army sometimes gets me rambling about my adventures in the jungles of Paprika after a few shots and beers, “NO SHIT, there I was…”
My time in the USAF starts off with me babbling about the times I was in various pubs thru out East Anglia or the midlands and was that Yank that was kicking some blokes ass on the dart board playing 501
3 cheers for the colonials !! hip-hip hooray !!
No, I don’t think I’ll ever get over Macho Grande.
Shit River, OTOH….
I’ll never get over that night combat jump we made over Macho Grande. When we hit the DZ we were really in the chit.
Pretty typical with some of these substandard vets and their substandard discharges.
Enjoy the nightly asspounding, asshole !
It’s not “asspounding”. It’s Dr Julio’s (of the firm of Bubba, Thor, Dr Julio, and Tiny’s prison deli, etc, etc) “Anal Dilation and Colo-Rectal Straightening Therapy”.
Along with some sessions of Sphincter Massage in the shower as well.
Good outcome.
He’s young enough and the amount of restitution is low enough (relatvely speaking) that he just might pay back what he fraudulently obtained. No number of years or time spent in prison will ever erase the pain he caused the family of the Marine whose story he took as his own. Nor will the years lighten the dark stain on his soul or remove the rancid stink of his name. He is a disgrace and, now, he is an inmate.
The Marines made you do it asshole. Well get ready to do things the boys in Cell Block D are going to make you do. Enjoy.
Quick check of the math says he was paid $2,960.13 a month for 109 months for a case of appendicitis.
And he was evacuated for that?
In the olden days (back when the order of the day was First Rank, Kneel) that appendix would have been on-the-spot field fixed with a P-38 and a inner tube Vulcanizer, then returned to his outfit with a Band-Aid and three days of light duty.
Faq’heem. He deserves every minute of his sentence – and then some.
Splash. Out.
Whale’s offal.
It sinks to the bottom, where he belongs.
A world-class dicksmoking shitmongering asshole.
Bring it, please.
Cleared hot.
Brandon Blackstone vs. a channel cat?
One is a slimy, cold blooded, bottom feeder.
The other one is a fish.
This shit can make you mad, but, this guy gets slammed while others shrug & walk away. Not defending this guy at all.
A couple or three years ago I came across TAH. One of the first V/T I saw was a guy by the name of Haynes. A fat assed slob that the city of Plano, TX was paying close to $300k a year (tax dollars).
He had on his bio & resume that he’d been a Navy SEAL & Navy EOD Tech. I forwarded info I got from Jonn to the president of the Navy EOD Association. The guy got fired, but no one I wrote wanted to prosecute. Claimed no evidence to support that he used any “false claims” and obtained a personal financial benefit.
The guy in this story is small change compared to the Plano guy who worked there for years.
I don’t think it is the amount so much as who he was stealing from. Gotta be a special place in hell for stealing from the disabled, valor and money.
Odd I’ve never had the need to embellish my service or claim some epic
War story over what happened to me in the sandbox when I got my Bo-Bo
WTF is this turds issue. May karma bless you, you Facking crack-head
Honesty will open door that lies never will.
Let’s see, my brother is getting over $3K a month for his phony PTSD bullshit for many years, I think he would have to pay back at least a cool million or so? But yet nobody wants to arrest this asshole? Why do they not care about this kind of thing when you put it right in their face?? I’m glad this ass hamster got his time in the slammer, I can only hope my pos brother will get the same someday before I die!!!
I read your posts about your brother and my heart really goes out to you.
That is a horrible thing to have to know and live with when it is in your immediate family.
I couldn’t imagine a family holiday celebration in your family.
I hope it all works out for you my friend.
God Bless You for bring this out to the public.
I think he is really gonna get himself some severe PTSD from those manlove Thursdays in the joint. He is likely going to end up with a “broken anoose,” as Borat would say.
I can’t open the link to the Stars and Stripes story how did this shit bag get busted and why did it take so damn long to catch him
So his wife sees this phony as a “model parent”? The guy lies, steals valor from others, cheats to get a free house and rips off the government for 9 yrs of disability some of which supported his drug habit ?
His kids will need the same psychotherapy Bernie Madoff’s grandkids needed when “Made Off” was confined. Unfair to them with their father as the worst kind of designated shit bird and a mother who is an apologist. Kids deserve better.
CAPT Bones USN (ret)