Sessions: This is the Trump era
According to Katie Pavlich at Town Hall, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a shift in US policy towards illegal immigrants on the southern border.
“For those that continue to seek improper and illegal entry into this country, be forewarned: This is a new era. This is the Trump era. The lawlessness, the abdication of the duty to enforce our immigration laws and the catch and release practices of old are over,” Sessions said.
A second attempt to enter the United States without proper paper will be a felony, as opposed to being a misdemeanor last week. Sessions also claims that prosecuting aliens who assault federal law enforcement officers will be a priority.
From Politico;
In a policy move that could have broad implications, the attorney general asked prosecutors to consider charges for identity fraud and document theft “to the extent practicable.” The department’s attorneys also should consider felony prosecutions in cases of fraudulent marriages to obtain legal immigration status, the memo said.
Sessions appears ready to use all the tools at his disposal to target unauthorized border crossers, according to Leon Fresco, a former deputy assistant attorney general in the Justice Department under President Barack Obama. “We’ve never had this sort of zero tolerance for illegal immigration prosecutions,” Fresco said.
The pendulum swings back.
Category: Illegal Immigrants
There’s a chance that if this keeps up and the illegals are pushed out of California the Democrats may lose a shit load of seats in the midterm election.
(Except we’ll be hearing whine-whine.)
Too many of them are going to whine no matter what happens. When they win, they whine about things not going their way far enough and fast enough. When the don’t win, they just whine louder.
Unfortunately, there are entirely too many career politicians of all stripes who engage in this behavior. Just happens more consistently on the D side of the aisle.
One of several equally valid that I don’t trust many of those clowns at the national level. We could not be this far down the tubes without the cooperation of both parties.
Please, God, please!
Of course, they’ll just fall back on good ol’ fashioned vote fraud when that happens, so I doubt the change will be felt so immediately.
Jerry Brown [spit] just demonstrated yet again that the Domed Whorehouse in Sacramento has no concern for the will of its constituents with the recent gas tax hike. Lots of people around the state were quick to point out that stopping all the free-shit-giveaways to illegal aliens would free up billions to fix the state’s problems with. Did they listen? Nope.
I’ve seen a large percentage of California’s infrastructure over the last 16 years, driving from one campaign fire to the next. Once you get off the federally-funded freeways, the roads get noticeably worse in most places. Same for the rest stops, dams, and other facilities. State facilities like CalTrans yards, CHP stations, CalFire (I liked it better when they still called it CDF) stations are often falling apart unless restoration/repair/renovation work is done by the crews/cops working there (which they’re not supposed to do). The dam scare this last winter surprised nobody who’s been paying attention. And look at California’s education system: run-down schools turning out third-world graduation rates, run by administrators raking in five digits per month. There’s plants of money coming in, but it never seems to reach the classroom…
All that unfunded pension liability? Yeah, that includes mine. Joey and Limp-Dick’s “6th-largest economy” crap is just another phrase for “too big to fail.”
GEE WHIZ, eight years of nearly no immigration laws being enforced now the new administration says “HELL NO!” and enforces them resulting in a huge drop in illegal Border crossings. Maybe next we’ll start hearing about voter fraud being investigated and prosecuted more often?
One can only hope …
The Obama administration deported more people than any administration in history, dipshit.
The Obama administration changed the definition of “deportation “. If an illegal alien was turned back, it got scored as a deportation. Inflating the stats is always an effective lie. Dipshit.
Not to mention that the effectiveness of deporting people while, at the same time, not only leaving the backdoor unlocked but all of the windows open, too, while telling states (and suing one) not to help ID illegals sorta kinda undercuts deportation numbers. Just a little bit–as in sham deportations.
And who effectively said, ‘Fuck you, Congress, and your denial of passage of the Dream Act. I have a pen and a phone.’
Golly. Why must there be such concern about illegal aliens if, during the last eight years, there has been such effective and hard line enforcement of our immigration laws? I distinctly recall the many marches waged against the prior administration for its dutiful immigration law enforcement. Don’t you. Or maybe there were none. Maybe the illegals were pleased with the prior administration. No, that couldn’t be it.
Fuck you, assclown. And your retarded uncle too!
That response was to Infidel. Posted on my phone and must have fat fingered the reply button.
Fat fingered or not, it’s still a statistical lie.
“fat fingered” ? so you’re a lesbians dream date?
Lars must be losing his touch. Either that or he doesn’t garner the attention he used to here. I mean, normally, he says one or two things and there are 100+ comments. As others have noted, we know he’s here just by and inordinate number of cmts in a non-sensational thread. I did my part but, then I guess I dislike him more than most. I’m still rooting for that bus.
Or train…
Or tractor trailer…
Or plane flown by Bernath…
Or chute packed by ShItGeNfElD…
The list goes on and on…
Okay, fine. Show me.
Hodgepodge for $1000, Alex. This administration is getting better by the day. The best thing is the Sup Ct situation with what may be two more seats available sooner than later. Ginsburg doesn’t know what day it is and Kennedy (a/k/a Mr Waffle) may be taking his leave sooner than later. And in Kansas, the expected and, in some circles, hoped-for rejection of a Republican running in a special election US House seat didn’t happen. Chiner is talking nice. Lower taxes are in the offing. Trump will straighten out the healthcare mess, and some idiots at Notre Dame are whining that Pence’s planned appearance there makes them feel unsafe. Cripes. I remember when Notre Dame was a good school, with a good football team.
My family are traditionally Notre Dame football fans. The fact that we’re Irish and Catholic probably has something to do with it, but Grandpa always used to say that ND wasn’t a “pussy school.” That’s obviously changed, and I may be left with nobody to watch except Boise State.
It’s sad what has happened there. Last season, the school lost 3 or 4 players due to their arrests for drug and handgun crimes. Rockne (among other) would kick each one of the current lot in the nuts and walk away.
Pence’s planned appearance makes me feel unsafe. I might need to hug my dog. Or hug Kate Moss, which could lead to some inappropriate touching…
Inappropriate touching? Don’t worry. I’ll tell her to keep her hands to herself.
So by making, ” [a] second attempt to enter the United States without proper paper … a felony, as opposed to being a misdemeanor last week”, our immigration policy will mirror that of Mexico?
“Sessions also claims that prosecuting aliens who assault federal law enforcement officers will be a priority”,…
Good Lord, give that man a Nobel Prize…unless they’ve been too cheapened by an oopsie 8 years ago.
You meant, perhaps, the “No Bull” prize? Much better, I think.
I saw what you did there. 🙂
It was always my understanding that the first illegal entry was a misdemeanor and the second time was a felony. What this means is that he is finally going to enforce the law that was already on the books. He cannot change laws by himself. Congress has to do that.
My feeling is that AG Sessions’ intent to make second-time crossings a felony will be taken to court by the proggies (probably again in the 9th circus) and a proggy oboobi judge will slap an injunction against it. With Gorsuch in, this will probably end up at SCOTUS, as hopefully all these proggy court rulings against Trump actions will eventually end up, and be hopefully overruled by SCOTUS…
The problem with this is that if convicted of a felony, we have to support their asses in prison. Can’t there be a middle ground, like kneecapping followed by deportation? How do we convince them to STAY out when deported? Inserting one of those cute Mission: Impossible III nasal implants that explode when you approach the border? I’m cheap… I want ’em gone and not coming back, not just sucking up taxpayer funded cell space.
“We’ve never had this sort of zero tolerance for illegal immigration prosecutions,” Fresco said.
Meh …pobrecito. It’s called enforcing the extant law, Baboso!
And you brought it on yourselves. So, neener, neener, neener.
Deal with it.
Finally! It is about time that some laws are enforced. After a little while, we might even see crime rates for other offenses drop as illegal immigration drops. Wouldn’t that be nice.
Thousands of uninsured drivers off the US roads would alone be sufficient. The prospect of fewer rapes, murders, robberies, and deaths caused by drunk-driving illegals are all bonuses.
Announcements at Walmart can return to English??!!??
I got no problem with the felony thing but for the love of God make them serve the time in a Mexican Prison. It will be cheaper and an actual real deterrent. Prison in the US might sound good compared to living in parts of Mexico.