Gorsuch nomination
I was pretty shocked when President Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Gorsuch seems to be the most qualified person to replace Antonin Scalia. From what I’ve read about him, Gorsuch seems to be a reasonable jurist who actually reads the law. Even USAToday‘s editorial board supports his confirmation;
Gorsuch’s credentials are impeccable: Columbia, Harvard, Oxford, federal and Supreme Court clerkships and a decade on the federal appeals bench. He received a “well-qualified” rating, the highest available, from the American Bar Association. On principles and independence, he has gotten an array of glowing references, including from some Democrats and liberals. Extensive vetting has unearthed no hint of personal scandal.
As for his judicial philosophy, the 49-year-old judge from Colorado would not be on our short list for the high court. While in the broad mainstream, he veers too close to the right bank for our taste, particularly on issues involving discrimination, government protection of the powerless and, presumably, reproductive rights. But he is no fire-breathing extremist.
But, of course, the Democrats are massive crybabies. Led by hyper-whiner Chuck Schumer, who told NBC News that “Trump should gather with Senate Democrats and Republicans to “try to come up with a mainstream nominee.”” Translated that statement means that Democrats are still mad that Obama’s nominee, Merrick Garland, didn’t get the nod, so they’re going to stomp their feet and screech.
Three Democrats have said they’ll cross the aisle to vote for Gorsuch’s confirmation; Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Joe Donnelly of Indiana and Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota. Of course, Manchin has an election next year in a state that vote 65% for Trump last year, so we can probably get him to vote for anything these days.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell claims that, one way or the other, Gorsuch will be confirmed this week.
Category: Politics
Most of the pundits seem to agree, the D@mn0crats are shooting themselves in the foot by opposing Gorsuch.
Or, perhaps, shooting themselves in the crotch?
Hell, most sane liberals I know -such a thing does exist!- think the opposition is a self-inflicted wound by the Democrats. Gorsuch isn’t a pretty reasonable guy, and the Democrats aren’t going to be able to stomp their feet and magically get a pro-choice, liberal appointee nominated.
This is one of those things where you wish people would just be reasonable, but instead you get rhetoric and people caring more about re-election than the country.
Yeh right “gather with dumocraps”, how in hell do you do that when the whiny, childish little shythead communists are constantly throwing tantrums? Phuck the dumocraps!
If Dems draw a line in the sand on this guy (which doesn’t change the previous balance of power) because they ALMOST got their guy (that they would not have gotten confirmed), they are going to be sad trombone when Notorious RBG goes room temp during Trump’s first term and the Nuclear option has been invoked already…
“Notorious RBG”? I’ll have to remember that one. That said, I think that she is half way to room temp already. I think that Kagan and Sotomayor prop her up in the a.m. and take her down at night.
“Of course, Manchin has an election next year in a state that vote 65% for Trump last year, so we can probably get him to vote for anything these days.” Yeah, he has risen from the dead, blasting out email updates and newsletters. I didn’t have to wonder whether he was up for re-election. Funny how that works.
On the other hand, my senators, Gary Dicks, er, Peters, and How Now Stabenow, have decided they don’t need to listen to their constituents. Or reply to them.
” …a mainstream nominee.”
And “mainstream” to Schumer and his ilk can only mean moving in lock-step with every whacked out view the Left has.
I may have only gone to a lousy public high school in California, but they had a mandatory US Government class. I don’t remember any part of the curriculum saying that a SCOTUS Justice’s job is to be “mainstream.” In fact, I specifically remember being taught that their job was to rule based on the Constitution, *not* popular public opinion.
You know what happens when SCOTUS bows to “mainstream” opinions rather than doing their job? Dred Scott v. Sandford, that’s what. When they ignore “mainstream” and instead focus on the Comstitution, then you get decisions like Brown v. Board of Education, District of Columbia vs. Heller, etc.
Schumer & co. are trying to make people think that the Supreme Court is “American Idol.” This proves that he’s either a monumentally-incompetent idiot, a shameless lying sack of shit, or both.
The fact that they so often vote 5v4 or 4v5 on issues also shows how politically motivated they are as well.
They aren’t interpreting the Constitution for what it says, they are interpreting the Constitution based on what their “party affiliation” is. I could see 7v2 or so, but when it is so often one vote difference, it shows the issue is Conservative vs Liberal.
I’m not sure what you mean by “so often vote 5-4.” Since Rehnquist, somewhere between 13-33% of merit decisions every term are 5-4 (or 5-3 or 4-4), with an overall average and mean of about 20%. Of those decisions, about two-thirds are “ideological” or swing-vote splits.
Given that most cases arise from circuit splits, it’s more telling that about 65% of decision over the last 30+ years are either unanimous or garnered a single dissenting
I vote for BOTH…plus a communist NWO prick of the lowest order!!
He’s replacing Justice Scalia, so that wouldn’t change the balance of the court. If the Repubs go nuclear, and I believe they will if forced, for this nomination the Dems have just cut off their collective noses to spite their face. They will lose the next nomination fight, and perhaps the one after that.
And I’m OK with that.
Well as long as the republicans hold the senate that’s maybe true but if they lose the senate in the mid-terms I wouldn’t be surprised to see the democrats deny a vote to anyone picked in 2020 until after the election…turnabout being fair play and all….
If the R’s lose the Senate in the mid-terms, they can always change the rules. Like, change the senate rules to require 67 votes to invoke cloture, and require 67 votes to change the senate rules. That would be a fine present to leave the dems during a lame duck session.
He was nominated by Trump, they’ll oppose him just because of that too.
This is yet another example of how much bullshit is going on in DC and why pretty much all of them need to be fired without pension.
At this point it appears that the Democrats are going to force the Republicans to invoke the “nuclear option” to avoid filibuster. If this happens, 1) Gorsuch is confirmed; and 2) the Democrats will have lost any possibility of filibuster if, for the next vacancy, Trump nominates a true extremist. Why they would choose to shoot themselves in the foot over a well-qualified, moderate conservative like Gorsuch is beyond me.
All those things the Democrats did in the previous 8 years are coming back to bite them rule changes that they made, so that they could get their way… and now crying about how the minority opinion matters. Obamas “Elections have consequences”, pen and phone legislating from the oval office…
Any Democrat batching and moaning now, needs a huge dope slap.
“But he is no fire-breathing extremist”
As opposed to a bench legislating judicial activist extremist….
God forbid we have a SCOTUS that actually follows the Constitution.
Why the nerve of some people to actually think that the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land. By God that is a LIVING Document that should change with the times. <—To those of you that think like this…Go fuck yourselves, in the ass with a hot poker, to cauterize what's left of your brains.)
The fact that there have been 27 amendments to the Constitution since it’s inception is proof that is in fact a living document.
There is a good chance that Trump will get to nominate one, and possibly two more, justices in his first term. I can’t see how, strategically, having the nuclear option invoked on his first nominee, is a win for the Dems, especially one who has proven to be as respected and mainstream as Gorsuch. The next two could turn out to be right wing ideologues for whom blocking the nomination would be considered responsible among the main stream and Libertarian leaning members of Congress and the population, but they will no longer have that option.
We all knew what we were getting with Kagan and Sotomayor, but there wasn’t a move on the Republican side to block it. Suddenly now it’s acceptable.
It’s called, “scorched earth policy.”
I believe i read a story not too long ago, where the Dems offered up a deal that they’d let Gorsuch go through if they could Filibuster the next nomination.
I’m glad the Republicans didn’t decide to kick the can down the road, thereby allowing the Dems look like crybabies.
When Reid invoked the so called “nuclear” option previously I knew then it would not be the end of it…the democrats should have known that as ye sow, so shall ye reap and I suspect that we will see some iteration of that take place here if the democrats try and filibuster for no other reason than a tantrum…
No one seems to be able to play the long game anymore, of course when the dems use it to put a screaming liberal judge on the court I’m sure the republicans won’t mind if it’s only 51 votes that get it done…after all turnabout is fair play, and nothing in politics lasts forever. The problem with pendulums is you can’t easily stop them from arcing back and forth.
True VOV.
I do not like what these actions portend for the workings of our government.
It looks like Gorsuch is a shoo-in and Ruth Bader Ginsburg is t getting any younger, I wonder if she’ll live up to her promise to move to New Zealand?
Of course she won’t API. What she said was a liberal promise, and we know what they’re worth.. look at all the people who said they’d leave when Bush was elected, and now Trump… did you see a single one of them keep true to their promise? I sure didn’t
Gorsuch is okay with me.
But what happened to that part called ‘checks & balances’? I thought that was the most important part? Does that go by the wayside if the democrats can’t have their way, the next time around?
All this nonsense tell me, is that he is clean.
“Democrats have secured the 41 votes to block Gorsuch with a filibuster after Delaware Sen. Chris Coons said he would vote against the nominee. The opposition will prevent Republicans from reaching the 60 votes they need to move Gorsuch over procedural hurdles to a final Senate vote.”
“Determined to confirm him despite Democratic objections, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has signaled he will likely change Senate rules later this week to reduce the threshold from 60 to a simple majority to get Gorsuch confirmed.”
And there you have it. Say what you may about Schumer, but he’s not stupid, so either this is all kabuki theater for the base or he has a Plan B.
I’m thinking theater.
I’m thinking Up-Chuck is playing to the donor base. Not the $10.00 donor, more along the lines of the Georgi Soros-Tom Steyer donor base.
Pretty sure that Soros’ hand is so far up Schumer’s ass that he can tickle Schumer’s tonsils.
The Dems have a strategy: Fire up the base, demonize the opposition, and re-take the House, Senate, and White House.
“See? Those Fascists changed the Sacred Rules! If you don’t vote them out We Are All Doomed!”
And of course, such a pending Doom from the Monsters will justify all sorts of skull-dugery, all in the name of “Justice” of course.
Their leaders -will- double down. They -will- escalate. They have seen -one- election threaten to wreck every Marxist/Progressive thing they have achieved in a century, and they will burn it all to the ground before they let that even appear to continue.
Tom Perez and Keith Ellison are now the face of the Democratic Party, and they are pulling it ever further left. How this played in recent elections has taught them nothing.
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”
N. Bonaparte
One way or another, Gorsuch will be confirmed. This summer, however, if Justice Kennedy retires (which has been widely speculated) the Dems’ decision to essentially force the Republicans to establish a simple majority for Supreme Court justice confirmation will truly backfire, as the balance of the court will shift dramatically right. Good.
I think the Republican leadership is missing a huge opportunity.
If I am not mistaken, the federal government is due to run out of money later this month. Necessitating a continuing resolution.
They should be slow rolling the vote Gorsuch, while getting the CR lined up.
Schedule the vote on both of them for two days before the Fed runs out of money…
If they want to block Gorsuch, they will have to shut down to government to do so.
I’m willing to bet that would shake a couple more dems loose.
I’m sure the party leadership has talking points to explain why a filibuster of Gorsuch is required, but I’m sure they are not good enough to explain why Gorsuch is so “wrong” that the democratic party needed to shut down the government to prevent him from being seated.
Anyone hear the Hawaiian lady Senator Hirono on the Senate floor today ? She was reading some inane “litany of ills” about Gorsuch. Sounded like the sleeping fellow in Bible Class that is suddenly awakened and asked to read verses “24 thru 30″…Stoooopid.
CAPT Bones
I thought this website was about exposing stolen valor. I guess it is actually a forum to express ass backwards political views. I might be finding another website to support if you guys can’t get your heads surgically removed from your asses… and I mean fast. If you want to start political arguments, don’t insult veterans that don’t agree with you views, it’s contrary to the point of this website and the veterans like me you frequent it. I’m not a Democrat or Republican so you can point the finger whichever direction you want, but don’t insult veterans who do support Democrats in the process.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, junior.
Freedom of association, ATW. Just take your little jump-rope and go home to Mommy.
FWIW, I don’t always agree with these knuckleheads myself. But my mother taught me that if my feelings were hurt, I’d better first check to see if they were sticking out too far.
Grow up or go away, no skin off my nose.
My problem with people like this is that they don’t have a blog, they don’t give me any money, yet they think they know what’s best for my business and I should take their advice for no other reason than they took the time to give me their opinion.
I resemble that remark, unfortunately.
One of these days I hope to actually send you some money.
And my advice is: keep doing what your doing. (worth what you paid for it, eh?)
What are you waiting for? ‘BYE!
Who got Wiggins’s shorts in a bunch?
Well, have a nice trip, kiddo. Be a stranger. Forget to write!
“I’m not a Democrat or Republican so you can point the finger whichever direction you want, but don’t insult veterans who do support Democrats in the process.”
You forgot to proofread Andrew. I wont wait for your response cupcake.
Andrew, please allow me to make a couple of recommendations to ease your exit.
You may feel more at home on those forums. Bon Voyage.
UPDATE. Numerous blogs (and DU) are reporting Gorsuch’s confirmation, but that’s not actually true. He has sufficient votes to be confirmed, but the voting continues. No matter. He’s the next Supreme Court justice. One down and one or two to go over the next several years.
Gorsuch is official, 55-44. Yeah, that’s 99. Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) wasn’t there. He’s recovering from back surgery. (Now, let us hope that he doesn’t turn out the way Eisenhower’s guy, Earl warren, did. Ike called his selection of Warren “the biggest damned-fool mistake I ever made.”
Yeah, John Paul Stevens (Gerald Ford), and David Souter (H.W. Bush) waited until SCoaMF got into office before calling it quits…Hello Kagan & Sotomayor. What the hell is it w/ Republican appointed Justices going cuckoo for cocoa puffs libetard?