Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is “Nancy”
SanFranNan, March 2010:
“We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it.”
SanFranNan, March 2017:
“The American people and Members have a right to know the full impact of this legislation before any vote in Committee or in the whole House.”
Along with monumental chutzpah, the abject hypocrisy and utter dishonesty shown by the combination of those two statements is simply sickening.
But I’d expect nothing less from a committed Socialist “Progressive” like SanFranNan. After all: the Left’s modus operandi for years has been, “Fine for me – but not for thee.”
Category: Health Care debate, Reality Check
Maybe there will be a provision in there to release a stitch or two holding Nancy’s ‘perpetual suprise’ face up. Couldn’t hurt….
That’s botox… and it’s rotting her BHG.
She is a lying bitch, she has the i.q. of a stepped on toad, she needs to be in a home somewhere and not allowed out without a leash! The moron says whatever comes into her empty little (BIG) HEAD, at the moment..doesn’t mean a thing if it contradicts what she said the day before! SHE IS FREAKING NUTS!
Commissar poodle in 3-2-1.
Don’t fear the commies, eh?
Yeah, fuck Commissar.
I bet Lars has centerfolds of that nasty old bag all over his bedroom.
What a giant human shit statue.
JEEZUS! Dude, there isn’t enough brain bleach in the world to get that thought out of any rational persons head!!!
That’s as wrong as prison sex….
Well I AM stuck way out here in Diego Garcia so… perhaps the gears are starting to slip upstairs.
I think I’d actually prefer prison sex. That’s just beyond awful!
HOLY CRAP! Deckie, I have only met one other person who had the ummm pleasure to be assigned to Diego Garcia. She was a reservist I want to college with at the U of Montana.
What the hell are you doing their? Painting ships? Isnt it still a British colony?
Sorry bud, was grasping at something to get the thought of ANYONE having a Nancy fold out on their wall outta my brain!
Be safe out there in the middle of the Indian Ocean!
Yup, it’s still owned by the British who have Royal Marines and BIOT Customs Police stationed here. I’ll bump into them every now and then. Nice bunch of folks.
I’m rotting on one of the MSC ships anchored out in the lagoon… not much to do here, hence the expression “you come out here, you’ll become hunks or drunks.” I figured as far as the Navy went, it was either a great assignment or one they sent you to if you pissed someone off… I lean towards the latter, though some of them swear they love it here…
This is my second time out here, likely my last.
I had a friend I went through Submarine School with in the mid-90’s who was disqualed submarines for mental health issues about a year after earning his Dolphins. His reward was being re-assigned to Diego Garcia. I never saw or heard from him ever again.
Sounds like Guam. Three things to do there: drink, weightlifting, dive, or some combination of the three.
At least there was the occasional strip club in Agana.
The high seniority guys grab the Busan based prepo ships, next comes Saipan and the bottom of the barrel is always Diego Garcia.
If MPS1 wasn’t given the axe during the Obama years I’d have given my left arm to remain marooned in Southern Europe.
Well, I know that being on a tender was a pretty sweet deal compared to what I was used to on the boat, even if it was in Guam. Their idea of a “deployment” was a liberty run to Hong Kong, Chinhae, Singapore, or Australia. Even the “working runs” to Yokosuka were good for us because the Japanese nixed any nuclear repair work.
Only real downside was being single I had to live on board unless I wanted to pay for it myself–not even barracks for single folks back then. Don’t know if that’s still the case.
A friend of mine (retired Navy chief) spent a decade or two on Diego Garcia one year. He came away with a big jacket patch proclaiming membership in the “Indian Ocean Yacht Club” and had not one nice thing to say about the place.
Isn’t it a cotton pickin’ shame that people like that senile gasbag think no one can remember anything past the last five minutes? And that’s because that’s about all she can remember.
Unfortunately the majority of the American people seem to have a memory much shorter…….
I’m waiting for her to have another brain fart like that ‘President Bush’ episode, right on live TV a few weeks ago. (snerrkkk!)
We all forget things, which can sometimes be embarrassing, but in her case, she’s right on the edge of senile dementia.
Yeah, seeing as how that’s an EIGHT-YEAR gap, I really don’t see that as an easy mistake.
Yeah, even that dipshit Maxine Waters turned to the guy next to her and mouthed “Bush”? with a surprised look. Even Waters knows who the president is
I would stand in line to slap SanFranNan, then go to the back of the line for a 2nd chance…
There is a certain cretin who dwells amongst us that, I think, would hit it……
I wouldn’t hit that with a borrowed dick.
A borrowed baseball bat, on the other hand…
Thirteen Bears no even touch that with dead Buffalo dick.
Or with IDC/SARC’s …. errr …. (rhymes with) stick.
He would let her turn the tables on him, so to speak. I won’t specify further, for the sake of everyone’s sanity.
I’d hit…..with nukes….from orbit.
Just to be safe.
You guys are so violent…
Pain is an excellent teacher.
It helps us learn “Don’t do that again.”
SanFranNan needs to experience some pain – for her own good.
“That which does not kill us …
…gives us a headache”
Since when hasn’t Nanny Lugosi been full enough of shit and hypocrisy to overfill at least three dozen supertankers?
Nancy drags a wagonload of shit big enough to fertilize the Sinai
What I do not understand is why the Democrats all seem to have left their brains in the ’60s. Nancy Pelosi has been mentally MIA for a lot of years. She has also made a lot of money for herself and her family, probably based on investment decisions guided by insight into the upcoming legislation. There will be hangers-on with similar interests. This happens when a person is in office over the very long term, and I get it. If the voters tolerate it, so be it.
But why do they think they can get away with flatly contradicting themselves?
The Democratic Party, especially in the last election, lost boatloads of credibility because they would tell a blatant lie, and the supporters of the Republican candidates would gleefully pull up old video and news reports. The Democrats simply responded by lying even more blatantly. That seems like bad strategy, to me.
They used to not be this stupid.
Not only did the dems do that in the last election cycle, they seem intent on continuing to do so 4 months past the election cycle. They show no sign of changing course, at all.
Because they have a complicit media all too willing to carry the water for them.
And then they wonder why nobody outside the Kool-Aid chuggers believes them.
I’d hit it for the good of our country although id then demand 2 Purple Hearts
This nation will survive Nancy Pelosi.
It won’t survive the people who put her into office.
Could be. Some years ago, I sat through a congressional candidate’s night in the North Bay. There were probably six or seven running for a vacant seat. Among them was a woman who self described as a progressive democrat, single mom, and former welfare recipient. Which should have been neither here nor there. As the evening went on, it also became apparent that of all the candidates, her knowledge of the issues barely extended past the level of bumper-sticker sloganeering. There was one point when her answer to a question was so lame I almost felt sorry for her.
Guess who won the election and spent the next 20 years being Pelosi’s lapdog?