When You Have Naïve and Incompetent Leadership . . .

| February 24, 2017

. . . you often get crap like this.

Obama revamp of federal bureaucracy created ‘widespread’
security policies violations, watchdog says

The Federal agency involved? GSA.  The “watchdog”?  The GSA IG.

And to add insult to injury: the worst abuses occurred well after the previous      DC clown krewe      Administration admitted it had “screwed the pooch” on IT security and allowed Chinese hackers to obtain 4.2 individuals’ PII as part of the OPM security breach. (The actual number of individuals whose PII was stolen by hackers linked to China was later determined to have been five times that – roughly 21.5 million.)

The linked article is a bit longish, but IMO reading it is worth the time.  It should p!ss you off.

It’s nice to finally have responsible adults in charge. At least maybe we won’t see this kind of disregard for security policy and procedures again any time soon.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", WTF?, YGBSM!!

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A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder how loud those responsible for this mess will screech and bawl when they get held accountable?


They should have been hung before they could even leave town!! NOW they should be hunted down like the vermin they are and exterminated..imho!!

CB Senior

That is flat out monkey fucking a football stuff right there.

PI SES never get held accountable, too many workers to throw under the bus, and they are usually friendly with certain people.

Combat Historian

The obamaoistas: THIS IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT!!! AND OH BTW IT’S ALSO TRUMP’S FAULT!!!…somehow…///


As one affected by OPM’s security breach, I was “awarded” 12 months of free credit monitoring, provided by OPM. You get what you pay for. My insurance company provides the same service for free, and for a small fee will monitor my credit/debit cards and bank accounts for unusual activity, and assist with reconciliation of any fraud claims. A MUCH better situation. Other companies will provide similar services. I highly recommend looking into retaining these services, as a co-worker had his taxes hacked and is going through hell to correct this.


Same. When I saw the letter my thought was “wow a whole year of protection while a foreign government has my information for life. What a deal”.

Didn’t even bother.


I didn’t get a notice that my stuff had been ‘breached’, but I do get lots of calls from people who want to sell me expensive cruises that I don’t want, or ‘check the delivery charge’ on my utility bill without saying which one they’re referring to.

On the other hand, I froze my credit reports some time ago and if anyone wants a copy of one of them it will cost him what it costs me to unfreeze and then refreeze them. Since I don’t see a need for credit cards at this point in life, I’m not really concerned about it.
However, whoever the people are that did this need to get a sample of what they did to those 21.5 million people – yuuuuge sample of it. And I do hope they get fired.


What I am getting left and right anymore is Blue Cross Blue Shield calls saying “we are a contracted agency for blue cross blue shield”….I have a blocking machine and have blocked them a dozen times or more and the bastards keep calling using different numbers I assume……sure , I would do business with corrupt a.h.’s like this…NOT!


There will be no accountability. Politically connected jack legs seem to fly in the stealth squadron.

The world could end and they would still be there getting paid.

While many govies are good workers, the entire system is football bat stupid

2/17 Air Cav

There was no question that the Bastard, now hailed as a hero of some sort and certain to make gazillions on the lecture circuit was screwing the country in many ways. Some we knew about but others we didn’t. By the time the Benghazi attack occurred he and his were well practiced in misleading all of us. Benghazi, and that stupid, ridiculous tale about a protest sparked by a video no one had seen was the topper, at least for me. After that, I knew damn well the Bastard and Bastardess didn’t even think it necessary to developp a plausible lie.


My assessment was the same, even before the fantasy tale of Benghazi. I knew he was a total phony when I saw him on the campaign trail with his multiple staged incidents of female shills fainting in the front rows of his rallies. He sure was quick with the ever ready bottle of water and calls for a doctor in the house.