So what happened in Sweden?
Saturday night, President Trump made a sideways reference to an incident in Sweden which would illustrate justification for his immigration policy. From The Hill;
“When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden!” he said during the rally. “Who would believe this? Sweden! They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never thought possible.”
The Swedish Embassy in Washington, D.C., asked the U.S. to clarify what incident Trump was referring to on Sunday.
What the President was referring to was a Facebook rant written by a Swedish police officer on the cusp of his retirement, Peter Springare. He is currently facing charges of hate crime incitement. Here is his post on Facebook;
The Facebook translation;
I’m so fucking tired. What I will write here below, is not politically correct. But I don’t care. What I’m going to promote you all taxpayers is prohibited to peddle for us state employees. That tends to drive in a non-career and non-individual pay. Even though it’s true. I don’t care about all of this, will soon still retire after 47 years in this activity. I will now and every week to explain in detail what for employing me as investigators / investigator on coarse mcu police in örebro. It’s not going to be good with the opinion or other leftist kriminologers perception in the general debate.
Our pensioners is on its knees, the school’s a mess, healthcare is an inferno, the police have totalhavererat etc etc. We all know why but no one dare or wants to peddle the reason, due to the fact that Sweden always lived on the myth of prudes ultimate society who have osinnliga resources to be at the forefront when it comes to be the only politically correct option in a dysfunctional world that beats Knot on their own by destructive behavior in different name of.Here we go; this I’ve handled Monday-Friday this week: rape, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, rape-assault and rape, extortion, blackmail, off of, assault, violence against police, threats to police, drug crime, drugs, crime, felony, attempted murder, Rape again, extortion again and ill-treatment.
Suspected perpetrators; Ali Mohammed, mahmod, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali, again, again, again Christopher… what is it true. Yes a Swedish name snuck on the outskirts of a drug crime, Mohammed, Mahmod Ali, again and again.Countries representing the weekly all crimes: Iraq, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalia, Syria again, Somalia, unknown, unknown country, Sweden. Half of the suspects, we can’t be sure because they don’t have any valid papers. Which in itself usually means that they’re lying about your nationality and identity.
Now we’re talking just örebro municipality. And these crimes occupies our utredningsförmåga to 100 %.
So it looks here and has been like for the past 10-15 years.
Fox News writes about another police chief in the Swedish city of Malmo;
About 32 percent of Malmo’s occupants are migrants. In the Rosengard district, 80 percent are migrants, many without jobs.
“We cannot do it on our own,” Chief Stefan Sinteus wrote in an open letter about the “upward spiral of violence.”
And Sinteus is not merely dealing with typical crimes that any modern city would witness.
Malmo had 52 hand grenade attacks in 2016 alone, a jump from 48 attacks in 2015, according to figures provided by the Swedish Police Authority.
Nationwide, the terror threat level is at “elevated” and police believe at least 300 Swedish nationals have travelled to Syria and Iraq for jihadi training. On Feb. 11, a Swedish man and a Danish man were arrested in Turkey, suspected of plotting to carry out attacks in Europe. Tofik Saleh, a 38-year-old Swedish citizen of Iraqi origin, had been training with ISIS since 2014, officials said.
Sweden has taken in 650,000 asylum-seekers during the past 15 years – including 163,000 in 2015 alone, The Spectator reported.
Of course, no one at The Hill or the New York Times which are criticizing Trump for his remark are bothering to explain what he was talking about.
Category: Politics
The idea that America is a dumping ground for every other nation to get rid of their dregs is over now.
President Trump, (God that feels good) has put out another ban on people claiming refugee status. The law is clear, the judge that overturned it was nothing but a liberal melonhead that thinks he knows better how America should be run than the voters that elected President Trump.
Fuck him and fuck all of those “refugees” They should stay in their country and fight to clean it up not come over here and make America into a third world shithole like the one they left…
America is a dumping ground and always has been. Emma Lazarus wrote a little sonnet about it called “The New Colossus”. It’s inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. Thankfully for most of our relatives there was not a “closed” sign out when their dreg asses showed up at Ellis Island. When did Americans get so afraid?
With all due respect W2, Lazarus was a “Progressive” and when our people came through, there WERE RULES. Besides which, when was the vote held about what WE wanted? I certainly wasn’t asked what I thought about millions of people coming into my country-were you?
Why does it always have to be us against them? Who gives two shits (besides you) what a dead poets politics were. Her words are inscribed on our most famous monument. Read the sonnet, stop reading Brietbart and open your mind just a little bit. Much love to you from a conservative republican.
To add: The words found in “The New Colossus” shouldn’t be mistaken for immigration policy.
However, the words “I lift my lamp besides the golden door” suggests passage into the country is a privilege and not something to be taken lightly.
If the description of the door was “brass” instead of “gold”, then it would take on an entirely different meaning. Lazarus’ use of the word “gold” suggests there is something of value.
Folks here will understand.
Good point. Still, huddled masses are huddled masses. They yearn to breath free.
I think most of us agree that we don’t mind people coming in through the front door, doing it the right way, as my skating coach (Polish) and her husband (Chilean) did.
It’s when they come in through the back door that we object to it.
The back door was supposed to be locked and usually is, but they somehow squeezed through the doggie door portal and took a dump on my clean kitchen floor and that pisses me off.
Hire a Mexican or Salvadoran national to clean up that poo Ex-PH2. Lord only knows you’d never get an American to do that kind of work.
Advice: quit thinking in stereotypes; in this case “Mexicans do the jobs Americans won’t.”
I’m familiar with Ellis Island and its history, W2. Two of my grandparents passed through there when they immigrated.
They immigrated to the US legally. And a few years later, they became US citizens.
I – and virtually everyone else here – have little issue with anyone who immigrates legally with the intent of becoming a US citizen. I do have a problem with those who come here illegally, or who come here and afterwards consciously refuse to accept and conform to US law and society.
And I have a real problem with those who come here specifically to do harm to this nation and its citizens.
W2 with all due respect, none of those immigrants were coming here to change the US into what they’d left behind. They understood what they were leaving behind was a shit hole for them and that assimilating into the culture of the US was their best prospect for a bright future. We are under zero obligation to provide a place for those leaving third world shit holes and wishing to replicate the idiotic religious beliefs and second class citizen treatment of women and different faiths of their homeland. We are not obligated to accept people who desire to fundamentally change the basic nature of our country people who have no idea of free speech, no idea of the free practice of religion and no idea what it means to actually be free to be as you wish to be without theocratic government intrusions into your life….I don’t want or need those people who can’t assimilate into our culture, such as it is these days. Realistically speaking, however many we let in does nothing for the 99.9% we won’t be able to let in. If people are truly concerned about lives in the middle east taking a few thousand or a few million makes no difference to the overall suffering of the middle east. I would argue it’s only a cosmetic and pathetic attempt to pretend we’ve done something to make us feel better about really doing nothing for the majority of people in the middle east. If you really want to help the people of the middle east we need a plan to stabilize the entire middle east. To keep Sunnis, Kurds, and Shias from slaughtering each other over tribal alliances. Until you fix that problem there will be no end to the refugee crisis in the middle east. I’m thinking that islam is the type of all encompassing religion that should have no place in a free society. If your religion, whatever it is, requires you to consider some of the citizens of your country as second class citizens for whatever reasons, be it some sort of bullshit morality… Read more »
I think most of our relatives booked passage and just showed up. As the husband of a “legal immigrant” I can say I doubt my great grandfather filled out the team of forms from USCIS I had to do in order to get on the boat that steamed from Deutschland.
Ream of forms.
America is not and should never be a “dumping ground”, W2.
All of my ancestors immigrated legally, followed the rules, learned English (those that did not know it beforehand), and became productive citizens.
Lots of others are doing the same.
A young lady in our church just received her certificate of citizenship – after being adopted from Uganda. Others in our church have been adopted from Russia (before Putin threw a hissy-fit and stopped all adoptions) and other countries.
Others I know came here legally, with the right papers, learned or are learning English, and striving to be part of this great nation.
But the narcos coming across from Mexico, the enslaved girls smuggled into the country to satisfy some perverts’ lust, the bums looking to get on Welfare as soon as possible – nope. (Although the enslaved girls need help, they are not to be automatically considered “OK” because of their circumstances.)
In short, W2, you’re full of it.
Come on Greybeard, you’re a fellow Tejano. Why would you fear the Mexican that washes the dishes in the restaurant where the Mexican that cooked and the Mexican waitress that served your most recent Tex-Mex meal work. Seriously? Bad hombres? When Texans become afraid, what are the Yankees doing? They must be pissing themselves.
W2 – as a fellow Tejano, I have had a lot of interaction with many Mexicans in my time. I have worked with them, worshiped with them, and interact in many other ways with Mexicans. And Salvadorians, Guatemalans, Bolivians…
Some of them were wetbacks. Many of them had green cards. Fear them? Some of them, yes. All of them, no.
But one thing they were and are not (yet) is Muslim. For a Bautista in rural Mexico life could be hazardous. We had a group of Catolicos con machetes get together to purge us from the village one night – but the tequila was too strong for them.
But if you haven’t been paying attention to the events in Nuevo Laredo, Monterrey, and similar places, you need to wake up before the narcos take their turf wars to your neighborhood. If you see someone with Santo Muerte as a tattoo, or as a window decoration, you’d better check your six. And if you’re not aware of the significance of Santo Muerte, time to wake up and smell the coffee, amigo mio.
Read the freaking paper, watch the freaking news, illegals, killing, raping, robbing, stealing, driving drunk, breaking into homes, afraid,,,you ignorant shyt…its call self preservation!!!
Yeah, your afraid. Your examples are from a scaired little man hiding behind a locked door desert. I’d have empathy for you if your words weren’t so pathetic. I grew up in south Texas around the kids of illegal immigrants. Their parents worked hard and were only trying to provide for their family. The community welcomed them because they did the dirty jobs Americans didn’t want to do. If they were “bad hombres” they got thrown in jail and then deported. I was never afraid of them.
Nope, those are the words of someone who knows how kind and gentle the narcos are in Mexico.
You are the one hiding your head in the sand, W2. The illegals of today are not all the hard-working folks you grew up around.
W2 – for your edification:
Yeah, I can’t believe the abuela who made me menudo and tamales during the holidays now wants to kill me. Further, her son who I grew up with who went on the serve as well is now somehow the enemy. Moose limbs prolly need some extra examination, and there are dirtbag criminals everywhere, but I am not going to live in fear of “bad hombres”.
THAT WAS THEN and this is now, W2. I remember some of the same types from back then and I dealt with a few during my Trucker days when I unloaded at a few Agricultural Facilities. Those people would work like there was no tomorrow and ask what needed to be done next but today we have dope smugglers, Gangsters (Ever heard of MS13?) as well as an ever increasing number of OTH (Other Than Hispanic) illegal aliens crossing the border which include an increasing number of those of Middle Eastern descent! It ain’t what it used to be.
API, I love your comments and when you get on the war path (is it still on to say that) with your swamp donkey / sparkle pony comments I always laugh. This time though bro, I gots to disagree with you.
Um, no. I work with Mexicans every day at work, and they’re pretty much like the Americanos. There’s a few assholes like in any group, but they’re mostly ok.
Not ok with the felons who keep popping back up after being deported. Those are the ones we need to get rid of.
Yup yup Casey! Sing it brother!
You need to read up on some of the immigration restrictions put in place after the large influxes between 1900-1920 (Immigration Act of 1924 for example). The US turned lots of people away, for quite some time.
Legal immigration is just fine and dandy for folks that want to contribute to the benefit of the country and in the process make a better life for themselves. However, periods of limited immigration are necessary in order to allow for assimalition.
Trump certainly needs to engage brain before opening mouth. That being said, the gist of his point is dead on: Europe is being overrun by Islamists, with the corresponding skyrocketing level of rape and other crimes, yet liberals want to ignore this inconvenient little fact before throwing the borders wide open.
But hey, it’s not like THEY’LL have to deal with the consequences of their actions.
Even I’ll agree that Sweden’s approach is problematic. It’s incredibly gracious and well-meaning in principle, but failing in practice. A bit like how a life-boat that can handle 30 people is great if it manages to squeeze on 40 people and still remain afloat, but if it tries to take on 400 it’s going to sink.
I don’t subscribe to the notion that all of the problems with immigrants are because of Islam – so many, I think, are the problem of cultural differences that exist outside of religion itself. And culture (and religion, for that matter) don’t change overnight. It takes time, and notably exposure and integration into a new way of life.
The problem is, when you take in 2% of your population in refugees in a single year -one in 50 people is a brand-new refugee from a war-torn country!- then they form pockets where they needn’t integrate and adapt, and that fuels problems.
Finding a balance between humanitarian need and the realities of cultural integration isn’t easy, but that’s what’s needed.
Religion is culture is religion. The two are inextricably entwined. You cannot change the culture without changing the religion.
It takes time? I don’t know about you, but I don’t have that kind of time. How much time do think it will take to change the written word of Allah?
I oppose Islamic immigration for the same reason I oppose Communist, Nazi, or Fascist immigration; they all want to destroy our present system and replace it with another.
That sounds reasonable, and absent any data, I’d be inclined to agree with you. But the data seems to say otherwise. Take, for example, something like support for Sharia law. I imagine you’d say that’s tied to religion, no? Yet in the July 2016 Pew study of Muslims in various countries, you see the range of Muslims supporting Sharia law as the official law of their country going from as low as 8% (Azerbaijan) to as high as 99% (Afghanistan). So it doesn’t seem like it’s just religion, even if there’s some level of intertwining.
As for the time aspect, we’re fighting two things – the first is a bunch of murderous assholes, and those we can kill. The second is an ideology that creates more of those assholes over time – and that’s a lot harder to stop. I think the more Muslims we can integrate into civil society (our culture, even if not our religion) the better equipped we are to fight that ideology. So if we can successfully integrate Muslims who are fleeing abhorrent violence into our society, we hasten our victory in the longer war.
That’s an opinion I’m sure the vast majority here will disagree with, of course.
So is support for Shariah law is not religion based – what do you think the percentages would be if they polled non-Muslims? Hmmm?
Sharia law, while supported in a spiritual sense by all Muslims,is not supported as official law of the land,by all Muslims.
While I am not one hundred percent certain about this matter;I do believe with some confidence that Sharia law varies as to specifics from one Islamic sect to the next.
It is prudent that we remember the fact that Islam, like the other major world religions,is comprised of many differing sects, and or denominations if you will.
I see that you have NEVER spent any time in the Middle East, o babbling conceited moonbat.
“James” does not know me.
I don’t subscribe to the notion that all of the problems with immigrants are because of Islam – so many, I think, are the problem of cultural differences that exist outside of religion itself. Not sure about that, LC. The Council on Foreign Affairs currently recognizes 28 ongoing world conflicts having impact on the US. Of those, 9 are in Africa; 16 are in Asia; two are in Europe (Ukraine and Refugee issues); and one is in the Western Hemisphere (drug violence in Mexico).!/p32137 Let’s take a look at those 28 conflicts. 1. Of the 9 conflicts in Africa, 7 are on the periphery of or are internal to the portion of Africa that is predominantly Islamic. (The other two, South Sudan inter-tribal violence and former DRC conflict, don’t seem to have such a connection.) 2. Of the 16 conflicts in Asia, 13 of them are either on the periphery of or are internal to those portions of Asia that are predominantly Islamic. (Only the East China Sea, South China Sea, and North Korean issues have no such link.) 3. One of the two conflicts in Europe – the European refugee crisis – is also linked to Islam. The other (Ukraine) is not. 4. The current drug violence in Mexico appears at best only tenuously linked to Islam. (I personally don’t think there’s any significant linkage, but more data may well prove me wrong on that point.) By my count, that’s 21 of 28 current significant conflicts affecting the USA (75%) that have a link to Islam. As I recall, the case was much the same 25 years ago. No religion has a monopoly on idiots or radicals. But based on an apparently consistent pattern lasting 25+ years, it certainly seems that Islam today may well have a significant problem with violence. (When you see such a pattern, you have to wonder.) It also appears to have far more than its fair share of both fools and radicals. Perhaps there is a connection between the two. IMO, it looks more and more each day like Samuel Huntington was right… Read more »
First, to clarify, I meant that when an immigrant or refugee commits a crime in Europe, it -in my opinion- is often more a result of cultural clashes, not religious motivation.
If you’re arguing that the root cause for the refugee crisis is because of Islam, well, … maybe you’re right? I honestly don’t know how to disentangle that aspect of religion from culture. When Sunni fight Shia, is that cultural or religious or both?
I also definitely agree that Islam has a more significant problem with violence and radicals other religions. The problem (in my opinion) of the Left is when they insist there’s zero correlation, and the problem on the Right is when they treat all Muslims as fanatics. If Muslims were some tiny part of the world’s population, we could probably get away with that. When they’re one-third of the world’s population, we need to ensure we target enemies and recruit allies.
Last I checked, people didn’t commit rapes in the name of Allah, Jesus, or whoever. They commit them because they’re inbred savages and deviants who haven’t learned that no means no.
Rape isn’t about sex, it’s about violence.
Violence, power, and control. Sex is the weapon in rape.
Hence the savage deviant comment.
You should educate yourself on Islam, my friend. Rape is a tactic of Islamic conquest. The “brothers” are taught that raping and impregnating infidel women is not “haram” (forbidden)but a right of conquest. How do you think those women slaves of ISIS and related ‘slamo groups feel about rape having no connection to Islamic belief or culture.
I am a damn proud liberal, leftist snowflake, and I am here to tell you that; the views held by liberals as to Islamic fundamentalist terrorism, are as varied as the colors and shapes in a kalidascope. While it is true, that some liberals hold the view that there is no true cause and effect relationship between the Islamic faith and Islamic fundamentalist terrorism,there are at least as many liberals who believe, that the Islamic faith per se; regardless of the sect considered, is the source of, and fuel for, Islamic fundamentalist terrorism.
I am of the opinion that the world would be a better place absent Islam per se; even as I am committed to supporting the right of all persons to choose whatever conglogerment of delusion best suits their apparent need to be victims of delusion !
“I am a damn proud liberal, leftist snowflake”
You will get along well with Zika-Commie.
You must be a disciple of Babbles McButthead aka Commissar aka Lars T.!
Michael Totten, who has spent more than a few years in that part of the world, once observed that the disrespect of women is more of a “North African” thing than a “Muslim” thing. He’s said that a woman in (say) Syria throws her shoe at a man bothering her, that guy is going to get his arse kicked by all the other men on the street. Food for thought.
Yes, there’s a wide variety of opinion amongst Shia about the degree to which religious leaders should be involved in civil matters, in much the same way Protestants have debated the issue in decades past. Insulting people who disagree with you doesn’t change that.
On the other hand, there is more than a bit of culture attached to Islam: Arabic culture. That’s the only proper language for the Koran, only Arabs are entitled to protect the Holy Lands (Turks and Persians need not apply), and Arab culture generally accompanies the Muslim religion. I’m willing to bet money that any historical examples of Islamic tolerance are in direct proportion to how much Arabic culture was absorbed by the locals.
25+ years, Hondo? Charles “The Hammer” Martel sorted ’em out at The Battle of Tours in AD 732.
And your point is what ?
“And your point is what?”
Too many words to figure it out?
What the hell happened to the vikings? they had BALLS….!
Engage brain before mouth…. maybe you should do as you just said. He has made far more progress than any of your snowflake heros in the past.
You may be barking up the wrong tree if you directed that statement at SEA.
Snowflake heroes.
For me that would be an awfully thin book, my friend.
Fact is, Trump does have a habit of saying what’s on his mind, even if it doesn’t make perfect sense or the left uses it as a “gotcha” opportunity.
Yes, they’d do that regardless, but no sense in making it any easier for them, no?
I would say, let every fucking liberal take at least two refugees to live in there home and sleep with their daughters? How would it feel then you rotting sheep fuckers. All the goats are sick and nervous! I love how our president is handling this issue! My God bless him!
I do not know about most ”filthy” snowflake liberals; but I would allow 50 Islamic refugees who had no record of violence of any sort,into my home, before I would allow one admitted sex addicted, orange haired, pussy-grabbing, corrupter of politicians,bankrupting eminent domain abusing, draft dodging, daughter lusting drump, to even glance towards my home.
You are extremely tolerant James, how do you do it?
I’d like to know how he’s going to vet the background of those “refugees” to ensure they have “no record of violence of any sort”. Based on the recent past, DHS can’t do that today – and neither can European authorities.
Yes, I think one of the San Bernardino terrorists had “no record of violence of any sort.” The last regime (of passionate proglodytes aka liberals) had supposedly vetted her. That really turned out well for the 14 dead and the dozens of wounded, didn’t it, “James?”
James, have you ever been to the Middle East? I’ve done two tours there myself and your attitude tells me you’ve never been there. There is little law and order there and religious authorities are often considered the law which is known as sharia and they often do not recognize Western Culture which is why we see so many instances of them infesting locations and trashing all they can while demanding more handouts. IMHO some people cannot be civilized and I offer third world Muslims as an example.
No. He’s not been there. I also suspect he’s just a troll as well.
When did Bill Clinton get a dye job?
So, James, I guess you’d welcome Bill Clinton and that Weiner guy into your home, and let them play with your kids, especially your daughters and leave them alone with your wife, too, huh?
Yeah, got any more out of context stuff you can throw in here, James?
Oh, while I’m at it, there was an interesting article on Reuters a short while ago, an interview with an ISer who claimed he’d raped 200 women and it was ‘normal’.
Here we go:
Maybe some day, you’ll get your head out of the sand.
Or out of somewhere else.
Malmo has a population of about 300,000 people. Given the figures in that article, 1/3 of the people in that city are immigrants. People who refuse to assimilate, and create no-go zones where the citizens, and their police, dare not go.
And, in 2016, they averaged one grenade attack a week.
But the “feminist” Swedish leaders of the government went to Iran, and rather than stand for feminist ideals and freedom, they donned the hijab. That’ll show the world. And, especially the misogynist mullahs.
They just scoured events to find something they could claim he was talking about.
This is the best they could do? A facebook rant? It is flat absurd, particularly since it makes zero sense in the context he was speaking of Sweden.
This administration is completely full of Shit.
The only one on this thread completely full of shit is you, Commissar. FOAD.
So by the ‘reasoning’ of the Commissar, eye witness, on the ground, first person information from Sweden on the situation there is “absurd”.
Interesting how the mind of modern leftist works, isn’t it?
This my friends, is how those same weenies justify the protection of rapists, murderers, etc, but desire to kill someone who simply has a different perspective.
No desire to learn, no desire to analyze, just a desire to convert oxygen into greenhouse gas.
The left: not liberal, not tolerant, not peaceful.
Genius..sheer genius.
Oh, I get it. Don’t you guys see what he’s saying? If Piuperdink the Commissar Poodle Lapdog uses Facebook to report something, it’s from their fingers to Whatever’s ears.
But if someone else does it, especially if it’s someone who got elected to the highest office in the land, and especially if it’s someone they universally hate with truly visceral hatred, then it’s invalid, bcause TRU-U-UMPPP!
It’s that old ‘okay for me, but not for HE’ thing. Just can’t get the sturm und drang out of their pissy little scabrous souls, can they?
Probably because the Swedish government is too fucking chickenshit to release said stats.
Oh no, that might make sense.
Interesting comment; and an interesting site this is. I would like to thank you for your comments and I will say thanks to the creator/ owner of this site for the opportunity to share a few words. Unfortunately, my free time has expired and I must attend to personal and work related matters for the next few hours. Thanks and take care.
Every day you demonstrate what an ignorant POS you are. Try reading something besides the proglodyte propaganda you spew.
Assuming you can read something this long, here is a transcript of what President Trump actually said – as contrasted to the propaganda you ingest:
Graybeard, thank you. That was very helpful.
Does anyone have a direct link to the claim Trump got part of his idea from a Tucker Carlson broadcast? That’s what the Hill says, anyway.
Look at that, Poodle Dick up before noon. Mom come down to the basement and make you get up, Berserkley? Nobody farted and called your name, roll over and go back to sleep
^^^^ Like ^^^^
Oh, who fucking cares? What I want to know is how are things in Sweaden? Well, Heavy Chevy?
Hand grenade attacks? Where did they get the hand grenades? Oh, never mind.
Yeah. I thought hand grenades were illegal in the Swedish paradise?
Same with rape, but it’s Sweden’s thing now.
Thanks, Islam!
I think the original post missed the mark somewhat.
What the President was referring to was a Facebook rant written by a Swedish police officer on the cusp of his retirement, Peter Springare.
It makes no sense that Trump was referring to a Facebook post from over two weeks ago that happened “last night.” (Which would have been Friday night.)
Trump was not referencing the Faceboiok rant. Even he says so:
My statement as to what’s happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 19, 2017
There is a huge (yuge?) difference between something happening in Sweden “last night” and a news report on Sweden that aired “last night.”
Trump has a tendency to say things that make sense in his mind and the rest of us go, “huh?”
He also has a problem with explaining and learning from his mistakes and instead lashing out:
Give the public a break – The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 20, 2017
Trump needs to slow down and learn to communicate better as a leader. No one put a gun to his head and had him make a statement that made no sense at the time or now.
His point of looking at the Tucker Carlson story is a good one. That story needs to be seen by more people. But instead of the story and the information bolstering his points, Trump is having to backtrack and accuse people of not understanding his badly stated point.
His point of what is happening in Sweden and other countries is already lost because of his inelegant and unclear remarks.
Actually, I think the Trumpminator is a genius in communication. He makes it look like he is always improvising and coming up with shit on the fly, which makes him look as a natural communicator, giving him a sort of sincerity not seen in the Washington ruling class for ages.
He is also very effective in forcing the media to cover things they don’t want to, like the immigration situation in Europe. How many people researched on their own what’s going in Sweden trying to find fault with the Trumpminator?
In my humble opinion, President Trump is the best President ever, and he have only been in office for a month.
And here I am hoping he keeps going strong and doesn’t prove me wrong.
Ronald Reagan was a natural communicator and gifted orator. President Trump, not so much. The recent press conference, which I watched, was pretty much all over the place. And his comments about the press being the enemy of the American people was very Nixonian. You don’t have to like the press, but like it or not, a free press is one of the pillars upon which our democracy rests.
Have you ever read -Jefferson’s- views on the press? Nixon was hardly original in his views.
11B, good evening. Well, in modern times, the press has exposed some governmental evil doing, for example: Johnson and the Gulf of Tonkin, Nixon and his skullduggery, Iran -Contra, the big dog and his asshattery, Obama persecuting whistle blowers anf now Comrade Pooty Poot sticking his dick skinners in out election process. I always come back to somebody who hates a free and open press may have something to hide. Finally, even the Fox News people (Chris Wallace) was taken aback.
Press? “Exposing government wrongdoing” with respect to the Gulf of Tonkin resolution? Please.
The press was in the LBJ Administration’s pocket with respect to Tonkien. It was a guy named McMaster who showed – many years later, in his book Dereliction of Duty – just how completely LBJ and his cronies hoodwinked Congress and intentionally engineered that “functional equivalent of a declaration of war”.
Ok, ho about LBJ and the publication of the Pentagons Papers, which showed LBJ lied to the American people about the US involvement in SEA (arguably after he left office). Would not have been known if we didn’t have a free press.
That’s indeed a better example. But even then, the Press didn’t dig those up. Ellsberg gave the press copies and practically begged them to publish. The NYT almost decided not to do so. Indeed, if portions of the Pentagon Papers hadn’t been entered into in the Congressional Record, the NYT might well have decided against publication. At least one of their in-house lawyers recommended against doing so.
The only reason the Nixon Administration tried to get Federal Courts to restrain publication was the precedent the case would set regarding publication of illicitly-released classified information. Nixon was reportedly originally inclined to allow publication since the documents were hugely damaging to both JFK and LBJ, but Kissinger convinced him that the precedent that would create would handcuff future Presidents.
In retrospect, the documents were indeed almost certainly over-classified – but that wasn’t Ellsburg’s call to make. Ellsberg did indeed unlawfully disclose the documents; he managed to escape prosecution (which was NOT precluded by court decisions allowing the publication of the documents) solely due to government misconduct during the investigation of his role in the affair.
I thought it was a battle between lawyers (actual, not disbarred fake CPO’s) and the NYT’s house lawyer won the day. I also thought Nixon’s dirty tricksters tried to stir up shit on Ellsberg but then Watergate happened.
When the matter eventually got to Federal court, you are correct. But that wasn’t what I was referring to above regarding the disagreement among the NYT legal staff. Initially, the NYT’s legal advisors were split on whether to publish the Pentagon Papers after Ellsberg gave them the documents. Their external law firm – Lord Day and Lord – advised against it, while the NYT internal counsel advised in favor. NYT management decided to follow their in-house counsel’s advice. The Nixon Administration Justice Department first attempted to convince the NYT to cease publication. When that failed, they then went to Federal court and got a court order barring further publication – but not until after 3 articles had been published by the NYT. It was that court order barring publication that was later overturned by the SCOTUS in NYT v. US (1971). Significantly, the SCOTUS did NOT rule that the right to publish was absolute. Their ruling – which actually consisted of 9 separate opinions showing great diversity of thought – was split 6-3 in favor of the NYT. The majority opinions in effect said that the government had not shown sufficient need for prior restraint of publication. In taking this path, the SCOTUS endorsed the concept that the government can indeed – with sufficient justification – legally bar publication of certain information by the press. What allowed the NYT to prevail in 1971 was the fact that the Federal government didn’t demonstrate sufficient justification to bar publication. The later dirty tricks you reference (e.g., illegal wiretapping by the “Plumbers”) were only part of the government misconduct that allowed Ellsberg to skate re: being prosecuted. Other agents also broke into his psychiatrist’s office; the judge was informally offered the FBI directorship “off the record” during the trial; and government records pertinent to the case were inexplicably “lost”. Those caused the judge to declare a mistrial, apparently with prejudice. Ellsberg (and his crony Russo) were both guilty as sin of the crime of unauthorized disclosure of classified information. However, since the misconduct concerning their trial was executed by persons working on behalf… Read more »
Except that we don’t have a free press, we have left wing operatives who write propaganda.
Yawn, Melissa, drink some more kool aid.
Given how the press has reported President Trump’s speech vs what he really said, Melissa has a strong argument.
Given the other ways the press has reported Trump vs what he has actually done and said, Melissa has a very strong argument in her favor.
“Democrats with bylines” is an apt description of many of them.
The press hasn’t been free for several decades. In fact the mainstream media have been pretty solid for the Democratic party since at least the turn of the century. They went all-out promoting Hillary.
One (of many) good examples of their bias is the Journo-list. Google it.
The problem is, too often he really does come up with shit on the fly, after which his spokespeople are left scrambling to explain “what he really meant”. He’s done some good things (appointing Mattis and Gorsuch among others), but in my opinion he’s got a long way to go before he’s even close to being in Ronald Reagan’s league. I’m hoping he’ll grow into the job and will be as good at governing as he was at campaigning, but again, he has a long way to go.
After only a month, it is somewhat silly to say that Trump is the “best president ever.”
While you think it is a good idea to cover the things in Sweden, that’s not what came out of the rally.
What came out was “what happened?” and then “Trump lied….again.”
That’s not effective communication at all in my opinion.
If he had said “Last night Tucker Carlson had a report on the problems in Sweden and other countries with open immigration…..” that would have been one thing.
But he didn’t say that. He said something totally different. Something that people who support him had to stretch and try to convince the rest of us that “last night” was the same as “two weeks ago.”
Then he launched on a “fake news” thing again. So what was the “fake news?” The fact that “last night” wasn’t “two weeks ago?” The fact Trump screwed up? The fact that Trump misrepresented what had happened?
I realize that to a large extent Trump is getting every statement he makes put under a microscope, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t screw up and say things that are wrong.
He needs to 1) slow down 2) laugh his mistakes off 3) learn from those mistakes and 4) stop blaming others for actually listening to him and point out when he is wrong.
Be accountable for one minute.
Trump supporters can’t continue to act as if the emperor has clothes on in all areas.
Saudi Arabia and Egypt, our supposed “friends” in the Middle East get a pass on the ban though. The countries from which our attackers sprang forth get a pass. Does not compute.
Actually, it does. The seven nations covered by the ban are those who have been determined not to cooperate with the US in countering international terrorism. The governments of Saudi Arabia and Egypt do cooperate with the US on that score.
With friends like those, who needs enemies.
Their support isn’t perfect. But the support provided by both Saudi Arabia and Egypt beats the hell out of that provided by Syria, Iran, Sudan, or Somalia.
You want to argue about the nations on the list, take it up with the former Occupant, 1600 Penn Ave, Wash DC. The seven nations were identified by DHS as problematic during the previous administration.
I’ll just say they all suck and leave it at that. An angel gets his wings every time a hydrofracking well is added in the Permian Basin. All those assholes who have held us hostage since 1973 can choke on that sweet, cheap WTI. Chavez is already in hell getting the place ready for the mullahs and the shieks from the OPEC shit holes.
Amen to us cutting our dependence on oil from those shitholes.
I’m all about getting away from fossil fuels, but as long as we are on it get it from our own land.
Was looking up where we get or foreign oil from and was heartened to see Canada is our top supplier.
Not just Bakken Crude, they’ve discovered other oil deposits in Texas that are second only to Saudi Arabia. I say not only drill and tap that, let President Trump finish reigning in the EPA and let the Petrochemical Companies expand their current refineries, maybe build a few more and before we know it we’d be back to having 95 cents a gallon gas again except for locations like NY, MA and the People’s Republic of California, they’d go apeshit with adding new taxes on it.
Do you have a source for that volume estimate, API?
And to top that off they’re saying the Saudis are exporting record amounts of oil, could they be in a panic over the USA no longer being so beholden to them for petroleum?
You missed the next article, about Vlad/Russia displacing the Saudis as the world’s top oil producer.
It looks like OPEC’s grip on the rest of the world has been undone, they shouldn’t have taken us Infidels for granted like they did and the only sympathy I have for them can be found in a dictionary somewhere between “shit” and “syphilis”.
There’s more to it than that. I’m working on it.
Speaking of Saudi Arabia, they DO have facilities with the capacity to accommodate many a refugee yet they won’t take a single fellow muzzie in. Seem that they might know something we don’t!
No, API, they don’t know anything we don’t. But until recently, Saudi Arabia had adult leadership familiar with how the real world operates – and we didn’t.
Dude, the house of Saud can suck some cock.
I didn’t say I agreed with all of their policies, fella. Or all of their actions.
They do, however, look out for Saudi Arabia’s national interests – security, stability, and economic. And they put their own nation’s security first.
Like them or not, we can learn a thing or two from them about how the Middle East really works. You don’t have to like someone to learn from them.
Apparently the media dipshits didn’t bother to watch 60 minutes last night. They profiled what the muzzie so-called immigrants have done to Sweden. As soon as the cops left on their shoot in a ‘slamo area, the 60 Minutes cameraman was promptly attacked for being Caucasian. Of course, nobody remembers that most of Malmo is a no go zone for over ten years if you are “kuffir.” Who knew Malmo only had 52 hand grenade attacks last year. Must have been some of those devout but lawless Lutherans acting out.
Lawless Lutherans? What’s to say there might be some rogue Mennonites and Jehovah’s Witnesses gone wild as well?
I think the horse & buggy boys and the Jehovah’s are pretty rare in Scandahoovia. But it could happen. It’s not like all the terrorism/jihadism comes from the muzzies; just only about 99% of it. I think this is all caused by those lax hand grenade control laws they have in the Sweden. Perhaps universal backround checks would put a stop to the grenade attacks.
Or the Amish?
” Hand me that Fuck-You-Charlie, brother Ismael”
10 cool points to whoever gets the fuck-you-charlie reference.
Hot Damn! You can have grenades in Sweden???? Hmmmm wonder if that means you can have an M79 as well? Theres a home defense weapon for ya. 🙂 Sorry for the flippancy.
A great home defense weapon if you have the “shotgun” rounds that are loaded with 00 buckshot.
Drill baby, drill.
Somewhere back there, we got a bit off topic, as usual. As to the original subject – I watched the speech in real time where President Trump referenced Sweden. I didn’t know what he was talking about but the only assumption I made was that something had happened of some significant to someone. I didn’t hear him specify anything about what sort of event, so figured it was up to me to discover what had happened in Sweden.
I have family in the midst of Sweden’s refugee resettlement issues, so keyed in immediately to the comment. But by the time I did some research, the media was aflame with things which bore no resemblance to what I had heard him say, mostly people seeming to boast about their ability to jump to erroneous conclusions.
It turns out that he was talking about a conversation broadcast on Tucker Carlson’s TV show the night before about the elevated level of criminal activity associated with the influx of refugees into Sweden. I didn’t see that program, and evidently neither had the blithering idiots making up stuff, assuming stupid stuff, and demonstrating an alarming lack of ability to think critically or with anything approximating logical thought process.
Much ado about nothing.
The guy Tucker interviewed was the cameraman who videoed the footage used on a 60 Minutes episode showing the “immigrant” problem in Sweden. It aired on Sunday night. Apparently the CBS news dogs are completely oblivious of that story broadcast on their own network, or they are just lying to us, as Trump says.
Ah. That explains the one question I had left about this nonevent “incident.”
Alas, if the media had only been so diligent about Benghazi. Oh, well. They are just making themselves look exceedingly foolish.
Oookay, that clears up a lot.
Agree with gitarcarver that Trump shoots from the hip too much, and he needs to lighten up, but on the other hand the media goes totally librarian-poo at every opportunity to make him look as bad as possible. They need to lighten up as well. Francis.