Russian interference in the election

| December 12, 2016

Much has been made in the last few days in regards to charges that Russian hackers influenced the election. The intelligence agencies charge that their interference changed the outcome of the election. It almost seems like the government is worried that vote tallies were altered, but that is not what they are talking about. This is from the New York Times;

The Washington Post and The New York Times reported on Friday that American intelligence agencies had concluded that Russia took covert action during the campaign to harm the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. The new conclusion, The Times reported, was based in part on evidence found by the C.I.A. that Russian hackers had penetrated the Republican National Committee’s computer system, as well as that of the Democrats and several of Mrs. Clinton’s senior aides, but had leaked only Democratic correspondence.

Those stupid emails again. If it was Russians who released those emails, I’d like to thank them. None of the authors of those emails has denied their veracity or disputed the content. If the Democrats want to get twisted around because someone released a blueprint of their machinations behind the scene, well, let them. If they’re worried about the image that everyone now has that Democrats are corruptocrats who manipulate the system so their side wins, maybe they should change the way they do business rather than finding excuses as to why they should have won doing business the way they always have done business.

Category: Liberals suck

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Hillary is to blame for Hillary losing. Ask the select donors that will attend her loser party.


“Deplorables”… that was the final nail in her political coffin. Cankles McPantsuit and her “party” are completely out of touch with America outside of their little enclaves. And, they are still going with their same leadership team of rich, white, geriatric people that don’t care.

Fuck. Them.

The Other Whitey

She’s so despicable that even Donald Trump would be a much better POTUS! That’s what they don’t get. When your candidate is the most disgustingly-corrupt, bitchy, downright-evil cunt in the history of American politics (which is saying something), a lot more than just some supposed “racists, sexists, and homophobes” are gonna vote for the other guy!

2/17 Air Cav

True, but give us racist, sexist, homophobes due credit.


Are you saying she’s worse than Benedict Arnold?

The Other Whitey



You got that right!! The dizzy broad has lied, stolen, killed, promoted murdering and selling baby parts, ignored pleas for help from one of her ambassadors and 3 fine men…voters didn’t NEED any help from the russians to see what a piece of shyt that evil bitch is!!


Well, gee whiz, don’t them there dumbocrats know that if it’s on the internet, it is there forever?

When you’re 10 years old, if you think you might want to run for President some day, then learn to keep your mouth shut and not be careless with important things.



2/17 Air Cav

I read the article and nowhere were the “intelligence agencies” identified. “There must be quite a few involved.” I thought, “If they must be all lumped together.” It was clear that one was the CIA, but who were the others? I pressed on, using the link (“disagreement among intelligence agencies”) within the NY Times article. And what did I find? There was only one other: the FBI. So, there were two and only two. And they disagreed! The linked article described a meeting of the House Intelligence Committee at which a senior FBI counterintelligence official’s remarks were described as “fuzzy” and “ambiguous.” In other words, there is a dangerous theory, concocted by the Dems and broadcast by the White House that Russia sought to sway the outcome of the election and that theory is somewhat supported by only one intel agency, the CIA. Fancy that. It simply could not be true that Wide Load was defeated without Ivan’s influence. Bullshit. It looks to me that the FBI isn’t playing ball with the progressive/Marxist/commie bastards. And that’s the so-called disagreement.


That explains why Dingy Harry Reid said that Comey should be investigated, because the FBI did what they did regarding the emails and they won’t go along with the fantasy that the Russians deemed that Trump should win.

2/17 Air Cav

I hadn’t connected those dots. Makes sense.

2/17 Air Cav

It’s almost as if Comey is a double agent. At first, he was loved by the progs, making a clear case for an indictment of Wide Load and then concluding that none was recommended. Then, he became despised by the progs for referring to additional investigation, shortly before the election, based upon email found in that pervert Weiner’s laptop. Comey sealed that off pretty quickly and now is persona non grata by both sides.


Hmm, what is ol’ Wiener up to these days? I imagine he’s checking his 6 pretty often. He brought a lot of negative crap on Pantsuit, first the pervey stuff for the upteenth time, then those pesky emails get brought up AGAIN.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure he now constantly wonders just where and when his fatal heart attack or car accident will happen.


He will also be wondering who is banging Huma.

2/17 Air Cav

Cleaning her carpet. I guess Wide Load isn’t taking care of that anymore.


That P.O.S. Reid couldn’t run fast enough when he found out Trump was elected! Reid figured he better go home to Searchlight Nev and crawl under a rock before the subpoenas start rolling in!!


Can someone explain to me why the Russians would prefer Trump over Clinton?

A Proud Infidel®™

Let’s not forget that the Clintons’ “Foundation” took a huge donation from the Ivans before they got a sweetheart deal on Uranium from the USA.


Sure. A stable prosperous US is desired by most of the world’s leaders. Clinton is a loose cannon. Trump is far more stable.
I know that sounds backwards but so does everything else about the last eight years.

2/17 Air Cav

I can only guess that Vlad is repulsed by the sight of Wide Load and wanted to ensure he didn’t have to meet with her face to face. And who can blame him?


I would not be surprised if it was simple as that.

He just didn’t want to listen to her shrill voice for the next four years.

“I do favor for Amerikantsi…and me!”

The Other Whitey

And whole world!

2/17 Air Cav

You are writing with a Chinese accent. Who knew?


besides her being an obnoxious, overbearing, lying, pathetic piece of shyt, she drank up all their vodka LOL


Can anyone explain preferring Trump over Clinton? Sure.

1 – Trump’s a butthead and so is Vlad.

2 – Clinton is a two-headed snake.

Who would you trust first?


Mr. Trump’s public stance towards Russia has been much friendlier – he’s often complimented Putin, he’s questioned some aspects of our NATO strategy and, now, his reported pick for SECSTATE was awarded the Russian Order of Friendship by Putin himself in 2013.

None of which are outright bad, but it heralds friendlier relations, and thus more options, than they’d get under a publicly less-friendly Clinton administration. On top of that, Trump isn’t exactly diplomatic – an unexpected side benefit could be rifts between our allies (and less-than-allies, like China, who have already complained about the ‘One China’ issues with Taiwan, but that’s a whole other story.) In short, if they feel a Trump presidency may weaken American prestige and international relations, that’s a win for them.

2/17 Air Cav

LC. You’re a funny fellow. America has wanted a reduction in tensions between the US and Russia as, I assume, the Russians have. Now, when the next American president signals, as he has, that his relations with Putin will be good, that’s a now a bad thing. Putin OWNED the obama regime, from the Ukraine to Syria and MIG flyovers in between. Clinton/Kerry/Obama talked shit and Putin said, “Oh. Fuck you.” That’s what you would have wanted more of?


Where did I say it was a bad thing? The question was why Russia would prefer Trump – and the answer is because, broadly speaking, Russia benefits from a friendlier stance towards them.

Just because I’m not dismissing any criticism of Trump doesn’t mean I’m completely against him. There are plenty of people whining about his faux pas with China and Taiwan, but honestly I think it’s probably a useful, even if unintentional, development.

2/17 Air Cav

I re-read your original comment, convinced I must have missed something. I didn’t. You are damning Trump with faint praise and, in doing so, supporting the ridiculous contention that the Russians did influence the election in favor of Trump. Either that or I am misreading you entirely.


It’s not that complicated – I can think Mr. Trump is an idiot, and that Russia influenced the elections (even if it ultimately of less importance than the Democrats running a lousy candidate), and still think that better relations with Russia are a good thing.

What’s not yet clear is whether the Trump administrations ties to Russia will be a boon for the US, or just Russia.

A Proud Infidel®™

Well GEE WHIZ, which U.S. SoS had her email on a private server set up in someone’s bathroom wide open to ANY hacker anywhere on the Internet? WHICH POTUS first got elected with news footage of Black Panthers standing outside of a polling station with clubs and when respected, there were accounts of voter fraud? Yeah, in one Philly precinct there was a 138% voter turnout with all of the votes for B-HO. The dhimmirats couldn’t rig the election like Hitlery rigged the primaries, they couldn’t spin and steal the election like Al Franken stole his Senate seat, Jill Stein’s scam failed, so now they’re making this shit up. FAKE NEWS? Gimme a break, that’s coming from the same side of the political aisle that told us shit like Hitlery landing under sniper fire, Benghazi was caused by a YouTube video… I just wonder how hard the mainstream mess media will pimp this latest load of shit on us? Let’s not forget that B. Hussein 0bama tried to get Benjamin Netanyahu defeated in his reelection bid with our tax dollars, and the Russkies? Hell, they’ve tried to mess with our elections in the past. IMHO today’s mainstream mess media is about as sensible as a UC Berserkely stoodint and its perfessers.

2/17 Air Cav

“Let’s not forget that B. Hussein 0bama tried to get Benjamin Netanyahu defeated in his reelection bid with our tax dollars….” I did forget. And that’s PERFECT!


I didn’t forget.


And don’t forget his meddlesome comments about BREXIT!

The Other Whitey

We’re still feeling the effects of Russian (Soviet) efforts to subvert American elections by influencing (brainwashing) academia with communist ideology in the 50s and 60s. The democrats/MSM don’t seem to have a problem with that!




And after three generations Khrushchev has that hole pretty much dug just as he predicted.




That wasn’t hard, college minds are empty vessels you can pour any kind of shyt in and they will absorb it all and make it their philosophy!


Well that settles it. Obviously trump should not be president and our elections were invalid. Clinton should swoop on in instead because we got 3 million more votes! Down with the electoral college!! Only Hillary and the DNC are legit and can save the United States!

So tired of fake news. So tired of the most baseless accusations of all time whether it’s to degrade the American voter or to degrade a foreign nation. The Dems are some truly deplorable sad sacks of shit.

A Proud Infidel®™

The Electoral College works like our Constitution’s Authors meant it to. Trump won 3000+ counties while Hitlery Rotten Cankles only won fifty-some. Liberals never cease to bawl and screech like toddlers when they don’t get their way!


Dontcha just love conspiracy theories, especially when they are paranoid conspiracies?

So, what the NYT article says is, essentially, that the dumbocrats are still overgrown spoiled children who want everything their way, and take no responsibility for their own failures. Is that a close assessment?

I am rapidly becoming bored silly with these asinine, idiotic efforts to find excuses for losing an open election. shrillary didn’t get elected prom queen again. Deal with it, and get back to work.


“work”??? no way we be werkin’!!!


Gee, Russia “interfered” because someone gave embarrassing stuff to WikiLeaks? Not tampered with voting machines, not forced people to vote for Trump? WTF? That doesn’t just stretch the truth, it’s Evil Knievel’s failed Snake River jump of not making the case.

2/17 Air Cav

I called the theory dangerous because it, in itself, strikes at the heart of our election process and fans the flames of suspicion that, somehow, the Russians controlled the outcome of the election. It is sick stuff. It is dangerous stuff for it undercuts our process and seeks to destroy the legitimacy of Trump’s resounding defeat of Wide Load and the progressives. I wonder. How does the White House explain the Republican majority Senate, House, and the majority of states that have Republican governors and legislatures? Did Vlad robocall the entire nation?

Deplorable B Woodman

That goes hand in glove with what has been said last week (or two), that this entire process (Hellary got more popular votes, Jill Stein’s “recount”, Russia’s interference) are all to de-legitamize Trump’s administration and any/all actions he takes, now and future.

Screw all ProgTard DildoCrat Libtards. With a pineapple. Extra large. Fronds first.


T.A.R.D.O.’s remember!


Meanwhile in Detroit- “At Wayne County’s recount Tuesday, election workers opened a Detroit precinct’s ballot box that was suppose to contain 306 ballots but only had 50 ballots, according to an election observer for President-elect Donald Trump.”

Strangely, none of the big papers or national networks have chosen to give this story much play (if a simple google search is any indication). But sure, Russia is the issue with the election. I sure am glad that the fourth estate is going to be paying more attention to “fake news” from now on.


In the article it appears the other ballots were just not in the sealed box – they were still at the polling center. Since the original tally does not match the certified total, there can be no recount: but the original election count stands. all the hoopla about thousands of uncounted votes is BS – there are thousands of votes that can’t be RECOUNTED but their original tally stands.


Gee, thats strange, the Trump votes just seemed to melt away LOL


Which CIA is claiming/leaking/implying this:

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Culinary Institute of America (CIA)


Clinton’s Inaugural Association….


Maybe it’s time to call in Napoleon Solo and Ilya Kuryakin. Obviously, T.H.R.U.S.H. had something to do with all of this.

The Other Whitey

If this were true (which I rather doubt), I would find it somewhat upsetting, no matter how much I loathe Das Hildabeast.

But here’s my question: why don’t they say anything about the assloads of money that the Saudi, Red Chinese, and other foreign regimes have dumped into the campaigns of both Clintons and other prominent democrats over the last thirty years? Is that not the exact same thing? Y’know, foreign governments (especially hostile–or at least unfriendly–ones) trying to subvert our elections? They seem to be perfectly okay with that!

Given the MSM’s record, if they told me the sky was blue, I’d go outside and check for myself. I’m thinking their “anonymous sources” were in fact their own editorial staff. They made their little fake apologies last month, and now they’re back to the same old shit.



They have jumped on the “fake news” band wagon and don’t realize that they have been there the whole time.

Silentium Est Aureum

Hell, go no further than Dead Ted going to the Soviets to try and influence Reagan’s reelection in 1984.


But here’s my question: why don’t they say anything about the assloads of money that the Saudi, Red Chinese, and other foreign regimes have dumped into the campaigns of both Clintons and other prominent democrats over the last thirty years? Is that not the exact same thing? Y’know, foreign governments (especially hostile–or at least unfriendly–ones) trying to subvert our elections? They seem to be perfectly okay with that!

That’s a problem, no doubt… but it’s a known problem. That means we’re already aware of it, and, regrettably, we tune it out or make excuses. It’s also harder to attribute directly to campaigns. For example, earlier this year it came out that a Trump-affiliated Super PAC was caught trying to take $2M from a Chinese donor, with the chairman pledging that the candidate would ‘remember’ the support if Mr. Trump won. Is Mr. Trump clean in that? After all, he didn’t directly solicit it, a PAC supporting him did. If you say he’s not responsible, how is Clinton responsible for funds from Saudi given to the Clinton Foundation, which isn’t even directly political, unlike a PAC?

The second difference is the one between buying influence with a politician, and buying influence with the public. I’m inclined to find the former worse, but it’s a complicated issue, and everything from the effects to the methods used are less clearly known. For the sake of future elections, isn’t it worthwhile understanding how foreign powers are seeking to influence us?

Both Republicans and Democrats are calling for a bipartisan investigation, and many of the members calling for it have access to more intel than you are I. I think there’s zero reason to be against learning what, how and why things were done.

The Other Whitey

My point, though, isn’t that Trump is the squeaky-clean messiah. You may recall that I’ve made no secret of my distaste for the man, and my despair over the election being a choice of the lesser of two evils.

My point is that this is another example of the MSM picking up anything they possibly can, or even creating it from whole cloth, to discredit Trump for an allegation of misconduct or impropriety, while glossing right over the fact that Hillary’s been doing it for years or longer. Sure, they put the info about Hillary in one or two vague paragraphs on Page 19 back in 2008 (See? They “reported” it), but there’s no mention of it now when they go after her opponents. It’s not the accusation, it’s the blatant hypocrisy.

Remember, according to these people we’re all just dumb, ignorant proles who have to be told what to think. They told us that Trump was a nazi and Das Hildabeast was The Savior. Frau Führer lost, therefore the the election must have been rigged somehow, according to them.


I understand where you’re coming from, honest – I have zero love for Clinton and I’m glad she lost, even though I’m not happy Trump won. Politics is rarely black and white – Trump will undoubtedly do some good, but he’s also going to do some bad. Whether it’s a net positive at the end of the decade remains to be seen.

As for the MSM, I think it’s more complicated than that – right now, liberals are decrying ‘fake news’, and conservatives are decrying the MSM (as ‘fake news’ of another type), and it just seems like two sides of the same coin to me. Most issues are complicated and often times the MSM, which includes Fox, presents a particular slant on any given story. If you look only for the part you agree with, or see highlighted by news more in line with your ideology, you’ll think the other sites are fake. But the reality is there is still plenty of truth in most of what is posted.

And yes, there are plenty of people spouting forth all sorts of stupid reasons why Clinton lost. They’re approaching it from the point of view of the victory being theirs, so what shifted it? It’s almost understandable from that point of view, but when you step back and look at the whole process, the only reason they were subjected to fluctuations from (pick one: Comey’s statements, Russian psyops, lousy weather in Michigan, whatever) is because they ran a poor candidate.

And just as you have made no secret of your distaste for the man, I’ve made no secret of my strong dislike of Clinton. I’m not a partisan hack – when a bipartisan committee privy to secret intelligence actually comes up with a joint recommendation to look into, effectively, the sanctity of our election process, I’m inclined to agree with them. It’s not about one candidate or the other, it’s about secure, fair elections.

And yes, I’d absolutely support it had the elections gone the other way, too.

2/17 Air Cav

“For the sake of future elections, isn’t it worthwhile understanding how foreign powers are seeking to influence us?”

No. All of this is a coy way of continuing the silly suggestion that, somehow, the election that resulted in Wide Load’s defeat was scurrilous or improperly influenced by a foreign government. Of course foreign states have their preferences for who will serve as president of this country. That’s nothing new and it won’t change. Reagan and whatshisname got along swimmingly, even after the Berlin wall came down and the USSR dissolved into separate, largely independent nations. This whole business is sour grapes of the first magnitude. I will change my mind when evidence that the Russians accessed voting booths or changed vote tallies electronically or otherwise.

2/17 Air Cav

Talk about criminal influence on election. The Russians can’t touch America’s Big Media in seeking to sway the election by selective reporting and serving up editorials presented as news. Today, that idiot Harry “Am I Embalmed Yet?” Reid is saying that none other than FBI Director Comey is personally responsible for not only Clinton’s defeat but the majority change in the Senate.


Bi-partisan my ass. This is JEF and his bootlicks at the CIA, with a couple of RINO/never-Trumpers going along for the ride.




Was Russia Super Delegate that the Dems are so fond of in the primaries?

2/17 Air Cav

WTH? The only difference between the Communist Manifesto and the Dem Party platform is that more people have read the former. So, if the former head of the KGB preferred one candidate over another for the nearest thing to a soulmate, he would have helped Wide Load, not Trump.

William T Campbell

I wish there was a “like” button so we could concur on the statements.




First they whined about the Electoral College and failed. Then they demanded recounts and failed. Now there’s some smoke a mirrors about Russia and hacked emails, from an unidentified CIA source. Based on prior experience, care to hazard a guess on how this will turn out?

Dave Hardin

So basically they are saying that a Russian dictator did what the so called “Free Press” should have been doing.

I don’t see where the Russians were passing out “Fake News”, they are being accused of reporting what was actually said by Democrats.

Who would have thunk it: Russia – all the news fit to print.

Commissar Poodle

This is not the democrats alone. This is a play by a by bi-partisan establishment. The CIA is not a DNC tool, but it is a tool of establishment power and has been for decades.

They will keep doing this until Trump is out.

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, whatever Lars said. Need interpreter. STAT.



“I’m still BALLS DEEP for Bernie!”

The Other Whitey

Bernie who? Oh, right, Bernie Sellout.

Commissar Poodle

Not even close to what I was saying. Seriously, WTF?

Silentium Est Aureum

More like Bernie is balls deep in Larsie.

RGR 4-78

So you saying this is an attempt to de-legitimize the Trump Presidency?

RGR 4-78

“are saying”

My apologies.

Commissar Poodle



or it is an attempt to destabilize whoever won to make the US a weaker adversary?

It was just more effective against Clinton. How is it that she was backed by almost all the Silicon Valley geniuses and yet couldn’t maintain a secure server? Makes you wonder about how secure all that iCloud info really is…


A tool of Establishment power? What an IMPORTANT-sounding term!

But as I recall, the CIA was established in 1947 by President Harry Truman, a Democrat.

In view of that, just which Establishment are you referring to, Piuperdink? Oh – and before you go off on another one of your uneducated rants about FDR and market economics and all the rest of that crap, the military pension system is also part of that Establishment thingy you keep referring to, started back LONG before you were born.

Commissar Poodle

The aligned international financial interests that have corrupted our political economy. That is the establishment.

Many major US politicians – in both parties – are heavily influenced financially and ideologically by a neo-liberal finance feudalist plutocracy.

2/17 Air Cav

“neo-liberal finance feudalist plutocracy” Gosh. He sounds so smart. He would write in plain language but when one is often mistaken for the personification of Rodin’s The Thinker, well, some things just aren’t possible. So, if you don’t know WTF the resident genius is talking about, understand that what he offers as truth is unproven theory and conjecture all wrapped up in polly sci blue-book discourse.

2/17 Air Cav

That’s another thing about these damn commies. Among themselves they drop little theory bombs and make frequent arcane references that those they need–the little people–just wouldn’t understand or appreciate. For the little people, they speak a different language, one that appeals to some of man’s worst characteristics, including envy and resentment masked as justice. They are masters of this shit. They truly are. Just look at BLM for a contemporary and glaring example of this. And I do not mean BLM as it is misunderstood and as it has been co-opted for a social justice purpose but BLM as it actually is. Or visit the CPUSA website and read some of the tripe there. They are as transparent as Saran Wrap to the discerning eye.


Rodin’s Thinker? Only in the darkened recesses of his mind, Air Cav?


Nice try on the Izvestia propaganda trail, Piuperdink, but it ain’t gonna work.
1 – You make statements constantly that are overdone and grandiose by their presentation, but in reality ring hollow because they are without substance or backup.

2 – You keep repeating yourself. Repeating the same behavior is a sign of disorderly mental processes.

3 – You’re boring me and everyone else with the same old, same old, same old every time you post a comment.

Obviously, you need a new hobby. Try street corner proselytizing on any subject. Maybe someone will do a video of you… or not.


“They will keep doing this until Trump is out.”

“They” are not a deity. “They” may end up as “was” after eight years of Trump.

Commissar Poodle

Maybe, but it is clear by some of his quid pro quo appointments that he is willing to sell out the American interests for cash.

That does not necessarily make him able to be bought by establishment interests because they ideologically divergent.


“willing to sell out the American interests for cash”

Now that’s rich.


Some days you gotta wonder, is Lars really that unaware, or is he just really stupid.

A Proud Infidel®™

Does he mean like B. Hussein 0bama & Company, Hitlery Rotten Cankles, Bernie Sanders and their ilk have done repeatedly?


‘quid pro quo’????

I think you need to start consulting dictionary, Piuperdink. Clinton got a quid pro quo deal on Benghazi.

I don’t see where or how that applies to Trump’s choices. On the other hand, he’s considerably smarter than you are about many, many things.
Please stop repeating yourself, Piuperdink. You’re far too predictable now.

A Proud Infidel®™

Let’s not forget about the multiple MILLIONS of dollars donated to The Crime (*OOPS!*, Clinton) Foundation by entities like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE,…


This isn’t a Kremlin owned, pro-Trump website? Be prepared to be listed as fake news on facebook.


Dang, lily, you found us out.


Personally, I blame all of this on Nikita Krushchev.


Che Guevara and Ho Chi Minh were the middle men.


Nikita, Che, Ho and now Fidel are all sucking dirt and feeding worms.
A very pleasant thought in my mind.

Perry Gaskill

Something to consider is that the news media was a spectacular failure in being able to predict the outcome of the election. Elements such as Russian influence and fake news act as a means to explain such failure, and mask the real reason for it. There is currently strong evidence to support the notion that the main reason the news media failed is because they spent more time talking to each other on Twitter than they did talking to actual voters in places such a Omaha and Houston.

To admit such a thing might mean the punditocracy in New York City facing the grim prospect of getting off their butts and doing some actual journalism for a change.


Fascinating watching you guys rationalize buddying up with our enemy Vladmir Putin. But the main thing is, Putin or no Putin, national security concerns of no national security concerns, your guy won! Yippee!


No rationalizing, Joe. Perhaps you can explain, for everyone’s education, how the Russians, on the last day of the election season, hacked the computer on Hillzy’s jet, and directed it to Grand Rapids, MI? Then, explain how the Russians programmed the onboard automotive computers to direct her motorcade to travel to Ottawa County, the most conservative county, out of 83 counties in Michigan? And how it was a great idea to have that last campaign rally on a college campus, where she drew maybe as many people who watch a D-II college girl’s basketball game?
Face it, you and yours backed a shitty candidate. Oh, and did the Russians force her to put national secrets on a private, unsecured server?

The Other Whitey

Almost as interesting as watching your crowd pretend that Hillary Clinton is a paragon of moral virtue after decades of blatant lies, corruption, bribery, fraud, witness intimidation, willful mishandling of classified materials, and possibly a few murders to cap it all off.


Perhaps, Slo-Joe, you could enlighten us about which “security concerns” those are of which you speak?

Are they the “security concerns” of the possibility that Trump and Putin may have a conversation?
Are they the “security concerns” of what State Secretes Hillary Clinton exposed during her tenure as Secretary of State by using an illegal and insecure private server upon which she conducted State business?
Are they the “security concerns” of Putin viewing Barack Obama as a spineless worm who will not stop him from doing as he wishes to build up his power an control in other regions?



“State Secrets” not “State Secretes” – although the typo has some dark humor to it.

2/17 Air Cav

I like Secretes. Reminds me of PlayDoh–as in PlayDoh’s Republicans. Yes, I is highly edacumated.


Would someone educate me? Why, specifically, is Vladmir Putin our enemy?

2/17 Air Cav

He isn’t. Neither is he an ally or friend. He is a relic of the old, monolithic CP, a KGB guy who doesn’t cotton to LGBTQIA (don’t ask me about the IA) and who helped Assad in Syria when our Emperor wanted Assad gone and told him to step down. So, the American Left, esp. the obamanistas, regard Putin as a bad guy. He has enjoyed a well deserved laugh at US foreign policy over the past seven years or so and has said “Fuck You!” more than once indirectly to our Emperor. So, he’s not well liked in Boston, New York, San Francisco, Portland, and other US centers of stupid. I would never turn my back to him, but as leadership goes, he has nuts. That’s another reason the Lefties don’t like him. He ain’t squishy. I think he and Trump’s admin will get along just dandy.


Pretty much as I see it.


You didn’t grow up in the Cold War, did you? I remember it well: Strategic Air Command, NORAD, DEW System, the Minuteman missile silos in a ring around the city my paternal grandmother lived in, because she was near a SAC airbase. The Cuban missile crisis and the USNavy’s blockade of Cuba. Gary Powers shot down and traded for Soviet KGB Colonel Vilyam Fisher (aka Rudolf Ivanovich Abel).

Those WERE the days, my friend.
We thought they’d never end.
We’d sing and dance forever and a day.
We’d live the life we choose.
We’d fight and never lose.
Those were the days, oh, yes, those were the days….


Actually, I did. Russia is not the USSR. She pretty much left us and our interests alone until we started poking the bear a few years ago.


“of” should be “or”.


It was an insider job at the DNC. Period.

No Russians, no NSA, just someone really pissed about HRC and the way Bernie got served.

The whole thing has all of the earmarks of a classic insider job….

1. Complete data sets
2. Complete email sets
3. Complete document sets
4. No evidence of encrypted files being broken
5. No attempts to discredit the actual leaked documents and emails.
6. Responses designed to distract attention from the content of the leaks.

Yep…insider all the way.


^^^^^ Like ^^^^^


In fact, upon further reflection, I could be convinced that the leaks were planned and executed to provide a justification for the anti-Russia drumbeat upon HRC’s coronation.

In that conceptual scenario, the entire “hack” is a planned series of leaks using wikileaks as the patsy and the Russians as the villains.

Of course, losing the election dangles a delicate series of potential avenues forward…all of which the faux news “journalists” are delivering to the gullible FSA crowd.


I think that’s still a remote possibility, but three independent companies were asked to look into the hacks, and the data, while not providing a smoking gun, sure does point towards Russian involvement. Could an insider fake that? Sure, but it’d be very difficult.

Items 1-3 require full access to the system, which is something hackers would have but only a few insiders would (unless they, too, are hackers). Item 4, well, there weren’t any encrypted files from what I’ve read – so there wasn’t anything to break. Item 5, well, I remember Donna Brazile attempting to discredit the leaked documents,.. until it came out that one of the mails she was talking about was digitally signed. And yes, for #6, the Democrats definitely didn’t want the content to be the topic. I’m not sure how that points towards an insider? They were just embarrassed.

Is it possible an insider was involved? Sure, but again, three different cybersecurity companies all point the finger at Russia, not an insider.


There are zero credible sources that are saying the Russians were involved. In fact, some very credible researchers are convinced that there was no hack at all.

As for items 1-3…I think we can let the fact that the ENTIRE server was leaked speak for itself. Let that sink in…ALL of the contents of the server ended up on wikileaks…including working copies of various files…..


You’re telling me that CrowdStrike, ThreatConnect and SecureWorks aren’t credible sources? They’re three of the most respected security firms:

Sure, if it was just the DNC claiming it I’d take it with a bucket of salt, but when three independent groups, all with high levels of technical experience, point the finger towards Russia with ‘moderate confidence’ or better, it seems disingenuous for the average Joe without access to the intel they had to dismiss it out of hand.

And, again, items 1-3 would be gained from any hack. Yes, if you hack a server and have root-level access, as any APT group certainly would, you have all the contents. More easily than a disgruntled staffer would get if they lacked hacking skills, in my opinion.

2/17 Air Cav

Do the Russians use cybertools to spy on friend and foe? Sure. So we? You bet. The Chinese, English, French, and others? Yes to all. This is nothing new and hardly bears saying. Hell, a successful spy effort would certainly tap into the likely–and expected–winner of the election. Much can be learned about how a future president and her staff think and make decisions. The thing is, if it did occur, THAT has nothing to do with the actual outcome of the election. Or did the Russians change individual votes cast for Wide Load or alter the state tallies? Did Ivan bribe state election officials? When someone presents evidence of one or more of those things, the matter will, as they say, get legs. Until that happens–and it won’t–it’s just sour grapes and nothing more.


Now you’re moving the goalposts. The question was whether the Russians hacked the DNC, not whether that altered the election. Yes, plenty of people who are upset at the results are pontificating on the latter point, and plenty of people who are happy with the results are dismissing the notion. But we’re not talking about that – countless things alter the election. A snowstorm on November 8th can alter an outcome, and there’s not much we can do about that.

But the question at hand is, did Russia hack the DNC? And the answer to that is ‘it seems fairly likely’. Three independent, top-tier businesses in the field of digital forensics say that, multiple intelligence agencies say that or lean towards it, and that shouldn’t be dismissed by, “Pfft! Fuck liberals. Some insider Bernie-bro did it, obviously.” We should investigate, and work to safeguard our political processes from undue foreign influence.

If you want to argue it didn’t alter the result of the election, fine. No problem. If you want to say, despite large amounts of evidence, that Russia didn’t hack the DNC, I think you need to step back and examine the evidence as best you can in an impartial way. Not thinking about Trump or Clinton, but just what the evidence shows. It seems pretty likely that it happened. And that’s about as good as it gets when it comes to hacks.

2/17 Air Cav

If I moved the goal posts, as you say, it was unintentional. The possible hacking by some Russian, gov’t or private person, is little w/o what comes next: the hacking factored into Wide Load’s loss. As I said, there is no question that spying occurs through cyberspace and a likely (as Wide Load was) next president is a desirable target. Again, hacking alone is one thing, a legitimate concern, to be sure, but the issue is being used to suggest that because of it, Trump defeated Wide Load. Had she won, do you think for a solitary second this would get the play it has?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

If it was HRC’s Reichstag Fire then yes it might in fact be getting some serious airplay…it would allow her to focus again on TPP as a wedge against Russia, although with her complicity in the uranium sale one wonders why she might have a hard-on for the commie bastards….

But no one would be suggesting she won because of the hack, that only comes into play when she loses as you point out.


Another few observations for the reality challenged:

All countries spy on each other, even the ones friendly to each other. Always have, and presumably always will. All the old methods are in use today with new additions as technology develops. Always has and presumably always will.

Russia was accessing US election data, as were dozens of other countries. Will everyone surprised with that concept please grow up. You are obviously not mature enough to be voting or expressing opinions in public. Many of us US citizens were also accessing election data. It was all over the internet. (Yawn)

Countries around the world (including ours) have attempted to influence the outcomes of elections. They have even taken out leaders they didn’t like. We are lucky to live in a place that hasn’t been guilty of doing that with great frequency. Many other countries are not so lucky.

So what? Guess all this “breaking news” nonsense is successfully keeping somebody’s attention away from what’s going on behind door #3.

Glad the Romper Room days are coming to a close. The grown-ups are ready, willing, and able to get to work fixing what the children have destroyed.


It seems particularly dishonest to me considering the number of duly elected governments we have overthrown outright.

Should we be vigilant against cyber threats? Of course. But let’s not pretend that this is anything other than a frigging smoke and mirrors game.


Of course, all the squaling nicely masks the deafening silence:

No one is denying the accuracy of the content factually.

The dispute is just by innuendo about the alleged source. “Wrong because Russian!” not “Wrong because these facts here contradict it!”

Personally, my bets of “source” are on 1) “annoyed Bern-out seeking payback” followed by 2) “The one honest IT guy accidently hired by the DNC Machine”.


Yes…see above


I don’t think it was the Russians. It had to be the Nigerians in a run-down internet cafe in Lagos.

419 baby!


Good morning. It appears that, despite Jill Stein’s whine, Mr. Trump is still the winner in Wisconsin and in addition, he picked up an additional 162 votes. Can we just move on now?


Most of us already moved along. The problem is the noisy whiners that too many folks are giving more attention than they have earned.


I know, OWB, and their noise probably will not die back for at least 2.5 years.

A Proud Infidel®™

I also read that they found a bunch of voter fraud evidence in Detroit. Anyone surprised?


You mean, like one precinct in Detroit, where H. Wideload got 350 votes, or so, and only 50 people voted in the precinct? That kind of voter fraud. The kind that the left assures us never happens?


Anyone else getting a sense this time of “If progressives can’t win, no one wins!”

The lost the “recount” fiasco, badly. The “Russians hacked the (offline) voting machines!” fell flat, at least for anyone with have an ounce of sense. “The Electors must reconsider!” is also going to fail. They are never going to switch enough Electors to put Trump under 270.

What then? What does the escalation look like? They are not going to stop, not this time. “Selected not elected!” again, certainly, but not just that. This time, I think they are going for the whole nine yards of “people’s revolution”. Look for all the stops to get pulled, and the frantic panic as they fail to motivate “the masses” go go along with the Red game.

And the regressives are playing right into the hands of folks who really do want to see us collapse into chaos.


11BMailclerk, that’s a bit obscure. Could you be more specific?


And in the continuing story of ‘he said, they said’, the discord and lack of agreement amongst US spy agency is slowly growing. Now the ODNI (read the article) is not ‘denying’ a hack, but disagrees on its influence/results – whatever.

Whatsa matter, boys? Ya think Trump’s gonna cut off yer allowances or somethin’?

This is childish. Le Carre was better at cooking up spy stories than this bunch of malcontents ever thought of. Maybe what they need is a little session in the woodshed.