Awards for Valour (Protection) Bill
Lucky sends us a link to BBC which reports that members of the UK’s parliament have introduced legislation that would make wearing military awards you didn’t earn punishable by a £5,000 ($6238.57) fine or prison;
“People who have served their country in genuinely dangerous environments, then someone comes along and pretends that they are their equal – that causes a lot of offence,” he says. “When people see veterans it’s important that people have confidence their medals are legitimate.”
Internet vigilante groups with names like the Walter Mitty Hunters Club are dedicated to uncovering and shaming them, and these exposes are regularly picked up and given extra publicity by an indignant tabloid press.
The article goes on to describe some of the incidents involving “Walter Mittys” that were the impetus for the bill.
One well-publicised case involved Roger Day, who admitted he hadn’t earned the 17 medals – including awards for serving in World War II, the Military Medal and SAS badges – that he wore at a 2009 parade in Warwickshire.
In 2008, bus driver Jamie Barrett was spotted marching in Edinburgh with members of the Parachute Regiment who had served in the Falklands. He had bought his medals online. After he was exposed, Barrett said: “I’m basically a Walter Mitty type of person.”
And last year, Oxford’s town crier Anthony Church confessed to inventing a career in the armed forces. He had previously claimed he was a “regimental sergeant major” and had worn a Falklands medal.
Category: Stolen Valor Act
Good on Them. Hit them right in their pocketbooks.
Then also jail them.
You could also bring back the stocks.
They were popular.
I’m TOTALLY in favor of putting posers in pillories!
That would be brilliant!
These posers want attention. Pillory them and give them lots of attention.
The old-and-moldy fruit sellers would be able to earn a living as well.
I’d spend quite a few shillings on rotten potatoes to pelt these posers in pillory!
I love the alliteration, Fjardeson!
They do have the stocks at the Renaissance Faire. You get socked into the wood, and then some wench pours cold water on your head. On a hot day, it’s no punishment, but in cold weather – oooooh!
If something like that was passed here, there’s a few SV assholes that would be shitting kittens over paying fines or going to poundthemintheass prison.
Tried, Supreme court shit on the law.
Another version was passed, and I am waiting on the SV crowd to go after that one.
Two words: Constitutional Amendment.
Be careful what you wish. You might get one banning “hate speech”.
Personally, I would prefer a need for frequent shitbag-shaming, than to give speech police powers to anyone.
You know, with certainty, that such power would be redirected and abused.
This is the correct response, unfortunately being a rat fuck liar can’t be criminalized.
Being a fraud to deceive for money is currently a crime and using a military pretense to commit fraud is also still a crime.
While I’m not thrilled about the prospect of someone having to continually check out stories and exposing liars as the most suitable counterpoint I’m less a fan of rules regarding speech being enacted…one man’s reasonable speech is another’s quite infuriating speech. Lies without tangible benefit shouldn’t be prosecuted even if it would feel good to do so from time to time. When those lies cross into criminal acts, that’s already prosecutable.
I have the same discomfort with flag burning…
Yeah. Personally, i would write ficton where flag burners were dunked in raw sewage.
But to criminalize such stupidity is to open the gates of hell, where the Left gets to criminalize what offends -its- sense of “proper”.
If that prospect does not make clear the need to restrain our own howls to “do something”, then one is walking hand in hand with those who would shackle -us-.
Do not throw away the Liberty that gives our flag its power and prestige, to protect mere fabric from offensive louts.
Besides, the Left is trying to -goad- us with flag burning, to get us to demand that which we would otherwise fight bodily, tyranny.
Sneaky bastards.
Oh look! Arson! Extinguish the momentary fire with approved firefighting apparatus. Or handy buckets of sewage, if luck be with you.
You have to admit, a BIG fine and a nice long term in the joint, would decrease the bravado of these cowards!!!
*Cough* *Cough* This needs to happen here; quick, someone Re-Tweet Trump!!!
While we’re discussing Her Majesty’s Posers, how about this one?
So, the British have been Shortt Shiited?
“Walter Mitty Hunters Club”
Love the dry British humor.
“punishable by a £5,000 ($6238.57) fine or prison”
They should also be forced to dress like Applejack and attend BronyCon every year until they die.