Four officers, in four cities shot in 24 hours

| November 21, 2016

CBS News reports that police officers in San Antonio, Texas, St Louis, Missouri, Gladstone, Missouri and Sanibel, Florida were shot in the last several hours – at least two appear to have been ambushed. Detective Benjamin Marconi, a 20-year veteran of the San Antonio Polce department is the only one who has been killed. According to CNN;

The shooting occurred in front of police headquarters before noon, McManus said. Marconi had just pulled over a driver on the south side of the building and returned to his patrol car to write a ticket when a man pulled up behind him.

The man walked up to the patrol car driver’s side window and shot the officer in the head, McManus said. The man then reached through the open window and shot him a second time, McManus said.

After the shooting the man returned to his vehicle and drove away.

The St Louis Dispatch reports that the man suspected to have shot the officer in St Louis was killed in ashoot-out with police;

The suspect’s identity was not immediately released. The woman was in custody.

He was being sought for questioning in the shooting of a St. Louis police sergeant about 7:30 p.m. Sunday near Hampton and Pernod avenues. A driver had pulled up next to the sergeant’s SUV and opened fire.

According to USATODAY, the Florida officer was also shot during a traffic stop;

Later Sunday, a Sanibel Police Department officer was shot during a traffic stop. The officer’s shooting was a first for the island police department, according to police officials.

He was taken to Lee Memorial Hospital and his condition was not known.

The city website reported that shots had been exchanged with the suspect…

The Gladstone, Missouri officer was shot after a foot chase following a traffic stop according to CBS News;

Kansas City police issued a statement Monday morning saying that late Sunday night, Gladstone PD stopped a vehicle on a traffic violation. Someone ran from the vehicle, and Gladstone police chased the person on foot. Officers tried to take the suspect into custody and a struggle ensued during which the suspect produced a handgun. Shots were fired and the suspect was fatally wounded. A Gladstone PD officer was also shot, suffering non-life threatening injuries. The driver was taken into custody but was later questioned and released.

Category: Police

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Personally I have a hard time believing this is random. Gkadstone may be a random occurrence but not the other three.


So now there’s a war on cops?

This is not a good thing. It will not improve anything.

Support your local Police Department!!!


Ex-PH2… the media has had their heads up their asses for far too long to see what is really happening in “flyover country”. The JEF and his minions have been at war with LEO’s since the “Beer Summit” between the professor and the cop years ago.

Bodaprez has done nothing to help race relations, he’s set them back at least 50 years, if not longer.


The coward who shot Detective Marconi would be better off turning himself in. Everyone knows that our Slammintonio cops take their range time seriously. Very few bad guys are merely “wounded” – most are buried. …

A Proud Infidel®™

Fine by me, IMHO that means fewer scumbags stealing oxygen.


This is not random. I will agree that the Gladstone one looks like it was not part of this but San Antonio, St. Louis and Sanibel FL look like mirror images. Cop is writing ticket, perp comes up and shoots officer.

Too much of coincidence. Too Similar in the way they were shot. Note, nothing is being said about the perps? Wonder why? I smell BLM and it’s dirty finger prints all over this. Besides they have Lame Duck Barry behind them.


I think the same thing happened in September and October in Chicago, on the south side. No, it does not seem to be random, but rather is intentional.

Airdale (AW) USN ret.

You can smell what you want, but BLM have nothing to due with this.


Nothing? Your ability to discern the lingering influence of a group advocating violence against others is astounding. How do you do it – perhaps with a crystal ball? Or maybe tarot cards??

Meanwhile, the rest of us are unable to say conclusively what exact influences are at play here.

The Other Whitey

Blue lives matter.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO we can thank B. Hussein 0bama & Company for their part in festering this undeclared war on Law Enforcement as well as the scumbag groups funded by Soros. I’d piss all over Soros’s grave faster than I would “Hanoi Jane” Fonda’s.

Deplorable B Woodman

Take a ticket and wait your turn. There’s a long line ahead of you for both burials. Oh, and be sure to bring a 12 pack for each. Don’t want to be a “no go at this station”.

A Proud Infidel®™

12 pack HELL, I’ll show up with an iced down keg to be sure there’s enough to go around!!!


I’ll help you pay for it and transport the keg. One of my favorite stories about Traitor Jane occurred when I was at Gettysburg for the making of the movie of the same name. I was on the porch of the Cashtown Inn when some local approached its owner, a retired Marine & VN Vet. The local says to him: “Hey, Bud, look, the local paper has a picture today on the front page of Ted Turner and his wife (Fonda) on the steps of your hotel.” Bud’s response: “What the fuck do you want me to do with it? I might consider using it to wipe my ass.” Turner was there because the front of the inn was used as a set for the movie and he was posing as Col. Patton (his unlikely character role in the movie).

Airdale (AW) USN ret.

That sounds really stupid, really?


“All lives matter”. Right up until you point a weapon at a Law Enforcement Officer. Then your life, my life, anyone’s life, is forfeited in favor of them being able to defend themselves. But then, you and I are never going to that are we? Only thugs, murderers and criminals in general are going to pull a weapon on a LEO. So my answer is to let us begin cleaning out the gene pool, with no regard for race, creed, religion, national origin or ideology.

Of course these were acts of such murderous, criminal cowards, laying in wait to ambush someone.

I am hoping for a change coming to this nation and part of that change is we will no longer tolerate people of this mindset and as well stop treating criminals and those incarcerated with kid gloves.


Hmm, so far I can’t find a single description of any of the shooters. Will keep digging, but the lack of info couldn’t be significant could it???


Slammintonio and St. Louis – black. Gladstone and Florida – white.


Thanks for the update nbcguy, I didn’t have time to keep looking. I’m surprised the media didn’t make a big deal out of the Gladstone and Florida ones… the perps must not have been NRA members or that’s all we heard about..


I was a civilian LEO in a previous life. Yes it’s worse now than it was back then, but cops get shot all the time. The media has finally starting reporting it nationally every time it happens. A quick glance at shows this has been happening for years. I don’t know if the numbers have increased or just the constant reporting. Either way it sucks.

Pinto Nag

When I was growing up, attempting to kill a cop would get you life, and killing a cop earned you the death penalty. We need to go back to that.


And Obama says: “……..”


“If I had a son, he’d look like the person of interest…”

Richard Deiters

Several years back I met with my dad for some reason or other in downtown Cincy, Oh. While we were in the area he pointed out the FALLEN POLICE OFFICER Memorial and mentioned that a uncle of his was listed on the memorial. Turns out he had been walking a beat when he was accosted by two men that want to take his gun. In the ensuing struggle the officer was shot and killed. The two purps were caught in PA and after confessing one got jail time and the other got the ‘hot’ seat. This occurred back in Aug. 1918.


There is no excuse of justification for the murder and assaults on officers. None. However, and with that strongly in the front of people’s minds, the idea that all police officers are angels is wrong as well. In my county, we have an officer who gunned down another person in a road rage incident. He claimed self defense and said the person fired at him but there was no weapon found and no gun shot residue on the dead man. The officer later admitted he lied. There is also the case here where two officers warned a prostitution ring that they were about to be raided. The result was the shooting of an officer. The other two officers were allowed to resign. In my town, a female officer used databases to track her ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend to harass her. She was suspended for 30 days from the force and no criminal charges were filed because she was “sorry.” Here are some other examples of cops and guns: In New York, in a road rage incident an off duty officer pulled his gun and threatened a woman with it. (Question: what would have happened if the woman had a weapon as well? Would some justify the officer shooting her even though he instigated the whole mess?) Another off duty cop discharged a weapon in a car. Neither he nor his partner reported the incident. Another cop shot and killed the boyfriend of his daughter. The boyfriend was unarmed. I could go on and on. The fact of the matter is that this is a problem that has to be addressed from both sides. We have to address both the violence against cops and the violence of cops against others. All so called “Law Enforcement Bill of Rights” should either be abolished or those “rights” rights extended to all. Until we start demanding the same behavior and accountability for all people – including law enforcement – this is going to get worse and not better. Once again, this does not excuse the shootings in the original post. Nothing can excuse that. But… Read more »


“All so called “Law Enforcement Bill of Rights” should either be abolished or those “rights” rights extended to all”…
spoken like a true libitard. Dude, go back to carving roach clips or whatever. You obviously have no concept of what LEOs go through every day due to morons like you running their piehole before any brain activity begins.
We are as human as you are, and we all have our issues. And yes, there is nothing sadder than a broken cop. But there’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater just cuz you got your panties in a bunch. Sounds to me like sour grapes.
But I’ll still give my life to protect yours…


I agree, nothing justifies theses murders or assaults on cops. I was intrigued by your comment, so I re-read these posts a few times to make sure. I don’t see where anyone on this discussion said anything remotely like ‘all cops are angels’. Ben Marconi was a friend of mine. He was certainly no angel. I know, we went to college together. I also know that on my best day I was further from being an angel than Ben ever was- and I have a feeling that he is closer to them now than he ever… What people have said on this thread is that Ben’s murder was a horrible crime, and that the perpetrators should be brought to justice. Others have gone as far to say that cops risk a lot to protect their communities, and that targeting them simply for being a cop is deserving of special scorn. Ben Marconi spent his entire life serving his community. My guess is that in 20 years as a cop he risked his life a few times, and with it the well being of his family. All for his community, and in the ultimate irony of public service, partly for the man who ultimately killed him. Why can’t you judge him for that? If the suspect arrested earlier today goes to trial, he will be judged based on his actions, not the actions of the other three men that tried to kill cops yesterday, or those that killed the other 60 or so cops that were killed in the line of duty in this country this year. His fate will be determined by the evidence of his actions in this case alone. Those are his rights. Why can’t you give Ben the same rights, even in death? We all recognize that there are bad cops, and given their authority, a bad cop can do a great deal of damage to the community. But there is absolutely no evidence that Ben Marconi was a bad cop. Why do you insist on judging him based on the actions of these other cops? Ben… Read more »

2/17 Air Cav

When police officers ambush civilians, snipe at them, and attack them w/o any provocation, then and only then will I agree that, golly, both sides are equally at fault. I must distinguish between those who shoot officers for some imagined political purpose (e.g. Dallas shooter) and those who do so in order to escape arrest. We will always have the latter. The former is a deadly disease being cultivated and subtly encouraged by influential individuals and groups and it begins with “understanding” why Malique or Tyrone shot that white cop.


So since some civilians behave badly, that gives the police a pass to break the law as well?

Is that your point?

Okay….how about getting into a fight with a person, using your position as a police officer to track a person down, ambush him, and then assault him.

Or how about a cop who raped an intoxicated woman while answering a call to help her?

This defense from both sides of “they did something worse” has got to stop. It is childish at best and harmful at worst.

If people can’t see that there are some cops that are part of the problem, then nothing I or anyone can say will change their closed minds.

I hope that you never have to have a cop in your front yard with a gun pointed at you. I hope you never have to fear for your life for the innocent act of standing on your property with your hands at your sides.

All cops aren’t bad. All civilians aren’t bad either. Until we can agree to work on the problem from both ends, it will only get worse.

2/17 Air Cav

“So since some civilians behave badly, that gives the police a pass to break the law as well? Is that your point?”

It is if you want it to be. Just look at the language you chose: “since some civilians behave badly.” To the extent that police are being targeted nationwide, I am concerned. Aside from that, the police I am talking about are state and local officers and that’s a state and local issue. Go argue with yourself if you like. You clearly know both my point of view as well as your own so there’s no need for me to participate.

Wilted Willy

If you had to put up with all of the crap that LEO’s have to these days, you might be a little more forgiving if they screw up? You have no idea the kind of abuse they have to put up with from the general public. I tend to be a little more forgiving for their misdeeds. The old saying about walking a mile in my shoes comes to mind. They have a very difficult job not made any easier by all of the Lame Stream Media jumping all over them everytime they have to shoot some thug who is trying to take THEIR life!


I might be more understanding, but forgiving for breaking the law?

Is that really where you want to go with this?

After all, the stress of the job means you take women and force them to have sex with you while on the job.

Or maybe that stress led to taking the innocence of youth away from a kid by inappropriately touching him

The police do have a difficult job and is not made easier by false accusations against them, nor is it made easier by blind support of the police or excuses for their illegal behavior. All that does is make people – including the police – think that they are above the law.

(Please, before you blame the media for everything, you may want to read this on how the FOP sent spokesperson out to give quotes and stories – false quotes and stories – to that same media.

There is plenty of blame to go around.)

2/17 Air Cav

So, gitarcarver, your protestations to the contrary, how long have you hated police officers?



I could post many links to stories of valor and positive community service from police officers.

What’s your point?

In the meantime, go get POST certified and join a local law enforcement office, serve and effect the change you desire.


Yes. Let’s see the evidence of the community service of any of the people supposedly wrongfully shot by police officers. Don’t think you can find any. And practically everyone of them did something to provoke the confrontation.


The piece of shit that killed our Slammintonio cop was caught this afternoon (unfortunately he was too much of a pussy to put up a fight, so he’s still breathing).

Great job by SAPD and FBI for a quick catch.


We had a civilian dispatcher who got a few unpaid days off, when he broadcast a report on the manhunt for a killer of an MSP trooper years back. The guy had shot the Trooper, and fled. Several hours later he was found, and arrested.
He said, “to all units, regarding the subject, _________, wanted for the murder of a Michigan State Trooper, good news and bad news. The good news is that the ATL(attempt to locate) is cancelled, the bad news is that suspect was taken into custody”. He got 4 days off without pay, and he said it was worth every penny it cost him.


Reading a Slammintonio news article and it was mentioned that Trump had called the family of Detective Marconi to offer condolences.

Still waiting to hear something from the POS that Trump is replacing.