Yet Another Dose of PC Stupidity from Academia

| November 15, 2016

In yet another example of PC asininity, a group of 469 students and professors at a major university have asked the university’s president to refrain from using quotations from a particular historical figure.  In common vernacular, they’ve done so because, in essence, “That’s racist!”

Yeah, I know – you’re thinking this is just another example of garden-variety academic stupidity.  Well, read on.

The university in question is the University of Virginia.  The historical figure?  Thomas Jefferson – who founded the University of Virginia in 1819.  The PC tools who signed the letter drafted by an equally clueless group of faculty object to the University of Virginia’s President using Jefferson quotations because he was a slaveowner during the late 1700s and early 1800s.

I’m serious.

Unfortunately, the University of Virginia’s president – Dr. Teresa Sullivan – didn’t have the guts to tell the fools, politely, to GFT (plural of GFY).  Her reply was IMO a weasel-worded cop-out, saying that “quoting someone recognizes ‘the potency of that person’s words’ ” without implying “an endorsement of all the social structures and beliefs of his time”.

No sh!t, Dr. Sullivan.  That’s incredibly obvious to anyone with three or more working brain cells.  Although perhaps you did need to spell it out “see Dick and Jane” style for this particular group of fools.

Dr. Sullivan should have provided a bit of adult leadership here, but didn’t really do that.   IMO, she should have instead said something along these lines:   “Jefferson was a great man, but was a man of his times.  He was not perfect.  However, his ideas remain sound, and form the basis of our democracy; he also founded this university. 

As this university’s President, I will continue to quote Jefferson whenever I feel doing so is appropriate.  It’s a free country; in your own writings, feel free to quote him or not as you desire.

If that last is unacceptable to you, perhaps you should seek your education or employment elsewhere.  Here at the University of Virginia, we allow freedom of speech – even when that involves facts or ideas we find distasteful.”

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Dumbass Bullshit, Liberals suck

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Bernie Hackett

Or variations of the “I’m the boss, you’re not. Any questions? Good, back to work” speech. That’s the left, all about making you do what they want. Power! Snort!


Pull everyone of those “punks” off the street and out of the communist colleges and put them in the military, they might even GROW UP! But even so, they damned well will be “educated”


These whiny little PC snowflakes should send me all their money. Because some of those dead white men owned slaves. I don’t want them to have to touch something so distasteful, so I promise to spend their cash wisely. And by wisely I mean I will spend it on Guinness, Jameson’s, and firearms.


Hey, share it, will you? I need a new stove!

The Other Whitey

What about financing the higher education of ladies of the pole?


Hey, buy me a pizza and I’ll split it with you!!!


I like her closing paragraph. Basically: “If you don’t like it, leave and don’t let the door hit ya where the Lord split ya.”


Mea Culpa. I read the recommended text, not the lady’s actual text.
More coffee!


I have not asked my sister if the university where she teaches is running into this kind of thing, but since there were no protests on campus during the Viet of the Nam war, I’d be willing to say it didn’t happen there.

Green Thumb

She is still in free fall from all the cash she just received in the settlement.

She will be teaching ad hoc in at a school in the Caribbean soon.

2/17 Air Cav

“We would like for our administration to understand that although some members of this community may have come to this university because of Thomas Jefferson’s legacy, others of us came here in spite of it. For many of us, the inclusion of Jefferson quotations in these e-mails undermines the message of unity, equality and civility that you are attempting to convey.”

That is part of the letter that was sent in response to the use of a Jefferson quote by Teresa Sullivan. It was written by some chick, Noelle Hurd, an assistant psychology professor and signed by a bunch of other nitwits. University of VA? Hey, that was the place where the great rape hoax occurred. Sullivan suspended the ops of all fraternities and all kinds of hell broke loose there, what with wholesale rapes being committed. Yeah, that was the place, and Sullivan, et alia, jumped to the conclusion fed it by Rolling Stone, despite the fact that suspicions of falsehood were almost immediate.

Jefferson owned slaves. Yep. He even took one as his lover. Took her to France with him. Made babies with her. All true. And in a response that would have made the Cold War Kremlin blush, hundreds of professors and students want Jefferson’s work banished. Tolerance. Open mindedness. Freedom of speech. Cripes. And the Nazis and Fascists are said to be on the right side of the political spectrum? Cripes again.


Jefferson owned slaves. Yep. He even took one as his lover. Took her to France with him. Made babies with her. All true. I happen to be a card carrying member of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation (the people who run Monticello and do wonderful historical research and education based on that research.) As you can imagine, the relationship between Jefferson and Sally Hemmngs is quite a discussion. Jefferson himself made one brief reference to a female slave in his writings and some people believe that he was talking about Hemings. Hemings herself left no writings possibly because she may not have been literate. Curiously, there is no known image of Hemings and only 4 written descriptions of her. (She was a very light skinned woman with straight black hair down her back and was “decidedly handsome.”) DNA analysis is said to include Thomas Jefferson as having a “high probability” of being the father to Hemmings children. The same analysis shows his brother, with whom Hemmings spent much time, could also be the father. There are two camps on this issue: Shortly after the DNA test results were released in November 1998, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation formed a research committee consisting of nine members of the foundation staff, including four with Ph.D.s. In January 2000, the committee reported that the weight of all known evidence–from the DNA study, original documents, written and oral historical accounts, and statistical data–indicated a high probability that Thomas Jefferson was the father of Eston Hemings, and that he was likely the father of all six of Sally Hemings’s children listed in Monticello records–Harriet (born 1795; died in infancy); Beverly (born 1798); an unnamed daughter (born 1799; died in infancy); Harriet (born 1801); Madison (born 1805); and Eston (born 1808). Since then, a committee commissioned by the Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society, after reviewing essentially the same material, reached different conclusions, namely that Sally Hemings was only a minor figure in Thomas Jefferson’s life and that it is very unlikely he fathered any of her children. This committee also suggested in its report, issued in April 2001 and… Read more »

2/17 Air Cav

Well, with all due respect to the degreed researchers and to Tom and Sally, accounts of the period indicate Sally was a hottie and I cannot imagine that she and Tom didn’t get to know one another very well, at least while in Paris together for two years or so.


Idc_Sarc would have hit Sally in a heartbeat…..

2/17 Air Cav

After me, if the accounts of her looks are to be believed.


Hemings came to Paris with his daughter at Maria Jefferson’s request.. Hemings learned several trades while in France which she took back to Virginia with her.

There is no record one way or the other where Hemings stayed while in Paris. Jefferson’s daughter (with whom Hemings traveled) stayed in one location and Jefferson another. It is known that Hemings made the same friends as Jefferson’s daughter while in Paris, which tends to lean the bar slightly that she did not stay with Jefferson. However, Jefferson’s practice was to have people who attended to him inoculated against smallpox, and Hemings received that inoculation while in Paris.

There are only four known descriptions of Hemings. Two were made during her life described her personality and two after her death delved more into her looks.. The two after her death described her as “decidedly handsome” and she and her sister “were light colored and decidedly good looking.”

When Jefferson was in Paris, (1787 – 1789) , Hemings was 14 and left when she was 16. Her first child was born in 1795.

Once again, the history can go either way.

2/17 Air Cav

“….[A]lthough some members of this community may have come to this university because of Thomas Jefferson’s legacy….” Really? Name two, chicky. Most attend because it is Party Central and a state university. I guarantee no one said ever, “I want to attend the University of Virginia because it was founded by Thomas Jefferson.” And another thing: The Cavaliers suck.


Snowflakes and SJW’s – If you don’t like it, lump it and take it and your ass out the gates and dump it!

The Other Whitey

It never seems to bother them that Planned Parenthood was founded by a Nazi-sympathizing white-supremacist cunt to quietly kill off all the untermensch.

2/17 Air Cav



That’s because if it isn’t to be found, posted or read on Facebook, it can’t be historically accurate. Social media is where most of these brainiacs get their history from.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Sad little fuckwits, everything offends them…when they are released from college and head out into the wild they should find the world much more amenable to the their tender little feelings, or not…

If you enter college to learn something, one of the things you ought to try really hard to learn is that not everyone thinks or looks like you and they often have ideas that run contrary to your world view, instead of whining like a fucking baby if you sit down and shut the fuck up for a few minutes you might actually learn something you silly twats….

Of course when these little assholes are taught that everyone deserves a trophy even if they fucking suck this is what happens when they get older. We need to stop acting as though our children need to be protected and coddled at every turn. They need to be raised hard and strong because the world is full of assholes who want to take advantage and being soft as a bunny rabbit’s ears won’t fucking cut it in that situation.

Dave Hardin

Fact 1: The first official slave owner in America was an Angolan who adopted the European name of Anthony Johnson. He was sold to slave traders in 1621 by an enemy tribe in his native Africa, and was registered as “Antonio, a Negro” in the official records of the Colony of Virginia. He went to work for a white farmer as an indentured servant. Prior to 1654, all Africans in the thirteen colonies were held in indentured servitude and were released after a contracted period with many of the indentured receiving land and equipment after their contracts for work expired. Johnson would later take ownership of a large plot of farmland after the expiration of his contract and, using the skills he had learned during his indentured labor service, Johnson became moderately successful. By July 1651 Johnson had five indentured servants of his own. In 1664, he brought a case before Virginia courts in which he contested a suit launched by one of his indentured servants, a Negro who adopted the name of John Casor. Johnson won the suit and retained Casor as his servant for life, who thus became the first official and true slave in America. Thus the accusation that whites “started slavery” in America is utterly untrue: blacks in Africa sold each other as slaves, and the first true lifelong slave in America was owned by a black man, not a white. Fact 2: The transatlantic slave trade was dwarfed by the Arab or Muslim slave trade, which lasted from 650 AD to 1900 AD. It is estimated that a minimum of 18 million Africans were enslaved by Arab slave traders, and that over one million Europeans were enslaved by the Muslim world during the same period. The Muslim slave trade saw Africans exported to regions throughout the Middle East and even to India, while the Europeans were captured in raids in Spain, Italy, France, Britain, and Ireland. These raids were launched from North Africa, and during the Islamic occupation of Iberia and southern Italy, from the latter regions as well. The invasion of southeastern Europe by… Read more »


Patriotic young Americans.Thank God there are some left.

Dave Hardin

Sadly I agree with you. The crime of thinking is committed all too infrequently these days.

More Americans died putting an end to slavery than Americans that owned them.

The bigotry of the left has been exposed for what it is. Americans reacted this election. The “Thought Police” of the left attacked anyone who had a dissenting opinion.

The problem that too many people have is called contempt. Being contemptuous prior to sufficient investigation will always keep us in everlasting ignorance.

It is shameful that a place that should be teaching people to think is so willing to surrender to what people should think.

The Village Idiot

Veritas Omnia Vincit

More Americans died defending slavery than owned them as well, it seems that the upper 5% are always very good at manipulating the lower groups to do their bidding including dying over slavery masked as patriotic glory in defense of their homelands…

When you follow the money as you did here you realize that the upper 1-5% have always done their best to maintain their livelihood often at the expense of the other 95%. At least guys like Jefferson and the rest of the founders knew that as long as the populace remained armed with the best weapons currently available it made it harder for the government to conspire with the monied class to complete the subjugation of the working classes. As we continue to pass law after law for our “security” we continue to see an erosion of ever more of our basic rights and freedoms.

That reminds me of another Jefferson quote, regarding the watering of the tree of liberty. It’s perhaps time for some tyrants to bleed instead of the continuing loss of patriot blood.

The Other Whitey

I’ve often said that the Civil War simultaneously was and wasn’t fought over slavery. It was a complex mess, and though the legality of slavery, the Fugitive Slave Act, and other related items were the root cause, few Johnny Rebs enlisted with the intention of safeguarding some rich prick’s claim to human property.

Perry Gaskill

Dunno, TOW. My own view is that the causes of the Civil War varied depending on who you talked to. Northerners joining a local regiment most likely did so to maintain the unity of the country. Southerners, on the other hand, mostly saw things as an invasion of their own homes.

At a deeper political level, a lot of the conflict went back to the friction between Hamiltonian Federalists and Jeffersonian Democrats at the time the country was founded. How much power should resolve to states, and how much to a central government?

Somebody once said that the victors are the ones who get to write history. Using slavery as the central cause of the Civil War allowed the North to claim a moral high ground it might not otherwise have been able to. There have also been arguments made that the institution of slavery itself would have lasted no more than another generation. Changing economics meant it had a limited shelf life.

A Proud Infidel®™

Let’s not forget that slavery is still practiced in parts of the muslim world! It was banned in Saudi Arabia in the NINETEEN SIXTIES and is still practiced in Sudan.

Dave Hardin

Its still in effect at my residence during particular days of the month. I can only dream of free days during that period.


Excellent comment and exposition on the true history of African slavery. It is hard to believe that college students believe that the U.S. government created the concept or institution of slavery. But that is what a large percentage of them believe. I guess they never heard of any of the hundreds of cultures from the beginning of recorded history that used and kept slaves. They also are clearly ignorant that the largest group that has ever endorsed, sold and used slaves in the last 1600 years are muzzie cultures and nations. They don’t seem to mind ISIS slave markets, even though you can find internet videos and reports of ISIS boys (these cretins don’t qualify as men) discussing them. What we need in this country is a purge of everyone to purports to teach history.


“who,” dammit.


There are over 23,000 students at this university…why the fukk pander to a handful of nutjobs?

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” ~ Thomas Jefferson


Trump has updated his agenda to privatize medicare and medicaid and this is what you guys are focused on?


Trying to start a fight again, Lars, you barking bubblebrain?

Your side lost. We won. Deal with it and move on, like a grownup. The twits at UVA quarreling over nothing need to be offered a choice of stay in class or leave the school until you grow up. But they’re just as dumb as you are, and sore losers, too.

So just piss off.


Well Commissar….submit something that matters to you to the site…or doesn’t anything really matter THAT much?


Please don’t encourage him, I dont think I can handle another diatribe from PD on how Zika is more dangerous to the country than terrorists.

Silentium Est Aureum

As it should have been 50 years ago. Your point, besides the one on your head?

2/17 Air Cav

We’ll put off celebrating that until we get the details. In the meantime, although you and your fellow travelers would like to control the agenda, nationally and here at TAH, it ain’t happening, commie dumbass.

A Proud Infidel®™

EAT SHIT and howl at the moon, Zika-Poodle.


I was having a really good day. Then some whiny little cocksucker had to come out from his safe space behind mommy’s apron and shit all over everything. Again.

2/17 Air Cav

SFC D: Clinton lost, was humiliated, defeated, blocked, rebuffed, sent to pasture. You cannot possibly be having a bad day because of one silly commie.


It’s still pretty good. Just had to scrape that turd off my boot.

Dave Hardin

I have no problem exploring a private medicare/medicaid plan. Again the problem that has deadlocked us in the past is the inability for either side to consider possibilities.

In the end it might suck, but there is a plausible chance that some hybrid form of both would be far better and cheaper.


You mean, it looks like medicare, is going to run out of other people’s money? I seem to recall some English lady who said that is what eventually happens with socialism.


In one sense, Medicare IS privatized because if you use it, you go to a health care service provide (doctor, clinic, hospital) that will accept Medicare patients. These are all private facilities, NOT publicly-funded. Their income other than Medicare is from insurance companies. So what is NOT privatized about Medicare already?

If this nonsensical approach to providing medical care to people were as boondoggled as howbadismycare has become, no one would survive into their 50s.


Well, but that’s the point. I’ve paid into Medicare through payroll taxes since 1965. My Medicare tax paid for someone else’s medical care in retirement, so how is that going to change if it is nothing but a tax? And why should anyone who has been taxed almost eternally for Medicare be expected to pay further if Medicare is done away with? If the Part B premium, which is ALSO a tax (don’t pretend otherwise) is a necessity, then how is that going to be paid by people who simply can’t afford it?

There’s no easy answer to this, and this whole mess never had to happen in the first place. Part of the cost of Medicare is fraudulent charges by people who claim services that were never provided. ABC did an investigation on that some time ago. I do not think that has stopped.

Once something like Medicare is in place, it’s nearly impossible to get rid of it.

The Other Whitey

Start your own blog, dickhead. Then you can focus it on whatever the hell dominates that empty little head of yours at any given time. Who knows, maybe your hand will finally agree to give you that quick pity jerk!


Commissar does not know me.


Is there anyway to hold SCOUS justice accountabile for their actions and statements

2/17 Air Cav

No, not really. There is much that can be done by Congress to reshape the entire Judiciary, to limit jurisdiction except to the matters specified in the Constitution and to send the Sup Ct the message that “You bastards had better stop legislating and playing social engineers.” We’ll see. Threats are often as powerful as action.

HT3 '83-'87

Thomas Jefferson…what a tool!

But Seriously…All he did was write The Declaration of Independence, become the Third President of The United States, and founded UVa. What have they done? Squat! Nada! Zilch! Stop applying 21st century society to an 18th century man…a great man…one the greatest this country ever produced! I guarantee the sum accomplishments of these butt-hurt, liberal millennials will be infinitesimal when compared to the deeds of one Tommy Jay!
I also guarantee they’ll using the excellent reputation of UVa. when they try to enter the work force. F-ing hypocrites.

2/17 Air Cav

The Library of Congress started with his personal volumes. He was brilliant in many ways. And for a lifetime of achievement that we, as a nation, benefit from to this day, he is discarded by the Left as a slaver. Can you imagine the list that would result if we noted the shortcomings (not that slave holding was one in most of 18th Century America) of all of the Left’s heroes? Cripes. What assholes.


well, there recently was this fella Clinton who liked to diddle his intern, lie, and cheat on his old lady…who publicly stood by him, thereby condoning it. Oughta condemn both of them for starters.


Blasphemer! ‘Tis heresy you speak!

The Other Whitey

Jefferson bought and read a copy of the koran. Doesn’t that automatically give him coolness points among the libtards?

Of course, the reason why he read it was to attempt to find a theological point to use to negotiate a peaceful settlement with the Barbary pirate states. After careful study, he determined that islamic theology is incompatible with Western/American civilization, thus “To the shores of Tripoli” went the Marines.

Silentium Est Aureum

Another nail in the coffin of tenure.


Let’s hope so…


Easy solution: Close UVa. Just shut the doors. Then find someone to found a new university who is perfect in every way and is a universally acceptable role model. Get back to us in a few years, oh special, sacred snowflakes, with the results of that search so that the former UVa can be reopened in the name of that mythical individual.

Yeah, not holding my breath.


Just spend a few hours in Charlottesville and you won’t be surprised by this at all…it is a Star Wars bar scene of loopy screaming leftists…Dali lama comes to town and you’d think it was the pope visiting Boston….the town is still in stunned mullet mode following the election…rather enjoyable to witness…all those Volt, Prius and Subaru political fashion statements adorned with Clinton kaine stickers…

2/17 Air Cav

“I have no country to fight for; my country is the earth, and I am a citizen of the world.” Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? You recognize the sentiment. What democrat today doesn’t say the same thing in so many words? The line, however, belongs to the great hero of the progressives, Socialist Eugene Debs. His home in Indiana is a national landmark. Each year, the Debs Foundation (who knew?) presents the Debs Award to one person. This year’s winner is…Cindy Sheehan. Congrats, Cindy.

2/17 Air Cav

No, not at all. The history of the socialists and Democrats are intertwined. They were screwed up 100 years ago and they’re still screwed up.