Duncan Hunter; Pentagon needs a counterrevolution
The Washington Times reports that former Marine and Iraq War veteran Congressman Duncan Hunter told them that the military needs a ‘counterrevolution’;
Here is Mr. Hunter’s Pentagon agenda:
• Reverse the December decision by Defense Secretary Ashton Carter to open direct land combat jobs in the infantry and special operations to women.
• Nullify the June 30 decision to open the ranks to transgender service members and fund their sex-change procedures.
• Overturn the liberal agenda of Mr. Mabus, a Democrat and former governor of Mississippi.
In particular, Mr. Hunter said, the Trump team should revoke Mr. Mabus’ September order to remove historic job descriptions, such as hospital corpsman and yeoman, from Navy enlisted ratings.
Yeah, well, lotsa luck. The first job would be to expel the social justice warriors from the halls of the Pentagon and put war fighters in positions of leadership. From what I’ve seen, those are few and far between these days. Get the Pentagon back to the business of defense, get spending back to the business of fighting those wars we’re still fighting.
Category: Big Pentagon
Rep. Hunter is 100% correct. What he proposes would restore some modicum of sanity to DoD.
Whether it will happen or not remains to be seen.
Ol’Poe just sent his two senators and his congressman emails saying exactly that, Hondo, and asking them to support the president in taking such actions. You know the Democrats in Congress are going to pitch a bitch to preserve all those military obamanations, so our side in Congress needs to be very supportive.
I urge all here at TAH to do the same
I did, using most of Rep. Hunter’s points. Seeing as my two Senators are named Stabenow and Peters, I have little hope that I’ll even get the boiler-plate response from one of the unpaid interns. Rep. Moolenaar will send me the boiler-plate, I have taken your ideas into consideration, and if there is an opportunity to bring them up at a later date, yada, yada.
I would love to follow suit; but it would be a waste of brain cells and resources to attempt to communicate with either of the two stupid demoscrunts that constitute the senators from my state.
If we’re ever going to do it the time is now
Kick them while they’re down. While their the closest to our boot.
Not just that, it’s time to salt their fields like the Romans did to the nations they conquered.
The should also look at renaming ships that have been named for “progressive” icons, such as Gabby Giffords, Cesar Chavez and Harvey Milk.
Absolutely agree with this!
Either rename them or scuttle them. I’m good with either one.
You forgot the one named after Congressman Murtha, an EX Marine (and yes, I realize the difference between former and ex).
Forgot about that pathetic cocksucker… he earned the title of EX-MARINE!
If they change the Milkwagon to the Frederick Douglass or the Harriate Tubman, I’m good with that.
We can hope, at least.
“The first job would be to expel the social justice warriors from the halls of the Pentagon and put war fighters in positions of leadership.” So, where do all of those admirals go then?
Mandatory retirement…that’s where. Every single one of them can be asked to submit a request to retire; if they refuse then force them out. Let them go teach at some liberal university.
“Let them go teach at some liberal university [earlier than they had planned.” All fixed.
Bring back all the generals and admirals that wouldn’t kiss obamas ass…..I am sure they have LOTS to say!!!
Why should they get teaching jobs? They get enough money at retirement already. let them sit on their butts like some other retirees do. Then they’ll know what it’s like to be ignored.
Get rid of the Department of Defense and bring back the Department of War.
Reversing the corrosive policies of the Obama administration is only a start. That in and of itself will not be enough.
We can not allow political policy to restrict the manner in which we engage the enemy. By the time Dakota Meyer had to endure the unthinkable, political meddling in the rules of engagement had already gone too far.
I ridicule “sleeves up/Sleeves down” policy changes, those type of issues are only indicative of much deeper problems within command structure. When Katrina Moerk was glorified for putting the cause of social justice ahead of command and mission, again it was indicative of deeper issues that have festered within the military for decades.
What I can never seem to be able to communicate to those on the Liberal side of this is; nobdy hates war more than a US Marine standing in the face of tyranny. Ask any Beirut veteran how debilitating politically defined ROE’s are, or the price we pay for them.
We most certainly need to fix some of the things Obama has done. Let us not forget that in the process of fixing things we can not stop there. When the POTUS gives the command to Attack, politicians need to stay out of the way. Killing people and breaking things on the battlefield is not accomplished by political consensus.
The next time a Dakota Meyer calls for fire support the response better be swift and deadly. If policy does not change to result in that kind of action, keep our military at home.
This can happen. It only requires the will to do so.
It’s how we got Trump.
Yep. Frustration and anger are said to be passing emotions. I have found that to be true, provided the anger and frustration are not constantly revived by new events. I have been perma-pissed off at and altogether frustrated with the DoD and the gov’t for about eight years. EIGHT FREAKIN’ YEARS. ENOUGH.
I would hope the first thing is to stop the reduction in force so harshly debilitating the military and kicking good troops to the curb because of one bad piece of paper in a long career, ala SFC Martland.
There are plenty of warriors in that mid-range that need to be brought back to pass along their experience to new troops.
That would also include an effort to start cleaning out the bureaucracies like Army Human Resources Command (High Royalty Command) who execute the “find an excuse and kick them out” policies, that they don’t apply to their own HQ of course.
DEATH TO POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, especially in the US Military.
Make the next Sec of the Air Force a former jet jockey. Army? Most anyone who was not a general under the oBaMa regime. Marine Corps? Well, that’s Navy but w/o the lip gloss. Coast Guard out of DHS.
Mattis for SecDef.
Yep. And by yep I mean HELL Yeah!
And I’m Army…
I must be in the minority…I have no problem with transgenders serving provided 1) Until they have their surgery they do exactly as they should appropriate to their birth genders (dress, PT standards, MOS etc) 2) if they show mental issues throw them out and 3) any surgery is not to be covered by DoD and 4) Any post-op physical or mental issues related to their change is out of their own pocket. Given that if little Johnnie wants to become dickless Jane but does all the things Johnnie is supposed to do, with his mouth shut and attitude right…. let ’em do it. Oh, and STFU about it.
That’s exactly how I feel. Stop being a colossal public embarrassment and go on about your business. Nobody gives a crap about your (fill in here) life, so get over yourself.
I’m tired of the need of a few to draw attention to something that isn’t an issue or problem for others.
While I certainly agree with you, what are the odds of finding a post-op transgender person between the ages of 18-27 who, not only in addition to meeting the physical, mental and legal requirements of enlistment have addressed all their physical issues and completely accepted their change?
That I believe is his point.
Whoa. “2) if they show mental issues throw them out.” They ALL have mental issues. Cripes. When a male wants tits and his schlong cut off and a woman wants her tits cut off and her slit sewn up, I’d say there were mental issues.
Once again, I’m glad I voted for Hunter.
I voted for the First MILF, I hope Trump runs a transparent White House.
We are just getting done with a transgender White House. Why would you want another?
Huh? What’s that? Oh. Never mind.
I met him in person once in DC at a GOE Rally. John McCain would look over your shoulder or glance around but Rep Hunter looked right at you when he shook your hand. He is a genuine person and a stud.
IIRC all these bullshit decisions were made by Obama appointees without the approval of the military or congress.
New appointees can do the same thing, and Obamites can be purged from the ranks with the next round of promotions and appointments.
That’s 100% correct. It’s policy and discretionary w/o congressional pre-approval and with historic deference by the Supreme Ct to the CiC on matters military. Just as quickly as transgenders were welcomed, they can be unwelcomed. Just as near as lower standards for women were, they can be put far.