Jacob Wayne Smith; phony SEAL
Someone sent us their work on this Jacob Wayne Smith fellow. He owns the Smith Family Dojo ninja school.
In private conversations, he claims that he was a SEAL and an EOD guy and that in the middle of his training to be a chaplain, the Army fired him;
I don’t know why he thought that a former SEAL would enjoy being a wheeled vehicle mechanic when a war breaks out, but there you go.
The Navy says “who?”;
The Army does know him however. He spent eight years in the Army Reserves and he was discharged after a tour of Iraq;
No SEAL, no EOD. There is some discussion on the ninja forums about his qualifications in the martial arts, but I know nothing about any of that, so I’ll just stay in my wheelhouse.
Got any guesses why he left the service?
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
“Marc had told me these awesome stories and I had retold them SO MANY times that I began to believe I was there with him.” Yeah, that’s credible. I tell you what’s more credible. After adopting someone’s story as your own in the hopes of generating the respect that has always eluded you, you repeated your lies so often that they became second nature to you. Unchallenged, you had it made. Maybe one or two gullible kids bought your bullshit. Privately, most everyone said, “Phatphuk maybe ate a seal or two but he never was a SEAL.” So, do what you will. I suggest you try to set reasonable objectives and goals for yourself and then actually work your ass off to achieve them.
he’s back on facebook!
Let me guess… assclown is going “balls deep” again with the SEAL claim?
now he is gone all “native american warrior” and has an 82nd abn pin on his ball cap:?oh=31373d3c338e0d7302887fc2eb8c9285&oe=58F464F3
here is another pic of him wearing a US Army Retired Ball Cap. sickening.?oh=59213eb1edef6ed4ab5be26014a59784&oe=58E04F9A