Josh Burns; special forces soldier saving the world
Chief Tango sends us a link to WWLTV which tells the story of special forces soldier Josh Burns on the day that he rescued a mother and child from a submerged truck in Ruddick, Louisiana.
State Police say a white pick-up truck, with double-rear tires and a trailer, cut off the dump truck, sending it over the edge of the northbound span. Below, and in between the two bridges, a man popped out of the water.
“Was very frantic, he started yelling something, couldn’t hear him, then he ended up saying his kid was in the truck,” Burns said.
Fueled by the bond of fatherhood, and driven by his experience as a Green Beret, Burns jumped into the chilly waterway to help.
“I think I was more afraid how I would feel about myself if I had just watched a family drown and I just sat there,” he said about the decision.
You should read the rest of his daring rescue at the link.
Category: Real Soldiers
Taking the motto, “to free the oppressed” and expanding it to “freeing the endangered!”
Helluva good job, Josh! You’re a good man.
Recupere indeed.
Congrats for rescue Josh!
Would we expect less from this hero?
Bravo Zulu, Josh!
I can only pray that, if faced with a similar situation, I could grow a pair HALF as big as Josh.