Thank you, 60 Minutes…

| September 19, 2016

Ask health care providers to describe what constitutes a serious health event and you’re likely to get a bewildering assortment of medical definitions based on lengths and levels of experience of the opinionaters as well as the nature of their medical specializations. They’ve all seen such a variety of human health crises that it’s impossible to narrow all their experiences down to a common description, even of a single event.

But I will wager almost every health care provider in the country, upon viewing the video of Hillary Clinton’s collapse at the 9/11 memorial last weekend, will agree that what we are witnessing is a serious medical episode. They will vary widely as to causation but considering the age of the subject and her past health history, virtually none will dismiss the events depicted in that brief video as anything less than a serious medical incident.

Yet the Hillary campaign is doing its very best to dismiss possible thousands of professional opinions in its attempt to convince the American public that her serious medical occurrence was inconsequential pneumonia and indicative of nothing medically prohibitive regarding this almost 70-year-old woman’s ability to serve four years in one of the most stress-inducing jobs in the world.

All of which brings me to CBS and “60 Minutes”, which just ran a segment on the continuing nuclear threat to America, presumably from the Russians, in some new Cold War the media keeps insisting we are now entering. The “60 Minutes” piece, which will air a second segment next week, was obviously contrived to insert doubt in the minds of American voters as to whether Donald Trump is up to the mental and emotional challenges of handling a nuclear confrontation. The timing is simply too convenient to be otherwise. And consider the source.

As I watched all the ominous details unfurling on CBS, an image kept replaying in my mind, that of a seriously debilitated senior citizen first being held rigidly erect, then collapsing towards the pavement, being grabbed up, thrown into a van, and then hustled away out of public view. My reaction: How could any person in that condition be capable of responding effectively to an alarm of incoming missiles should the two events occur concurrently? Moreover, wouldn’t the circumstances of such a physical collapse by the commander-in-chief throw the entire National Command Authority into question? Who present would qualify to determine the c-in-c incapable of performing her duties? Long, confused minutes would tick by while incoming missiles continued to fly at near-orbital speeds to their American targets. Until such a medical determination occurred, who in the command structure could or would assume the enormous responsibility of ordering our defense forces to respond?

As the “60 Minutes” piece made clear, intricate codes and confirmation processes are all part of the fail-safe protections built into our National Command Authority to prevent a mistaken release of our own nuclear arsenal. Watching that CBS presentation, I had to wonder how any person in the condition of that woman who stumbled from that curb and collapsed towards the pavement beside that van could possibly comprehend such complexities as those codes and processes demand. And if she could not, but her authority couldn’t be quickly transferred, what might be the fate of our nation?

Thank you, “60 Minutes”, for opening my old, weak eyes to Hillary’s inability to serve.

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Politics

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Hack Stone

At this point, what difference does it make?


I see what the real problem is, Poetrooper.
Well, there are several. Let me enumerate them.

1- CBS still thinks that we’re competing with the USSR and Red China for turf.

2- CBS continues to ignore Fatty Kim da T’ird in Norkiland and his advances in nuke weaponry, which same technology can be sold to Iran, a self-declared mortal enemy of the US/West.

3- Denial is still a river in Egypt to them.

4- CBS still has not gotten over Edward R Murrows being called into a hearing by the House SubCommittee on Anti-Americanism, or whatever it used to be called.

5- CBS has still not reconciled itself to Walter Cronkite’s admission that he lied.

6- CBS has too much time on its hands and has become irrelevant.

That should pretty much cover it.

Hey! Don’t knock old ladies. Just ’cause that silly old cow doesn’t have the common sense God gave a Holstein, it does not mean the rest of us are that desperately dimwitted.

Good article, although I do take exception to your AGEISM, you old gasbag!!!

Silentium Est Aureum

Whelp, on #1, seems that still applies. The Cold War WAS over until about 5-6 years ago.


Yes, it was, but the restart isn’t official, you see.


And the funny part about #4 is that the HUAC is that it was chaired by Edward Hart – A DEMOCRAT.

Yep, McCarthy had nothing to do with the witch hunt that was HUAC, it was the Democrats who were running their own little inquisition.




Ex,in now way, shape or form place yourself in any category containing Kankles the kommie klown. You are the Lioness of TAH and we will always love and respect you..

A great big ol’F-you to her though


Blaster, I have embraced my elder years. She has not.

If I’m sick, I go see a doctor. I may even say “I simply can’t do this now.”
She drags a doc around with her and denies her illness.

She is the epitome of attention whore-mongering and wallows in her greed.

Me, I enjoy the company I keep.


I can’t picture being able to bust a cookie while pulling NRAS duty let alone comprehend and go through all of the steps to issue the initial orders to begin with.


Silentium Est Aureum

Back in the day, it was estimated that if a Soviet boomer did manage to slip through, shake any SSN tail she might have, and launch on DC, NYC, etc, the president would have about 6-7 minutes to order a strike.

Not even long enough to try to get to AF1 and beat feet.

Now imagine if Clinton were in charge. Trump can be a cowboy, yes. But he listens to and trusts the people around him to give him the correct advice on which to make his decisions.

Hillary is so full of herself, so disdainful of anything military, she’d probably choose the opposite of their recommendations just out of spite.



I agree. Since she would know that she would most likely be busy getting whisked away to the most available safety, she would first hold a Cabinet meeting to see what the Department of Agriculture’s input would be and to hold a special session with her PR team to know how it will all spin in the media. America…meh so what.


She’d skip the D of A’s input, Sparks. She would, however, place calls to Shaun King of the NY Daily Snooze and DeRay McKesson, just to get the latest input from #BlackLiesMatter. And, LaRaza, have to be “inclusive”.


She’s already proven herself incapable of responding to that 2 AM phone call as SecState.

2/17 Air Cav

I can’t help myself. And this one is good b/c it loops. Sure, I want her making decisions regarding national security. Benghazi.


Thanks for posting the link. Watching that, I saw that they had propped her ass against that traffic post and there were two females holding her up. Even when the guy moves over, from the left side of the pic to take her right arm, she’s still stiff and then she collapses as he, and the rest of the posse tries to walk her to the van.


yeah, it’s pretty obvious that she was like a drunk leaning against the post to keep her upright and when she left she was all over the place before getting stuffed in the back.

Something is not right with her. Probably a series of mini strokes and Parkinson’s from what I have read. Her girl friday Huma is waiting to take over for the Muslim Brotherhood as the second person nearest to a President in a row that is a Muslim Extremist. Valerie Jarret is Iranian. Muslims have been infiltrating the whitehouse for some time now

Hack Stone

To be fair, that shit in Libya went down in the afternoon on the East Coast. If it was 03:00, she would have been all over it.


Well shit, Hack, it was 0200 SOMEWHERE!

A Proud Infidel®™

Holy sheep shit, just one look at her email mismanagement and it’s likely that our Nuclear Launch Codes would be available on Itunes less than 24 hours after she took office.


Or for sale for a donation to the Clinton foundation

A Proud Infidel®™

A big enough donation and you’d likely get an operational missile as well.


You all may find this interesting. There appears to be a paradigm shift away from shrillary, but it’s based on polls, not actual votes.

Reality is a harsh, glaring light, isn’t it?

And like some of you, I’m waiting to see what she does at the debates, or if she even shows up. FYI, televised debates did not start until the Nixon/Kennedy campaigns.

This should be interesting.


I think the syphilis finally made it to Hillary’s brain.


Damn it, that means that if Billy boy doesn’t have that STD, that there’s another guy out there somewhere that mated it!




Veritas Omnia Vincit

At 270lbs Donald Trump is considered medically obese, obesity and heart disease are serious killers of Americans every year.

Even under medication Trump’s weight is a consideration. He might not last under the strain either. Of course his dad living until 93 does help genetically for the Donald.

I understand Hillary had the obvious collapse and is looking like death warmed over lately. I’m not certain she needs to answer any more questions than Trump has about health.

If fitness was any indicator of ability to serve, well Bush and Obama were both relatively fit compared to these two current contenders and the jury is still out on both previous presidents.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Are you suggesting that the insurance industry skews the numbers to make a profit?

I’m shocked I tell ya!

I’m not disagreeing with your premise, just pointing out that neither of these two appear to be the modern picture of health….

Trump is what he is, we all know that. We also know that in spite of all of what he is, he’s still not HRC thankfully.


Not so sure, Poetrooper.

From NHI:

Studies suggest that where extra weight occurs on the body may predict CHD risk better than BMI. Women who carry much of their fat around the waist are at greatest risk for CHD. These women have “apple-shaped” figures.

Women who carry most of their fat on their hips and thighs—that is, those who have “pear-shaped” figures—are at lower risk for CHD.

Clinton is carrying most of her excess around the middle – the apple shape. I think someone said her weight gain may be due to steroids, also, but her rotundity is not nearly as obvious at the hips and thighs, even when she’s wearing pants.


Look at it this way, if we close the border soon, you won’t be able to find a women less than 300 pounds or a car for less than 30 dollars.

I may not be PC, but I’m ok with it ?


Should have been “don’t” close the border and “300” dollars.

That’s what I get for doing this on a phone when I should be paying attention to football practice


Poetrooper, I would never attempt to monitor or comment on your particular taste in women. Chubby chix need love, too, you know.
This should explain it.


well, Clinton and Bush Sr. both seem to be alive and well. After that most of the predecessors are medically unavailable, with the exception of Jimmy C who was apparently brain-dead as of 20 January 1977.


I’m not sure where the first number came from, but Trump revealed through Dr. Oz that he weighs 236 pounds.


Pneumonia is a serious health event; it can kill you. My brother-in-law lost his high school love to pneumonia when she was a senior; she didn’t want to miss her final exams and it killed her.

It’s weird that HRC looked a lot better after she left her daughter’s apartment; Buzzfeed (of all places) in a story on Clinton body double conspiracies had before and after her apartment visit. Maybe she got an IV or a really good nap.


I say, I say, before and after pictures, that is.

2/17 Air Cav

And if Wide Load ever does get pa-monia, some people will be justified in their concern. I believe that pa-monia story like I believe she did all that was possible to safeguard our people in Benghazi.


She also appeared to have lost about 50 pounds in an hour or so. Remarkable weight loss program in Chelsea’s apartment.


Oh, you saw that, too, huh? Yeah, that was strange.

More rumors about a body double will rise now.


It was a lizard alien using 3d holographic tech. The “apartment” is actually a feeding ground for the aliens. It is full of gold encrusted babies for a quick energizing snack


I don’t see the problem with all candidates having to have a physical performed by the same doctors who care for the president and any potential negative consequences made public. Such as MS, Parkinson’s, heart disease, etc. Well except that, unless it is done by honest, independent physicians, they could be bought and the results hidden. Say, in an email no one can find anymore.


I don’t get what the big deal is about any of this.

After all, Hillarys health issues are the result of a YouTube video.

Isn’t that the story?

2/17 Air Cav

Yes, it’s all about the video. Had there been no video, none of this would have happened. Reports of her collapse would have been labeled desperate exaggerations promulgated by the Trump camp. She would have quietly gotten her injection(s) and that would have been that.


This isn’t the first time that 60 minutes whored it out for a clinton presidential campaign. Remember when they did an interview with both of them and hillary flat out lied when she said Gennifer Flower’s allegations were false…


But tomorrow on DU I’d bet cash green money they will be screaming about how unfair the MSM is toward Hitlery and that it’s all a longstanding media war on her and she really wasn’t sick at all and Bill was always faithful to her and….ah, hell, I can’t even write this without getting the Tuesday morning headache. Damn you, anyway, Claymore, for having the cast-iron stomach to read that shit without hurling.


A day later, I stand vindicated – DU whined about the media bias.


Oh, you had me scratching my head for a second with that headline….


Ge do you think in part two they might mention how foolish it is to be pointing out exactly who is carrying the launch codes?

2/17 Air Cav

And there is no goose/gander comparison here. One candidate stumbles, coughs incessantly but is a non-smoker, passes out on her feet, has an EMT or M.D. accompany her everywhere and the other candidate? None of those things.

Commissar Poodle

Over the last 30 years journalism has shifted from it role as “truth” tellers in society to one of propagandists.

Thus shaping and maintaining a “narrative” is more important than investigating and reporting facts.

If our 5th estate was functioning in the interests of the public it would only be the Hillary campaign trying to push a propaganda narrative but these days the media is directly involved in working with the campaign to shape and control the narrative.

This is actually a form psychological warfare on the American people.


Holy Shit!

Who wrote this?

No, really, who wrote it?

2/17 Air Cav

I know that it is for two reasons. He wrote 5th estate instead of 4th estate and that last line is a dead giveaway.

Commissar Poodle

Thanks for the catch on the 4th estate. I accidentally screw that kind of stuff up often.


I was scratching my head on the 5th Estate reference. I thought I had missed something


Oh, c’mon, guys! Occasionally, Commissar says something that is spot-on, and when he does, we need to acknowledge it.

I was in receipt this morning of an e-mail linked to a story about the concerted, intentional effort to hide the truth (incompetence, mismanagement) about Benghazi from the public. And all of us saw exactly how that failed. It isn’t like it was something new; it was just more obvious than usual.

The people who do these things are not just in denial of reality. I am more and more convinced that they are mentally ill.

We may disagree with Commissar on a lot of things, but this was rather bluntly stated on his part. Let’s give him some credit for telling the truth.

2/17 Air Cav

No, I recall his comments about murderous Veterans. I recall he worked for that Old Commie. And I am certain that he wrote “5th estate” because he is a 5th columnist and that was a Freudian slip on his part. I recall that he assigns to many of us the tag of Nazi and fascist. A few lines of what, on their face, appear to be worthy of any number of folks here don’t amount to shit compared to the spittle he spews repeatedly. Besides, it was a momentary lapse on his part. He’ll return to form in his next post or two. He always does.


Aww,shucks, Air Cav, I was just being — well, nice… for me. 😉

I’ll revert to form now.

Commissar Poodle

I do not recall a “murderous” veterans comment.

And since I am opposing a small finance feudalist plutocracy that has captured our government such that it no longer acts in accordance with the will of the voters I would not say I was 5th Column. I am not trying to undermine a larger group. I am trying to undermine a small group of plutocrats and kleptocrats that have betrayed the American public.

2/17 Air Cav

“I do not recall a “murderous” veterans comment.”

That was an apt word used in summary. I didn’t quote you. If you want to belabor the point, I will go back to the Dallas shooting thread and one or two others and lift some quotes from you. Let me know. I’ll be happy to do it.


Wow, I agree Poodle.


Don’t fear the commies!

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO they’ve been propaganda-pushers for over 40 years, but you’re still spot-on.



I would like to know that the person aspiring to the highest office in the land has both the physical and mental health to perform the job to the highest levels. I dont think that is too much to ask considering the multiple episodes this lady has publicly had calling her fitness to lead into question