Friday morning feel good stories

| August 26, 2016

In Horry County, South Carolina (scroll down to the “Longs man shot” story at the link), a homeowner told police that she shot a man who repeatedly attempted to break into her home. He got a free helicopter ride to treat his non-life-threatening injuries.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Wilted Willy

Sad, another day without a home run!

B Woodman

If she’d only taken the “One More Shot”, it would have save (almost) everyone a hell of a lot of lost time and taxpayer money. And I would have spotted her the cost of the extra expended round. (sigh)


I’m adding this to the pile, not because anyone got shot, but because this has been going on for a while. About 7.5 years, in fact, and now there are three more of these happening.


Some may not realize the damage that will be done to this country via the judicial system if wideload is elected. This is particularly true concerning the Supreme Court.

Tom Swink

“wideload” a keeper!