Monday morning feel good stories

| August 15, 2016

Four armed thieves forced their way into an Olive Hill, Kentucky home. There was an altercation of some sort and only three of them left the residence standing. Kevin J. Helton, 48 left the home feet first after being shot by the resident. He was DRT (dead right there) when the police arrived.

In Calgary, Canada, an armed thief robbed a convenience store. When he set down his firearm to scoop up his loot, a customer scooped up his gun and pointed it at the thief. The crook dashed out of the store, as did the customer who ran in the other direction. The police have the thief in custody, but no one can find the heroic customer or the gun. So there’s at least one good guy in Canada with a gun right now.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Again, the bad guy didn’t consider that the resident might be one who would defend himself, his family and his goods with deadly force. He walked in, but left on a stretcher with a bed sheet over his face.

NR Pax

I have a feeling that the person in the Calgary story ran because the cops would have arrested him for his actions.

B Woodman

Now he (the customer) just needs to remember to shop at a different store from now on, if he wants to keep the gun and stay out of Canuck trouble.

How would that be? To have the bad guy GIVE you his gun? But immediately after you pick it up, you, as a peaceful law abiding citizen, are in trouble with your own Gubberment.

Roger in Republic

A 48 year old home invader? I think Meth is involved in this story somehow.

It’s Canada, it doesn’t have to make sense.