Wednesday morning feel good stories
A homeowner, James Stewart, in Owsley County, Kentucky opened his front door when a woman knocked. Behind her was a man with a gun. Stewart, who had been robbed before and always takes a gun to his door these days, fired four times at the crook and the bad guy was DRT (dead right there). Stewart also winged the woman who ran for the getaway car. The police caught up to her and the driver at the hospital.
In Dayton, Ohio, Allen Ray Haywood, 29, escaped from one burglary, just barely, when a homeowner fired a warning shot and Haywood jumped a fence to get away. I guess he was feeling lucky because he broke into another house nearby. That homeowner held him at the point of a shotgun until police hauled him off to the hoosegow.
Larry J. Graves, 64, in Burlington, North Carolina, forced his way into a home and assaulted the resident. The homeowner placed one round center mass and Graves was DRT (dead right there) when the police arrived.
Two sisters in Snow Camp, North Carolina, 12 and 13 years old, were home alone when they heard someone trying to break into the house. The 13-year-old grabbed her father’s rifle and met the crooks at the backdoor. The trio changed their minds at the sight and dashed off into the night.
A thief in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, waited in the backseat for a driver to return to his unsecured vehicle, but the driver took off at the sight of the armed thief. The thief tried his luck with another victim, but the second victim was legally armed and shot the crook three times. Criminal guy is recovering in the hospital while cops build a case against him.
In Aurora, Colorado, a crook tried to rob a Brinks truck but he was foiled by an armed security guard who perforated him with non-life-threatening wounds.
In Columbus, Ohio, an armed customer pulled up to a convenience store as two crooks were leaving wearing masks. The customer ordered them to halt and one of them pointed at him as if the crook had a gun. The customer shot him in the leg. The thief is at the hospital recovering while the police prepare longer-term arrangements for him.
A few weeks ago, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Charles Russell, a customer at a convenience store, shot Anthony Edmonds who threw a rack of cigarettes at Russell and appeared to reach for a gun in his waistband (it turned out he was reaching for a meat cleaver). Edmonds was DRT (dead right there).
Category: Feel Good Stories
Eight instances of citizens protecting themselves with legally owned firearms. It works people. At least 3 of the bad guys will never, ever commit a crime again. The rest of them should rethink their choice of vocations.
Jonn might want to edit the last entry in his post.
Nice of Linda to bring her transient inseminator to the Kentucky robbery.
Re: Owsley County, KY, Was the DRT goblin named Liberty Valance by any chance?
Concealed carry meat cleaver. Tuck one of those in your drawers and it may live up to it’s name….
WOW !!!
Three DRT’s, a couple wounded pukes and a 12 year old kid chasing off some pukes !!!
What a great day this is !!!
How’s that gun control thingy working out for you Chicago?
Try to rob a Brinks armored truck? Teh Stoopid is strong with this one.
And as for all the DOTs, DRTs, and other extra perforations, it warms the cockles of my heart.
Meat Cleaver?
Well we obviously need more meat cleaver laws.