Wednesday morning feel good stories
There are more details on the Chicopee, Massachusetts story from last weekend. A teenager was shot and killed when he broke the glass of a door. The homeowner had told the youngster to go away, but he persisted until the glass was broken. Massachusetts says that they have a Castle Doctrine but not as you and I understand the term. It’s more Canadian than American;
Massachusetts has a statutory law known as the ‘Castle doctrine’ which requires a homeowner to retreat from danger inside the home or kill an intruder, but it comes with standards.
“You can only use a force that’s comparable to that of their force. So if someone is trying to punch you, you can’t shoot them,” said Attorney John McQuade with the Law Offices of Mark E. Solomone.
The law also says the intruder must be inside the dwelling in order for the homeowner to act.
Like I said the other day, in Massachusetts, you have to be dead before you can defend yourself.
Category: Feel Good Stories
Too bad for the homeowner. I hope he gets a jury trial, and the jury finds him not guilty by “jury nullification”.
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6…..but it’s just kind of ridiculous to charge someone that was clearly acting to defend himself during a home invasion.
It’s hard to deliver “proportionate response” in the face of unknown capability and intent.
Bingo. This law is, to be polite, bullsh!t.
A person with bad intent holding a knife behind their back can cover 20 feet inside a second. That’s how much time someone has to react before they possibly get “sliced and diced” by an intruder.
Someone breaks in to a home, they deserve whatever they get from the lawful residents of same. Period. The resident’s don’t have time to argue, nor do they know if the individual is armed with a weapon they can’t see. At that point, they also have have a legitimate fear for their own life, and the life of their family. And they don’t have sufficient time to determine what is “proportional force” under under circumstances.
Hence, my comment above, about “jury nullification”. The jury can see that you are guilty under the law, but find you “not guilty” because they can also see that the law is BS.
Any of you “lawers” want to comment?
Look at . Fully informed Jury Association
“In Massachusetts, you have to be dead before you can defend yourself.”
I thank God daily, that he gave me the good sense to live where I can best serve my needs. I cannot fathom a life in the conditions offered in many places in this country; mostly East of the Ohio River and North of Norfolk VA.
Frankie, not everyone north of the Mason-Dixon Line is an emasculated pussy.
Some of us have guns, and know how to use them.
Says Frank from the Redneck Riviera…..
I hope it’s okay to post this other type of feel-good story. If not, I’m in the doghouse again.
There’s a fellow out Arizona way by the name of Ron Smith. He’s a memory expert and he remembers things by association, creating a unique image in his mind that allows him to recall what that image represents. He’s a Veteran and was moved to do something with his talent. He was moved by the notion that everyone dies two deaths. The first is when we cease living and the second is when the decedent’s name is no longer spoken and is lost. We know what he means. So, he memorized the branch, rank, last name and first initial of every service member who Fell in Afghanistan. But he doesn’t just know that information: He writes each out on a grease-board wall occasionally in a physical remembrance of those whose names he carries with in his head. It took him 10 months to memorize the more than 2,300 names. “When I write the names, I feel like I know some of them now.” Ron takes his grease board and memory on the road. His hope is to demonstrate the remarkable remembrance in all 50 states. Salute.
That’s amazing!
That’s almost as bad as the UK law that says you are not allowed to defend yourself if attacked, even if someone is trying to kill you, because you might harm the criminal.
Not a joke. Look it up.
So what happens if the bad guy attacks me with a tennis racket but all I have is a golf club?
Yell “foot fault”, then use his nuts for practice balls. (smile)
Are mulligans allowed?
In this case, it is a par 7 from the tee, and yes, you can have your age in mulligans.
Bottom line, fuck Mass.
It’s amazing that these places come up with great reasons not to even visit, much less live there.
Can’t defend yourself from criminals, shitty winters, those godawful fucking accents, close proximity to Tom Brady.
What kind of masochist would live there?
…and then Massachusetts bans scary black guns by edict.
Wow, Massachusetts’ Attorney General is just as ignorant and ill-informed as Shannon Watts, Doomberg and Hillary Clintoon.
The Castle Doctrine in Massachusetts truly puts the ‘ass’ in Massachusetts.