Military Religious Freedom Foundation vs. Jerry Boykin

| June 3, 2016

Mikey Weinstein

The Army Times reports that special operations icon, retired Lieutenant General William Boykin was disinvited from a breakfast at Fort Riley, Kansas during the 1st Infantry Division’s “Victory Week” celebration because perpetual whiner, Mikey Weinstein doesn’t like the general. It seems that Boykin is a Bible-thumping Christian, which should earn him protection from the actions of the mis-named Military Religious Freedom Foundation, Weinstein’s group of hand-wringing Godless heathens.

“I have clients of ours weeping on the phone about this,” [Weinstein] said. “[Army officials] have not admitted any fault. They don’t indicate that they are going to investigate how this travesty, this unconstitutional travesty, happened, or their willingness to punish [those involved] to make sure it doesn’t happen again. And we want all those things.”

Seriously? Weeping? Not the 1st Infantry Division in which I served, certainly. If you’re secure in your Godless hedonism, your lack of beliefs shouldn’t be shaken by an old general speaking at breakfast. If you are so emotionally distraught, you shouldn’t go to that particular breakfast and grab a sausage biscuit at Burger King that day instead.

Here’s MRFF’s press release on the subject;

MRFF press release

MRFF Press release2

If Mikey and the MRFF really wanted “religious freedom”, they’d be defending Boykin’s right to express him self and to propagate his religious views in public. But, well, Mikey worships the dollar and the attention, certainly not the Constitution nor the Bill of Rights.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

I can only speak for one godless heathen, and that’s me. General Boykin’s views expressed at a breakfast are of no harm whatsoever to me.

The only time his views could possibly become harmful to me is if someone were attempting to compel me to sign something stating I agreed with his fairy tale version of the here and now as well as the hereafter….then I’d be pissed. But that never happened to me, I was a NO PREF way back in the 70s and while I got a little shit about it there wasn’t anything said that mattered to me at all and I was never compelled to attend church services. I was assigned to a lot of fun details so my god fearing brethren could attend church, which never bothered me either.

Guys like Whinestine make godless heathens look like a group of giant crybaby pussies and it pisses me off. Fuck you Mikey you self righteous prick you’re as much a pain in the ass as the born again asshole at my job who keeps asking if I’d like to learn about jeebus yet….

So as a godless heathen to my god fearing brethren, I’m sorry this Whinestine fuckstick claims to represent all of us godless heathens. I can assure you there’s no fucking way this moron represents me, because I’d have said nothing about this or prayers or any other dumb religious shit that wanted to happen at breakfast….it makes no difference to me whether you pray at breakfast or any other time if it makes you happy and comfortable.


Spot on!


Amen, brother (ahem).

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I see what you did there….touche!


We say Amen instead of Awomen because we sing hymns instead of hers.

Retired Grunt

So, I wake up this morning and my girl apparently has a wild hair up her behind. .. she looks right at me and yells, “Where’s my coffee, bitch!!!!” Now this has nothing to do wit this story but since everyone was being funny I thought I’d relay it.



2/17 Air Cav

“Where it always is, honey, at the f’n 7-11. She slaps me. I grab her arm. She tries again with the free hand. I stop it half way to target.”

To read the rest of the story, send $5 cash or MO to “Retired Grunt.” Be sure to specify which version you want: PG, R, or X.

Retired Grunt

Funny thing is, she’s also a retired soldier. . Lol. .

Thomas Huxton

As holder of the rare “NONE” dog tags, I am not offended either.


I only pray that there’s butter and jam, that the toaster works and that the microwave will get the bacon nice a crisp, VOV. That’s my kind of breakfast.


If only all the other godless heathens were like you, the world would be a much happier place.



Pinto Nag

Heathen gods don’t tolerate whiners, either.

Common Sense

We’re not a religious family, but when my son was in basic training at Lackland, he attended a different religion’s service every week as a break, because who wants to do chores when he could be sleeping through a service? He really liked the New Age one (or was it Wicca?), since they had cookies and naps.


Whenever I hear about ‘Lil Mikey WhineStein – he of the approximately $300k salary who claims to work 105 hours a week for his so-called “foundation” (that’s 15 hours a day, 7 days a week) – the letters “G”, “F” and “Y” immediately come to mind.

But maybe that’s just me.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

And I’m thinking that you’re not suggesting he “Go Find Yahweh” with those letters either…


Well, that fits too. And as a believer, I think he should.

That said: it would be delicious irony should WhineStein remain as he is, and find out the hard way that God does indeed exist – and is very much displeased with him. It would almost be worth predeceasing WhineStein to be a fly on the wall at that discussion.


Pascal’s Wager resurrected!

A Proud Infidel®™

WHINEstain can once again go fuck himself sideways with a rusty pipe wrapped in diarrhea-soaked asbestos.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Now there’s a visual…a painful one, but a visual nonetheless.


IMO an ocotillo stalk provides a suitable alternate.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’d be in favor of “diversity”, a mixture of ocotillo, barrel and cholla cacti wrapped in diarrhea-soaked asbestos garnished with rusty tangled concertina wire up WHINEstain’s ass sideways.


With extra Tabasco Sauce!


What, no Scorned Woman sauce?

A Proud Infidel®™

WHY settle for something that tame when you can use say, “Dave’s Insanity”?


So, let me see if I have this straight: they are having a prayer breakfast, but there is some concern that the speaker might actually deliver a prayer?


And an optional prayer breakfast, no less.

They were fairly common during my first stint on extended active duty. I don’t believe I ever attended one, and I can’t recall ever being pressured to do so.


Still pretty common as of 2012. Troops were encouraged to attend, but I never saw anyone pressured or required to attend. Only used a small corner of the chow hall, never heard any complaints from the troops that were just grabbing their breakfast and not actually attending


I don’t even recall it being encouraged, honestly. In my experience, it went out in the BDE/BN FRAGOs, was mentioned by 1SG at formations and that was it. Nobody ever gave a shit if you went or not.


Matches my recollection from (now far too many) years ago. Much the same then – announced (formations, meetings, BB, etc . . . ), but no one twisted arms or pressured people to attend.

Thomas Huxton


For a grand per day, Mikey can ignore the irony and go for press release politics.

Perry Gaskill

Not exactly, 68W58. Weinstein has pretty much demonstrated he objects to Christian prayers. If you’re a rabbi, or a shaman of the Temple of the Great Rutabaga, you’re probably gonna be okay.


Whew! I was worried for a minute there.
Pastafarians of the world unite in prayer to the FSM! See ya at dinner!

2/17 Air Cav

“However, in an effort to ensure that everyone in our broad and very diverse community feels welcome at any event on Fort Riley, we will pursue the invitation of a different speaker for the prayer breakfast once it is rescheduled.” MSG Mike Lavigne Fort Riley, KS

MSG Lavigne must be proud. Fort Riley’s isn’t just a diverse community, it’s a very diverse community. Now, I’m sure that there probably is a very, very diverse community in the military, and maybe even a very, very, very diverse one, but, if so, it’s most likely within another branch. I really don’t know, but I have no doubt that there are very broad communities within the Army, not merely broad ones such as Lavigne’s Fort Riley. It’s good to have something to shoot for, eh MSG Lavigne? Maybe next time, like when PETA complains that there is sausage and bacon served at the prayer breakfast, or Whinestein has the breakfast renamed to the “Happy Thoughts Breakfast” or something. Knuckleheads all.

A Proud Infidel®™

What’s next, WHINEstain demanding a “Piss your pants and bawl for more money” breakfast?

Dave Hardin

Once again, I need to point out that Mikey Weinstein is not a Godless heathen. Mikey Weinstein believes he is one of Gods chosen people, he is a practicing Jew.

I am Atheist, Weinstein is delusional in believing that the rest of us on this planet are only here to serve Jews in all perpetuity.

I wish people would stop spitting their ignorance about him all over the web. Believe and worship as you choose, or not at all.

Stop vomiting all over him as if he is Atheist…spew that shit at me.


He needs to quit acting like an atheist then…or at very least like an anti-Christian.

Dave Hardin

That was my whole point. He does not act like an Atheist. The vast majority of Atheists respect and defend the right for people to worship as they choose or not at all.

I do. I respect the rights we all fought to protect.

I stood duty for other Marines during holidays so they could be with their families. I have stood guard over fellow Marines so they could pray in peace.

I Weinstein acted like every Atheist I personally know…he would defend the rights of others.


WhineStein doesn’t act like the majority of Jewish individuals I know, either – or like the majority of Christians I know, either. Most of each are tolerant.

WhineStein IMO is little more than an intolerant attention whore who’s found a way to ride the “charity gravy train” while pursuing revenge for some past imagined or petty slight. Fahq’heem.

Dave Hardin

He is a practicing Jew. That is a fact. He prays several times each day. He lives and worships according to his faiths rituals.

I just got off the phone with the PAO who’s statement is being used by both sides.

There is much more to this story. As usual people are reacting to Weinstein’s misleading press release of his own.

Weinstein is claiming some kind of victory for this when he has no foundation to do so. The PAO said he will respond to our written request to clarify events.

I just sent that request. There is more to this story than is being published.

CB Senior

As I am also a holder of NONE DT’s. They both need to STFU. Why not hold a good old fashioned breakfast. No Bible thumping, no Whinesteining, just f-ing eggs, bacon, and War stories, and Coffee lots of Coffeeeeeee.

I hate both sides of this story.


NO! Pork products are offensive to our muslim and Hebrew brethren and sistren, eggs offend the vegans, and the coffee needs to be free market, not produced through child labor!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Sure and there could be lots of, “no shit this is exactly how it happened” moments…I’d be all in on that one.

For the record I’d like to hear General Boykin speak. Just because he and I don’t share a godly belief doesn’t mean his words hold no value for me. I thoroughly enjoy a variety of speakers and their view points. How dull would the world be if we only heard the same shit from different people every day?

I always believe all these loud voices arguing with each other over everything from sports to who is best suited to be CinC is exactly what Jefferson meant when he said he preferred the “tumult” of liberty…..

We don’t need an echo chamber of yes men, we need a noisy group of cantankerous old curmudgeons to challenge ourselves to think beyond our normal comfort zones and appreciate the occasional differing viewpoint.

But that’s just me, and we all know I’m a godless heathen. I’m not a practicing atheist though, I’m of an indifferent non-believer. I’m not interested in being part of any organizations where regular meetings and shit like that is required….not for me.


I’m a jack Mormon with an attitude against pretty much all organized religions because they’re basically businesses selling God as a commodity. Believe if you want to, don’t believe if it suits you. I’m 100% with you on the “tumult” of liberty VOV. TAH functions on that principle and it works. We don’t all agree all the time but respect is always shown to differing views, and that’s as it should be


Why does it have to be just eggs and bacon? Why can’t it be sausage, links AND patties, and lots of them with eggs sunnyside up on the BIG shredded wheat biscuits? Why can’t we include eggs benedict, and currant jam, and maybe frittatas?

Why does it have to be plain ol’ eggs and bacon?


Give me biscuits and gravy or give me death!


Careful-that may lead to shooting.

CB Senior

To all that have problem with the menu, talk to the fucking cook. He is the stupid bastard in the crooked hat and sunglasses.

Differing view points are needed. Listening to someone else is how we grow. I just need to be preached to by either side.

Let us talk about what brings us together and makes us stronger.

Luv to all.

CB Senior


I just do not need to be preached to by either side.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Dagnabbit, and here I was getting ready to proselytize….


I can cook better than that twig any day. I would gladly challenge him to a cooking contest. My rump roast is MUCH better than his canapes.

And I don’t do fondant.


Growing up in the South, we had white gravy often in the morning or at least at some time during the day. At the time, we called it ‘white sop’ b/c we sopped it with our bread or toast. It was often cooked with bits of sausage or, less typically, crumbled bacon. Google white gravy. It’s very easy to make. That was a meal in itself, but was often accompanied by eggs. We ate it often b/c it was very cheap: flour, milk, butter or bacon grease, salt, pepper. Throw in some meat if desired. Yum In the Navy, it was called chipped beef or, if you prefer, SoS.


When I was (very) little, my mother would fix baked perch coated in cornmeal on Fridays, because Fridays were fish days in the Episcopal world. They don’t do that any more. But while I don’t like fish, that perch was really quite good. And she also made chipped beef gravy with the chipped beef that came in a little glass jar, which you saved and used for juice at breakfast.

I don’t think she ever used Spam for anything, but you can make a decent hash with it if you remember that regular SPAM is heavy in salt and you don’t need to add any. Apparently, SPAM has acquired an audience in the younger crowd and is now coming in low-sodium, other flavors and low-fat versions.


What pisses me off more than anything is the line: “I have clients of ours weeping on the phone about this,” really! Has the military been some sissified that we have soldiers crying on the phone because their is someone who is speaking at an optional pray breakfast. May be we should ban millennials from joining the military until they mature. As for the POS Whiner may be some group needs to formed to take on his bullshit every time he threatens to sue the army for offending some bed-wetting whiner, then that group can sue the army for not allowing an their expression of religious freedom. This douchenozzle weinstein either has a some dick and is over compensating for it or he just loves the attention.


Be interested in seeing his “client” list….

Thomas Huxton

The Ban the Prayer at the Prayer Breakfast crowd will always be with us.


A few years ago, while on active duty, another officer invited my wife and I to a Bible study with several other Soldiers and their wives. We decided to go so that we could expand our circle of friends. Unfortunately, we quickly noticed that the devout Protestants of the study didn’t seem very comfortable with us being Catholic.

You know what we did? WE STOPPED GOING. We didn’t bitch about it, we didn’t report it to post authorities, we didn’t claim we were discriminated against. We simply chalked it up to different viewpoints and decided to do other things with our time. Isn’t that magical?

Also, I just read that Weinstein was a military lawyer in the late 1970s. Does that even count as being a vet? What a fucking douche.

B Woodman

“. . . .clients of ours weeping . . . ”

Who? All one of “them”? Namely, himself?

I would LOVE to be that proverbial “fly on the wall”, to see L’il Mikey being beat to death in a back alley, and hear his pleadings for mercy (in whose name?) and his last words (to whom?), when he realizes his errors.

Roger in Republic

As an Orthodox Heathen these godless heathens really piss me off. The beauty of being a heathen is that you can ignore all of their religious blather. Everyone has to believe in something, and I believe I need another beer! Amen.


“Weinstein says that both his sons were exposed to Christian proselytizing at the Academy. In the case of his younger son Curtis, he reported that it included anti-Semitic language and being asked “how it felt to kill Jesus”. His older son Casey, a 2004 Academy graduate, alleged that “Senior cadets would sit down and say, ‘How do you feel about the fact that your family is going to burn in hell?'”.”

This is from Mikey’s Wikipedia page.

Does ANYONE believe any of this? I wasn’t on active duty until 2009, but I grew up in a military family. I think this is pure, contrived bullshit.

But maybe some of the TAH non-believers experienced things that make this story seem possible/probable…


It’s BS. Mikey is an attention whore.

NR Pax

It’s as fake as the average “hate crime” accusation.


Yeah, I’m calling BS on that, too. It’s too over-the-top, too on-the-nose. Real people don’t talk like that.

Here’s my story: I enlisted in 1980 as a non believer and the closest I ever came to getting any flak for it was in an after-formation bull session with a drill sergeant who said “those of you who have ‘no preference’ on your dog tags need to get right with God” or something like that. It was never directed at anyone personally and AFAIK the DS in question would not have had any way of knowing whose dog tags said that. This happened ONE time, in 1980.

(OT but said Drill Sergeant was in an interesting character. A Vietnam Vet, like almost all of our drill sergeants at the time, what made him different was that he had been an officer at one time. He was one of the many captains that got RIF’d at the end of the VN war and decided to stay in as an enlisted man to finish out his 20. Wish I could remember his name but he was an interesting guy.)


It’s not completely out of the realm of possibility – USAFA Cadets are also college students, and college students in their late teens to early/middle 20s do and say some stupid sh!t at times. But I’d need to see proof before I’d buy (1) that it happened at all, and (2) was anything but an isolated instance of a loudmouth jerk waxing ignorant.

NR Pax

I have clients of ours weeping on the phone about this

Subj: Counseling session

Soldier was overheard weeping about a Christian being present at a prayer breakfast. Initiated Wall to Wall Counseling of Soldier for five minutes. Once he regained consciousness, Soldier was advised that attendance at prayer breakfast was not mandatory and he should endeavor to not be a whiny little bitch.

NR Pax

Thank you. I’m sure that my format was not quite correct, but I was a Marine NCO and had to use simpler words. I’ll keep the file handy though. I could use it in my current line of work.


Hell yeah!!!!!

You win my interwebs for today.

If we would bring back some of the old ways and toughen up some of these youngsters and the perpetually offended, maybe we could move forward. I feel bad for my kids. They have some stupid shit to go through.

NR Pax

Maybe so but think about how much more prepared they are for life and how much they will stand out to future employers from not being whiny little bitches.

2/17 Air Cav

If Charles Grodin were cast to play Benito Mussolini, He would look exactly like that pic of Mikey Whinestein.


I thought maybe the guy from “Just Shoot Me” was practicing a Jason Statham look and failing.


I was thinking Robert Duval as the Corleone’s dirty attorney in the “Godfather” series. But Mussolini in a suit and tie works, too.

John D

Gen Boykin to Todd Starnes, Fox News:

“This is just another reminder of the incredible discrimination against Christians in our armed forces. I sincerely doubt that America can expect to win wars if the people who are tasked to do so are frightened by an old retired general with biblical views and a testimony about faith. Really? This should tell you how difficult it is for Christians, and especially chaplains, to live their faith in our military. I am not surprised. I recognize that the commander who made the decision is caught between radical secularists and a Commander-in-Chief who seeks to impose a politically correct culture on the military. The Fort Riley commander is in a tough spot. However, he must remember, we all took an oath to support and defend the Constitution – all of it, including the First Amendment.”


Ah, yes. Mikey Whinestine loudly proclaiming to the world the virtuosity of his religion of Atheism (or whatever it is) and his personal virtue in fighting all the other evil religions – well maybe just one.

PS: I sell indulgences to those who cannot quite live up the virtues they so loudly proclaim. Send $19.95 for one indulgence and if you act in the next 15 minutes you get a second one for free. Be sure to include which deadly sin(s) or other peccadillos for which you need the indulgence. Your information will remain totally secure on the server of the ex-SoS. I have been gratified that so many here at TAH are trying to get right with the world, or God, with their average of 18.4 indulgences per participant.

Dave Hardin

I missed the 15 minute deadline, but I think I am entitled to special consideration because…well…I am special.

Do you have a return policy? If I get to the gates and your coupons are not honored, do I get a refund?

Do you offer a free quote as to how many indulgences I might require to get into heaven?

I don’t want to pay for all this and then miss the pearly gates buy just a little bit. If I am going to miss this shot, it may as well be by a long shot.

PS…would you clarify which heaven your coupons are good for? I dont want to get through the gates and find out I am not one of Gods chosen people and have to serve the likes of Mikey forever.


Hey Dave: All indulgences come with a thirteen page teeny-weeny print disclaimer. Be sure to read it. You have to buy it before you can read it.

If your peccadillo is a peckerdildo with an armadillo, chances are you won’t miss the pearly gates by just a little bit.

If I have a heaven it sure as hell isn’t going to be with 72 virgins; I have enough trouble with the one evil resident woman of 45 years.

Dave Hardin

Careful bro, the cold hearted Soviet that marches around my domain started reading what I post here.

Now I have to feed the borscht to the dog and test it before I eat any of it.

Then the rest of them were seduced by that Hobo guy’s Mensa mind.

I think they all hope Jonn will get sober soon.

As for the indulgences program, it sounds a lot like Obummer care for the hereafter.

Dave Hardin

I have talked to several people about this today. Some have been very professional and honestly willing to engage in the discussion. Others, not so much. My opinion is as follows: Lieutenant General William Boykin would not have been invited to speak at a spaghetti dinner to raise awareness of vaginal warts. In this case the invitation to speak was sent out by an individual that DID NOT go through proper command protocol. I suspect the individual knowingly did so with the intent to stir up controversy. Lieutenant General William Boykin has made many public statements while in uniform that are not consistent with Army policy. Most, even the majority of those, were political in nature and not based on religion. Furthermore, while not in uniform but representing himself as an officer in the Army he has made public statements that are not consistent with Army policy. MFFRF did contact the command. The command had already made a decision to move the date of the event completely unrelated to that contact. The command would not have approved this individual as a speaker at any function. As usual, little Mikey has used this event to claim some victory where there is none. Several Christian Religious organizations have taken it upon themselves to become outraged where there is no religious basis to do so. Mikey stirs up controversy as a means of having a fund raiser in my opinion. Neither he nor the MFFRF represent the views of any Atheist or person of faith I know. Not one. I will say that the several members of the command I spoke to were professional and more than willing to engage in the conversation. I admire and respect them for it. I can not confirm or deny if my statement as follows is supported by most all of the command, particularly on a personal level (I have my suspicions though: Fuck Mikey Weinstein, he is little more than a con man that uses manufactured controversy for profit and gain, in my humble opinion of course. We just have to do a better job of… Read more »


Serious: Thanks Dave for the info. There is always more to the story isn’t there?

Smartass: Can I get a loud, “Praise the Lord”? 😉

Dave Hardin

As an Atheist, the closest thing I have to a patron saint of veterans is Gary Sinise.

I can give you a loud, ‘Praise Sinise’, I know he is not invisible and lacks telepathic superpowers, but he does a hell of a job for all of us.

Semper Fi.


I’m wondering if Smegmastain will be as vocal when a muslim is invited to speak, or if he will retreat to mommy’s basement to weather the storm? Yeah, I’m thinking the same thing. Mommy is calling. Oh, and callers were weeping? Is that the type of pussies with which you associate? So, what did you advise them to do? Maybe retreat to a safe space? Aromatherapy and/or a group hug? How immature must you be to be so offended by something such as this? Can’t wait until those muslims come for their breakfast. How about you, Smegmastain?


Left to his own devices, Boykin would stone homosexuals, atheists and muslims to death in the public square. He is among the worst of the new breed of “hate christians”.


jackass…that’s about all I can muster in response to your insane drivel.

Dave Hardin

Left to his own devices Mikey Weinstein would whore out his supporters for any media attention that would put more money in his pocket.

Gullible fucks will always be around to get manipulated by hucksters like Weinstein.

Not much difference between the likes of Weinstein and what Jerry Farwell’s fat ass did to scam money from people.

I can’t stand Boykin’s personal views on many things. I still respect his service and right to have and express his views.

Just like I respect the commands decision not to use him as a speaker.

Little Mikey had nothing to do with the event being rescheduled or Boykin not speaking.

NR Pax

Been a while since you’ve shit on this site. Haven’t missed it much.

A Proud Infidel®™

You mean like Muslims do in their shithole corner of the world, o smegma-brained snotweasel?

