That is just not who we are

| March 27, 2016

In Christianity, today is our most holy day. The day of resurrection is about many things but, most certainly it is about renewal. It is about the gift of a second chance. It is the opportunity for a new life. It is springtime for humankind. It is a time for introspect and choices. Choices whether good or bad that will shape us as individuals and as a people.

In the people’s house is a man well-heeled in communism and Islam. He makes little effort these days to masquerade otherwise. His parents and grandparents were communists. He was raised Muslim by a stepfather. He was mentored in adolescence by a card carrying communist. He has publicly proclaimed his Christianity on more than one occasion. The punditry minds us to accept what he says as truth lamenting that not one of us mortals truly knows his heart.

We are taught not to judge others, but conversely we are taught that a person’s actions speak to what he holds in his heart. Think of the tremendous cost in American blood and treasure spent to block the advancement of communism. Consider the millions who died under the boot of communists across this earth. Then to watch the President of the last nation standing between worldwide tyranny and freedom embrace a murdering communist dictator is sickening. It is just a bit more than I care to take. To look across the globe and see the atrocities committed in the name of Islam and have a leader who still refuses to mention the name of that religious political system in the context of terrorism has also reached a level of detestable I would have never imagined in our country.

The President embraces communism and Islam. Two brutal systems that is wholly antithetical to our constitutionally guided representative republic.

When the President of our country drones on about our values and what we should and should not do regarding out of control immigration, our relationships with oppressive communist regimes, and how we should or should not confront the brutality of Islamic terrorism – we should clearly understand. When he attempts to shame us by declaring “that is just not who we are”, the “we” he is talking about should be clear in our minds.

I recall listening to a local football coach talking about bowl selections. His phrase that sticks in my mind is that “in December, you will remember November.”

We have a chance for renewal. A change to reverse the course we are on, but only if we have leadership that has our security and freedom in mind. First and foremost. There will be a communist on the ballot who is connected through associations at the very top of her inner circle with the Muslim brotherhood. There is no assurance of who will represent the rest of us on the other side of the ballot. But we must note that this is our chance for renewal of America.

We are at one another’s throats about who the person should be to lead our country’s healing process. The political class is trying to circumvent the democratic process to ensure that the “wrong” person is not on the ballot. How does that differ from communist thinking? The punditry class has injected itself at a level I have never seen in a primary cycle. Some declaring for whom they would never vote even if it means putting another person in the Whitehouse to complete the destruction of our country. Some of them are displaying total disdain for voters. One presumably conservative magazine published an article on how America would be better off if the working middle class would just die out. Radio talker Glenn Beck, whom I once listened to, declared that you cannot be a Christian if you are supporting Donald Trump. I guess Beck who is quite proud of his transformation from a down and out alcoholic to a God fearing man, cannot find it in his heart to believe that someone like Trump could have his own re-birth.

For all who are battling hard to save our nation, remember who we really are because in December we will be thinking about what happened in November.

© 2016 J. D. Pendry All Rights Reserved

Category: Politics

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Beck’s cracker has lost its cheese.

L. Taylor

Hey the copyright logo? This has no value whatsoever.

There are no communists running for or holding office at the national level in the US.

The highest office a communist ever held in the US was two members of the New York city council and that was due to proportional representation.

People afraid of communists are fools.

And it is utter hypocrisy to claim freedom of religion and then also seek to suppress a religion because you do not agree with it.

Happy Easter.


There are no communists running for or holding office at the national level in the US.

People who’ve studied “yer boy” Sanders career in detail disagree, Taylor. And considering the fact that he’s in the past featured both a photo of Eugene Debs and a Soviet flag prominently on the walls of his office, I’m inclined to agree with them.

The moniker “Bernie the Commie” is pretty damn apropos IMO.


I thought Sanders declared himself a commie a long time ago. Or was that someone else?

Where the hell is Alf Landon when you need him?

This is just a small bit about him: Landon is often described as a fiscal conservative who nevertheless believed that government must also address social issues. Landon respected and admired FDR and accepted much of the New Deal but objected that it was hostile to business and involved too much waste. At the end of the campaign, Landon accused FDR of acquiring so much power that he was subverting the Constitution.

Does any of that sound familiar? Anyone? Bueller?


Your so full of shit, you don’t even deserve this reply. I am begging to believe the you don’t even or can’t even believe the drivel that you spout, it’s only to get a rise out of everyone here.


Hey the copyright logo? This has no value whatsoever.

Actually it does as it puts people on notice that the piece is protected by a person willing to assert legal protection over this work.

There are, of course, exceptions to the “fair use” of parts of such intellectual property, but that is not what is being discussed.


Are you retarded, ignorant or just a plain old ordinary lying A.H.? the hilldabeast studied under Saul Alinsky, the communist, just like obama who also studied under islam…Bernie is as stupid as you are, he says he is a socialist, not a communist..the dumbass doesn’t know the Russians brought the term socialist over here in the 30’s because they knew Americans wouldn’t accept communism…at least MOST AMERICANS…THERE ARE STILL A LOT OF STUPID ASSES OUT THERE!

Airdale (AW) USN

Your wrong about the President, he never studied under Islam. Nice try though.

A Proud Infidel®™

Incorrect, B. Hussein 0bama attended a madrassa in Indonesia while he was a kid.

Holy Shit

Lars, it appears that you do not know my cousin Jack.


Lars, This was created JUST FOR YOU! It accentuates the positive side of your intellectual blithering.

WARNING..not suitable for children or those with a weak stomach.


Hey Holy, how’s it hanging?


“There are no communists holding office at the national level in the US.”

And you know this how, Lars?

I suppose your years in “battlespace” intel bestowed omniscience on you…

Some Guy

How about the converse: how do you know that there are communists governing us? Because Fox News and Rush said so? Well, then it must be true, I guess.
If you make a grand claim like that, then you better have something good to back it up.


“People afraid of communists are fools.” In the 1930s Stalin and Beria killed about 20 million Soviet citizens. In the 50s and 60s Mao killed about 40 million Chinese citizens. I did not make up these numbers, they are widely accepted. I did not imagine that Stalin and Beria and Mao were communists, they proclaimed it at the top of their lungs. So a political philosophy embodied by two people kills 60 million people and I should not fear that. Are you mad? “And it is utter hypocrisy to claim freedom of religion and then also seek to suppress a religion because you do not agree with it.” If a particular religion is a set of morals, rules to live by, and people want to live by those rules without harming me then I have no issue with it. I have no issue with Islam as a religion. But, there are people who have formed large groups – lets call one of them ISIS. They have armed themselves, killed a lot of people, terrorized and oppressed a lot of other people, and announced that everyone who does not currently belong to their religion must convert or die. They have announced that all the governments that the rest of us created are wrong and must be destroyed and replaced by a Caliphate – a “religious” leader. These people all claim to be Muslim – people belonging to a specific religious group. Thus, I need not hunt down Christians or Hindus or Confucians, I should search for Muslims. However I am faced with a problem, how to sort out the honorable Muslim people who peacefully practice their religion and deserve my tolerance from the warlike barbarians who say that also belong to the same religion but who are the enemies of the West? The West is not under attack by religious groups like Christians or Hindus or English or other national groups. We are under attack from people who call themselves Muslims and they swim in the Umma and they are nurtured by it – to use a metaphor coined by Mao.… Read more »


Great comment. To answer your question, most of us have concluded that Commissar doesn’t know JACK SHIT.


Mr Bill knows me, and he is absolutely correct. Commissar does not know me.


Richard, you left out Pol Pot, an avowed Communist, and the two million ++ (count ’em) Cambodians he slaughtered in the 1970s.
Oh, and those mass graves of Stalin’s victims have been undergoing excavation and ID confirmation of victims since the Soviet Union was declared dead in the water.


I rewrote this note about five times in different forms and with different rationales before I decided that you are absolutely right. I was wrong, I should have mentioned Pol Pot. I just typed his name and I want to wash my hands.

I think that Stalin and Mao had a vision of a new system for the world and they took the steps that they thought necessary to reach their vision within their sphere of influence.

I think that Pol Pot just wanted to kill a lot of people – along the same line as Adolf Hitler and the Jewish people.

I cannot comprehend how Stalin and Mao can justify their methods to achieve such worthless results but they were at least rational.

I think that Pol Pot is a special case.


That was GREAT! I hope he reads your comment and all the other posts with clean glasses and understands.

There are people who just don’t believe that all this is real and it happened.

Where the hell do they think that the piles of dead bodies stacked five feet high came from? It rained dead bodies for a week?

When I heard and saw the expression on the face the face of the person who told me “he just pulled the baby from her arms, threw him on the ground and shot him. The mother took a step and he shot her and said no more Jews from that or the Jew whore”. Those were tears of memory, not of something read.

Lars, are you really that stupid? My god, go to a Holocaust museum.


There is no one so blind and he who will not see.


‘There are no communists running for or holding office at the national level in the US.’

Are you speaking in absolutes by using the word ‘no’ in your statement? I don’t think speaking in absolutes about a serious subject is very smart. Doing so often speaks volumes about the author. Just saying …


‘People afraid of communists are fools.’

Really? I’ll visit the countries of the former Soviet Union for verification of that statement. Or I’ll save myself the trip by reading European history. You think those who survived Soviet control of their country will feel as you do? I’m thinking not so much, huh?

Silentium Est Aureum

People not afraid of communists are typically people who have never lived under it or seen the effects of it first hand.

Like you.


Husband’s family member was killed in Katyn massacre. Have you heard of it?

You are the dumbass.


Lie down and wait for the ambulance.



Perry Gaskill

Something curious is that the current level of media bias is starting to worry the media itself, and for it to question it’s own ultimate infallibility means things are more badly broken than previously recognized. My own view is that the pundit class has gotten so caught up in its own Twitterverse echo chamber that it risks becoming irrelevant. The popularity of the Trump campaign, for example, should not have been a surprise coming from left field.

There’s an interesting recent essay by Joshua Benton at Harvard’s Nieman Journalism Lab on the why of this. Benton is not a conservative, but does provide a look at how things media can evolve in ways that are both counterintuitive, and related to emerging business models. Here’s the link:


I am always amazed at people who think that “media bias” is somehow new.

The US has its foundations in recognizing the bias of the media. (For example, look at how the so called “Boston Massacre” was presented in the American press.)

I would rather have “media bias” which allows for multiple voices and multiple points of view (even if those views are distorted) than to have some sort of government controlled “clearing house” of what is “true” or “not true.”

The answer to speech is always more speech.

Perry Gaskill

A valid point, gitarcarver. Back in the early days of newspapers, it was all about bias. A big reason people started a paper was because they had a political axe to grind. And if you didn’t agree with them, barriers to entry were such that you could start your own paper, and disagree with them. All of which meant bias one way tended to balance bias another way. The geography and demographics were also more broadly distributed.

That’s not what’s going on now. In effect, the bias that’s creeped in means you have a predominant voice that is young, urban, and liberal with not much to act as an effective counter.

Something also ironic is that a lot of the extreme bias in newspapers went away when it was found that fairness and objectivity supported a healthier business model over time.


Perry, I read somewhere that even when we do send conservative politicians and journalists to these coastal bastions of liberal thought, their desire to fit in, to get invited to the right social functions and so forth causes many of them to suppress their conservative instincts. Over time they do come to fit right in and then are no longer conservatives.


I know Nicki’s busy today, but she and her family fled the Soviet Union when she was a little girl.

I think she can tell us more about what it was REALLY like to live under a communist regime than a thumb-sucking idjit like lars the fart-barking poodle.

HMCS(FMF) ret.
Bryan M Woodman

I’d rather trust the writings of Ayn Rand then the crayon scribblings of Larsie-poo.

Dave Hardin

Great post. It is the gullible who will not see communism or socialism for what it is. Only after the weight of the yoke burdens them will they realize the error. It is their mantra to lash out against the inequality of self achievement.

Equality cannot be imagined outside of tyranny. To force equality on the people is to hobble the hopes of those who dream. The liberal believes they are doing a good deed by forging the shackles of those who achieve.

Take no belief in a Government that bellows “We are the people”. But rather be diligent as the people to constrain all government.

As the Ferengi Rule of Acquision #99 states:

“Trust is the biggest liability of all.”

Trust only that Government is a thirsty beast that will drink from the well until it is dry.

I hope everyone has had a joyful Easter.

Semper Fi.


“People who are afraid of communists are fools”……so you say Mr. Dumbass of The Century. Why don’t you take your stank ass and move to Russia? That”s the MOST F—-ing retarded statement I have ever seen on this site. Any others ranking there at the top unsurprisingly likewise belong to you Lars. You’re the one who was told, “Drinks are on the house” and then went to get a ladder. You’re the one who some dude said, “Let’s play some basket ball, a game of one on one”…..and you said, “Okay, but who’s on my team”? You’re the retard who put a phone up your ass and thought it was a booty call. Best save your breath for the moment; you’ll need to blow up your date tonight. Some people claim you are the perfect idiot….I say you are not perfect, but you are doing alright. People say Will Rogers never met a man he didn’t like. Obviously he never met you!
What other nonsense can you add to your resume Lars?



I was on the floor laughing so hard I peed my undies, spilled my juice and then my crew read your post. So, I’m taking a shower while they clean up. Your absolutely hilarious and I really needed a laugh after I read what Lars posted. The guy has no clue..?


Lars…You really are an ignoramus. Have you been to a communist country? Meh. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess….NOT. In that vein, since you don’t have a clue, perhaps you should STFU about calling people fools who understand they SHOULD be afraid of communists, communism. I’ve seen it. And it’s damned scary. Just remember, you won’t be immune if you tell a communist that you “like” how they operate. You will be as oppressed as anyone should it happen in this lifetime,boy-o. #SOS


Thank you, DefendUSA!


WTF? You can’t be serious! I have no clue who you are or your age, but, I know people who did and were murdered under Hitlers 10+year run because of his insane ideas.

As someone else posted, were all a bunch of infidels and a SHITLOAD of Muslims want us dead.

Millions have been killed in the name of some communists rule. I’ll be damned if it ever sets foot on AMERICAN SOIL.

As for the millions of Muslims who want us off our land dead, AS AMERICANS WE STAND UNITED and send their asses to Allah one at a time.

Communists will never come to AMERICA, there are too many people who survived it once and then said “NEVER AGAIN”.

YOU need to go back into time and live as a Jewish person scared to even breath, being hidden, fed and protected by a few brave Rebels who risk their own lives against millions of insane nazis.

If you think I’m full of shit please get my email address, let me email you a few letters and pictures of things I recently received and share a story. Hopefully the shock will rattled some sense into your brain…

I always knew the truth, but it took a long damn time to have everything verified and the person who so deserves the honor has been dead a long time. Me, receiving the stuff for him posthumously still doesn’t help the millions he couldn’t save. Truth be even if you read and heard the truth, you still wouldn’t understand.

Some Guy

Hitler was a communist? I guess ya learn something new every day…


For a guy in Intel, you really are a fucking dumbass.


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HMCS(FMF) ret.

^^^LIKE X10^^^

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Renewal and second chance are indeed something Americans believe in for everyone. We believe in giving everyone that second chance to renew themselves, to redeem their lives if you will. It’s why we cheer when the drunk finds his way out of the gutter and does something useful with his life, or the petty thief stops his thieving ways and finds gainful employment aiding his community instead of victimizing that community. We also are a people who don’t have any objections to communism, not really. If we did our homes would look a lot different inside and some companies wouldn’t exist. Walmart, Apple, to name a few depend on communism to make a profit and our nation loves it. We embrace those communists making our underwear, and our cheap shirts and shoes and our fancy phones. We love having communist slave workers providing us with the material goods we all. I was a cold war member of the US Military during the mid-70s to the mid 80s…I heard all the stories about the evil commie bastards. To this day I’m not a fan of the large Russian community in my town…I don’t like the arrogant Russian pricks who come here and think we owe them something….but I also see my nation embracing relationships with communist nations because it suits our current national interests. We don’t much care about China’s human rights record, do we? There aren’t any nightly stories about how awful they treat their citizens, for that matter we don’t much care how our good friends the Saudis treat their people either the fact their women aren’t much more than chattel doesn’t seem to worry anyone. Framing the debate in terms of character overlooks the reality of nations and their own selfish interests. Pretending we’ve been motivated primarily by the good character of our people and our nation when we act as a nation does a tremendous disservice to our people while obscuring the reality of our nation. As a people we are the most generous on the planet, we donate more across the globe than any nation. But… Read more »

A Proud Infidel®™

Communism only killed 100+ million people during the 20th Century and today’s thumbsucking bedwetting candyassed over-educated booger-eating liberals just want to give it one more chance.


I had a military instructor once who was fond of saying, “Now, your smelly, long-haired, hippy freak, Commie-pinko, bedwetting, pot-smoking, bleeding-heart, liberal, faggot friends will tell you that we don’t need SAC. But SAC can nuke Ivan back to the stone ages with a few crowd-pleasers or a couple of city-smashers.” My instructor had met Lars? Who knew?


Lars….just as one who willingly becomes an executioner for any reason, it is so easy to see you at the shores of this country holding the doors wide open for ANY and ALL Syrians to be welcomed with your open arms. Of course your sign in hand will read: “Welcome all Muslims and prospective communists, for I your hero fear neither.” You could not have ever served this country in any capacity Lars. Too damned eat up with liberal cancer. Personally, I’d love to bump into you in person some day. Figure it out retard.


This has been eating at me ever since Lars’ statement, “People afraid of communists are fools.” What kind of a f___ing asshole makes such a statement? Surely not one who has served his country admirably and had close friends return in body bags. Surely not one who has made the personal sacrifices necessary for freedom to be enjoyed by all who live in this great nation. Yep, I’m old school, my days are numbered. that does NOT however leave me absent of the notion that communists have for many long years sought to take over and destroy this country. My first memory of the efforts of communists goes way back to the fifth grade in elementary school where we were taught to take cover under our desk should it appear we we under nuclear attack, as if that would have done some good! By old school, I mean RVN, where of all things we were fighting the communist from the North trying to take over an entire country…which they eventually did as we tucked tail and ran as ordered by the wonderful leaders in D. C. This after the loss of 58,307 Americans fighting , of all things, the spread of Communism. So Lars, you no good bastard, do you suppose all who gave their lives in that war and all other wars (declared or not) were fools? Fuck you, you no good piece of shit!!!!! To Jonn I give credit for allowing posts of all who have different opinions, even assholes such as Lars. To Jonn I also give further credit for those of us with differing opinions to respond as we do. Some of us, myself included, occasionally cross the lines when responding to shitheads with comments such as Lars proffers. One can read the pseudo intellectual rants of losers such as Lars and often write it off as an individual incapable of involving one’s self without trying to insult others just to get feedback to push buttons. My hope is that each of us who post on this site will finally see Lars for the G. D.… Read more »


Your my new hero! (I’m not kidding)

Well said!


Thanks Blaster. It just ate at me until I could find the right words to express my thoughts on the Idiot’s remarks. ALL of us have realized the loss of a fallen brother at one time or another. None of us wore the uniform because we were fools. It was PRIDE that motivated us to serve our country. Back in my day, the stank ass hippies fled to Canada and other locations to avoid their responsibility in order to live free as we do today. I’m too old to give a f__k anymore about what they did, rather than do their duty. However, I will NEVER forget all those who have their name on the Wall. To sit quiet and read candy ass rants by a POS named Lars, No Can Do! He’s the typical Chicken Little when it comes to allowing communists to gradually take over this country. If I were the POTUS, I’d evict that M. F. and send him to Cuba in a canoe that chummed fresh blood all the way.


Jarhead, it’s easy for him to sit in all of the comfort that this country provides and bitch about how nice communism would be (by the way Lars, socialism is the same damn thing, I don’t care what you say). I’m quite sure that he never visited a communist country and if he did it wasn’t in the 70s or 80s. His kind complain about the very system that they use to get where they want to be. You were right and said perfectly what I wanted to say. A lot of good people, good Americans died fighting the very think that these F’n assholes want to install here. I don’t think the citizens with any sense are going to put up with too much more “progressivism” destroying this country. There are more of “us” out there than they think. Well done brother.