AP scrutinizes the Army’s fugitive program
The Associated Press reports on the arrest and conviction of a 24-year-old Fort Campbell soldier, Private Jameson T. Hazelbower who went AWOL while he was being investigated by the Army’s criminal Investigation Division for sexual assault on under-aged teenager girls.
In fact, there was a lack of urgency to locate Hazelbower despite strident warnings from his superiors at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, the records show. The military’s version of an arrest warrant described him as a “sexually violent predator” and a known drug abuser. Also, he had gone AWOL before. “CAUTION – ESCAPE RISK” is stamped in bold letters on the right side of the document.
The Army declined to discuss Hazelbower’s court-martial and why service officials chose not to pursue him. Army spokeswoman Tatjana Christian said the service typically does not conduct searches or pursuits to physically apprehend deserters “due to jurisdictional issues unique to each military installation.” She declined to say what those issues are.
“We can’t really speculate on what happened in the specific case of Hazelbower,” Christian said.
Well, Hazelbower was eventually arrested by local police when he was caught with his drawers past his knees with another 14 year-year-old girl. They ran him through background checks and found the warrant issued by the Army. In my opinion, that’s all the Army can do – I’m pretty sure a bunch of ARMY CID agents running around the country looking for AWOL soldiers would piss off the local police as well as civilians. I know the media and the general public think that there is an Army of Jethro Gibbs and Tony DiNozzos searching for criminals in the civilian world like they do on TV, but, no. The Military depends on locals to scoop up their criminals.
I know, here on this blog, we’ve seen AWOL soldiers arrested six and seven years after their offense during routine traffic stops. That’s the way the system works.
By the way, Hazelbower blames the Army for his illness (he’s in Leavenworth doing 50 years now);
He said since enlisting in the Army, he had become a sex addict and an alcoholic and was suffering from depression. Yet the Army had ignored his problems, he said.
“I was literally laughed at,” Hazelbower told the general. “How could I be completely to blame?”
No one is to blame for anything – and it’s all the Army’s fault, always.
Category: Army News
Let’s hole that he repeatedly gets to embrace this…
NSFW maybe
“HOPE”…man, was *THAT* a Freudian typo.
Remember that some of the most harden criminals have been caught for the simplest thInga such as burned out tail lights or tax evasion. That said isn’t interesting that the AP (and media on a whole) is up in arms about this; but gosh darn it they could care less about violent illegal immigrants who were released into the nation by the feds aren’t being looked for at all by either the feds or in some cases InterPol? Things that make you go hmmm.
We’re heading back into post-Vietnam times in that we will shortly be the cause of everything that goes wrong, ’cause we’re drunk, drug-addicted, knuckle-draggers and our betters in the media will warn everybody about us constantly.
Of course, the media would be the first to be up in arms if the military really did go after deserters. They’d foam at the mouth about the “jack-booted” thugs grabbing these poor, misunderstood people who were just trying to get their lives back in order after being warped by those evil military-types.
But maybe I’m too optimistic… /sarc
But… but… Lars says the military needs to “fix” him!
I know of a way to fix him. Nail his nuts to a dilapidated barn wall and give him a rusty knife… Douse the barn with gas and tell him he has two options for his situation. Set fire to the barn and wait…
The “animal” needs to be put down like a rabid dog… I hate child molesters…
I like your way of thinking
Perhaps he can become acquainted with little old Bradly Manning. The world can follow their bromance on Twitter.
We had a seaman on my boat go UA twice because he was having problems with his wife/girlfriend/female of the moment and didn’t want to go out to sea for an extended time (anything greater than 12 hours). The first time he was caught and returned to the boat when we were doing a perstrans off the mouth of the Thames River in Groton. He spent 60 days restriction (plus all the other benefits) after that first time. The second time we were due to be out for about 2 months and he went UA the morning we were to leave. 30 days later he was declared a deserter. (Even if they had found him, there was no way to return him to his duty station, our submarine, before he would be declared a deserter.) NCIS checked his last known address periodically for a couple of months with no luck, then gave up. He was held against my division as an assigned member, leaving us short-handed for the next two years.
We finally heard about three years later, he apparently pissed off his present (at the time) girlfriend and she dropped a dime on him. Last I heard he was facing serious charges and prison time. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
Peter, was that Seaman Staines?
Seems like we discussed him before on a few other threads.
“He was held against my division as an assigned member, leaving us short-handed for the next two years.”
The entire idea of declaring someone a Deserter after 30 days is to clear them off of a unit’s T/O. The unit drops them and forwards all their records to higher HQ. There is no way a deserter should be on anyone’s rolls.
In the Corps after 30 days the person was dropped from the unit and his records forwarded to HQMC. They keep track of them until they are accounted for.
Yeah, there’s no way these same clowns at the AP are going to be all in and happy when Army CID units are cruising the streets snatching guys either….
It’s humorous that they declined to discuss the jurisdictional issues unique to each facility…what a polite way to state how some bases have a local police force that are not fans…
He caught the Depression from the Army and that caused him to be a pervert? What a lowly PoS. He’s a perv because that is his scumbag nature. I’m hoping he will be very popular in prison, if you know what I mean. Wink, wink …
Once it’s known that he had a thing for teenage girls, he’ll be about as popular as a pedophile and life for him will truly begin to SUCK! ? Schadenfreude, anyone?
I remember way back when as a very junior E-4 at a training command, running the school office phone after hours.
Oh, the calls I’d get, like, “Johnny Scrotumbreath is banging my daughter and I know he’s a deserter. Can you come out to BFE and scoop him up?”
At that point I had to tell them that local LEOs had to pick him up and put a hold on him, at which point he could then be sent back for NJP or CM, as appropriate.
Amazingly enough, a lot of them either got pissed at me for “not doing my job” or decided calling the local po-po was too much bother. Go figure.
The bedrock of criminal behavior is that they blame their victim for their actions — up to and including murder.
I had a guy lately go so far as to blame his daughter as the reason he molested her. Said she was flirtatious.
Maybe if this douche was med compliant and taking his SSRIs and antipsychotics like a good boy his little soldier wouldn’t have gotten him in trouble due to deadline issues.
Just a little theory I’m working on.
Okay. How about the services go heavy and hard after all AWOLs and deserters. How long before the first AP story sympathetic to one or more of them appears and appears in every newspaper in the country and beyond? 24 hrs? 48 hrs? Or do you think that the mere anticipation of the hard-luck, cry-in-your beer arrestee would alone prompt a story?
Like that fat-assed broad that ran off to Canada to avoid her commitment in Iraq? You can’t win with the liberal media.
As far as I know, one of the elements of Article 85 (Desertion) reads: “(c) Any person found guilty of desertion or attempt to desert shall be punished, if the offense is committed in time of war, by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct…”
Heavy and hard? I’m no attorney, but it seems the language outlined above could satisfy that.
Too heavy handed?
Nah. One or two “deaths under desertion in time of war” (and we seem to be constantly at war, despite O’Bozo’s campaign promises) would serve as a lively reminder to all those skanky types of the hippie mentality, that ifs they joins, they behaves. Ifs they don’t’s wants to behaves, then they don’t’s joins. Simple as that.
Might just improve the overall military morale at the same time. Hhmmmm. . . .
Rockin that Affliction shirt like a typical asshole/loser.
Back in Boot Camp (during the Dark Ages) we were given several straight forward lectures about the UCMJ, Navy Policies, regs,etc. In one of them, it was pointed out that if you went over the wall, no one was going to come looking for you.
The Navy ad/has better things to do than that. However, they’d put out a warrant for your arrest as a deserter after you were gone 30 days. The Navy would just sit back and wait and sooner or later you’d get pulled over for a busted tail light, speeding, etc. Then you’d get locked up and the Navy notified, and they’d send a couple fellows to pick you up.
In fact, at NAS Brunswick, there was a team of about 12 guys stationed there for just such missions.
Anyway,the other little detail is that when you go AWOL or desert, time stops on you enlistment. Back then it was referred to as “lost time”. In short, if you had a 5 year contract,and deserted with 2 years to go, the Navy would still claim you for 2 years once they picked you up. Normally you get a BCD, but they could also reduce you to E-1and keep your sorry ass for 2 years and THEN hand you that BCD as they walked you to the gate.
He was laughed at.
Yep – we’re still laughing at you, asshole.
No sympathy here…
We had one that hadn’t gone AWOL, but CID was after him for child porn, come into our town and kill himself. He will never touch another child again, unlike this guy.
Fuck the AP. Any city of decent size probably has thousands of fugitives from justice with warrants out on them.
We had a news expose out here a few years back about the number of unserved warrants piled up in the Sherriff’s office.
Anyone who watches the Reality Cop shows knows what I’m talking about.
Usually when they pull over or detain some shitbag they have multiple warrants out.
“he had become a sex addict and an alcoholic and was suffering from depression.”
I can’t say as I disagree with this much. Par for the course, IMO. The Army increased my libido by being gone for long periods of time in the field or box with no trim, I drank a lot more as a platoon is nothing more than another name for a fraternity and I get depressed when I read the news and see what the Army is becoming.
That being said, when these turds used to take off we would just let them. As the article points out, they are eventually returned. Can’t get a job, a loan, enroll in school, etc. Half the time they have no choice but to come back. In this maggot’s case, he was a fucking ticklemonster that liked young girls. Had a few of those as well. Mostly turned in by their wives no less because they were messing with their stepchildren. This is a sad case in that this stain abused yet another kid, but chances were the Army had a good idea of this type of behavior before they let him enlist. No winners here except society moving forward as this felcher is practicing his new skill set over the next 50 years.
That being said, when these turds used to take