Monday morning feel good stories

| March 21, 2016

This morning starts out with a story from Tucson, Arizona, where a man and a woman were driving through a trailer park when a man approached them wielding a machete. A confrontation resulted and the man pulled out his gun and shot the machete-wielding fellow. He was DRT (dead right there) when the police arrived.

A fellow in Greenville, South Carolina who built a home that looks like a German castle, caught a trespasser on his property and shot him several times. The interloper was DRT (dead right there) when the police arrived.

In Atlanta, Georgia, the owner of a car left it running at the gas pumps while he went into a convenience store to make a purchase. When he came outside, a man and a woman were sitting in his car, attempting to steal it. The clerk says that heard five shots and the car owner came back inside and told the clerk to call the police, he submitted to the police when they arrived and the male car thief was DRT (dead right there).

In Renton, Washington, an intruder forced his way into an apartment and killed a male resident with his gun. A woman in the apartment then shot the intruder who is in serious condition and in surgery.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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The owner of the car in Atlanta should have looked at a theft as a gift from the insurance gods. It was a 20+ year old beater that burned oil. He could have gotten more out of the insurance company than it was worth.

2/17 Air Cav

About that Atlanta story. It really isn’t smart to leave one’s car unlocked and running when one is not in it. It’s really not smart to let loose at a gas station, either. And if no one is being physically threatened or assaulted by a thief on the street, it is not smart to shoot at that thief. The female in the car repeatedly screamed, “Don’t shoot him no more!” The would-be thief was hit five times, probably at very close range. And now the brainiac will face a murder charge. You betchum.


In some places it’s illegal to bait…

Weekend Warrior in Texas

In Texas it is a violation of the law.


I worked in the insurance industry, progamming the systems that were used and leaving your car running is a big no no. You leave it running and walk away, it invalidates the theft clause. You did not show proper care. Every time I see someone do that I cringe.


Yeah, leaving the keys in an empty and unlocked car for any reason isn’t too smart. It takes about 10 seconds for someone nearby to get in and drive off – and that’s if the engine is off. If the car’s running, it takes more like 5 seconds.


I knew many 14 and 15 year olds who could start any GM or Chrysler product in 5 seconds without a key(common steering column). All it took was a screwdriver, pop the column on the turn signal side, find the sliding gear, insert the screwdriver, start it up & away you go. Takes longer to type it than do it.
Not a great idea to start shooting at someone who isn’t any kind of threat.


Hah, I have them all defeated! I drive a stick (manual)! 🙂


The guy in South Carolina living in a German castle needs to get a pair of Dobermans. They’ll run off any intruder, but if they’re raised right, they’re just pussycats and lapdogs.


I like it when deadly force is used in the manner prescribed by law, but a death sentence for what is likely misdemeanor trespass?

There has to be more to this story.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

If a person approaches me in a threatening manner, either speaking or showing his threat to me or to anyone near me, I will do what it takes to stop that person. If he is taking my goods and insists on carrying that out, I will regard it as a threat to my quality of life and take the necessary steps to keep what is mine.


[the Coroner] said Whitman was walking on the property when the homeowner confronted him. He said there was an altercation and the gun went off, hitting Whitman in the torso.

Sounds accidental.


No stories from my home state of Texas, I guess we just did not try hard enough. There is always tomorrow I guess.