Simon Zablah sentenced

| March 8, 2016


We talked a bit about Simon Emilio Zablah last November when he was arrested in Broward County, Florida for impersonating a federal officer and for wearing a military uniform in order to get freebies. He claimed to have earned a Combat Action Badge and a Purple Heart among the rest of the stuff in that picture above. he’d actually gone AWOL after two whole weeks in the Army. He was wanted for domestic abuse, cut off his monitoring bracelet and fled the country, sneaking back in. He’d used his phony military persona to get out traffic tickets. So, what’s all that worth to the judge? A year and a day, according to Sun Sentinel;

“I think they’re giving you a break and I’m willing to participate in that,” the judge told Zablah. He warned the consequences will be much more severe if Zablah commits any more offenses.

Zablah must also serve three years of supervised release when he gets out of prison.The judge banned him from wearing or possessing any kind of law enforcement or military uniforms, honors, badges or identification. Zablah is also prohibited from having any firearms, BB guns or air guns.

So basically, I’m guessing that Zablah figures it was all worth it. A year, for impersonating a federal agent every day. He used his military persona for employers. At one job, he stole a credit card from a customer. he infiltrated a Facebook group for real troops suffering from PTSD and got them to “favors” for him, they don’t go into detail what those favors were. Well, at least the case for the domestic abuse of his pregnant girlfriend is still pending.

Thanks to nbcguy54ACTUAL and HMC Ret for the link.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO he needs a lengthier stay in some PMITA facility as part of Bubba & Thor’s cell block harem.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Cockmeat sammiches and tubesteak with nut butter will be on his menu in the poundhimintheass jail for 366 days… hopefully more for the domestic abuse chage.


No, he needs a baseball bat lineup…should the a.h. what domestic violence is REALLY about!


Well, it appears he’s now a convicted felon. That’s something, I guess.

Green Thumb

It is.

It gives this turd hiring preference at All-Points Logistics.


Now he can’t play trailer park airsoft commando with the fellas when he gets out.


Let’s see: “he’d actually gone AWOL after two whole weeks in the Army. He was wanted for domestic abuse, cut off his monitoring bracelet and fled the country, sneaking back in. He’d used his phony military persona to get out traffic tickets.”

What a POS, not Zablah, the judge: “I think they’re giving you a break and I’m willing to participate in that,” the judge told Zablah. That is called enabling.

Once again this proves that Stolen Valor is an indicator of far deeper problems….

B Woodman

A year and a day. . .that makes it a permanent felony, from what I understand everyone else says he
re at TAH.

“consequences will be much more severe if Zablah commits any more offenses.”
Him? Stay out of trouble? Oh, that’s funny. Who’s the comedy writer? Who wants to form a pool as to when this asshat will next get into trouble?


I’m in


I’m in too.

Put me down for 1 year and two days…

Bill M

Damn, you took my guess.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ll place my bet on six months to a year.


Put me down for 8 Months. This A$$hat can’t keep out of a uniform.

2/17 Air Cav

He got a little time and he’ll be on probation when released. That’s nice. It’s called a plea bargain. Meanwhile, last year he was arrested after his pregnant girlfriend alleged he strangled her. It was then that he was placed on home detention, in lieu of high or no bail. So, what did he do? He cut off the ankle bracelet and took off, only to be arrested on his RETURN flight to FL from El Salvador. Yeah, this is another one of those good deals—not for the people but for the prosecutor’s conviction record. BTW, the strangling charge remains pending in state court.

Combat Historian

Go zablah yourself, you piece of shit !


Well, maybe he did catch the PTS during his two weeks AD. Maybe from having to roll out before daylight. I’m thinking while living in his mom’s basement he slept into the afternoon.
This guy may well be a career scammer/con artist. He’ll be back at this game soon after getting out; it’s what he knows.
Two weeks huh?


A dude this phony and yet so smooth will NEVER go straight in his life. He has seen the benefits from a life of conning, and will always try to up the ante with new and improved scams. One hundred dollars says he will be doing something to get back on this site within 60 days of leaving the joint. Con Men Lives Matter; to whom I don’t know.