Trump may be a tool, but not whose you think

| March 4, 2016

Against the long-ago given advice of the editors over at American Thinker, I always read carefully the comments on my writings for the simple reason that I occasionally find a pearl of wisdom that can serve as the premise for a subsequent article. Such was the case when commenter RMThoughts, posited the idea that the pundits and critics of Donald Trump have it exactly backwards when they accuse Trump of using Republican voters as tools to build his own political movement. Rather, Trump himself is the tool that has fallen into the hands of those long-ignored constituents, a tool to be used by the citizens to remake their party into an organization that truly represents their beliefs and values, led by leaders who truly share those beliefs and values and lead accordingly.

I would recast that premise somewhat and suggest that Trump is more a weapon that has been taken up by those Republican voters as well as independents and Reagan Democrats, a stout, unyielding club with which to fight back against the elitist Republican leadership in Washington, D.C. and the elitist, coastal, mainstream media. Being from the South, I would prefer an axe handle to a club, an axe handle made of durable, resilient hickory which brings to mind Old Hickory, a comparison that can be drawn with Trump.

Whatever weapon or tool we use to characterize Trump, the driving force behind the voters’ anger is clear: they are fed up with not being listened to by a national government that is supposed to operate constitutionally according to the people’s bidding, not as a federal ruling class that governs the people one way and themselves another. If anything, the conservative citizenry is even angrier at the liberal mainstream media that has served to enable the dissembling, disloyal, and dishonest leaders of both political parties. Had they done their jobs as political watchdogs, this country would not be in the mess it is. For certain, we wouldn’t have an affirmative action president hell-bent on dismantling this constitutional republic and remaking it into another Third World hellhole.

But now millions of Americans have a weapon in our hands. That the weapon we’ve been handed is not perfect is clearly true, but when you’ve never had any weapon up till now, even an imperfect weapon will do.

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Politics

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As has been said elsewhere: “Trump is our murder weapon to the unresponsive GOP..”


I never quite thought of comparing Trump to Jackson, but now that you mention it…. hmmm.

I would take Trump more seriously if he’d stop engaging in his silly personal attacks against his opponents. The bluster does not impress me and never has.


In before Trump is compared to Geoduck Giduck’s combat entrenching Shovel Defense tool, tool

Veritas Omnia Vincit

With the declaration by the likes of Ms. Lindsay Graham in the Senate changing from joking about killing Ted Cruz on the Senate floor and no one would prosecute you to declaring he’d rather choose Cruz than support Trump and Romney’s idiotic diatribe yesterday it’s clear the establishment is suddenly aware of just how real the Trump phenomenon is for this election cycle.

If these idiots who head the GOP believe they can toss Trump out at the convention if they can just keep him from 1237 I think they will be quite surprised as I suspect the ramification will be far worse than they currently imagine. If Trump shows up at the convention with a thousand delegates and they put Rubio/Cruz/Kasich or Paul Ryan as I’ve heard some mention on the ticket or worse…expect an open revolt against the GOP and the loss of the Senate to go with the loss of the White House.

They are so frightened of this weapon as you call Trump that it appears they will turn the convention into the the last stand at Masada to repel the invasion.

B Woodman

And what happened to those early Israelis (GOPe RINOs) when they attempted to stand up to the might of the Romans? When they saw that they were about to be overrun and have their asses handed to them, they all chose to jump over the precipice and commit suicide. A fitting end for the GOPe.


I read this and thought it interesting. I post it for your consideration since it gave me pause. What I See Happening in a Trump Presidency By Bill Bennett They will kill him before they let him be president. It could be a Republican or a Democrat that instigates the shutting up of Trump. Don’t be surprised if Trump has an accident. Some people are getting very nervous: Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Jon Corzine, to name just a few. It’s about the unholy dynamics between big government, big business, and big media. They all benefit by the billions of dollars from this partnership, and it’s in all of their interests to protect one another. It’s one for all and all for one. It’s a heck of a filthy relationship that makes everyone filthy rich, everyone except the American people. We get ripped off. We’re the patsies. But for once, the powerful socialist cabal and the corrupt crony capitalists are scared. The over-the-top reaction to Trump by politicians of both parties, the media, and the biggest corporations of America has been so swift and insanely angry that it suggests they are all threatened and frightened. Donald Trump can self-fund. No matter how much they say to the contrary, the media, business, and political elite understand that Trump is no joke. He could actually win and upset their nice cozy apple cart. It’s no coincidence that everyone has gotten together to destroy The Donald. It’s because most of the other politicians are part of the good old boys’ club. They talk big, but they won’t change a thing. They are all beholden to big-money donors. They are all owned by lobbyists, unions, lawyers, gigantic environmental organizations, and multinational corporations – like Big Pharmacy or Big Oil. Or they are owned lock, stock, and barrel by foreigners like George Soros owns Obama or foreign governments own Hillary and their Clinton Foundation donations. These run-of-the-mill establishment politicians are all puppets owned by big money. But there’s one man who isn’t beholden to anyone. There’s one man who doesn’t need… Read more »

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I think I remember how to spell it. I feel like a F-O-O-L. Thank you Veritas Omnia Vincit, my friend, for setting me aright. So much for Facebook friends and their posts. But then, the onus is always on me to do due diligence.


I would find it hard to believe Trump would turn on his fellow plutocrat class anyway. He’d be “flexible”, he’d “make a deal”, he’d “be pragmatic” and what do you think would happen? The man has been for sale his entire life and is riding this election for just as long as he sees a personal benefit from it.

Altruism? Hard core truth seeker? Let the chips fall where they may? I think you would need to DEFINE those phrases for him… they are not central to his vocabulary or personality.

Sorry, I’m not a fanboy. Of any of them. It galls me to know I will probably have to hold my nose to vote for one of the current crop of snotweasels just to vote against Hillary or Bernie. Just another disaffected voter who doesn’t see any oases in a dry, parched desert of candidates.

2/17 Air Cav

I heard about the unholy attack on Trump by that asshole Mitt. I tell you, I don’t like Trump–but if the uber-establishment boys, Romney and McCain, and their girl, L. Graham, keep it up, I have to assume that Trump is a real threat to them and theirs and that Trump is worth voting for. Still, I am hoping for Cruz to rise and lead the way.


Not my comment but it was in a TSO FB post

“I think Trump is hiding something, join me in the girther movement.”

” All Bow Down To “Trumpleforeskin”
😀 😀 😀


I actually think the guy who wrote this is an ass, but it sums up what we are seeing.


Poetrooper, don’t know if you’ve heard of the Polymet Mine project here in MN, up on the Iron Range. It’s a copper nickel mine. It just got approval by the Department of Natural Resources, one of FORTY effing permits it needs. And folks wonder why nobody wants to start a business in the USA?

2/17 Air Cav

I read the piece and it’s trash. Who, exactly, is behind this “income inequality” crap? Who demands wealth redistribution? Who argues that it is wrong or unfair for a small percentage of the population to control a disproportionate amount of wealth? I’ll give you a hint. This guy invoked the Russian Revolution. Those who buy into his line of thinking are those who are in a quandary regarding which candidate, Bernie or Wide Load, to support. I reject them. I reject theirs.

Former 11b

Last night’s debate clinched it for me. I didn’t really have a dog in this fight. I don’t like Cruz, Trump, or Rubio, I just planned on voting for whichever got the nom. But last night was a hit job, and Trump was supposed to be Sonny Corleone.

For a journalistic organization, especially one like Fox that has always touted itself as objective, to actively try to derail an individual candidate is an ABSOLUTE DISGRACE.

I always knew Fox was the media arm of the Republican party, but I never thought they were so up the Establishment’s ass.

And what the fuck is wrong with Mitt Romney? He might not like Trump, but for the previous Republican nominee to harshly criticize the current frontrunner for that same nomination is stupid and short-sighted. If Trump wins the nomination that speech will be used as ammo by the Clinton campaign. Just goes to show what a loser Romney really is. The 2012 election was his to lose, and boy did he ever. Given that he can’t even see how detrimental yesterday’s comments were, it’s really easy to see why he couldn’t seal the deal.


Trump has tapped into the anger of the great mass of the American people who believe that they are being ignored by the elites. This is understandable and probably most pronounced among conservatives. But Trump is a conman and he will use that anger only for his own benefit. He may destroy the arrogant, condescending elite in the process, but he won’t leave us improved in the aftermath-and that’s not what we need. What we need is someone who will restore our Constitutional order-that’s Ted Cruz (and no one else in the running). As Ace (or someone who comments on his blog-I don’t remember) said, Trump is a billy club, Cruz is a scalpel.


Cruz is indeed a scalpel capable of telling the bad parts from the good and able to go after it. Trump is a chainsaw and we have no idea who is holding it or what it will do.


Someone made a comment I generally agree with (paraphrased): if Trump wins we’ll get something very good or very bad, it’s hard to tell. If Hillary wins we get the same old stuff. Voters are extremely tired of the same old stuff.

Former 11b

If Hillary somehow wins, and I seriously doubt she will considering yesterday’s developments with regard to her server, she will be out of office in four years, guaranteed. Probably sooner, because of a little concept known as impeachment.

If Trump wins there’s no way he’s leaving before eight, unless he drops dead or is assassinated.

I’d rather have eight years with GOP President starting now, then one starting in 2020 after Hillary spends four year menstruating all over the Constitution.

Trump is the best chance to beat her, and the best chance to beat the do-nothing establishment. Cruz and Rubio are both part of that establishment. Rubio is obvious about it. Cruz on the other hand tries to act like an outsider, but that’s a total crock. He may have only been Senator for a short while, but the guys been in Washington for almost two decades. If he’s an outsider than that word really doesn’t mean that much.

I don’t agree with a lot of Trump’s politics, particularly stuff that he said in the past. I also think he’s as dishonest as the day is long, but so what? Cruz, Rubio, and Clinton are all disgusting, dishonest politicians, they just pretend they’re not.

Trump doesn’t pretend. He tells you flat out that he’s a son of a bitch. Call me crazy, but I admire that.


“He tells you flat out that he’s a son of a bitch.”

It worked for Patton…

A Proud Infidel®™

One possibility is that Trump could be another Teddy Roosvelt, remember that he was put in as VP with the party elite thinking that would be the end of his political career and the rest is history. One thing is for sure about Trump and it’s that he’s riding high on a huge tsunami of anti-establishment sentiment that’s out there. The GOP’s inner establishment doesn’t want him, and I see Romney’s attack on him as further proof of that. Jeb Bush had lots and plenty of support and endorsement from the establishment and it was part of what did his bid in, Trump has owned and operated
Politicians and I think that’s part of why the inner establishment types are so scared shitless, he HAS given the inner establishment a long-deserved kick in the balls!

Former 11b

Not just Romney either! Answer me this, have you ever, ever, seen a panel of debate moderators who, so nakedly, tried to detonate a candidate’s campaign?

The worst thing I can remember seeing before last night was Candy Crowley giving that assist to Obama in 2012. But last night was Candy Crowley times a hundred.

I expected better from Fox News, but they showed their true colors last night. They’re disgusting hypocrites just like the MSM.

Perry Gaskill

My own theory is that Trump has pissed off both Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch.

The backstory on Ailes, President of Fox News, is that he’s the one probably most responsible for selling Dick Nixon back in the day. Ailes’ most visible innovation in the news business has also arguably been putting hot blonde babes in prime anchor slots in order to boost ratings. Ailes likes to have his ring kissed, and it’s doubtful if Trump has been willing to do that.

Murdoch is the owner of Fox, and Ailes’s boss. Murdoch is also an Australian, which drags in that whole thing about Trump’s immigration stance.


Instead of being handed a weapon capable of surgical strikes on a government that serves itself in order to clean up the bad parts we have been handed a nuclear bomb to blow the whole thing up. We are that angry with what is going on in DC that we are ready to detonate it. The political parties have no-one to blame but themselves and in particular the Repubs trotting out Romney to go after Trump shows they still have no idea what is going on.


What the Republican establishment fears most from Trump being elected is the fact that the voters will target them next and expect them to also address issues that everyday people care about.