The civilian death toll of the latest war in Iraq

| January 20, 2016

I remember the heady days of the Iraq War when the hippies told us that as soon as the US troops left, the killing in Iraq would end. That was our presence there that fueled the killing of civilians. That Americans were killing the Iraqis. Well, we’ve been gone for years now, so how’s that working for the poor, innocent civilians? According to the United Nations Human Rights Commission, not so well;

A UN report released today details the severe and extensive impact on civilians of the ongoing conflict in Iraq, with at least 18,802 civilians killed and another 36,245 wounded between 1 January 2014 and 31 October 2015. Another 3.2 million people have been internally displaced since January 2014, including more than a million children of school age.

Of the total number of casualties, at least 3,855 civilians were killed and 7,056 wounded between 1 May and 31 October last year – the period covered by the report, although the actual figures could be much higher than those documented. About half of these deaths took place in Baghdad.
– See more at:


The report details numerous examples of killings by ISIL in gruesome public spectacles, including by shooting, beheading, bulldozing, burning alive and throwing people off the top of buildings. There are also reports of the murder of child soldiers who fled fighting on the frontlines in Anbar. Information received and verified suggests that between 800 and 900 children in Mosul had been abducted by ISIL for religious education and military training.

“ISIL continued to subject women and children to sexual violence, particularly in the form of sexual slavery,” the report states.

There is also some reports of abuse by Iraqi national troops and peshmerga, but it’s negligible compared to ISIS.

Category: Terror War

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Anyone surprised?


Status of Forces Agreement.

Specifically, NO SOFA was put into place because the Obama Administration, which put so very much energy into an agreement emboldening Iran, abruptly abandoned negotiations at the first, highly predictable (and common to other SOFA negotiations) stumbling block.

This is Obama’s quagmire.


And they even had a chance to recover from that difficult situation – once Ramadi fell, Baghdad was begging us for help. If they’d have just put in as many troops THEN as we have there NOW, Mosul never would have fallen, we could have driven them back out of Anbar, and ACTUALLY had them contained in Syria.


Yep. I guess they didn’t get the memo from the current CiC that HE ended the war in Iraq.

It’s a good thing that they follow the “religion of peace”. Just think of how bad it would be if they were violent.


It’s not as if the lefties actually have any concern about civilian death rates, or death and mistreatment of any people on Earth. They only care about having a platform from which to spew their ideology. Any issue will do for them. If one does not exist, they will pretend one does and carry on.


” They only care about having a platform from which to spew their ideology.”

And power. Don’t forget their insane, at-all-costs clawing for power.


Clearly it was the heathenish and murderous ways of me and my Brothers in the country of Iraq that caused the current instability. Had we refrained from building schools, water treatment facilities and other infrastructure improvement the previously peaceful people of Iraq would be living in the utopia that they were just about to build after they united to throw off the yoke of Saddam’s tyranny.
I would like to sincerely apologize for my actions to subvert the Happiness of the Iraqi people and the resulting fallout.


Me too.

If they only had jobs…..

Maybe now they can go back to living in mud huts with dirt floors, eating lamb that has hung out in the 120 degree heat and covered in flys all day long, and drinking water gathered from a puddle on the side of the road that has an oil sheen on it. Never go to school because your local imam will explain everything that you need to know, plus you need to tend to the flock of sheep from the time you are about 5 years old.

It’s a shame that we went in there and screwed up this great way of life.

Sorry about that!


“Sorry about that!”

From the Vietnam era, that would be Xin Loi!


ill have to write that down to reference it later.



If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a million times:

Fuck the UN.

That is all



Our current CiC will soon bring “hope and change” to the UN as the new Secretary General.

It’ll all be a lot “gooder” then!



Not sure that even the UN is that freaking clueless.

Says a lot about the American electorate, doesn’t it?


Someone forgot to tell ISIS that our President ended the war and has a peace prize. Oh and also that they are contained. At least if he’s in charge of the UN he can’t do as much damage as he has done to the US.


“Says a lot about the American electorate, doesn’t it?”

Yes it does. Anyone in doubt, watch Watter’s World on the The O’Reilly Factor.

Alas, how are the Mighty fallen …


Kinda don’t look for him to take that job because he’s had enough of this being expected to show up occasionally for work. Well, if you consider all that golf, the vacations and date nights to be work. Still, he pretty much has to pretend to care. They would expect that even at the UN. Besides, he’s acting like he is no longer friends with the teleprompter.


I watched Ministry of Defense troops fighting with Ministry of the Interior forces in Baghdad in 2009 – can’t say I’m too shocked…


As one who was stuck with the S-2 Nerds for a few weeks in 2009 up in Baghdad and having to. on voulentold orders to give briefs to the brass and others life was peaceful compared to 2007
I guess all that is going on now is the fault of the Brass and Bush….. NOT !!!