Afghan mechanics missing in Georgia

| December 9, 2015

David and Eggs send us links to the story of two missing Afghans who were training at Moody Air Force Base. They didn’t show up for training on Monday;

Two male Afghan air force students did not report for duty yesterday at their regular maintenance training at Moody AFB in Valdosta, Georgia. Both are assigned to the 81st Fighter Squadron. They have been at Moody since. February 2015 and were screened prior to their arrival in the United States more than a year ago. The students have trained alongside American counterparts for the entirety of 2015 and do not pose any apparent threat. There is a well-coordinated process among federal agencies to locate the individuals as quickly as possible and return them accordingly to the proper authorities to manage their present situation.

They may be a threat to Bovidae-Americans, however.

Category: Terror War

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Just so we’re clear, is telling us that they were both screened supposed to make us feel better or is it supposed to further erode the validity of the screening process?


I’m betting on the latter one, Claymore.


Someone tell me why we are trying those vermin to come back fight us? Oh by the way, don’t worry, they will show up at a local MALL!


Ditto to what USMCMSgtRet said.

At least they’re Muslim and peaceful, right? You know, like all Muslims are supposed to be.


They are missing from Moody Afb. Please amend your story.


Someone stationed there.


Not like anything like this has ever happened before….

Doc Savage

I may be the slow kid on the block; but I’m detecting a pattern here…..


Learn something everyday. I didn’t know the Afghans had an air force.

Doc Savage

One good “no pest” strip will ground half their aircraft.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Someone been checking the local goat/sheep farms for the Afghans? Just a thought, cause they woud probably not be at the local titty bars…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

If there are no goats llamas can fill in as well so there are other options…


Relax. They were just out on dates with the locals. Had a little too much fermented peaches and are hung over.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just leave a stray goat tied up somewhere, or would that be considered as “baiting”?


That is a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad idea!



…and they pose no apparent threat.

Copy and paste from the San Bernadino’s shooters files?


They may have discovered a couple of Georgia peaches; that will turn you into an infidel every time.


That’s what I was thinking. They went down the road to Panama City Beach,FL and are in a strip club..

Pinto Nag

And my question is, why are they even being trained here?


Where else would you train them to fly and maintain aircraft made in Brazil? 😉


They simply failed to report, right?

If they’re wandering the woodlands of Georgia, they should be careful. There are timber rattlers and cottonmouths as thick as your arm down there and they don’t bite for the sole purpose of getting food.

Alligator snapping turtles, too – they’ll remove important body parts.

I wouldn’t want to get lost in Georgia unless I had a reason to do so.

Pinto Nag

The timber rattlers are laid-back teddy bears, compared to those (blanking) water moccasins. Miserable, poor-sighted, short-tempered, aggressive, vengeful little buggers they are!


You forgot all the Georgians with guns. Not good to run around GA alone.

Pinto Nag

I used to BE a Georgian with a gun. Raised there. Don’t think the thought hasn’t crossed my mind that some red-neck decided to get proactive and reduce the number of Muslims in ‘Merica by a count of two. I hope not, but Bubba’s been known to do it before, under other circumstances.

AW1 Tim

And banjos…….


Maybe they were fixing Morgan Freeman’s personal jet?


Ye-e-e-s, yes, they are. Cottonmouths and copperheads are two of the nastiest critters on the planet.

Alligator snappers come in right behind them. That’s one beak you don’t want near your fingers.

A Proud Infidel®™

Spiders,… Lots and lots of them in the woods, ticks too!!


aloha snackbar!!!

Silentium Est Aureum

I bet they’re smart enough to put fuel in the aircraft before taking off.


Now why would you say that?
Good one !!


my advice to anyone blind or drinking Kool-Aide read the Koran from front to back and then back to front. after doing so these nut jobs ain’t so crazy in the eyes of there faith is how do you say… the way they should be..

Nuff Said

Slick Goodlin

This reminds me that in as a new Army Private in September 1972, the first foreign military students that I ever encountered were Afghanis at Fort Benning, Georgia.
Things don’t change that much.


Several mosques around, could be…


Hmmm. Two Afghans that grew up in a war torn mud hole were about to graduate from their year long training in America and return home. Nope, I don’t know what could have possibly happened.


These shits should have gps on them in addition to handlers that follow them.

Tired of this bullshit.

A Proud Infidel®™

I only wonder just how many innocent goats have been molested since they flew their coops?