Sunday morning feel good stories

| November 8, 2015

This one will make you feel especially good – in St. Louis, Missouri, a man saw two gunmen walking his daughter towards the door of their house so he grabbed his gun and shot at the pair, killing one. The other jumped in the getaway car and drove himself to the hospital with severe injuries. Mom got into the gunfight, too, but didn’t hit anyone. The good guys are all OK, the bad guys not so much. Thanks to a Thunderstixx for the link.

That story will hafta do ya his morning, but here’s an interesting one; A Canadian citizen on vacation in Bocas de Toro, Panama with his girlfriend, was confronted by an armed intruder in his apartment. The Canadian disarmed the fellow and began struggling with him, until, finally, he picked up the criminal and tossed him over his balcony to the street twenty-five feet below. The Canadian said the criminal did a poor Parachute Landing Fall (PLF) and landed on his noggin. The police took the injured fellow away and I’ll bet the Canadian got some that night.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Doc Savage

Now THATS a happy ending….

Hack Stone

Happy ending, or happy landing?

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Nice stories this morning. One DRT, one permanently marked for identification, and one with one hell of a headache. Not bad.


A fine start to a Sunday.

Airdale USN

Yep!! Good story. Now to sit back and sip on this coffee.


it’s a start to a great day…
nothing like a feel good on Sunday Morning


Too bad the Canuck jacked up his knee. The thug probably got no medical attention, and just thrown in the tank to be GF to Jorge & Nacho.

Silentium Est Aureum

Funny how most nations don’t really give too much credence to the concepts of prison reform and rehabilitation.

Having seen what happened to a couple of folks in custody in a couple of foreign countries, when the port brief came down for a place I had yet to visit, I made it a very good point to listen.

Silly shit you wouldn’t think was a big deal can get your ass in some serious trouble in some places.


Yep. Other than the US, Canada, and Western Europe, most nations treat prisoners pretty much like crap. You really don’t want to go anywhere near the inside of a jail in most of the world.


You got that right Hondo. One of the only things I liked about Djibouti was if you got locked up in one of the dungeons they call prison your family was responsible for your sustenance. If they didn’t bring you chow you didn’t eat.


Jonn, I ain’t been around here all that long. Have you told that story?


Barehanded against an armed intruder – and was able to (1) disarm the intruder, and (2) throw him bodily out what appears to be a 3rd-floor window. Impressive.

Today’s batting line: 3 for 3, with 1 HR, 1 triple, and 1 double. All in all, a damn good “day at the plate” for the good guys.


Gives a whole other meaning to “GET SOME!”.

Perry Gaskill

The hoser dug a new canal with his face, eh?

Roger in Republic

Killing one and wounding the other infers that he shot them, not that he shot AT them.


See, Jonn? Even when you try to be specific so that no one misunderstands and thinks you might be saying that they might have been shot around or something, some in the crowd just will not be pleased. Thus proving, once again, that no matter what you say or do, you simply can’t lease everyone. No sense even trying.


Mebbe the Pope outa check out them ferrin jails.