For One of Our Frequent Commenters
Since one of our frequent commenters grew up in the nation in question, I’m thinking they’ll be interested in seeing this. From Odessa, Ukraine:
Darth Vader replaces Lenin monument
It’s no joke. And maybe I’m out to lunch, but to me it seems somehow . . . apropos. (smile)
Category: Pointless blather, Who knows
He he he – Hondo loves me! 🙂
Definitely interesting. When I was in Kyiv last year, there were bumper stickers, billboards, T-shirts, toilet paper, etc. with Putin’s face on them and the letters PTN-PNH (in Cyrillic – Cyrillic won’t shop up in comments). The PTN is obviously shorthand for Putin. PNH is an acronym for “poshel na huy,” which in polite company translates to “go to hell.”
The presence of those words was literally ubiquitous. There were even huge billboards erected to depict the Ukrainians’ displeasure with Russia’s actions. I went crazy buying this stuff from street vendors and bought some for my dad as well.
The erection… he he… of Vader vice Lenin is definitely instructive. That ultimate evil in the same place Lenin’s statue is tells me “Yeah, that bastard and his ideology is still around just in another evil form.”
Try getting the text from Bing translator when you need Cyrilic font, Nicki. Doing that seems to work for me to embed the font properly (example, not directed at anyone):
Іди до біса
Googled it – – – lol
I was going to post this in the WOT but seeings how youse guys mentioned Vlad…
Ever hear of Becky Hammon? If I did, I forgot about her. She is a basketball player and a very good one. Played 14 years or so in the WNBA and became the first female head coach for a men’s pro team when she was hired to manage the NBA’s 2015 summer league Spur’s team. Oh, and she was inducted into the WNBA’s NY Liberty team’s Ring of Honor a few moths ago. So what? So this. As good as she was, she was not invited to try out for the US Olympic basketball team in 2008. Feeling unloved and unappreciated, she took her marbles elsewhere: Russia. She became a Russian citizen in order to play Olympic basketball. She subsequently played for Russia in other international events and was on the 2012 Russian Olympic team. The USA won gold in that event in 2008 and 2012. If Russian Citizen Hammon was there, she was in the stands. Her adopted country didn’t make it to the finals. I wonder how Becky would have felt if Russia had been in the finals against the USA and had won. Would she have stood tall and proud at the podium as the Russian National Anthem was played? Check out the lyrics.
There was also an economic component to her taking Russian citizenship. She played for a Russian professional team during the WNBA offseason. From what I understand, her contract with the team provided for a substantial raise if she became a Russian citizen.
It’s frightening that someone actually becomes a Russian citizen for economic reasons.
WTF does this say about our country??
I don’t know but it says all I ever need to know about Becky Hammon.
I still like this one better. It’s more “honest”, shall we say?
I hope I don’t offend our Ukrainian friends, but I do have a soft spot for “Katiusha”.
This is a pretty good version. WWII uniforms and all. 🙂
OK, weird – my comments are falling through cyber space. Help?
Some years back I was introduced to a fellow with a pretty strong accent – and by appearance I assumed (yeah, I know – big mistake) that he was Russian. So, I asked him if he was in fact Russian – he replied with conviction and some vehemence….NO! I’m from the Ukraine!!
I think he would have been happier if I accused him of being a burglar or purse-snatcher.
One of life’s lessons learned that day.
I generally make it a point to ask, “Where in Eastern Europe are you from?” The accents are nearly identical, and no one gets upset at being confused with a Russian.
I think the guy would have probably been less offended at being called a jizz-slurping pole smoker with worn out knee pads than a Russian.
I usually ask “what’s your native language?” That has kept me out of a lot of trouble.
Yeah, that’s the very question I want the interviewer to ask on many post-game interviews. Half the time, the interviewer is clueless and I’m asking out loud, “WTF did he just say?”
Years ago, I was in a college class with a kid who was a Ukrainian immigrant and still had family in both Ukraine and Russia. He once complained that his last trip to visit his uncle in Moscow sucked because he speaks Russian with a thick American accent, and so every Russian he met called him a Ukrainian Jew. The lad was a total Obama koolaid-drinker, and kind of annoying to boot, so I seized the opportunity to fuck with him.
I pointed out that he was indeed Ukrainian. He said yes. I asked if he was Jewish. He said yes.
“So, uh, you ARE, in fact, a Ukrainian Jew.”
The kid turned bright red and replied, “Well…yeah, but that’s not the point! The point is FUCK RUSSIANS!”
Wow. He was an Obama acolyte? One would think, with his background, that he would know better.
Truly, truly, common sense is not that common.
Yeah. Outside of maybe Serbia and Bulgaria, most of eastern/central Europe isn’t exactly too fond of Russia.
Yeah, Hungary has kind of been pro-Rus too lately.
Given events in 1956, I find that a bit surprising. But times and alliances do change.
Yeah… I know. I felt weird even writing that, but it’s true.
I traveled to Odessa, Ukraine a few years ago on a trip and they took us what they said was the last statue of Lenin in that town, I wonder if it’s this one? They said that during the days of Communism it was custom to lay flowers at the base of the statue, but when I saw it, people were walking their dogs around it until the dog had to take a phildo, and that’s what they left in tribute to Lenin!
That is just awesome! Thanks, brother. I needed a good smile.
But I thought Cheney was Darth Vader.
If Cheney’s on the dark side – count me in.
Don’t knock the Dark Side. We have cookies!
Chocolate chip? (homemade?)