Mabus draws ire of Marines in experiment

| September 15, 2015

The other day, we talked about Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus and his mistrust of the results of the Marine Corps’ mixed-gender units. In a link sent to us by Bobo and Marine_7002, the Washington Post talked to some of the Marines who feel that the Navy Secretary threw them all under the bus.

“Our secretary of the Navy completely rolled the Marine Corps and the entire staff that was involved in putting this [experiment] in place under the bus,” said Sgt. Danielle Beck, a female anti-armor gunner with the task force.


Sgt. Joe Frommling, one of the Marines who acted as one of Beck’s monitors for the experiment, said he was frustrated with the secretary’s comments.

“What Mabus said went completely against what the command was saying the whole time,” said Frommling. “They said, ‘Hey no matter what your opinion is, go out there and give it your best and let the chips fall where they may.’”

I’m sure they gave it their best shot. They all volunteered for the nine-month experiment, so I have to think that they were serious about it. Mabus dismissing the experiment out-of-hand is about the worst display of leadership that I’ve ever seen. In fact, the Marines have gone out of their way from the very beginning of this grand experiment to provide the service chiefs with the best information available.

I’ve always been of the opinion that Mabus was out of his depth in that job, and this only proves it. Those women in the Heavy Weapons Company busted their asses lugging those systems around for the Secretary, and he, with a wave of his hand negated all of that work, just so he could kneel at the altar of social justice.

Perhaps worse is when he said that the Marines involved in the training “presupposed” the outcome, while he, himself, was doing the same thing. Mabus should step down and get out of the way of his Marines as they prepare for the next war.

Category: Marine Corps, Navy

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A Proud Infidel®™

Mabus is throwing the whole thing away because the results weren’t PC enough for him. Meh, he’s proving himself to be a 24K 0bamite!


Meh, he’s proving himself to be a 24K 0bamite!

You hadn’t figured that out after his decisions to name future Navy ships after Murtha, Chavez, and Giffords?

Murtha IMO doesn’t give a flying fornication about anything except brown-nosing the Current Occupant, 1600 Penn Ave, Wash DC.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, you’re right. I should have said “He’s FURTHER proving himself to be a 24K 0bamite.”


Murtha doesn’t give a flying fornication about anything these days, Hondo. 😉


Well….Mabel was jist doin’ what obozo toad him ta do!


When Mabus was first nominated for SecNav, Mrs. Bobo threatened to troll the Pentagon E ring on the Navy floor with some of her old “Save Us from Mabus” bumper stickers from his time as Governor of Mississippi. She had the line pretty early on that he’d be a no-go.


You all know that I fully support any women who choose to go into combat infantry, in any branch of it. I know it is a blisteringly tough job. You have all said so.

These women, as the Marine Corp AND
Our Glorious Leader have said, busted their butts putting in a 110% effort for nine long months while that dickless wonder with his shit-eatin’ grin sat at a desk.

That the results of this ‘experiment’* do not meet the skewed, braindead, mindset of that jackass’s expectations is insulting to the Marine Corps and to the women who participated in it. (*nicest word for it)

It is unfortunate that he thinks his idiotic opinion is more important than reality.

He should be fucking fired, period right now, but in the real world, he won’t be dismissed just yet. He should also be required to spend about 10 hours being interviewed by a group of shrinks who deal routinely with crazy people. Reality really is his worst enemy.

You don’t want to know what I really think, do you? I assure you that it is unprintable and unpublishable on this or any other internet site.


Mabus has the dubious distinction of being the worst political hack in an administration teeming with political hacks. Way to undermine morale in order to defend your indefensible position, Ray.


What’s next? A statement from him that Marines are paid too much?

Oh wait – some SgtMaj of the Marine Corps already said that. My bad.

Silentium Est Aureum

There will be “equality” in the ranks, even if they intentionally misunderstood the term or the context.

As to the body bags this will fill as a result? Pfft, they won’t be around to deal with the consequences of their actions.

January 2017 can’t get here fast enough.

A Proud Infidel®™

January 20, 2017 will be THE END OF AN ERROR!


“As to the body bags this will fill as a result? Pfft, they won’t be around to deal with the consequences of their actions.”

And to rub salt in the wound, it is virtually certain that it will be neither his children, nor any of those like him’s children, who will be in those bodybags.


If the draft is ever reinstated out of necessity, I hope that there are no deferments for anyone. Period. And particularly none for the offspring of any of these windsucking clowns.

They have systemically dismantled our defense system by wasting money things that don’t matter and haven’t worked, and they want to make it worse by using social engineering as an excuse for stupid decisions.

I think they should be the first to suffer the consequences for what they’ve done.


As human mine detectors, perhaps?


Again- Way past time to impeach the muzzie-in-chief and all his minions.

Climb to Glory

Mabus is a political hack. He cares little about Navy/Marine Corps affairs. It’s all about politics. The senior leadership in the military is so toxic. Glad I have my 214. Fuck them.

2/17 Air Cav

“I’ve always been of the opinion that Mabus was out of his depth in that job, and this only proves it.”

Well, that’s because you used a different standard than the one used to appoint and retain him. Mable is a Johns Hopkins alumnus (+) and a Harvard Law School grad (++). He is also a lifelong Democrat (+++)

Mable is a distinguished namer of Navy vessels (well proposer, anyway): John Murtha (spit!), Grapes Chavez, and Gabby Giffords. He’s been oBaMa’s boy since 2009, so I guess he’s in for the duration.


But, but he spent two years as a SWO!

Green Thumb

Mabus is a shitbag.

What a fucking joke.

I guess he needs to fix the numbers to satisfy Obummer.


Mabus is the libturd who appointed the Navy Distinguished Public Service Medal to that other Democrat war hero and phony Marine, Dick Blumenthal.

Birds of a feather…




“out of his depth in this job” – hell, he’s out of his depth in a rain slick on a crowned road.


Well, the experiment failed so Mabus just opened all MOS’s in the Navy and marine Corp to females.


Unfortunately, that’ll soon be “retired” SgtMaj Lehew who was speaking. You can’t speak candidly in today’s military and get away with it.


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