Snowden turns on Russian hosts

| September 6, 2015


Little Eddie Snowden, the fellow who convinced Glen Greewald that he was a Special Forces-trained soldier while selling him secret information as an NSA contractor, isn’t happy about the human rights situation in Putin’s Russia. You know, even though they took the little dweeb in to protect him from the evil United States justice system;

Pushed on Moscow’s deteriorating human rights record, the whistleblower said the situation is “disappointing, it’s frustrating” and described restrictions on the Internet as part of a wider problem in Russia.

“I’ve been quite critical of (it) in the past and I’ll continue to be in the future, because this drive that we see in the Russian government to control more and more the Internet, to control more and more what people are seeing, even parts of personal lives, deciding what is the appropriate or inappropriate way for people to express their love for one another…(is) fundamentally wrong,” he said.

He says that Russia was never “in his plan” to run from justice, that he’d planned to go to South America to hide, you know, instead of accepting responsibility for his actions. But the US cancelled his passport which left him few options for “asylum”. Well, tough. Get used to it, because when you return to the United States, you’ll be acclimated to the lack of freedom you’ll get here in jail.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Not too bright, is he?


Maybe he can write a book and tell the idiots over here that think communism is so wonderful, that it is in reality a pile of shyt! especially give a copy to the Saul Alinsky trainees, obama and hilldabeast!!


Haha, just like Lee Harvey Oswald. They don’t appreciate your brilliance huh, snowflake?

Maybe you’re just an idiot, as well as a traitor.


stool pigeon turns into useless tool, karma.


More of a yardbird.

A Proud Infidel®™

He’s just gonna have to excuse the hell outta me for not giving two hoots of a flying moldy ratshit about his situation.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

“Well, tough. Get used to it, because when you return to the United States, you’ll be acclimated to the lack of freedom you’ll get here in jail.”

Although, he may be one to enjoy the jailhouse cuisine of cockmeat sammiches with extra manmayo and tossin salad with croutons…


He can KMRIA!


Unless a certain outgoing President pardons him next year. You know, because of his patriotism and all…

C. Long

Even President Obama wouldn’t pardon Snowden. Maybe sanction some favorable deal but it’s safe to say only way he comes back is if he does some jail time.

A Proud Infidel®™

I doubt that, look at who he traded to the terrorists for a known deserter!

Bill M

Word. Never underestimate the perfidy of the ‘man’ in the White House.

C. Long

Completely different situation clearly.

A Proud Infidel®™

The both of them belong in an American prison.

C. Long

I’m inclined to agree. Just not with the opinion the swap was necessarily a bad idea as any pardon would clearly be.

A Proud Infidel®™

There should not have been a five-for-one swap PERIOD, B. Hussein 0bama & Company released some very dangerous terrorism kingpins.

C. Long

I have admittedly gone back and forth concerning this. What I do know is that we definitely should have got him back. Now that leaves the question of how. Do we risk the lives of more soliders going in and snatching him or do we make a trade? Just glad I didn’t have to make the decision.

Green Thumb

We should have just cut him loose and forgotten about him.

If you think the swap was worthwhile, then go fuck yourself.

C. Long

Until he was given due process and an investigation done, he was just a POW regardless of what was floating around about his own role in his abduction. I don’t think we should cut loose and forget about any POW or MIA but that’s just me.

Green Thumb

Nice try, C. Shitbag.

Play with words all you wish, but no cigar.

It is also my understanding, I think, that you were an Infantry Officer?

If that is true, you should know better. If not, someone fucked up.

Now, some good advice: Instead of sitting by the keyboard (which you appear to do all day, every day), get out, get a drink and be thankful some of us are a little more tolerant than you(and if you wish to play with words again, look in the mirror).

Granted we do not wear it (tolerance) on our sleeve, per se, like you, those of us that are do not need to argue every point for a little sympathy, credit and attention.

Green Thumb

You remind me of a urinal mint in a lot of ways.

You like to get pissed on intentionally so you can come out smelling sweet. But in the end, you dissolve, ooze down the drain, are easily forgotten and quickly replaced.

C. Long

I think you have me confused; I wasn’t an infantry officer. That said I don’t know how to respond to you there because I’m not entirely sure what you mean especially concerning tolerance. Maybe you had that drink for me? Try this: take a deep breath and try again.

Green Thumb

Once again, you made my point.

You like word games. I went to school w/ many folks like you. Those that played semantics and innuendo.

I was very clear in my statement.

As far as the Infantry component comment goes, my mistake. I must have misread one of your previous post from a while back. For that, I apologize.

As for the rest of my post, I stand beside it. Your game is thin. Actually, you should teach or procure a job in mainstream “indoctrination” academia. Maybe teach tolerance, if you will. You are checking all of the blocks.

As for the drink, I think I will. And I will have one for you, too. After all, it is a holiday and a beautiful woman awaits. You should really step out more.

So long, C. Long.

C. Long

I still have no idea what you are talking about and I suspect you don’t either.

Green Thumb

Good morning and hopefully good bye, C. Long.

I really hope you did not spend your night by the screen. But hey, its your life.

Once again with your comments, you proved my point. An educated man so well versed in rhetoric such as yourself should have at least something of substance to say. But alas, when out of your depth, you resort to moral platitude.

You strike me as nothing more than a first year graduate student with a pocketful of idealism. Your constantly disagreeing with prevalent opinion is the only way you get recognized, right or wrong.

While everyone else is at the party, you are back in your mother’s basement playing Dungeons and Dragons.

How is that mirror treating you?

C. Long

It’s not my job to make your points for you. You strike me as someone sitting there with their thesaurus open replacing key words in the hope that you just scare people off so you don’t actually have to make sense. Are you saying I’m too tolerant? Not tolerant enough? I can be honest and tell you that both are true. I disagree just to disagree? Just because I’m more vocal with topics I disagree about doesn’t make me some contrarian. I just don’t see the point in adding to the fluff in the topics I agree with for the most part. But for you I can certainly make an effort. Maybe a simple form letter type thing like this?

*insert phonie\democratic president\anyone I feel is inferior here* He\She\They are such *insert homosexual slur and\or insult here*. I wish he\she\they would just *insert deathwish\violence threat here*!

……would that really add anything to said topics? Maybe the admins here can make that an official part of the forum, so nobody here runs the risk of accidentally having an original thought. Just check off a few boxes and feel like part of the herd.

Oh and my mother doesn’t have a basement(nor would she let us live in it if she had)and I’ve never played Dungeons and Dragons. Not that I wouldn’t try, looks like it could be fun.

Green Thumb

Once again, you made my point.

Are you getting the attention you need yet?


A Proud Infidel. It PAINs Me to say this. yes we got the Shaft.
But we needed to bring that P.O.S. Back So we could Hang him. or put his ass behind bars, until someone killed him in a
Prison Accident, 🙂
It could have been WORSE at least the BOZO and BONZO Crew
got something in return ! ! ! !
they do have a Dizmo track record when it comes to negotiations Lol…


if it was me I would have brought the five to the exchange site and then Droned All of them Lol…. no more PFC and no more Sheep Fackers….


If he wants a pardon, he’ll have to wait in line behind Hillary…


I’m sure that Vlad thinks Eddie is a putz.


Make him a “Man Without a Country”:

2/17 Air Cav

Has Greenwald returned to the USA? He and his manwife had an issue with the Defense of Marriage Act so the two cksckers took made house in Brazil.

Dave Hardin

I should stop using Jonn’s name when I post.


sounds like someone wants a home in warmer climates before that Russian winter shows up again. I hope he ends up Siberia this year.

Green Thumb

He definitely has that Eastern block Eurotrash look down pat.




so let’s guess he will be a December of 2016 surprise after the elections he’ll come back and POTUS
will pardon his and many others in the news. and in about ten or fifteen years he will run for office and win from Massachusetts or some other left wing state LMFAO ! ! ! !


At this place, at high noon on 6 September in the year of our Lord 2015, not a single fuck was given.


D what’s up !!!! long time no hear from….
we are in your neck of the dessert

A Proud Infidel®™

Seeth the field where I groweth my fucks to give, and seeth that it is barren.

Bernie Hackett

Verily, thou hast a way with wordeths. One hopeth he consumith excrement and perishith.
Good thing I don’t lispeth. Imagine what Daffy Duck could do with that…..


Illiterate heathens! The proverb which doth refer to ‘the field’ is most properly presented thus:

Behold! The field in which I grow my fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it, and see that it is barren.
This is the first commandment and the second is like unto it.
Thou shalt not wander in my field of fucks, if thou art impure and inebriated for thou shalt fall down upon thy inglorious face and lie in mud like the swine thou art.

And the third doth follow:

Thou shalt carry thy weapon aimed skyward when thou dost enter my field of fucks, for shouldst thou aim it at the dirt with thy booger hook on the bang switch, thou shalt suffer my wrath endlessly.


Here endeth the lesson for today.



Fuck you Snowden. Oh wait – you won’t see this because of internet restrictions in your new home.

Fuck you anyway.

Jordan Rott

He has the typical hacker/whistleblower mindset.


I think he and Bergdahl were separated at birth.

Climb to Glory

Fuck him. If he keeps trashing the Putin regime he may wind up wearing some concrete boots or whatever the shitty Soviet equivalent is.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ditto, and the Ivans have never been known for being “Mr. Nice Guy”. If he pisses off enough of the wrong people over there, he’ll just suddenly disappear if you know what I mean.

Climb to Glory

I’ll drink to that.

A Proud Infidel®™

So will I, and ditto the Ivans, that’s where the phrase “Drink like Russians” comes from?

Mr. Blue

I’m thinking show trial and long stay in the Gulag.
But hey, he’ll gain a pretty through knowledge of the meaning of Russian Mobster tattoos!


Anyone have his address? I’d like to send him a quarter and tell him to call someone WHO GIVES’ A ? OR A FLYING FUCK.

The Other Whitey

Fuck this loser.

Just an Old Dog

Eddie Snowflake better watch himself. This is the same Russia that During the Olympics had Paramilitary Cossacks Bullwhipping Teenage Girls who were Singing Pussy Riot songs.


Never mind what Putin has done to his critics. Lead poisoning anyone?

Now that I think of it, KEEP TALKIN’ EDDIE!


Not only lead – polonium-210 also.


Polonium takes too long. Cyanide is quicker. Strychnine, likewise, but more painful.


Depends. Livinenko took roughly 3 weeks to die – and it was quite a nasty death, in stages, and once he’d been poisoned absolutely irreversible. It’s also virtually undetectable – it doesn’t manifest for a while and is undetectable without very specialized equipment not available at most hospitals, so the perp can get lost without raising immediate suspicion.

If someone was trying to send a “don’t mess with us, or you’ll meet a bad end” message, I can’t think of a much better way to do it.


True, but then someone has to find that it was polonium. And the only physical manifestation is hair loss and progressive weakness.

Strychnine, however, is much more dramatic, has physical symptoms and is just as painful.

The ten main symptoms of strychnine poisoning:

Initial symptoms are tightness and twitching of the muscles, agitation and hyperreflexia.
Stiffness of the body.
Frothing of the mouth.
Cessation of respiration.
Tetanus-like attacks appear every 10 ro 15 minutes. During these attacks the eye balls protrude and the pupils enlarge.
Severe cyanosis, which disappears after the attack subsides.
The attacks (each lasting about 3 to 4 minutes) appear to be spontaneous while other times they are the result of external stimuli i.e. noises, slight movements or flashes of light. The patient never loses consciousness.
When the poisoning is left untreated each attack lasts longer than the previous and the interval between them grows shorter.
Up to 10 attacks occur before death or recovery. This could
happen from 10 minutes to 3 hours and is a result of asphyxiation or inner tissue paralysis.

Cyanide is quicker but less painful and takes some diagnosis, but is quite effective. Remember the random cyanide poisonings of people who took Tylenol in the 1970s?

Since it’s Snowden, and nobody really likes him, I think strychnine is appropriate.


I hope that piece of shit hates every millisecond that he is in Russia. Fuckhead.

Guard Bum

Snowden supposedly has Hildebeast dirt so he’s just fucked. Either the Ruskies will do him in or the Clinton mafia will….I give him less than a year.

And still…not one fuck given this day!

Mark L.

I know you guys don’t like Trump, but he outright called Snowden a traitor and said he should be executed. That’s the greatest thing I’ve heard anyone say all year.


A perfect illustration of the maxim that even a broken clock is right twice a day.