A Foundation of Lies

| August 30, 2015

It is like the Biblical parable of the man who built his house on the sand giving it a foundation that could not weather the storms. In our country, when the house falls many more than just the proprietor will be swept away. While we all sit around wondering how we got here and to whom we should assign fault.

I watched an interesting video clip speaking of Islam as a threat. Admiral (Retired) James Lyons talks about actions not taken that could have been and should have been then finishes up by sharing the foundation of the Obama strategy, “It is Anti American, Anti Western, Pro Islam, Pro Iranian, and Pro Muslim Brotherhood.” I believe I could add a few more “antis” to the list, but they all fit comfortably under American and Western. Worth the minute or two it takes to listen to it.

No matter from where we get the moral code by which we live and from what authority it is derived, each us will at some time in our lives have to decide what is right and what is wrong. We have to make that choice minus today’s relativism. Things are either right or they are wrong. I am not contemplating others with this thought. It is more of a self-chat. From time to time I need to check my own compass heading. I am not much good to myself or to my countrymen if I cannot hold firm to what I believe.

Back to the question of to whom we need assign blame for the predicament in which we find ourselves. For me, I must assign blame for the state of our nation to the man in the mirror.

I suppose I am about as middle as middle class gets. I tolerate things happening in my country that would never be allowed across the threshold of my heart or mind as being even remotely acceptable. You can ponder your own list of those closely held “things.” But, I believe I share with too many a tolerance for accepting dishonesty from public officials holding the highest offices of the land right on down to where the rubber meets the middle class road. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, if you like your health plan you can keep your health plan, and families will save $2500 a year on health costs…. Elitist lying politicians have become the norm. How do we deal with this dishonesty? Well, fifty percent of us do not even vote.

Just yesterday another Police Officer was murdered. The anti-police rhetoric in our country has support from the highest office in the land, the country’s top law enforcement office, and the usual group of race hustlers along with Louis Farrakhan who called for his “army” to hunt them down and kill them. We all heard how the police “acted stupidly” more than once. We have riots, destruction of businesses and destruction of private property. We have murder rates shooting through the roof because police officers fear being prosecuted if they have to un-holster their weapons. We had one officer beaten unconscious because he hesitated to use his weapon.

Sadly, the whole thing is built on a lie. “Hands up don’t shoot” never happened and even Eric Holder’s Department of Justice could not find a crime, but they are still rioting in Ferguson. People with weak minds who may choose to shoot a police officer in the back probably see themselves as some sort of a hero for a cause built on a lie. And, the progressive media, the people in charge of one of our most precious freedoms, keep kindling the fires. It just seems to me that someone wants to see confrontations in the streets. So the government can sweep in and save whom? From what?

In the media they periodically speak about the President’s legacy. Mr. President it is already written. A legacy sitting atop a foundation of lies. It will not withstand the tests of time and at some point your daughters will have to explain to your grandchildren why history is so unkind to you.

© 2015 J. D. Pendry American Journal All Rights Reserved

Category: Politics

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This is Weinberger’s interview, including references to the bombing of the Beirut barracks.

I don’t know why anyone would be surprised at the admiral’s viewpoint. He’s correct to a certain extent, but that does NOT mean that we, as American born and bred, are simply going to be slaughtered like a bunch of cattle. I see enough of exactly the opposite occurring on a daily basis.

The world now is not the tidy bunch of politics that it was when I was growing up. It has changed. Nobody likes change. It is rough. It is disorienting. It is frequently miserably uncomfortable.

But, you see, I notice little things like the fact that the Wal-mart I go to has stopped selling halal chicken products, period. They put pork in that bin in the meat section.


The world has never been a tidy bunch of politics. What has changed is technology not only putting politic real time through radio, television, and internet in front of populations real time but also allowing fighting to be done great distance over the horizon through use of weapons of mass destruction, drones, and missiles.

Further “collateral damage” is inclusive of winning or losing public opinion. This was effectively demonstrated during the Korean War, the Belgian Congo Crisis (1960-1965), the conflict in South East Asia (1960-1975).

The perspective of buffer forces (peace keeping forces) between two belligerent warring parties being ineffective has been proven with very few, if any, success examples since 1948. This ineffectiveness was also demonstrated by the United Kingdom and other European powers in several third world regions during the years between WWI and WWII.


Re: ‘tidy bunch of politics’ – I was engaging in a metaphor for the Cold War and the Big 3 – USA, USSR, PRC.

It just did not get quite so messy until Nixon screwed his own pooch and Carter planted his butt in the White House.


If tidy bunch of politics is limited to cold war and the big three. The untidy mess connected to Presidential administrations needs to be extended back to President Harry S. Truman.

First the cold war started under his administration.

Second the Korean War(June 25, 1950 thru July 27, 1953 was mostly fought during his Presidency. There was much untidy politic involving the Peoples Republic of China and the Soviet Union and its Soviet bloc puppet nations.

Dwight David Eisenhower (President 1953-1961) had some messy politics. For example 1959 saw the introduction into Laos of a US Special Forces Group (666 military advisors and support staff), codenamed Hotfoot, under the command of Lt. Col. Arthur “Bull” Simons. The withdrawal of these US Special Forces was imposed by the Geneva Accords of 1962-Declaration of the Neutrality of Laos.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy (President 1961-1963) had some political messiness from the Cuban Missile Crisis (October 16–28, 1962) and the Bay of Pigs (April 1961) that had significant jurisdiction changes in transfer of certain authority from Department of Defense to the State Department and CIA. This certainly complicated US involvement in the Belgian Congo Crisis (1960-1965) which had significant Soviet and PRC involvement.



A speech made by Senator John F. Kennedy, Portland, Oregon, September 7, 1960. An interesting read.

… The American people do not like to see our airmen beaten up in the Congo — or contemptuously seized by the Russians. The do not like to see our President humiliated at the Paris Summit Conference.

What has happened to our prestige? It is not enough to blame it all on Communist propaganda. Nor is it enough to merely call for more American propaganda or spending. The roots of our trouble go deeper. We are losing the respect of the peoples of the world primarily because we are in danger of losing those qualities they have always respected. …


Nitpicking about the details is okay, but I wanted to be brief. The political boundaries drawn on maps were clear. That was set by the Treaty of Versailles in Paris in 1919. (See Paris:1919 for map references.)

The messiness really started with the Berlin Airlift, made necessary by Stalin’s seizure of eastern Europe at the end of WWII. It really went from there.

We could argue back and forth about what made it all ‘messy’, but there were clear-cut geographical boundaries that followed political boundaries. That was my point. Krushchev tried to poke his way through those boundaries. And I can give you an entire choreography of the mess created by the Bay of Pigs and how it happened. But those are all incidents that still kowtowed to political boundaries drawn on maps.

Do you remember Nixon’s gas rationing? I do.The horror! Gas went to $.75 a gallon in an hour!

You can point to incident after incident if you like, but the geopolitical boundaries are what I was referring to in ‘tidy bunch of politics’, not the poking and jabbing and Mexican standoffs and naval blockades, and trading Gary Powers for an important Soviet spy.
Nothing destroyed that quite as quickly as the day Mikhail Gorbachev declared the USSR to be financially bankrupt (because of 10 years of the Russian Army in Afghanistan), dissolved the Politburo and sent everybody home.
That was when the geopolitical boundaries drawn in 1919 ceased to exist, the Cold War ended, and all the stuff that had been boiling and festering for decades came bubbling to the surface.

And look where we are now.

Data Dawg DV X

With all due respect, fuck the politics. The US government is a mess and will take a long time to clean up. I’m not going to wait until everyone is tired of lying in our own shit. I’m going to live well and serve my country and my God the best way possible.


Know what Dr Carson’s middle name is?——-It’s “Solomon”. I may be reaching– could be another sign. Surely, “we must all stand together” because “These are the times that try mens souls.”


The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

I’m one of the many. The few are running for office, and I am but one vote amongst the hordes.


Screw the past history stuff. It doesn’t matter, you couldn’t change it one bit if you build a star chamber or WTF ever and succeeded in going back in time. So which 50 percent of the country is it, that doesn’t bother to vote? Is it the 60’s college kids or the 60’s hippies or the 50’s generational group? Either way, this country is fucked with fence sitters, sitting their damn thumbs then bellyache later, “we told you so” or “see why we didn’t vote?”. Fuck-it-tall…heh.

2/17 Air Cav

Stop the presses! oBaMa is scratching the name Mt. McKinley and renaming it Dinali, which is somebody’s language for, “Holy shit, that is big!” In related news, Death Valley is to be renamed Obama’s Crack.


Would it be racist of me to keep referring to it as Mt. McKinley?

2/17 Air Cav

Since 1896, that large mound in Alaska has been Mt. McKinley, Civil War Veteran and assassinated president. 120 years and thousands of “I climbed Mt. McKinley” bumper stickers later, one skinny guy whose sexual preference is in question has decided to change the name. He has a pen and that’s enough.

Pinto Nag

Alaska has been asking to rename THEIR mountain since 1980. The name they want to give it comes from one of THEIR native tribes. I think they should be allowed to call their mountain anything they want, don’t you?


My reading shows the Alaska State Legislature changed the name to Denali in 1975. When the request was sent to the US Congress in the same year, Congressman Ralph Regula (R-OH) blocked it. He represented McKinley’s hometown.


Well, PN, I’d agree with you – except for the pesky little fact that the mountain is on Federal land. The State of Alaska isn’t the owner; the Federal Government is.

Mount McKinley/Denali is contained within Denali National Park and Preserve. Seems to me the owner has the final say on naming.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Regarding the man in the mirror, I agree wholeheartedly. We as a people express a 90% unsatisfactory rating of our congressmen and senators and yet we send 90% of them back to DC every election cycle.

What that says to me is that we will send the liars from our own party back before voting for the other party, thus we reinforce the message the being a liar is acceptable to the rank and file of your own party.

We see that in the opinion shows every day, each side forgiving its liars while castigating the liars on the other side. The hypocrisy of such commentary is only slightly overwhelmed by the egos of the pundits espousing those opinions.

I also agree with you that regardless of what we anchor our moral compass upon if we are filled with contempt for men who pretend to have served and never did then where is that same contempt for our leaders who routinely tell lies or for the media where lying to be first to report a story has replaced honest fact checking as the de facto journalistic standard.

It speaks volumes about our hallowed ideals that a man who was one of the biggest birther jagoffs is now leading the polls…

Clearly that compass has been compromised and has been so for quite some time….