Kacie Breen and her husband’s stolen valor
Nathan sends us a link to the story out of St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana of Kacie Breen and her husband, obstetrician Wayne Breen. Ms. Breen ventilated her husband with a handgun when he choked her. Her side of the story of the March 1st events goes like this;
Wayne Breen was furious, his hand pressed against his wife Kacie’s throat, her back flush against her SUV in the couple’s garage. His rage, which she had seen many times before, was volcanic. So, at least, Kacie Breen says.
Moments before, he had vowed that he would never let her leave, especially not with the couple’s 7-year-old son.
Fighting for breath and fearing for her life, she says, she reached down in the car door pocket, where she kept a 9mm pistol for protection. She raised it and fired. He jumped back before lunging at her anew.
She fired again. This time, Wayne Breen dropped to the ground, where his life ebbed out of him as his wife administered CPR and frantically urged first responders to hurry.
According to Kacie Breen, the reason he was so angry was because she knew the truth about the lies he had been telling about his military career, and if the truth got out, Wayne Breen would lose standing in his community as a result.
The spark that set her husband off March 1, according to the filing, was his admission that for years he had lied about having served in the Vietnam war. Breen admitted to his wife that, despite earlier claims, he had never served in combat in Vietnam, an experience he previously claimed had resulted in post-traumatic stress disorder.
Wayne Breen “feared that (Kacie Breen’s) knowledge of his charade would leak out, and that she would end the marriage and fight for their son’s custody and protection,” Ducote says in the filing.
Such an admission could lead to an “unraveling” of Wayne Breen’s personal and professional life, something he could not allow, the filing says.
She found that he had fathered a child out-of-wedlock and as a result began to mistrust him and had him sign a SF-180 to request his military records from the National Personnel Records Center.
But, you know, Stolen Valor is a victimless crime. By the way, for all of you budding valor thieves, a lot of our tips come from ex-wives – so if you have one (and chances are that you do), you really shouldn’t pretend about your military service.
Category: Crime
Countdown until the DRC blames this death on the “Stolen Valor Vultures”…
in 3…2…1…
DRC..translation please, still learning
Yep. SV. Just the smoke from the fire. Always lots more hiding in the way of douche-baggery where that (SV) came from.
Can’t speak of the right or wrong of the entire situation based on this preliminary story, but I hope the (now ex)wife has a good lawer, and can bring the full truth to light. That, and have full forensic evidence to prove the choking.
B Woodman – not to pick nits, but… she is not the ex-wife, she is the widow. Her second shot was right on the money. No divorce attorney required.
That is all…
Yeah, but more range time is needed for sure.
Stop and think just a second. Somebody has you by the neck and has cut off your wind. The first shot was at “get ’em off me!” range, in the belly or under the ribs, possibly even just a flesh wound in the leg. It’s not like she had the luxury of aiming.
I would of done the same thing. If I can’t breathe, before I pass out I’m going to shoot, but, If he was coming towards me I would of yelled, I’LL SHOOT AGAIN, and give him a option. I’m iffy about this one, relatives back up his Military service bull?
Gosh, GD, she hit the target well enough to first stop the choking then to kill him. Sounds like exactly the right amount of range time from here.
Amazing things happen when that will to survive kicks in, especially when there is some skill backing up that will.
Wasn’t thinking of a divorce lawer, but a defense lawer, against some overzealous prosecutor and murder charges.
Best I can tell, she’s not being prosecuted. However, she is being sued in court by the dead guy’s children from a prior marriage for “wrongful death” – so she indeed has a lawyer.
I’m no lawyer, but it sure sounds like rightful death to me.
Addendum: another article says that the St. Tammany Parish DA is considering whether or not to indict the lady. Don’t believe he/she has made a decision on the case yet.
I’d think that any death by shooting would have to be looked at by the DA.
His kids must have found the type of lawer that would fit right in with the Dutch Rudder Gang, APL, or that rent-a-fuzz outfit owned by a fake SEAL! He must be a real piece of Giduck floating in a bucket of Monkress.
So she’s single????…..
You can use both ‘Single’ and ‘widowed.’ I think technically she’s widowed, but to keep things simple on various forms, if it were me, I’d mark single.
She is self-widowed.
I love it. May I steal that saying?
Hell yeah!
Self-widowed that is awesome
Is that single as in available?
You pervert…
Miss Stacey defended herself against a very bad man. She won the argument. He lost. End of story. (Well, except for those obnoxious other children.)
OH, I must need more caffeine or something. I meant ‘Miss Kacie’.
Sorry. Too many crickets luring dates last night.
Lied himself to death. What kind of marriage did he think he had if he perpetuated a lie to his wife. No sympathy for him, much for her, both for having to protect her life with a fatal shot, and for the hell that she went through living with a liar.
Heavy Chevy contacts her in 3…2…1
Good for her, one less puke stealing oxygen from the rest of us.
You do not know this man not his family nor have a right to speak of him as if you do! His children were robbed of their father by a cold, greedy, manipulative woman who also CLAIMED abuse by here first husband a POLICE OFFICER! She is good friends with thenSHERIFF’s WIFE and no blood, pictures or medical attention was done or taken the night of the MURDER!! Magee and her immediate family is the ONLY ones saying he lied about his MILITARY service! Don’t you want to verify facts before bashing a man you didn’t even have the privilege of knowing? Yes, he was a Marine and proud of it, but not once did you hear him, his children or first wife say he served in the war! This man brought life in the world and served his country proud!!! He doesn’t need people who have not verified the facts bashing him on the word of his adulteess murder!
Apparently neither did his wife.
Gee, scratch a SV douche, find (insert jackwagonery here.)
In this case, wife beater. Go figure.
“Chances are you do.”
Haha, ouch.
Dumbasses; why don’t they wake up and instead of pursuing her in court give her what she deserves. That being a medal. Personally I feel sorry for her living with such a jerk all these years, knowing full well he was a liar and Valor Thief. Just difficult to imagine her being in his presence when he was telling anyone who would listen about his combat stories. Every story would have just plunged that knife deeper into her back and soul. At some point it would have paralleled the “battered wife syndrome”, mentally in this case. Check out the link at the beginning of this story. Her formerly alive husband had a drinking problem. What a shocker! Of course he had to drink to live with himself perpetuating a life of lies. One of his children are accusing her of mismanaging the estate. No shit…it’s her’s, even as the former living husband had left a will and directed all to her. Of course children from a previous marriage are all raising hell trying to get their share of the estate, attempting to have their father’s will invalidated so they can profit from their lying father’s estate. BTW, did we mention the father was this so-called respected member of the community? A DOCTOR…..now there’s assets to be going after; even if your father was a known liar. Trying to have a notarized will challenged and changed will only bring grief on the children looking for their piece of the action. Now they will have to realize the public will know what a lying POS their father was. This is called self-humiliation. Sorry for the children’s loss of their father, but they’d have been better off attending the funeral and leaving it at that. SOS, money always has a tremendous bearing on much of life’s misery.
With all due respect to the “law” and “legal system”, and even “abuse” survivors….I have seen that guilty or not of(a crime), you get arrested, and heard before a judge, and or jury to settle the charge……it seems after all of this time, if she does somehow get arrested(“after the publics patience”), it seems that THAT would automatically prove guilt and there is no need for a trial(versus the other way-immediate arrest and attorney disputes)….
And for anyone who may feel “but she is and WAS an abuse victim”, that doesn’t warrant murder! Get in the car and leave OR don’t be around someone who could potentially scare you so bad that you fear you are going to die!! Never one time have I heard she went to get and take her son with her that fatal night….if I WERE TO FEAR FOR MY LIFE, I definitely WOULD FEAR FOR MY CHILD’s AS WELL!!! And, again, this is my entitled opinion(take it or forget it), the reason why “the fight escalated into the garage” is because the gun was in the car loaded and ready. GOD KNOWS THE TRUTH, and while very little Justice is seen on earth, doesn’t mean the wicked will not take a knee….. Why would you care about things that happened before you were born!!! You should have known the man you married before you said your vows and the renewed your vows!!! He abused her, yet they were at the soccer fields all smiles and happy and that night she murders him! Justice has FAILED the Breen family and the community! And now to have a domestic violence awareness vigil in her honor!!! It should be in HIS HONOR as she killed the one she abused!
You do not know this man not his family nor have a right to speak of him as if you do! His children were robbed of their father by a cold, greedy, manipulative woman who also CLAIMED abuse by here first husband a POLICE OFFICER! She is good friends with thenSHERIFF’s WIFE and no blood, pictures or medical attention was done or taken the night of the MURDER!! Magee and her immediate family is the ONLY ones saying he lied about his MILITARY service! Don’t you want to verify facts before bashing a man you didn’t even have the privilege of knowing? Yes, he was a Marine and proud of it, but not once did you hear him, his children or first wife say he served in the war! This man brought life in the world and served his country proud!!! He doesn’t need people who have not verified the facts bashing him on the word of his adulteess murder!
With regards to “you did not know this man”, apparently neither did his wife.
It’s a good thing that my wife can vouch for my combat time, or at least she thinks that she knows where I was for that few years that I told her that I was deployed.
Bobo: Why go anywhere when you can just do what this guy did? http://m.wlwt.com/Feds-Ind-Man-Faked-Deployments-To-Bilk-Employers/14517992
Well, okay she got him with second shot. Tammanys Parish D/A is deciding whether the sheriffs detectives are right or wrong in their investigation and in the meantime, the sheriff calls it a good shoot and first set of kids want all of their dead daddies money. Why? Because they thought he was a rich old bastard and thats how it goes in Louisiana.
That and they found some lawn dart-type lawyer, I hope they lose miserably and have to pay the legal fees for both sides plus court costs!
“Rich old bastard”? Well, it looks at first glance like the dead guy’s kids were 2/3 correct . . . .
You do not know this man not his family nor have a right to speak of him as if you do! His children were robbed of their father by a cold, greedy, manipulative woman who also CLAIMED abuse by here first husband a POLICE OFFICER! She is good friends with thenSHERIFF’s WIFE and no blood, pictures or medical attention was done or taken the night of the MURDER!! Magee and her immediate family is the ONLY ones saying he lied about his MILITARY service! Don’t you want to verify facts before bashing a man you didn’t even have the privilege of knowing? Yes, he was a Marine and proud of it, but not once did you hear him, his children or first wife say he served in the war! This man brought life in the world and served his country proud!!! He doesn’t need people who have not verified the facts bashing him on the word of his adulteess murder!
If I figure you might need a lead injection, just assume that comes with a DNR order. Don’t count on me frantically trying to revive anyone.
The lady lacks commitment. She wants him dead then undead. Could you imagine if she actually made him undead.
“Your Honor, I told her not to leave in the car I purchased or with the phone I paid for. She threw them at me then produced the gun I had bought her, I tried to take it from her in fear for myself and others and she shot me.”
Got to go, the mother-in-law says she can’t get the car started.
The husband was allegedly a medical doctor, type OB/GYN. Anyone besides me wondering about his medical credentials?
Chevy was a Doc. And a 130 pilot. And a Lawman. and…
And he has a piled-higher-and-deeper degree from a fly-by-night diploma mill as well!
I reckon the lawer from the great northwest and his little band of elves will blame The TAH Nation for this guy’s “suicide by spouse”.
With all due respect to the “law” and “legal system”, and even “abuse” survivors….I have seen that guilty or not of(a crime), you get arrested, and heard before a judge, and or jury to settle the charge……it seems after all of this time, if she does somehow get arrested(“after the publics patience”), it seems that THAT would automatically prove guilt and there is no need for a trial(versus the other way-immediate arrest and attorney disputes)….
And for anyone who may feel “but she is and WAS an abuse victim”, that doesn’t warrant murder! Get in the car and leave OR don’t be around someone who could potentially scare you so bad that you fear you are going to die!! Never one time have I heard she went to get and take her son with her that fatal night….if I WERE TO FEAR FOR MY LIFE, I definitely WOULD FEAR FOR MY CHILD’s AS WELL!!! And, again, this is my entitled opinion(take it or forget it), the reason why “the fight escalated into the garage” is because the gun was in the car loaded and ready. GOD KNOWS THE TRUTH, and while very little Justice is seen on earth, doesn’t mean the wicked will not take a knee….. Why would you care about things that happened before you were born!!! You should have known the man you married before you said your vows and the renewed your vows!!! He abused her, yet they were at the soccer fields all smiles and happy and that night she murders him! Justice has FAILED the Breen family and the community! And now to have a domestic violence awareness vigil in her honor!!! It should be in HIS HONOR as she killed the one she abused!
I suppose he was an extremely convincing liar.
This statement is submitted with reference to the death of Dr. Wayne Breen on March 1, 2015. It is my hope to clarify some of the remarks that have been posted on this site by others. First, I send a heartfelt thank you to each and every member on this site. I have done a little research and it appears that you all are the best of the best. Dr. Breen was a very prominent physician and was greatly admired by many in south Louisiana. Kacie Breen lived with Dr. Wayne Breen for approximately 10 years. During their years together, he abused her physically and emotionally. He also abused their ltittle boy. There are Court records regarding one such event, when the then 4-yr. old child was physically assualted. Not just a regular spanking mind you, but actual abuse. Why she stayed with him, only she can say. I do know that she loved him. She also was of the belief that he was very ill, emotionally, and she strived daily to help him overcome. Early in their relationship, Dr. Breen had explained to her that because of PTSD he suffered as a result of his tour of duty in Vietnam, he was subject to uncontrollable violent outbreaks. He stated he had sustained severe injuries, including being shot in the abdomen which resulted in intense surgeries (the scars were actually from childhood surgeries according to his brother), and further, the loss of use in his right hand, forcing him to retrain his brain to adapt to the left hand (he was born left handed, again per his brother). He often described to her the unbelievably horrible situations that he had encountered during his active duty. He sought therapy to overcome his illness. Dr. Breen did in fact serve our Country. He was a Marine. I believe, but am not certain, that his service was of a reserve status. Let me stress that our Reserve Units are a most honorable service to our Country. These men and women are on standby to protect our nation, and many of them have been… Read more »
Here is an update to the case of Dr. Wayne Breen from Covington, Louisiana.
Please see the New Orleans Advocate, The Baton Rouge Advocate, Ashley Rodrique from WWLTV in New Olreans’ stories (can be found on her Nortshore Beurau facebook page) regarding the fact that not only did the St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s office decliNE to bring charges against Kacie Breen, but the District Attorney’s office WITH the assistance from a third party unbiased observer of the evidence, and a grand jury all declined to indict Ms.Breen.
Simple enough…if it is indeed true that he had been guilty of lying about his imaginary war stories, there won’t be much doubt or support from this web site. And even less interest.
ID Sarc in 1, 2, 3
Thank you for your “concern “. The POINT of my comment was simply to clarify that an end (criminally) had been reached. The original story ended without a resolution to the case. I was merely providing an “ending” to the original story.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service, but
I could care less about your personal interest or lack thereof in my story.