Obama on the war against ISIS

| July 7, 2015

Yesterday morning, the internet and the media were all a-buzz about that fellow Obama and his “rare” trip a mile and a half from the White House to the Pentagon. That President fellow was finally going to wow us with his strategy for the war against those mean guys in Syria and Iraq, you know, the people who we can’t decide what their name is – ISIS, ISIL, Islamic State, or whatever. So what do we get? Well, here it is – that whole strategy thing encapsulated by the Associated Press;

President Barack Obama on Monday conceded difficulties in fighting “opportunistic” and “nimble” Islamic State militants, but defended progress that had been made in combating the extremists in Iraq and Syria.

During a rare visit to the Pentagon, Obama also warned of the Islamic State’s efforts to recruit and inspire vulnerable people in the United States.

“The threat of lone wolves or small cells of terrorists is complex,” Obama said following a meeting with top defense officials.

Um, well, surely, Bloomberg has something useful to say about the President’s address on the subject;

“This is a long term campaign,” Obama said at the Pentagon. Islamic State “is opportunistic and it is nimble.”

No amount of military force can dislodge Islamic State unless the “underlying conditions” of economic hardship and sectarian strife are addressed in the region, he said, characterizing the fight as a “generational struggle.”

Recent loses of territory previously held by Islamic State in Iraq and Syria prove that the group “can and will be defeated,” Obama said.

The visit to the Pentagon follows a weekend of heavy coalition airstrikes against Islamic State’s stronghold in eastern Syria. More than a dozen strikes targeted buildings and transit routes used by the militant group, according to the Pentagon.

Platitudes and nothing substantive. I’m not saying that he has to tell us a piece-by-piece strategy or anything. I just want to hear that he knows what he’s doing. But here’s a quote for the ages; “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they’re defeated by better ideas”. Yeah, well, ISIS isn’t really an ideology, fella. It’s a bunch of criminals that you’re not willing to imprison in Guantanamo.

Category: Terror War

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“I just want to hear that he knows what he’s doing.”

Never gonna happen, Jonn. He can’t claim a skill he doesn’t have. All that will ever come out of that yap of his will be blah-blah-blah up to the day he departs for good.

When is he leaving? I will be so GLAD when he’s gone.


“The threat of lone wolves or small cells of terrorists is complex,”

Told ya.

Can I get a cookie?


Dammit, GDC! Nailed smack on the head.

2 cookies, and a hot chocolate fudge sundae.

A Proud Infidel®™

January 20, 2017 will be THE END OF AN ERROR!


He is offering to buy a couple million purses to hand out so the queers in the military can hit them with their purse LOL


As Commander-in-Chief, does he qualify for the annual tournament? He’s about as fake as one gets. I’d seed him easily in the top 3.


Yep, he has been posing like a big dog for going on 7 years!! Fecal Four material!!

B Woodman

Dumptastic Duo


^^^^^ Fuggin’ great idea!


I’d have to disagree. Although the POTUS may arguably be completely incompetent as CINC, even total incompetence isn’t the same as Stolen Valor. And as far as I know, the POTUS hasn’t made any false claims regarding his nonexistent military career.


Dammit. You’re no fun.

But YOU are Hondo, so I reckon that’s okay.


But Hondo?

Wouldn’t he fall in the category of impersonating a President, though?


nbcguy54ACTUAL…Tell ya what. If we name and include him in the tourney and he wins, TAH will make all the major news medias. COOL!


“Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they’re defeated by better ideas”

I believe that might have been a direct quote from noted debating champion George Patton when he and his 3rd Army were killing the shit out of Nazi’s during the Second World War.


It is true that ideologies aren’t solely defeated with guns. However, enemy armed forces certainly are.

Further: when an opposing ideology has armed forces and intends to conquer you, guns are an essential part of the necessary response. Only an abject fool argues otherwise.


Aphorisms are great.

Bullets are BETTER.


We need a brigade of John “Ketchup boi” Kerry’s to really fix them !!!
We really out idea’d those Nazi’s didn’t we !!!
Think of all the lives that could have been saved if only someone had thought of that back in the 1930’s.
Oh, wait, we did, someone said, “There will be peace in our time!”


I watched that again about two weeks ago. Great movie. A few leaders like that in the field shielded from the press and not receiving daily direction from politicians would make this end a lot quicker.


“Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they’re defeated by killing off everyone who promotes or aids such ideologies” – fixed it for you.

Better ideas are nice and all that, but boatloads of napalm and scorched earth are a lot more permanent. And probably more cost effective, too.

The Other Whitey

My Grandpa’s generation defeated Hitler by killing every kraut sonofabitch they saw wearing feldgrau or SS camo.


This needs a catch phrase the media can use. I know! How about “win their hearts and minds”? Us geezers have heard that before.


That would be nice for an election campaign, but ISers have no hearts and their minds have become empty vacuums.


The NVA and VC weren’t all that intimidated by it either. And they were way more civilized than ISIS.


Yes, they were.


Geezers also remember “Grab them by the balls and their hearts and minds will follow.”


Hey, there was another story about Russian Bears off the CA and Alaska coasts on July 4th.

Is that dodo even aware of that? Does anyone besides me think that calling Vlad up and telling him to stay the hell out of my air space will ever happen? Or maybe we should just do flyovers with a few MACH2 passes over Moscow?


Probably not necessary, Ex-PH2. IMO one or more “missile lock” episodes (radar only, of course) during the next such close approach would send the requisite message.


True, Hondo, but far too pragmatic.

Vlad likes to see how far he can go with poking the kid in the seat ahead of him without getting punched. Back in the Days of the Cold War, the US poked the Bear every now and then. It wasn’t a game of chicken, but it was close.

He really is a spoiled brat. I think buzzing Moscow at MACH 2 or even MACH 3 would send a much stronger message and be a whole lot more fun.


I’m sure that little talk of 0bama’s has ISIL. ISIS or what ever really frightened. Now he will write them a stern warning letter.


A stern warning would be someone’s head on a platter.

Man, I’m in a mood today!


Perhaps he’ll attach a list of job openings to the letter…


Geez, nbc54!

Please! — with the spew alert!


From CNN: “Obama said the coalition is going after the “heart” of ISIS when it comes to both monetary and human resources. And he took the opportunity to prod Congress to confirm Adam Szubin as Treasury Department under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, to aid the effort to stop money flowing to ISIS.”

See? All that needs to be done is approve of another Obama-worshipping lackey. We’ll take away their ATM cards because, you know, ISIS doesn’t ever exploit the areas they overrun.

They already get money and arms by trading drugs, antiquities, and anything else they can get their hands on.

When you have a group that takes what they want and produces nothing, eventually there will be nothing left. Kind of a “locust effect”. Then they move on to the next food source.

Another smug speech by the (gag) Commander-In-Chief telling us he has all the answers and we had better toe the line.


“When you have a group that takes what they want and produces nothing, eventually there will be nothing left. Kind of a “locust effect”.”

Kind of like our “financial services” industry. That bill was postponed, but is still coming due. Greece is just a few dominoes upstream.


“Yeah, well, ISIS isn’t really an ideology, fella. It’s a bunch of criminals that you’re not willing to imprison in Guantanamo.”

Or put up against a wall and shoot.


“No amount of military force can dislodge Islamic State unless the “underlying conditions” of economic hardship and sectarian strife are addressed in the region, he said, characterizing the fight as a “generational struggle.”

Oh yea, here we go again. it’s an economic problem that drives these people of the “religion of peace” to behead and burn alive others. As well as sectarian, make that denominational, strife. Yea, we can fix that, easy. NOT! So, if his plan works out and the Syrian and Iraqi McDonalds can be convinced to pay $15 an hour, it’ll all be better in no time.

He never, ever says what the real trouble is, no matter how many willing advisers pound him on the head with it. That being, these are animals of the lowest human order and they will kill anyone and everyone of need be, to have their global Caliphate and Sharia Law.

The answer to defeating them is not economics or ethnics or sectarianism. The answer to defeating them is bombs. Modern age, high yield, non nuclear, bombs by the tens of thousands, well placed across Iraq and Syria until it is all rubble and then the rubble bounces for a month. A modern Dresden or Tokyo style campaign on any and everything ISIS flavored or their neighbors, friends and goats.

The Other Whitey

That part about “no amount of force will dislodge them” unless they all get jobs and wealth and shit…seriously? The guy who has successfully delayed this country’s economic recovery by at least six years wants to tackle the economic issues of half the fucking world? Arrogance or stupidity? Or just plain old bullshit.

As for force not dislodging them, 30 or 40 B-52s (please tell me we still have that many) dumping their maximum load of unguided ordnance over a small area will dislodge enough shit to send a second moon into orbit at relatively low cost. How’s about we give that distilled wrath of God a try before declaring it impossible? Because a lot of “impossible” solutions work pretty damn well when American fighting men and women apply them.




Sparks, and all of you, I cannot emphasize this enough: you are still operating under the mistaken notion that bodaprez is competent enough to read the newspapers, never mind the dispatches he’s supposed to get from the Big 5/JCS at the pentagonal-shaped building across from what used to be Quarters K.

When I use the word ‘mistaken’, it’s because this is someone who doesn’t even pick out what he’s going to wear, from the skin out. He probably wears boxer briefs, so as not to have wedgies or panty lines. Everything he has ever said and done – EVER – since the day his ma cranked him out and kept him, was programmed to get him where he is today: stupider and stupider and more incompetent by the hour.

Please, I beg you, do NOT expect anything more than we have already received because that duck is so lame it can hardly stay afloat. I think he is going to go down in history as the dumbest clunk that ever took that office in this country.

Let’s just hope that for the remainder of the barely-endurable 18 months ahead of us, he won’t create such a genuine fuckup of some kind – ANY kind – that the rest of us end up holding the bag.

A Proud Infidel®™

Unfortunately Ex-PH2, I don’t think that B. Hussein 0bama is stupid, he’s just pure EVIL. He’s completely apathetic when it comes to anything that doesn’t directly benefit him, HE is the center of his own universe, he’s a narcissist through and through.


Proud, I beg to differ about your take on bodaprez as evil. If he were evil, he’d have had nefarious plans in place before he ever got elected. There has been nothing but one fustercluck after another coming from him since Day One in January 2009. Name even ONE thing he’s done that succeeded in doing anything beyond pissing people off at him. Then go back to that episode of sequestration in the spring of 2013, during which his puppetmaster pulled every string in the book and completely destroyed whatever budding popularity he had acquired, in a heartbeat. He’s had 6 1/2 years to run roughshod over the population of the USA, and he can’t even get that simple thing done.

He’s nothing but a lazy fuck, too lazy to think for himself, who looks good in a suit and got a job he wasn’t suited for, and has been a complete fuck-up from the get-go. That doesn’t make him Evil. He’s too lazy to be evil and he doesn’t want people to hate him. He wants the exact opposite of hate.

He’s less interested in the job he was hired to do that he is in the dinner menu and his next tee time. He’s done nothing but step on his own dick from the day he took that job. That doesn’t make him Evil, but it does make him the most incompetent public asshole on the planet AND the worst president ever – worse, in fact, than Warren Harding.


You mean like a nuclear deal with Iran…?



Exactly, oc.

See, I have difficulty with believing that a ME country which is an ideal place to generate solar power for electricity, and has a large oil reserve, really needs nuclear energy to generate and supply electricity to the masses. They have their very own warfare equipment industry. I take pleasure in counting the last number of gunships and troop carrier helos parked at the three different separate air bases at Esfahan. It varies between 250 to 470, depending on when I hit MSN’s or Google’s maps. And then there’s that whole warship industry of theirs, like they think they’re fooling anyone. They’ve been gearing up for something for a long time. What if Iran decided to seize and close the lower straits in the Red Sea, near the Horn of Africa? That’s a major shipping lane. And when I take the time to do it, I can find what look like some sort of bunkers in the oddest places near mountains in southern Iran.

I’m not naive enough to believe for one second that the Ayatollah has benign intentions toward the West (including Europe).

Pinto Nag

I just read within the past week that ISIS has the income of a small country?


Yeah, they do. It’s from stolen crude oil, stolen artifacts, stolen this and that – if they have money, it’s from the black market. You name it, they stole it and sold it. At some point, their opportunities for theft will run dry, although the Middle East is full of stuff that museums would like to have.


And since Fearless Leader has decreed it’s ok to pay ransomes to kidnappers, does anyone care to guess what the next big thing is going to be?



Roger in Republic

I saw his Stump Speech from the Pentagon yesterday. How does one make a Policy speech and leave out the policy? He reminds me more and more of one Jimmy Carter, lost in the complexity of a job he was never qualified to hold.


We train 60 yahoos. Who’s training the zillion ISIS ragheads I just saw employing US equipment?


Instructors? How about this guy?

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Dude came real close to doing a total crainiotomy on himself… a real rocket surgeon there.


A perfect trainer for ISIS candidates, eh?


Honestly typing. I feel that a President of the United States should only be elected IF HE HAS SERVED IN THE MILITARY. In the past, those elected haven’t served have no clue what WAR is all about. Kennedy, Washington, etc knew what the hell to do. Without experiencing fighting, taking orders, making decisions, having to kill, do the planning on how to attack, coordinate with other troops, how can they makes rational decision? A women as our President will be another BIG mistake, they wont make the best decision as a MOTHER.
I support women in the field and they whatever needs to be done and eventually be a President. That’s my feelings and I will always believe that.


Looks like the U.S. Army manpower table is going to be more decimated/degraded than that JV team ISIS.


If you don’t want your exotic pets to turn on you, the way to handle it is to neuter them, then declaw them, and then defang them.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Option 1 — Kill any enemy that has stated publicly a desire to kill your people. That’s a good start with any strategy. Burn down his house, kill his wife and children. Kill his parents and all his friends. Make him aware that while he might not be stopped by your efforts those efforts will get just about everyone else around him, related to him, and even some who just look like him killed. And let those other folks know the best way to avoid getting killed is to help us locate the shitbags talking about killing US nationals…

Destroy their government and place a military governor in power with the authority to destroy or rebuild the entire country as required.

Option 2 — Or get the fuck out and leave it alone.

The current option of trying to train a bunch of half wit uneducated cowards who hate their own countrymen as much as they pretend to dislike ISIS is a waste of time, resources, and ultimately American lives that just aren’t worth spending on these assholes in a half committed attempt to alter reality in the ME…

Don’t spend lives of great Americans needlessly to maintain some sort of limp dicked status quo.

Kill every fucking thing that moves against us, place our own power structure in charge, rewrite their constitution as we want it to be, enforce martial law for as long as it takes to make an appropriate transition and change the country forever, or just walk the fuck away and let them slaughter each other. Simple as that.

At least if we let them kill each other when it’s over the dead don’t matter to us or those left alive and we can deal with the living economically as it suits us. Why waste our people to achieve such a weak outcome?


VOV, I understand your need to vent. I truly do.

But do you really expect leadership skills in someone who has never, in his entire life, had to learn them or use them?