Monday morning feel good stories

| June 8, 2015

AW1Ed sends us our first story this morning. It comes from Florida where a couple was leaving a restaurant after finishing a nice meal when they were confronted by two teens brandishing a gun;

Police said Reginald Smith and Jeremiah Walker, both 17, demanded cash and their phones.

They said Smith had a gun, but he didn’t know his male victim was also armed.

“He had a concealed weapons permit and a pistol in his pocket,” said Lt. Stout.

The male victim drew his gun once. Officers said he felt their lives were in danger.

“Our female victim began to flee back towards the restaurant. As she did that, the suspect that had a firearm began to point it at her. That made her significant other believe he was going to fire,” said Lt. Stout.

Police said the man fired a shot and the victims scattered.

“The suspects fled with their money and phones, but dropped all of that and the firearm,” he said.

Mister Smith couldn’t flee as fast as his accomplice, because he’d been shot in the shin, so he was scooped up by the police. By the way, it turns out that the youths’ gun was a plastic toy with the the orange tip-thingie removed. Good thinking, guys.

From Chief tango, another story in Texas where two friends leaving a bar were confronted by two armed youths who started pistol-whipping their would-be victims;

One of the men being hit was able to wrestle away the handgun from his attacker, shooting Medrano once in his right shoulder, the report states. His wound was not life-threatening.

Medrano and Aguilar fled on foot until they got a ride from a stranger to St. Luke’s, where San Antonio police were called by hospital staff, police said.

Back at the ice house, the two men approached two people sitting in a suspected getaway vehicle, according to the report. The occupants agreed to wait until police arrived.

The getaway driver is facing robbery charges along with his friends now.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Looks like the guy in Florida needs to remember to aim center-mass. That way, so long as you’re fairly close to your aiming point . . . it doesn’t matter too much.


In my readings of civilian defensive use of a gun (DFG) the first round fired usually hits the ground, as adrenalin pours in and coordination goes to shit. Subsequent rounds are fired instinctively, with the shooter never actually acquiring the sights, or remembering hearing the rounds fired. I’d say he did pretty well, with a first round hit, under extreme duress and protecting the lady.
As for the idiots with the toy gun, Darwin waits.