Well Done Mr. Steve Wells
Tanner Brownlee is the son of a Deputy Sheriff who was killed in the line of duty 5 years ago.
Tanner has been collecting his Dad’s things. When his dads old patrol car went up for auction no one ever thought it would sell for 60 grand. That was way more money than tanner had to spend. Watch the Video. ITs worth the time
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Category: Politics
Awesome story… why is it so dusty in here…
Same here… darn dust.
Stupid dust allergies are acting up again…
Another fine reminder that there are still plenty of real people in this world.
Goddamn miniature invisible onion cutting cubicle ninjas…..gets me every damn time.
/LE KITLOD family member.
It just got really humid in here.
Damn. The allergies thing is rampant all over today.
Even classier, that Mr. Wells, when you read the story. Wouldn’t answer questions ’cause he didn’t want to take away from the kid’s moment. Very cool.
Yep. Very cool, indeed. He’s a rancher whose family started ranching in that area of Colorado in 1888. A lot of people have big money and some are generous with it when their accountants advise them at tax time to get more deductions. Not Wells. This wasn’t a tax-deductible charity donation. This was a gift given from the heart. Applause all around.
After a summer of Ferguson and Baltimore, the stupid shit my government is doing, and the worst economy in my memory this kinda resurrects my opinion of people.
Mr. Wells you sir are a class act. You owe yourself a cold one.
Now this, is a “Feel Good Story”!!!
60,000? thats bullshyt, there was a shill in the audience jacking the bids! The agency the cop worked for should have sold it to the kid for a token payment!! The rancher is good people, no question, but there are some real assholes in the background somewhere!
I was thinking the same thing. It was a good thing that man did though.
If there was a shill jacking the bids, good on him, for he brought out the best in Mr. Wells.
I may be wrong, but my take when watching the video, (people smiling and smoking and joking) gave me the impression that the jacked up bid was on purpose with money donated to a good cause. I could be wrong, but in any case, thank you Mr. Wells for restoring my faith in the human condition. The parade of posers we have seen here lately, (Waverley, shitbird of the century, I mean you), have really brought me down.
For all we know, there was more than one ‘Mr. Wells’ bidding. That is, because no one said beforehand, “I will win and give the car to the boy,” two or more people may have had the exact same idea and drove the bidding way up. I like to think so, anyway. Besides, the 12G blue-book valuation is just for a car. The 60G winning bid was cheap, compared to what it actually bought.
Wouldn’t mind shaking all of their hands. Nice story.
Just for clarity, if you read the story linked, the car was being sold for charity.
“The vehicle, with 147,000 miles, was being sold to raise money for C.O.P.S. — Concerns of Police Survivors, an organization that provides services for survivors of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty.”
So the bidding was probably inflated due to people wanting to give. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if a couple people were in on it at some level, not the multiple cameras filming in the room beyond just a news crew.
All that being said, well done Mr. Wells. I’ll hoist a drink to you tonight.