Oh, TSO Ain’t Gonna Like This . . .
. . . and neither are a few of our regular readers from one part of the country.
Actual report in PDF can be found here. It seems pretty thorough – as well as fairly damning.
Category: Pointless blather, Who knows
Hey, cheating’ just another level of effort, right?
It’s not that they cheat, it’s that they cheat so poorly.
If they were good cheaters, they wouldn’t be getting caught…..
Who knows how long this reprehensible behavior has been going on?
Personally I think they should vacate all of the Patriot’s wins going back at least to their 2004 Super Bowl win over the Panthers just to be sure.
Signed-68W58 (not in any way a Panthers fan).
As a Colts fan I would love to blame the loss on this but I can’t. Instead of their A game the Colts brought their L, M, N, O, P game that day.
You’d think they’d be smart enough to plan this stuff for tough games, example – 2008 against the Giants. No, they get popped against the Jets, and now this? bwahaha
Make that back through 2002 over the Rams…. let’s ignore the fact that the Rams were leading, gave up and went home in the 4th
“They hate us ’cause they ain’t us”
– every Pats fan
Square in the black, bro. Square in the black.
Mike W, Loved it! LMAO! Fitzy as funny guy. And as Fitzy would say, “they can GFY!”
doesn’t take the “air” out of it. Oh Ok I see what you did there…..hahahaha
CLASSIC Laughed my ass off…
Who are the “Patriots?”
Never heard of ’em!
That is all I got!
You stole my thunder, again! You’re right….WHO?
I forgot to add….GO GIANTS! Secondarily, J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets!
Ah … I just Googled “Patriots Massachusetts”.
The Google hit came back to a girls softball team in Springfield, MA … Now I know who the Patriots are!
If you go a day without learning something new….it’s a day wasted.
My day was almost lost until I learned this new tidbit of information about the real Patriots!
At least you can’t deflate softballs.
Well, you can – sorta. But it gets kinda messy. (smile)
Navy adage, “If ya ain’t cheating, ya ain’t tryin’!”
Applied to encounters with the enemy only, of course.
No Chargers…. Me no care Lol…..
Maybe just, maybe they’ll make a Super Bowl before I get planted 6 feet-under but I’m not holding my breath
As a lifelong Broncos fan, here’s my take on it:
Robert Irsay is Satan. That is all.
If they “probably” did it maybe they “probably” did not do it.
ohio: in this context, “probably” means “more likely than not”. So no – it does not appear that they “probably did not do it”.
In fact, based on what’s contained in the report, it seems far more likely than not that at least 2 or 3 people “did the deed”. It does look as if they did so without the knowledge of the Patriots organization. But a certain QB with a supermodel wife may well be in hot water.
If anyone thinks that Brady will be suspended or fined, they’re in deep denial. He’s protected by the NFLPA, and they won’t stand for any such “disciplinary actions” by the league without any facts to back them up.
Hell, they went to bat for Baltimore’s Ray Rice when he was caught ON CAMERA beating his wife unconscious in an elevator. Rice’s suspension was overturned through the NFLPA’s actions, so Brady won’t be missing any playing time or funds over these unproven and libelous allegations.
Apparently the NFL must be in “deep denial”.
Short version: 4 game suspension w/o pay for Brady; indef (probably lifetime) suspension for the two equipment managers held directly responsible; $1M fine and forfeiture of 1st round and 4th round future draft picks for the team.
Brady’s suspension may well be reduced on appeal; NFL suspensions often are. But at this point, it certainly looks as if he’s going to miss some playing time – just maybe not 4 games. I’d guess he sits either 1 or 2 games. I could be wrong.
Something’s very wrong about grown men talking about other grown men deflating their balls.
You have a good point on that 🙂
Let me check my give-a-shit list….
Nope, nope, and nope. It’s just not, oh wait! There it isn’t!
I air down my tires when I go off roading. What’s the problem?
Was this whole “investigation” an attempt to smear Brady? Anyone who believes that this report and it’s inclusions weren’t bought and paid for by Goodell and the NFL goon squad is NOT living in reality. This report’s conclusions were decided before it even started, in the same way that Wells was told what to write in the Incognito investigation down to Miami. The whole purpose of this “investigation” was to further tarnish new England, and especially Tom Brady. I hope that Brady sues the living heck outta the NFL for this “framegate” and that New England goes on another “take it out on the league” victory tour like they did after “spygate”, but this time also win the darned superbowl. I’d also point out that this report is a warning to the other 31 teams as well, that anyone getting outside the Commissioner’s good graces ought to watch their back, because the knife could come at anytime with him and his crew. There was no proof of cheating. None at all. Not now, nor back during the “spygate” witch hunt. The league NEVER accused New England of cheating. Ever, and it was pointed out that what New England was doing, “stealing” signals, wasn’t against the rules. never was, never will be. What got New England fined was by placing their video guy and hus camera in an unapproved spot. It was a violation of the NFL Operations Manual, and NOT the rules. Goodell, folks need to remember, is a former Jets front office guy, and still has close ties with that organization. He was the new sheriff then, and he needed to polish his badge, so he got the new Jets coach, Mangini, to set the whole thing up, and he did and the rest is history. But this last report from Wells is another hit job on a good team, like his hit job on Miami with the Ritchie Incognito report. The results were already in place, and Wells was just hired to write the needed report. That he was unable to actually FIND a smoking gun, that there… Read more »
Well, learn something new every day. Should have checked a map.
I never realized de Nial River flowed thru New England, too.
All six states, brother!!
Stuff like this is why I take the NFL about as seriously as I take professional wrestling.
Of all the things in the US and the world to worry about, this ranks very low on my priority list.
Grown men, playing physical games for other’s entertainment, overpaid for their “skills”.
Staying on Boston sports…2004 baseball champs Red Sox & Viagra?
Spiking his teammates’ drinks with Viagra? That’s certainly a new twist on “Manny being Manny”. (smile)
Here’s my issue with all this. These are pro teams who made it to the top game in the sport. If they did knowingly deflate the balls and those in control knew, as in the quarterback, coach and so forth it makes a statement. The statement is, “We rose to one of the two top teams in the sport this year and now we will play to see if we are number one. Do we do this straight up, not even the appearance of impropriety, or do we do something to give us an edge, even if it is illegal?” If the answer was yes let’s take the edge, then it sort of negates the glory of their win. At least it tarnishes it and always will as long as there is a question about it. At that level why not just play straight up on the merits of your skills and see who’s best? If, they did take the illegal edge it speaks to their confidence in winning and their desire to win at all costs. That is NOT sportsmanship and gives yet another black eye to those who believe pro sports are made up of just overpaid, undereducated big guys, played until they are used up then tossed and it is not about sports, sportsmanship or love of the game. It is about winning at ANY and ALL costs. If this goes further in investigation it could call into question the validity of their win. It already has in the minds of most fans from both sides. This is why I like little league, grid kids and college sports more than the pros. Less crap like this. But it’s all just MHO. YMMV
A 243-page investigative report on deflated footballs? The House’s Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence published a report last year on a much less important issue: Benghazi. The report is 37-pages long. The DOJ’s investigative report on Ferguson, MO? 86 pages. I guess the football investigators were paid by the word.
Or were perhaps told to take the job of investigating what happened seriously.
A friend of mine forward a very arcane statistical analysis of the fumble in the nfl. For several years the Pats had a statistically impossible rate of fumbles. It was several standard deviations below any other team in the league. A softer ball is much easier to grip and much harder to punch out of a runners grip. The whole thing was Greek translated to gobbledygook to me, but my CPA pal said it was conclusive proof that the Pats had been cheating for years. It’s not like the NE Patriots are paragons of honesty or have ever been found guilty of cheating. Just say’n.
Looks like Tom Brady will be suspended for first 4 games & Pats will be docked a 2016 first round draft pick. Of course this will be appealed.
Appealed? Try tossed out.
OJ had ten times the evidence against him and he still walked.
That was a criminal case. Required standards of proof are much higher in criminal cases than in sports disciplinary cases, which typically use the civil law standard of proof (“preponderance of evidence” vice criminal law’s “beyond reasonable doubt”).
As I said above: when all’s said and done, I’m guessing Brady sits a game or 2.